What's everybody doing today?

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Macked brunch, took a nap over an hour long, then took a long hot bath with Epsom salts... the last of a 3-lb. packet of 'Black Elderberry' salts, then some 'Cannabis Sativa Hempseed Oil' salts added to the hot water as it was flowing like gangbusters out of the faucet. Now I feel pretty good, though my feet are still tired... maybe it's an age-related thing. I know arthritis runs in our family, and I may have inherited the 'early onset' variety... just my luck. Meh, the REST of me feels pretty damned good, lol. I'd forgotten how good a hot bath feels... gotta take 'em more often, I reckon. :)

I'm having a cold beer and watching a single ray of sunshine reflect off an old Ford pickup window (shotgun side). Whoa, there comes that ol' sun, first time it has broken through the overcast today! Maybe that's it for the sprinkles, wish it had been more... but I think there's more rain in the forecast tonight, which would be great, I love sleeping to the sound of rain on the metal roof! Not VIOLENT rain, but soft rain, lol... in Arizona, the monsoon storms would HAMMER a metal roof or awning and make such a terrific din that you couldn't hear yourself think! CRAZY LOUD!!! :oops:

Mellow afternoon & evening in store here, definitely hangin' out at the ol' hacienda... no need to go anywhere, don't wanna either, lol. There's a lot to be said for hangin' out at home, especially if your home is comfortable! CHEERS!!! 🍺
Covid, day 2 -

Well, it's actually probably day 4, but I digress. I feel better after getting a few hours of good sleep. My nose pours out clear fluid whenever I lean forward and I've got sinus headaches, but my lungs feel pretty good. I have an account at the local coffee shop, so I called them this morning and asked them to set a 16 oz cup of brew outside their door and charge it to my account. Then I walked a block and a half there to get it and came right back. I was ready to be done walking when I got inside. But it felt great to be in the sunshine for a few minutes.

My kid has an early out from school today. When she gets back I'm going to send her to Walmart to pick up a Paxlovid prescription and a humidifier. I'm blowing my nose ten times an hour and its starting to bleed inside so I need to get some moisture in the air.

Other than that, all is well. My blood glucose numbers have been difficult to control because I can't exercise and Covid is well known to cause temporary insulin resistance. And I'm bored out of my mind, being stuck at home. But I'm doing OK and hopefully by Sunday I'll be good to go...
Keep us posted and feel better soon!!
The last two weeks have been absolutely crazy with my having a nasty cold, ramping up the new duties at work and our annual audits of the ERP system I administer. Just sent the last info the auditors requested in, I'm hoping things settle down.

Got the Christmas tree set up last night. My wife always did a victorian-esque tree that wasn't exactly my thing, so I've decided that this year we'll do a star wars themed tree as my boys and I are all big SW fans. I've been 3D printing decorations for it and will use a bunch of old toys we already have on hand so the cost will be pretty much $0 which is nice :)

It finally decided it's winter here, and we've gotten about 6" of snow the last couple of days. The puppies love it and have been tearing around the yard like madmen anytime we let them out. Unfortunately the heater in the chicken's waterer got unplugged so it froze up and ruined all the watering nipples in it, so they are slowly leaking. I've got a big bag of them somewhere, but they are winning at our game of hide and seek for now.

@Spikedriver and everyone else who is sick, prayers for a quick recovery!
Hope you are feeling better TeeJ! Love to see a pic of that tree when it's done! Good to see you around!
I know your situation may be different than mine, but the day my ex moved out was one of the best days of my life. I just didn't realize it at the time...😉
Much different from mine as well. Best thing that ever happen in that relationship. Even had a date with a cute young lady that got her divorce finalized at the same time. We were both thrilled to get that over with
I slept good last night, or rather this morning. Relaxed a bit in bed after waking up. Warmed up the last of my chicken soup and spiced it up with some hot sauce. Maybe a bit too much hot sauce but it is helping to clear my sinuses.
It's snowing outside, with a side or two of thunder.
Ordered 4 Spyderco pocket knives to give to the kids for Christmas. I had bought them cheap ones a few years ago for the girls to carry while walking the neighborhood after a couple shady guys were following them around one day. I gave the girls a few simple lessons on why they should NOT pull it out and wave it around to threaten a bad guy, explaining that they should stand strong side back and secretly take it off their pocket and open it and hold it behind them as they are backing away. Assuming they were not able to run away to begin with. I plan to check around with a few military guys in the neighborhood to see if one of them has a bit more experience they can share with the kids on how to properly defend themselves. My advice was to back away and leave the area but if necessary keep your arm/hand with the knife behind you and out of sight until you have no other choice but to stab them repeatedly in the small of their back or on the inside of the thighs or groin area until they let go and you can get away. The next lessons will be for goth the girls and for my two sons who will have the knives here while visiting but not for taking home. My youngest is 12 and the oldest girl is 19 so they are old enough to be responsible.
Well that was a fun afternoon. Spent 2 hours in the dentist chair and found I have 2 more cracked teeth. No idea how I did that.
Made it home and just feel like crap, hungry but don't feel like eatin either.
FUN TIMES I tell you
Many years ago, when I was out in the mountains of Colorado fishing, I was walking around the backside of a small lake where Cateract Falls came down the mountain side, I made the mistake of taking a drink from the ice cold water and it cracked a tooth which made it very painful to even take a breath with an open mouth, what amazed me was that the crack healed and I never went to a dentist to see if I could get it fixed, later when I went to a dentist for other work I asked him if a crack would heal itself and he said it would not, but it did and to this day that tooth doesn't look like it ever happened.
Many years ago, when I was out in the mountains of Colorado fishing, I was walking around the backside of a small lake where Cateract Falls came down the mountain side, I made the mistake of taking a drink from the ice cold water and it cracked a tooth which made it very painful to even take a breath with an open mouth, what amazed me was that the crack healed and I never went to a dentist to see if I could get it fixed, later when I went to a dentist for other work I asked him if a crack would heal itself and he said it would not, but it did and to this day that tooth doesn't look like it ever happened.
Thats is amazing. Lucky you
Starting my quarantine off by sitting in my recliner. There's nothing on the tube and I have a hundred movies here but I've seen them all. The 'vid just let me know that it wants revenge on me for avoiding it for almost three years. I had a coughing fit bad enough that it brought tears to my eyes. This is unlike anything I've ever experienced. Oh well, hydrate, movement, vitamins and sleep should do the trick...

Wish you well. Get some Z-stack or put together your own.
9pm, and I'm just about sht for the night. I had a humidifier delivered to me and it has already made a huge difference. My nose clogs up as soon as I leave my living room where it's running. And my nose clears up as soon as I go back into that room.

Hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to do a few things around the house. I can barely get out of the chair right now. I had a Zoom appointment with my RNP this morning and she told me to expect extreme fatigue...
9pm, and I'm just about sht for the night. I had a humidifier delivered to me and it has already made a huge difference. My nose clogs up as soon as I leave my living room where it's running. And my nose clears up as soon as I go back into that room.

Hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to do a few things around the house. I can barely get out of the chair right now. I had a Zoom appointment with my RNP this morning and she told me to expect extreme fatigue...
Hope you get some rest!!♥️ At least you know what to expect. Hopefully tomorrow is a lot better!
Weatherman got it wrong again, looks like a beautiful day... so nice that I might just go for a ride, lol. I've got my sights set on a special place, I think y'all will enjoy pics of it, so I'm off to knock out chores & prep for my ride. Got some gasoline left over in my jerry jugs, so I shouldn't need to stop for fuel except on the way home. Man, that sunshine is nice out there, I was walking round the yard with all five cats and the warm sun felt so good! Time to get out and enjoy that solar warmth... I'll be back later like a bad rash to post pics of today's adventure! Cheers, youse knucklehaids! Er, I mean H&CL Heroes! :cool:

P.S. I think I figured out WHY the weather forecasts have been so far out of whack lately... all the regular meteorologists must be on holiday, and the millennial subs are all smoking joints out back before compiling the weather forecasts! 😒
Felt like I had been beat up again this morning, so walked first. Recovering from the all day baking episode hasn't been as easy. Not sure I have actually made that many in one day either.
Set up DH's pills for the month.
Helped him through video appointment with VA.
I have a normal doc appointment this afternoon. I ate dinner about 2:30 yesterday, forgetting that I have to fast until after 1:30 today. Sigh, yep I'm hungry.
I have a haircut at 3 and then getting together with Bible study ladies this evening.
May make up some oatmeal cookie dough to put in rolls and freeze, sometime after the doc appointment.
Kind of long day.
I know your situation may be different than mine, but the day my ex moved out was one of the best days of my life. I just didn't realize it at the time...😉
Much different from mine as well. Best thing that ever happen in that relationship. Even had a date with a cute young lady that got her divorce finalized at the same time. We were both thrilled to get that over with
Thanks! It's only been 3 months and I'm already seeing that its definitely a good thing. I'm sure the thing that is similar is that I'm super grateful for my kids and they more than make up for any pain from the failed relationship.

@Pearl I'll definitely post a picture of the tree if I ever when I get it done. It won't be fancy, but it will be mine :)
Well, I didn't sleep well, seems like I would sleep a bit and then wake up all night, but I'm feeling better. Not great, but definitely an improvement. At 5AM I had a weird, sudden burst of energy so I broke out my dumbbells and started a light lifting session. That lasted about ten minutes and then I was completely wiped out. Lesson learned, don't go screwing around trying to do stuff when you've got covid.

Today will be another day of rest and recuperation. I'm hoping this will clear up by Saturday. That's supposed to be my last day of quarantine...
Spike, I hope you proverbially kick Covid's backside and recover quickly.

I damn near electrocuted myself on a frying pan last night. Induction cooktop cracked & I didn't know it was conducting electricity through the pan because I had a silicone handle cover on the metal handle. Hand slipped and touched the metal part & I found out. Audible ZZZZT sound. Sent me hopping into the air slightly. It's the arm with the injured rotator cuff/shoulder so it made it worse & made my whole arm hurt. Was still able to finish cooking, but its time to toss that cooktop out, sadly. Got some single NuWave ones as spares but I really liked that one. Cats knocked a glass bottle of some sort off a shelf onto it and it cracked.

Have to pick up mail, get groceries, and get cow feed so its going to be "fun". But, I'm alive. LOL.
Spike, I hope you proverbially kick Covid's backside and recover quickly.

I damn near electrocuted myself on a frying pan last night. Induction cooktop cracked & I didn't know it was conducting electricity through the pan because I had a silicone handle cover on the metal handle. Hand slipped and touched the metal part & I found out. Audible ZZZZT sound. Sent me hopping into the air slightly. It's the arm with the injured rotator cuff/shoulder so it made it worse & made my whole arm hurt. Was still able to finish cooking, but its time to toss that cooktop out, sadly. Got some single NuWave ones as spares but I really liked that one. Cats knocked a glass bottle of some sort off a shelf onto it and it cracked.

Have to pick up mail, get groceries, and get cow feed so its going to be "fun". But, I'm alive. LOL.
Wow, lesson learned the hard way, glad you are ok!!
Oh, Bother! A gray and gloomy day in the 100 acre woods. Went to Family Farm and Home for Bird seed, chicken feed and community cat food. Picked up the ingredients for the next couple volunteer potluck get togethers, and finally got them on my calendar. Installed the last 10 year smoke detector, it replaced one that "expired" in 2018. Now a little reading and relaxing in whatever seating surface isn't occupied by cats.

Maneki Neko and Briggs are hogging the futon :p

Dademoss, aww. Kitties are adorable. I have a dog who likes to hog the couch somewhat but when I say "Move please" she hops onto the back of the couch for me to sit down.

I went to pick up mail, grab groceries, and stopped at TSC for some hay and sweet feed.

Got almost everything on the list at Walmart (but there was one item that is only available at Samsclub). The sweet lady associate at TSC loaded up the hay & feed for me since my arm was not cooperating.

Cow hit my cheek with the side of her horn bc she was impatient about the sweet feed. Fortunately it didn't hit hard.

Got groceries unloaded and am probably going to take a nap soon.
Am off this morning and I decided to remove the old concrete base that I used for my flagpole/Christmas tree. It broke the last time I removed the tree and it will not support anything now. I plan to pour new concrete with 5/16" threaded rods to hold everything down. It has been getting harder and harder to get a crew over to put up the tree so I have been searching for a tilt base that can hold the pole and allow me to pull it up into place by myself. This has turned into much more of a project than it should have but I am inching closer. I hope to get the new base installed this weekend and the tree lifted into place next weekend (allowing a week for the concrete to cure). I am shopping for a new star topper and new colored lights for the tree, the goal is to have the old tree assembly up this year and then build a new topper section (holds the lights up and the support for the elevated star) that can be stored in a box. The current "topper" is 8' tall and has to be stored on a Christmas tree stand..... Logistics and storage are the constant pain in my backside.....
Do you have an umbrella stand? Many are made to withstand winds so are relatively strong. Not sure about the diameter of the "trunk" of the tree.
I WAS going out, by the time I washed up and got awake, it was raining.
So you got re-washed up 😂

@TeeJ Looks like I miss some things by not keeping up. Am sorry to hear you have had to go through such a time, but as others have said, it can be far healthier. I too did not realize it until sometime after he was gone. Then it was like I could finally breathe again. Prayers for much happiness yet to come.
And the screw turns...

So the new tenant freaked over a mouse in a sticky trap... So we did a clean up and clorox treatment and pay Orkin to come in.

And the screw turns...

Then she found some tiny spots on the wall near an air return vent so I agreed to inspect and clean them up.

And the screw turns...

Then the next morning she sends a text to The Princess that she wants to terminate the lease due to the mice (one mouse is not mice! We have had a total of 3 mice in 3 years total)


We hobnobbed and agreed that if little spots are a problem she is going to be a pain in the ... in the long run. Good riddance.

The Princess listed it on Zillow...

last night and had an inquiry in 30 minutes. Then four more today with one fellow that wants to rent it based on the images sight unseen. I wanted him to see it but he is in NY and wanting to get out of NY ASAP.

He passed the background and credit checks with flying colors and wants to send us checks and nail down the deal. If he approves of the lease agreement and signs it we are good to go.

I did mention to him that wildlife like deer turkey racoons ... mice are part of the deal but he has a cat! So an occasional mouse would be entertainment.

So that is looking good.

While I wasn't trading e-mails I did start excavating the sugar maple trees that will get transplanted to The Ridge. They are a LONG term investment that I may never see but The Princess may someday realize her vision of her own maple syrup

On another note we did sign the paperwork to finalize purchasing that field behind my shop. Even if I don't get a vineyard planted at least we be in control if something is built there, the Chinese Chestnut trees are safe and the only flat ground in the neighborhood and serves as the touch football field and kite flying will preserved.

Nuff for now.


@Neb That is such a funky little property with so much character! Hopefully you get a good renter. I would hate to have to try to screen them. One of my friends has been selling his rentals off. He had 9, now just 3 and wants to get rid of one more, all because of tenants...

Many years ago I introduced myself as the new neighbor after purchasing The Ridge. I made it clear that if he ever wanted to sell let me know. He did, I got it at a good price. A lot of work to correct issues with the place being set back in the hillside, infested by carpenter ants and rot. As close as one can come to a Hobbit Hole as we can come without special inspections.


Many years ago I introduced myself as the new neighbor after purchasing The Ridge. I made it clear that if he ever wanted to sell let me know. He did, I got it at a good price. A lot of work to correct issues with the place being set back in the hillside, infested by carpenter ants and rot. As close as one can come to a Hobbit Hole as we can come without special inspections.

It would be too small for me, I've barely got enough room as it is. But it would definitely be the kind of area I would dig...
It would be too small for me, I've barely got enough room as it is. But it would definitely be the kind of area I would dig...

It would be to small for us with our books tools and stuff.

I will talk to The Princess about the pictures she posted. I will share some other images here.

This is the drive to the door to the 2 car garage.


On the other side of that door is the garage that accommodates 2 cars.


The laundry room is underground pretty much.


The bay window...


Looks out on The Ridge.


All fenced in.



It would be to small for us with our books tools and stuff.

I will talk to The Princess about the pictures she posted. I will share some other images here.

This is the drive to the door to the 2 car garage.

View attachment 99859

On the other side of that door is the garage that accommodates 2 cars.

View attachment 99860

The laundry room is underground pretty much.

View attachment 99861

The bay window...

View attachment 99863

Looks out on The Ridge.

View attachment 99862

All fenced in.

View attachment 99864

That garage would help. I would keep 1 vehicle plus stuff in there, so long as there is no risk of water coming up the drain or otherwise making it wet in a bad storm. I have a huge fear of that after seeing what happened to my grandmother when she got hit by 3 "100 year storms" in 12 years that all caused water to come up through her basement drain.

Otherwise, looks great. Hope it works out great!