What's everybody doing today?

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Out checking some traps today, broke through the ice and fell in the creek. The wife thought it was pretty funny. Caught a nice coon though.
That is some cold water. You want coons, they gather under my carport. easy pickin when times get hard :)
What do you do with the Simmons? My mom made bread with them when I was a kid and a neighbor made wine from them. We mostly threw them at each other! We would cut a stick about 4 ft long sharpen the end and poke one on the sharpened end. With the right whip on the stick you could throw one two hundred yards. 😁😁😁
I am looking at this as a Christmas gift, any one use them or know best place to buy them?

Casademont Double Wall Insulated Glass Coffee Mugs (12 oz. / 350 ml), Set of 4 Espresso Mugs for Tea, Latte, Cappuccino, Americano – Premium Glasses Set Borosilicate Glassware Mug Set​

Today was a regular work day, I had visitors in from TN and we got to talk shop for a while... I am taking some extra time off this season and I plan to do a lot of cleaning and indoor gardening. I might even go out looking for bambi...

My working away from the house today was really hard on the wife. My normal work day is 07:00-16:30, but when you tack on an hour and a half commute each way, it means that I leave at 05:30 and get home at 18:00. She was really happy to see me and dinner was really pleasant.
Sipping coffee, dishes,laundry.
Ate leftovers today.
Should have one more day of leftovers tomorrow.
Will be making turkey noodle soup.
Sitting here making fake felt food for Christmas gifts.
Making felt yellow egg noodles, Swiss cheese, bow tie pasta, eggs.
I have the felt, time so the grand daughters will have felt food to play with in their play kitchen.
I go back to work tomorrow morning, classes in the afternoon.
Staying busy.
Sipping coffee, dishes,laundry.
Ate leftovers today.
Should have one more day of leftovers tomorrow.
Will be making turkey noodle soup.
Sitting here making fake felt food for Christmas gifts.
Making felt yellow egg noodles, Swiss cheese, bow tie pasta, eggs.
I have the felt, time so the grand daughters will have felt food to play with in their play kitchen.
I go back to work tomorrow morning, classes in the afternoon.
Staying busy.
What are you learning in those classes?

Sipping coffee, dishes,laundry.
Ate leftovers today.
Should have one more day of leftovers tomorrow.
Will be making turkey noodle soup.
Sitting here making fake felt food for Christmas gifts.
Making felt yellow egg noodles, Swiss cheese, bow tie pasta, eggs.
I have the felt, time so the grand daughters will have felt food to play with in their play kitchen.
I go back to work tomorrow morning, classes in the afternoon.
Staying busy.
Your granddaughters are very blessed to have such a thoughtful grandma!!
yesterday I took my brother to the doctor and got groceries. Bro is on the verge of serious bronchial infection-- almost pneumonia.
Today he woke me up wanting me to get his rx. So we got the rx & then had to go to another store to get nebulizer parts. Grabbed food from a local place.
Bro is coughing up bloody mucus. It's too hot in the house. Porch is slippery. Mom is coming down with something-- possibly what bro has-- and I'm exhausted.
Got off work at 3pm and went straight back to the hotel and went to bed. Woke up at 11:30 pm when my road roomie came stumbling in drunk. Our work gang went bowling last night but I was too tired, and quite frankly I didn't care to hang out with my coworkers. I see them for 8 days straight anyway.

Work starts at 8AM in the morning. I'm pretty sure the boss wanted everybody to have an extra hour to sleep it off after going bowling. I'm just going to sleep in. It's supposed to be below freezing all day tomorrow so I've got the wool long johns ready to go...
yesterday I took my brother to the doctor and got groceries. Bro is on the verge of serious bronchial infection-- almost pneumonia.
Today he woke me up wanting me to get his rx. So we got the rx & then had to go to another store to get nebulizer parts. Grabbed food from a local place.
Bro is coughing up bloody mucus. It's too hot in the house. Porch is slippery. Mom is coming down with something-- possibly what bro has-- and I'm exhausted.
Take care of yourself!!! You'll have your hands full!!
Going to start making cookie dough and hope the weather is not like today on Saturday. If it is the market will get rained out and we will have a whole lot of cookies to eat which is fine. I might freeze some. I am not baking bread until Friday so should have a better idea about what the weather is like on Saturday by then
Shopping yesterday was exhausting and I didn't go everywhere I wanted to get but my truck was filled to the top anyway just from the chicken feed and the propane containers we got refilled.
Have a busy morning coming up. Debating walking because of cold and wind.
First out will be thrift store after picking up friend.
Jewelry store to pick up a repair.
UPS store to return shoes to Amazon.
Walmart for monthly stock up.
Lunch at Chinese restaurant.
Home for chores.
Help decorate Church for Christmas this evening.
Library visit plus store run, we need canned cat food! Walmart has been lagging on cat food... hopefully I can find some flavors the cats like. Probably clean the bike and wash my riding suit later, both are dusty & dirty from the last three rides. Looks like tomorrow & Friday will be nice, in the mid-60s temp-wise, so I think I'll prep at least one bathroom and get started on that painting! "Call CNN!!!" Beer will definitely be a factor this afternoon, I can only take so much of these wine coolers made with rotgut vino... :barf:
Mountaintrapper, I hope you get feeling better.

Spikedriver, I hope it's not too cold at work for you today & that your co-workers aren't slacking off from being hungover. I agree about the paid sick leave for railroad workers.

Pearl, Thank you. My kitties have been cuddling me and purring for me and one of the dogs has been very cute and cuddly. If I say the word "cuddle" she runs over and wants to be hugged and petted.

Sonya, ooh, what kind of cookies? Does the weather affect how the baking turns out?

snappy, sounds like a busy day. I've never bought shoes offline bc I never know how they will fit. Love Chinese for lunch though. My favorite restaurant is a Chinese buffet.

Wingnut, I've found that my local Walmart has been out of the cat food a lot lately. If you have a Samsclub membership they sell cases of Purina Friskies canned food in cases of like 60+ or something. I got the pate when they were out of the shreds but mine prefer the shreds. They also have the cat food in larger bags there. Wish I was there to help with painting.

Lazy L, that is an interesting deer stand. I don't think I've seen those metal frame thingies around here.

Today I unpacked some stuff to take to Mom's room, fed kitties, brought in 5 cases of water without pants-- so of course my friend rolled up to pick my brother up for work (I thought he was too sick to go but I guess he wanted to get $ for going in) but friend didn't comment about my lack of pants, and cooked porkchops. Well, it was 4-1/2 cases bc my brother went out in the middle of the night and brought in some of the bottles to drink but didn't bother to bring a case in like a decent considerate person might do. Watched "Chopped" while eating and listened to my cat telling me how much she loves food. I gave her some of the crumbs because she was patient enough to not grab me and not try to steal off my plate like she sometimes does.

I'm about to take a nap.
Took the girls to see Santa at Bass Pro on Sunday. Ended up buying a new vacuum sealer. My Gamesaver was dying so we replaced it with another of the same model. Now that one is slowly going so K and I decided that for the price we should try one from Cabela's meant for hunters. We will see.

Santa Photo 2022.jpg
oh and here is our dumb sheep all trying to get out the barn at the same time.....
( these are the pregnant ewes , the ram and the wethers, the little girls are elsewhere)

Have you seen the youtube channel Sheepishly Me? I love her videos! They remind me of the things I need/should do for our rabbitry.
Brother didn't last long at work. Friend brought him back home after a couple of hours. Apparently he did notice my lack of pants because he messaged me a gif from Lord of the Rings saying "The beacons are lit! Gondor calls for aid!" in reference to my pale legs reflecting the sunlight.
Cooked for Mom, wiped the counters down, and never did get my nap but I'm about to get one now I think.

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