Get well soon Spike. Hate to hear you caught that crap
Gee, I never make mistakesDo others notice mistakes I make?Sorry I thought I was paying attention, @Wingnut. About the dogs …but I mentioned it to @txcatlady as if it were her comment. I wouldn’t like strays hanging around either. You don’t have a big ol’ dog of your own, @Wingnut? Our dog and cat tolerate one another, no problems.
And recently I said something about how I had no cv19 shot…well I had the first shot of the 2 shot vax, then decided not to do more. Sometimes I forget I had the first.
Chinese chestnut.@Neb What kind of chestnut tree is it? (variety)
Gee, I never make mistakesI believe somewhat recently I mentioned wearing a MickeyMouse hat - my hat has a little mickey patch on it. The way I said it, it was like I was wearing one of those things with ears. If I can't even keep myself straight, you know I'm gonna mix something up here or there. I think you are awesome! Things like getting a critter with the wrong owner just keeps us on our toes
I've had the 2 totes of Christmas decorations sitting in the kitchen/office doorway for at least a week now. I've began going through them and am hoping to part with a few more in order to get them down to 1 tote. I love Christmas, but as far as decorating, I like to bring some greens in and add little Christmas books to the punchbowl. Then the tree a week or so before Christmas. More and more, I don't want things I have to store. I can't say how many times I've told myself and others, "I'm not a storage unit." Easier said than done at times.
Hope you get over it fast!! These things shouldn't happen during vacation time!;Well, crap.
I just tested positive for covid. That would explain why I had the runs two nights ago, it was my body's first reaction to the virus. I'm at the runny nose, dry cough, tight chest stage of the sickness right now. So, I've got a few days of being stuck at home in my future. I've been traveling all over the country, airports, restaurants, hotels, truck stops, all the places people werent supposed to go, since the start. I never got sick. But I guess I couldn't outrun the bug forever...
Thank you.Chinese chestnut.
Sorry to hear it Bro, drink a bottle of dm NyQuil and curl up under a blanket for 24 hours, then drink another bottle plus a pint of JD black labelStarting my quarantine off by sitting in my recliner. There's nothing on the tube and I have a hundred movies here but I've seen them all. The 'vid just let me know that it wants revenge on me for avoiding it for almost three years. I had a coughing fit bad enough that it brought tears to my eyes. This is unlike anything I've ever experienced. Oh well, hydrate, movement, vitamins and sleep should do the trick...
Funny thing is that on first post I understood what you were saying and on this post to correct I laughed. I totally am with you!Do others notice mistakes I make?Sorry I thought I was paying attention, @Wingnut. About the dogs …but I mentioned it to @txcatlady as if it were her comment. I wouldn’t like strays hanging around either. You don’t have a big ol’ dog of your own, @Wingnut? Our dog and cat tolerate one another, no problems.
And recently I said something about how I had no cv19 shot…well I had the first shot of the 2 shot vax, then decided not to do more. Sometimes I forget I had the first.
I don't have any JD, but I've got my choice between a bottle of Four Roses and a bottle of Patron Reposado...Sorry to hear it Bro, drink a bottle of dm NyQuil and curl up under a blanket for 24 hours, then drink another bottle plus a pint of JD black label
Might nut cure it but you will not give a ****
If you have the thick, industrial like congestion I higly recommend flushing your sinuses with a saline rinse. I like the NeilMed, Sinus Rinse Kit with 50 PacketsStarting my quarantine off by sitting in my recliner. There's nothing on the tube and I have a hundred movies here but I've seen them all. The 'vid just let me know that it wants revenge on me for avoiding it for almost three years. I had a coughing fit bad enough that it brought tears to my eyes. This is unlike anything I've ever experienced. Oh well, hydrate, movement, vitamins and sleep should do the trick...
Good to read you're doing better. Hang in there young kid, you'll beat this!Covid, day 2 -
Well, it's actually probably day 4, but I digress. I feel better after getting a few hours of good sleep. My nose pours out clear fluid whenever I lean forward and I've got sinus headaches, but my lungs feel pretty good. I have an account at the local coffee shop, so I called them this morning and asked them to set a 16 oz cup of brew outside their door and charge it to my account. Then I walked a block and a half there to get it and came right back. I was ready to be done walking when I got inside. But it felt great to be in the sunshine for a few minutes.
My kid has an early out from school today. When she gets back I'm going to send her to Walmart to pick up a Paxlovid prescription and a humidifier. I'm blowing my nose ten times an hour and its starting to bleed inside so I need to get some moisture in the air.
Other than that, all is well. My blood glucose numbers have been difficult to control because I can't exercise and Covid is well known to cause temporary insulin resistance. And I'm bored out of my mind, being stuck at home. But I'm doing OK and hopefully by Sunday I'll be good to go...
GASP! You're kidding, right? How did you get away with changing trees without Household Management permission?...Got the Christmas tree set up last night. My wife always did a victorian-esque tree that wasn't exactly my thing, so I've decided that this year we'll do a star wars themed tree as my boys and I are all big SW fans. I've been 3D printing decorations for it and will use a bunch of old toys we already have on hand so the cost will be pretty much $0 which is nice...
LOL - wife (soon to be ex) moved out so she gets no say in the tree decorating anymoreGASP! You're kidding, right? How did you get away with changing trees without Household Management permission?
For twenty plus years wife set me out to buy a real tree! Drys out, fire hazard, cats throwing up pine needles all over the carpet that I worked years to pay for. This time I bought an artificial tree. Should last us forever. Wife came home to see it all decorated and started to cry. I thought it was a "happy" cry. It wasn't. Wife's girl friends commented on how real it looked and the wife told them to don't tell him that. After Christmas I took it down and threw it out. Years later wife came up with the idea it would be more economical to get an artificial tree, she got one picked out and I need to take the truck to get it.
I know your situation may be different than mine, but the day my ex moved out was one of the best days of my life. I just didn't realize it at the time...LOL - wife (soon to be ex) moved out so she gets no say in the tree decorating anymore. It's a less than ideal situation after 30 years of marriage, so I'm looking for all the silver linings I can