What's everybody doing today?

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Cooked up nine dozen eggs from my new crop of chickens this year. Scrambled them and loaded them on the freeze drier trays and got them in the new deep freeze to pre chill.
Those free range yokes are a sight to behold. Deep vibrant yellow.

most of november was below freezing for the high and single digits for lows and the cluckers just keep laying. We have been giving away a few dozen of the brown and (easter eggs from the aricona's) but at the rate they are laying it fills up the storage rather quickly.


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Well, that store run ate up my entire afternoon... I had to go to half a dozen different places, but MAN, where did the TIME go? Good news is that I got some stuff I need, an example would be two stout metal stakes to shore up a couple of fence posts on my property... the posts aren't rotten or anything, they just need a little help, lol. I also scored just about everything on a long and varied list of things to buy, the only failure was in the curtain department... I was looking for 36" curtains for two windows in my home, but all WallyWorld had were "curtain sets" in that size, NOT what I'm looking for in my home. Meh, I'll probably just sacrifice an old sheet and use that to cover windows in the kitchen and hallway, at least until I find something better, yeah? :rolleyes:

P.S. I forgot the stop at Speedway to top off fuel, that made 7 STOPS for the day, no wonder my afternoon was shot to hell, lol. And I thought I was MAKING GOOD TIME, lol. Oh, well, I have two days of nice weather ahead of me... truth be told, with fuel comparatively low in price here, I'm tempted to go for another ride on Friday, lol. I'm still recovering from those three recent rides, and I spent a lot of time standing on the pegs during the last two rides, so my leg muscles are a bit stiff, but they'll probably be okay by tomorrow. A few cold beers tonight followed by a good meal, then a day of puttering around the property manana, and I might just be ready to ride on Friday... there's rain in the forecast for the weekend too, so perhaps I should "seize the day!" :cool:
Catching up...

@ThePrincess pulled off TWO Thanksgiving feasts!



Her implementation of my mother's cornbread stuffing...

My mother was very happy when she obtained the recipe used at the Thanksgiving dinner at the Air Force mess hall and converted it from...

6 dozen eggs

To a family sized recipe :thumbs:

Was a big hit. I saw the eldest granddaughter (who is going through her salad phase) go back for seconds!

I took advantage of Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals to fill some gaps in my machine shop tools ( transfer punches, dial indicator... blah blah blah).

We closed on a new tenant for the rental property on Monday night. The Princess was pleased. She seems like a nice woman. Her desire to rent the place was complementary and I was pleased to offer the place.

All save one big Persimmon have been dug and potted. Tomorrow I dig...

I took advantage of inclement weather to add some order to my chaotic bench.


It was great fun. Made places for the new gear and tore down one of those bill counters (to the right of the shopping bag). Collected a half dozen shafts and a pile of hardware. When done for the day...


A little bit of sorting bagging and stashing I should have a bench again .

Met with my financial guy today. Good news is I'll get to retire. Bad news is not for a while yet. He's been a tremendous help dealing with getting me access to my Husband's 401K and stocks. So many stoooopid rules and companies that don't want to let go of the money! But he's made progress and we'll be able to roll it over without paying taxes, so that's good. It's wonderful to have a pro that I trust that understands all the jargon, I'd be pretty helpless without him.
Ordered maintenance kits and front tires for the lawn tractor on amazon, found them for less money than uptown at TSC.

Hope all who have been under the weather feel better soon!
Cooked up nine dozen eggs from my new crop of chickens this year. Scrambled them and loaded them on the freeze drier trays and got them in the new deep freeze to pre chill.
Those free range yokes are a sight to behold. Deep vibrant yellow.

most of november was below freezing for the high and single digits for lows and the cluckers just keep laying. We have been giving away a few dozen of the brown and (easter eggs from the aricona's) but at the rate they are laying it fills up the storage rather quickly.
Will you be pickling any boiled eggs.
Will you be pickling any boiled eggs.
No plans at the present to pickle any. The freeze dried are very portable, don't break in a earthquake and exposure to -40F just makes them last longer. I am mainly prepping for the seven year cycle of famine currently.
I have quite a bit of food for the chickens and hope to have them producing for several years. Then they can be self replicating if the zombies don't get us all.
We are pursuing fermented food such as beets and cabbage.
No plans at the present to pickle any. The freeze dried are very portable, don't break in a earthquake and exposure to -40F just makes them last longer. I am mainly prepping for the seven year cycle of famine currently.
I have quite a bit of food for the chickens and hope to have them producing for several years. Then they can be self replicating if the zombies don't get us all.
We are pursuing fermented food such as beets and cabbage.
Three to five years, less if you put a light in the house so they will lay on short days. Duck do a little better than some chicken breeds.
Three to five years, less if you put a light in the house so they will lay on short days. Duck do a little better than some chicken breeds.
Yes indeed, chickens are born with all the eggs they will lay in their lifetime. I purposely don't have lights to extend the day here in the north. A few less eggs in the winter but hopefully they will lay longer. Our supplier brings in cold tolerant breeds so they seem to be doing fine.
I grew up taking care of chickens, lots of chickens. This little flock of 13 payed for itself just eating the grasshoppers so my garden could grow this summer.
So, normally nothing gets plowed in my neck of the woods until you can't find the road any more, or it's all packed down into a sheet of ice.

I guess there has been some whining done about it, because if you find the ditch the hard way, there isn't any cell service and help doesn't drive by very often.

Today it is snowing gang busters and a surprise grader pulling a pick up showed up in my front parking lot.

The guy offered to plow it out instead of blocking us in if he could park the grader and pickup. I jumped on that one. It's a big space, more than enough for eight graders and it takes me an hour with the tractor. It looks like a heavy snow year coming in as well.

We offered him bathroom and microwave privileges when we are home which is pretty much all the time. He was pretty chuffed about that.

As he so eloquently put it; its not fun crapping in a snowbank on the side of a road in freezing weather.
That sounds good, @ClemKadiddlehopper Means you don't have to plow!
It took me a couple of summers to get used to the heat here, as it would take a few winters for me to get used to Saskatchewan cold, or wherever you live. I lived through the big Freeze out here 2 years ago. (I mean I actually went outside to feed the birds, made sure the car batteries didn't die, etc). It was okay for a change considering I didn't lose electric.
Today, I worked, went to church. Came home. Ate cold pizza.
Sonya, ooh, what kind of cookies? Does the weather affect how the baking turns out?

snappy, sounds like a busy day. I've never bought shoes offline bc I never know how they will fit. Love Chinese for lunch though. My favorite restaurant is a Chinese buffet.

I am baking German gingerbread cookies ( already made the dough it has to sit in the fridge for a while) and biscotti

And YES , absolutely the weather affects the baking. I bake the perfect bread in summer when it is warm and humid. It never turns out as perfect in winter when the humidity is lower. But cookies are ok in winter.

And I would love to have a good Chinese buffet in our area, but the only good Asian restaurant at all closed down during Covid. The one left is below horrible and doesn't even resemble decent Chinese food.
Footz, Platz, Ferrand, Fas Packen, Come Zere, Zulk, Nine, Foohy, Ous, are the ones I used.

I hate to tell you that, but the only one you got right is "Platz" which is "down" LOL
Bei Fuss = heel
Sitz = sit
Komm= come
Laut= speak
Fass = attack
Aus = let go
Such= search
forgot what fetch is...

My grandpa trained police dogs in Germany when I was a kid :)
Met with my financial guy today. Good news is I'll get to retire. Bad news is not for a while yet. He's been a tremendous help dealing with getting me access to my Husband's 401K and stocks. So many stoooopid rules and companies that don't want to let go of the money! But he's made progress and we'll be able to roll it over without paying taxes, so that's good. It's wonderful to have a pro that I trust that understands all the jargon, I'd be pretty helpless without him.
Ordered maintenance kits and front tires for the lawn tractor on amazon, found them for less money than uptown at TSC.

Hope all who have been under the weather feel better soon!
Glad you have a good financial guy!! That's a stress reliever! There is so much red tape to get through during such an emotional time. Glad you got some good news!!
Hope everyone that is sick will feel better soon, Mel hope it isn't serious.

So far I have avoided the crud...

Yesterday sucked. Our power went off around lunchtime , must have come on in the night, was on this morning. So husband had to use a gazzillion extension cords to plug all the refrigeration in. We can run a few things on solar but not not all, so generator ran for a while. Son complained he had to study for finals with camping lantern

Then , after it was looking sunny out and looked like the rain was done we put out the animals and half hour later it got really dark out and started pouring again, and super windy with rain going sideways. Everyone has a shelter to stand under in the pasture but the stupid goats just stood at the gate getting soaked, expecting to put in the barn. Which we did but they were already soaked. I hope they don't get sick , we had a huge temp drop last night. Freezing and windy this morning.

It is supposed to rain some Saturday. I guess we will go to the market and if it gets rained out we will just leave
Hope you're ok, Mel!
We're having on again cold, off again weather, too, at the moment. But woke up to 30 degrees this morning, and that's alot better than the temps yesterday. Could see out the window to the neighboring farm, and the guy already has his burn barrel blazing. He lights that up when he is out taking care of his animals in the dark morning.
Plan to get the girls to school, get morning chores all done, and then go bin shopping.
Been a heavy work week!! We have been cutting, splitting and stacking firewood every afternoon. I'm about wore out!! Hubby is taking a senior friend to the doctor this afternoon so we'll take a break from the wood. I'm going to get in the kitchen a bit and do prep work. Dicing and freezing peppers and onions, cooking some seasoned ground beef for tacos, etc., and making a couple of batches of biscuits to freeze. Setting up a Christmas tree for one of my elderly ladies before I leave town today, I do that every year for her. So that's my day in a nutshell!! Hope everyone has a good day!!😃
Footz, Platz, Ferrand, Fas Packen, Come Zere, Zulk, Nine, Foohy, Ous, are the ones I used.

These are the basic ones I am trying to learn.

  1. Fetch: Bring (pronounce like English word)
  2. Let Go: Aus (ow-ss)
  3. Go: Lauf (low-f)
  4. No: Nein (Nine)
  5. Stay: Bleib (blibe)
  6. Here/Come: Hier (hee-r)
  7. Sit: Sitz (zitz)
  8. Down: Platz (plah-tz)
  9. Heel: Fuss (foos)
  10. Speak: Gib Laut ( gib l-owt)
  11. Go Ahead: Geh Raus (gay rouss)
  12. Stand: Steh (Sh-tay)
  13. Kennel: Zwinger
  14. Good (praise): So ist Brav (zo ist bra-v)
  15. Leave it: Lass es (los S)
  16. Quiet: Ruhig (Roo-ig)
  17. Stop: Halt (pronounce like English word)
  18. Stop that (incorrect behavior)- Pfui (Foo-ey)

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