Got the weeding done today, that patch was tougher to remove than I expected, I guess the rain wasn't quite enough to dampen the soil down by the roots. No worries, the job is done, and I got some other tasks done too. I just spent half an hour dealing with some idiot dog owner's loose dogs in my yard... couple of big hound dogs scared the cats & kittens, but hopefully they're back where they belong. Manana, I'm hoping to ride the big ol' thumper in the mountains... forecast says mostly sunny with a high of 66* F, so I'm optimistic, lol. Tonight, I relax with some wine coolers, go to bed at a reasonable hour and catch a good night's sleep so I'm ready to go tomorrow...
Edit: Well, at least one dog is camped out on my porch, and it seems nobody does 'Animal Control' at night here in the boondocks. The dogs are friendly enough to me, but they're jacked up about the cats, so I've already blocked off the front cat door, and I'm hoping the irresponsible idiot dog owners get a clue sometime soon and come get their damned dog(s). Maybe I should think about fencing off the carport entrance so dogs can't get in here without jumping the fence. Sheesh, I have a long list of home rehab work to finish as it is, but when some @$$clowns let their dogs roam free, this is what happens, aye? Stoopid mofos... *********s like that shouldn't be ALLOWED to own pets.