What's everybody doing today?

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Is it @Curmudgeon who is training the dogs? Lots of chat on the commands. I will just add - probably too late since that's how I roll 😊 When we train, we use different words so that if someone takes the dog, they don't mind the stranger. We also had a hand command with each word command so we could communicate w/ the dog without speaking. Example: we used "Low" or "stay low" for "down" or "lay down." The hand command was like you were patting him on the head - a flat hand up and down. And so on and so forth.
Is it @Curmudgeon who is training the dogs? Lots of chat on the commands. I will just add - probably too late since that's how I roll 😊 When we train, we use different words so that if someone takes the dog, they don't mind the stranger. We also had a hand command with each word command so we could communicate w/ the dog without speaking. Example: we used "Low" or "stay low" for "down" or "lay down." The hand command was like you were patting him on the head - a flat hand up and down. And so on and so forth.

We both do, that's exactly why I want them to understand German commands, the average Joe isn't going to know German. We do the hand gestures too, just like you describe. It is fun to watch once they learn and understand the hand gesture and they comply.

The biggest problem the wife has and me to some degree is trying to use the correct word when you get frustrated. For instance I have been working with Kenna to curb her barking when it's not needed. Without thinking I blurt out 'hush' when I am supposed to say "quiet". lol.
We both do, that's exactly why I want them to understand German commands, the average Joe isn't going to know German. We do the hand gestures too, just like you describe. It is fun to watch once they learn and understand the hand gesture and they comply.

The biggest problem the wife has and me to some degree is trying to use the correct word when you get frustrated. For instance I have been working with Kenna to curb her barking when it's not needed. Without thinking I blurt out 'hush' when I am supposed to say "quiet". lol.
A quick funny on that note: When my grandfather was little, a stray dog showed up. They all thought the dog was stupid. One day it did something and my great-grandfather started yelling and cursing at it in Portuguese (his native language) and the dog responded. Guess it was a pretty smart dog but didn't know English so they had to talk to the dog in Portuguese. 😂
Over the weekend I finally replaced the parts on the front of my truck, fixing the "death wobble" caused by the old parts. Upgraded parts installed so hopefully they last longer than 9 years this time. I also restored the headlights on the truck and although they don't look perfect they look like new, crystal clear without any haze or fogging in the lens. Definitely worth the $20 for the repair kit.
Did my best to rest for the remainder of the weekend. I should be able to handle the 8 hour shift tonight at work.
Paid my bills for the month, including paying off my one and only credit card. Took a big chunk out of another debt and that should be paid off in a few months. Celebrated that big financial step with a gift to myself, a Tom Brady Michigan Football jersey. I am hoping I didn't jinx the team with my purchase but I bought the same jersey for my son a couple months ago and that had no ill effects so I am hopeful.

Ohio backdoored their way into the playoffs when Utah beat USC on Friday. I suspect they may not fair well against Georgia, I hope.

Aside from that, I warmed myself a bowl of the chicken vegetable soup I made yesterday and now I am relaxing a bit before work.
Normal work day picked Jake up after school got his hair cut and then to the local pub for burgers and a beer.

Got the weeding done today, that patch was tougher to remove than I expected, I guess the rain wasn't quite enough to dampen the soil down by the roots. No worries, the job is done, and I got some other tasks done too. I just spent half an hour dealing with some idiot dog owner's loose dogs in my yard... couple of big hound dogs scared the cats & kittens, but hopefully they're back where they belong. Manana, I'm hoping to ride the big ol' thumper in the mountains... forecast says mostly sunny with a high of 66* F, so I'm optimistic, lol. Tonight, I relax with some wine coolers, go to bed at a reasonable hour and catch a good night's sleep so I'm ready to go tomorrow... :cool:

Edit: Well, at least one dog is camped out on my porch, and it seems nobody does 'Animal Control' at night here in the boondocks. The dogs are friendly enough to me, but they're jacked up about the cats, so I've already blocked off the front cat door, and I'm hoping the irresponsible idiot dog owners get a clue sometime soon and come get their damned dog(s). Maybe I should think about fencing off the carport entrance so dogs can't get in here without jumping the fence. Sheesh, I have a long list of home rehab work to finish as it is, but when some @$$clowns let their dogs roam free, this is what happens, aye? Stoopid mofos... *********s like that shouldn't be ALLOWED to own pets. :mad:
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Got the weeding done today, that patch was tougher to remove than I expected, I guess the rain wasn't quite enough to dampen the soil down by the roots. No worries, the job is done, and I got some other tasks done too. I just spent half an hour dealing with some idiot dog owner's loose dogs in my yard... couple of big hound dogs scared the cats & kittens, but hopefully they're back where they belong. Manana, I'm hoping to ride the big ol' thumper in the mountains... forecast says mostly sunny with a high of 66* F, so I'm optimistic, lol. Tonight, I relax with some wine coolers, go to bed at a reasonable hour and catch a good night's sleep so I'm ready to go tomorrow... :cool:

Edit: Well, at least one dog is camped out on my porch, and it seems nobody does 'Animal Control' at night here in the boondocks. The dogs are friendly enough to me, but they're jacked up about the cats, so I've already blocked off the front cat door, and I'm hoping the irresponsible idiot dog owners get a clue sometime soon and come get their damned dog(s). Maybe I should think about fencing off the carport entrance so dogs can't get in here without jumping the fence. Sheesh, I have a long list of home rehab work to finish as it is, but when some @$$clowns let their dogs roam free, this is what happens, aye? Stoopid mofos... *********s like that shouldn't be ALLOWED to own pets. :mad:
Happens around here a lot!! Too many loose dogs sometimes. The donkey, mama Angus cows across the road, and coyotes kill them. The owners should suffer that death, not the poor dogs!
Worked on the tree house design that I’m thinking about building for the Gkids. Don't have a tree I’m willing to sacrifice so now the thought 80“ x 80” on 96” stilts. Bill of materials has the price close to $1,300. I’ve got till spring to justify the cost in my mind. Gkids visit use once or twice a year and I really don‘t have a need for a deer stand.
Got the weeding done today, that patch was tougher to remove than I expected, I guess the rain wasn't quite enough to dampen the soil down by the roots. No worries, the job is done, and I got some other tasks done too. I just spent half an hour dealing with some idiot dog owner's loose dogs in my yard... couple of big hound dogs scared the cats & kittens, but hopefully they're back where they belong. Manana, I'm hoping to ride the big ol' thumper in the mountains... forecast says mostly sunny with a high of 66* F, so I'm optimistic, lol. Tonight, I relax with some wine coolers, go to bed at a reasonable hour and catch a good night's sleep so I'm ready to go tomorrow... :cool:

Edit: Well, at least one dog is camped out on my porch, and it seems nobody does 'Animal Control' at night here in the boondocks. The dogs are friendly enough to me, but they're jacked up about the cats, so I've already blocked off the front cat door, and I'm hoping the irresponsible idiot dog owners get a clue sometime soon and come get their damned dog(s). Maybe I should think about fencing off the carport entrance so dogs can't get in here without jumping the fence. Sheesh, I have a long list of home rehab work to finish as it is, but when some @$$clowns let their dogs roam free, this is what happens, aye? Stoopid mofos... *********s like that shouldn't be ALLOWED to own pets. :mad:
Sadly, since you never see the dog custodians, the dogs end up as either in the local shelter, or SSS. Nope,. not the dogs fault, but neither will they be allowed to run roughshod over the local cats or other domestic animals.
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Ever had one of those days?
Husband called me at work. Water tank on well leaking, spewing water around gauge. I called well man. Got to order part. Be back next week. Got home fed cats,chickens and few eggs. Hooked up cuber to put it cubes. 2 cows got to tussle and one got shoved into driver door. I don’t mind dents, dings or scratches. However I need to roll window up. 6 inches from top. Don’t have old times plunger that will grip it. Grr. Tarp over it now. Asking mechanic if he has a popper to pull it out in morning. Man from community killed in head on collision this evening. Sad. His wife taught school with me
Worked on the tree house design that I’m thinking about building for the Gkids. Don't have a tree I’m willing to sacrifice so now the thought 80“ x 80” on 96” stilts. Bill of materials has the price close to $1,300. I’ve got till spring to justify the cost in my mind. Gkids visit use once or twice a year and I really don‘t have a need for a deer stand.

Build it like a deer stand, portable with a little rail around the top. If the kids don't use it, sell it.

Crappy day, health related. Dindo nuffin all day.
@txcatlady sounds like a bad couple of days. More likely someone dropped the dogs and they've become a pack?
Sorry you're feeling bad, @Peanut
@Bacpacker I still haven't learned my lesson about eating popcorn but at least I don't eat the "sort of" popped kernels anymore. I had to have one pulled a few years ago because the crack went below the gumline and they couldn't repair it at that point.
Cutting up and grinding the turkeys I butchered for the freezer today. Also looking for the tree stand and ornaments in the shed. Maybe the outdoor lights, too. Little granddaughter, neighbor girl, and I had a late night last night with the grade school christmas program, and I was at the docs with husband for hours before that, so today is catch up day.
No sign of the dogs this morning... perhaps they went home. Large hound dogs, not likely to have been attacked by coyotes... I was just worried about my cats, since one dog was camped on the front porch until midnight, at least. With luck, the owner now has them under control. 😒

I hope to go riding today, still checking the weather and waiting for these clouds/fog patches to disappear. If they do, the ride is on, and I'll take a picnic lunch with me. Bike is all gassed up and ready to go. Keeping my fingers crossed with the weather... seems like NOAA has gotten less reliable lately, probably got some millennial burnin' fatties in the office. 🙄
Do others notice mistakes I make? :rolleyes: Sorry I thought I was paying attention, @Wingnut. About the dogs …but I mentioned it to @txcatlady as if it were her comment. I wouldn’t like strays hanging around either. You don’t have a big ol’ dog of your own, @Wingnut? Our dog and cat tolerate one another, no problems.
And recently I said something about how I had no cv19 shot…well I had the first shot of the 2 shot vax, then decided not to do more. Sometimes I forget I had the first.
Do others notice mistakes I make? :rolleyes: Sorry I thought I was paying attention, @Wingnut. About the dogs …but I mentioned it to @txcatlady as if it were her comment. I wouldn’t like strays hanging around either. You don’t have a big ol’ dog of your own, @Wingnut? Our dog and cat tolerate one another, no problems.
And recently I said something about how I had no cv19 shot…well I had the first shot of the 2 shot vax, then decided not to do more. Sometimes I forget I had the first.
We still love you, mistakes, forgetfulness, and all!! 😍We all do it!
Well, crap.

I just tested positive for covid. That would explain why I had the runs two nights ago, it was my body's first reaction to the virus. I'm at the runny nose, dry cough, tight chest stage of the sickness right now. So, I've got a few days of being stuck at home in my future. I've been traveling all over the country, airports, restaurants, hotels, truck stops, all the places people werent supposed to go, since the start. I never got sick. But I guess I couldn't outrun the bug forever...
Dinner is ready to go into the oven soon, but I'll be picking up a cousin and we'll be going to a viewing for an old childhood friend of my mom's. I know her daughter real well. My mom has had 3 deaths in the family recently, so I'm not bringing her. I'll tell her when I see her, and she might remember, or not. Animals and laundry done, husband is breathing a tad better, but of course, the massive increase in steriods is making him cranky. Got all the Christmas boxes out of the storage garage and put them in our house garage. Possibly tomorrow I'll get the tree in the stand and find the lights. Got the two turkeys ground up and put in the freezer. Boiled the rest of the meat off and put aside for dogfood.
Just got back from town. Had some errands to run and pick up a few things at the grocery store. We stopped for a hamburger on the way home too. Almost didn't make it up our driveway. We have an 800 foot elevation change from the bottom of our road to the top, over a distance of 2 miles. I'm still feeling pretty sick so my plans are to take it easy the rest of the day. Right now it feels good sitting next to the wood stove, but I'm sure the wife will find something for me to do.
Our new tenant found a mouse in a trap under the sink and freaked out. Asked for an exterminator. We accommodated her and the exterminator confessed he was just going to do more of we have already done.

Roday was a rain day so I fiddled in the greenhouse rearranged the plants and planted more lettuce and radishes.

Did tutor time with Olivia. She is making progress.

Got word our offer for the field behind my shop was accepted. If it goes through The Princess will be able to make her family traditional chestnut dressing with chestnuts from our own Chestnut tree. I am thinking a nice big vineyard and another fruit orchard.

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Well, crap.

I just tested positive for covid. That would explain why I had the runs two nights ago, it was my body's first reaction to the virus. I'm at the runny nose, dry cough, tight chest stage of the sickness right now. So, I've got a few days of being stuck at home in my future. I've been traveling all over the country, airports, restaurants, hotels, truck stops, all the places people werent supposed to go, since the start. I never got sick. But I guess I couldn't outrun the bug forever...
Stay hydrated, and if your bones feel like they were put in your body as a torture method, warm epsom salts baths help tons!
Heal quickly 🙏