Been puttering around all morning, getting things done... gonna clean up and make brunch soon, a Turkey & Swiss Omelet sounds pretty good right about now, toasted French bread with real butter and blackberry preserves on the side, a tall glass of milk to wash it all down, lol. This afternoon, I'm gonna do one more load of laundry, wash my car & bike, and pound those metal stakes in for those two fence posts, then wire 'em up to enhance support. Thinking of going riding tomorrow, as the weather is so fine... it's nice today, but I had to knock out these tasks, and I even pulled some prep work on the front porch, another project which I hope to tackle before spring rolls around again. That front porch is one of the few remaining "large projects" left in my ongoing home rehab effort! The interior & exterior painting jobs are also in that group, but they'll get done soon enough... for now, I gotta take advantage of this fine weather and ride the bike whenever I can, we'll have cr@ppy gray days and cold weather when Old Man Winter sets in for real, despite the recent cold snap which brought freezing temps every night for over a week. Heck, there was ice in the birdbaths this morning, but the daytime temps will be in the 60s for today & tomorrow. Warmer tomorrow, according to the forecast, so I'm gonna knock out tasks today, then ride manana! Oh, yeah, I'm making my signature homemade turkey soup this afternoon or evening, but I have my heart (and stomach) set on an omelet here pronto!
Edit: I also took down that ugly dead bush, which was actually several separate bushes, lol, but it's now in the trash bin. I also dug a shallow trench to conceal my "Anti-Tweeker Theft Cable" for the BBQ, and also to reduce the trip hazard for visiting guests. Here are those small projects:
Oh, yeah, these shots really belong in my home decor thread, but this is how my "flag chart wall" turned out after I swapped some sailing calendar pics around... gotta like the flag chart, it has been in my family for 50 or 60 years, lol. Just another way for me to honor my parents, ya know? By putting up that chart and adding kick@$$ sailing shots!
P.S. You can see Crackhead in one of those weed shots, and Zorlac looking under the cheap Chinese BBQ cover... I'll hafta buy a better cover than that POS in the near future, something to withstand the high winds when they arrive.