Macked brunch, took a nap over an hour long, then took a long hot bath with Epsom salts... the last of a 3-lb. packet of 'Black Elderberry' salts, then some 'Cannabis Sativa Hempseed Oil' salts added to the hot water as it was flowing like gangbusters out of the faucet. Now I feel pretty good, though my feet are still tired... maybe it's an age-related thing. I know arthritis runs in our family, and I may have inherited the 'early onset' variety... just my luck. Meh, the REST of me feels pretty damned good, lol. I'd forgotten how good a hot bath feels... gotta take 'em more often, I reckon. 
I'm having a cold beer and watching a single ray of sunshine reflect off an old Ford pickup window (shotgun side). Whoa, there comes that ol' sun, first time it has broken through the overcast today! Maybe that's it for the sprinkles, wish it had been more... but I think there's more rain in the forecast tonight, which would be great, I love sleeping to the sound of rain on the metal roof! Not VIOLENT rain, but soft rain, lol... in Arizona, the monsoon storms would HAMMER a metal roof or awning and make such a terrific din that you couldn't hear yourself think! CRAZY LOUD!!!
Mellow afternoon & evening in store here, definitely hangin' out at the ol' hacienda... no need to go anywhere, don't wanna either, lol. There's a lot to be said for hangin' out at home, especially if your home is comfortable! CHEERS!!!
I'm having a cold beer and watching a single ray of sunshine reflect off an old Ford pickup window (shotgun side). Whoa, there comes that ol' sun, first time it has broken through the overcast today! Maybe that's it for the sprinkles, wish it had been more... but I think there's more rain in the forecast tonight, which would be great, I love sleeping to the sound of rain on the metal roof! Not VIOLENT rain, but soft rain, lol... in Arizona, the monsoon storms would HAMMER a metal roof or awning and make such a terrific din that you couldn't hear yourself think! CRAZY LOUD!!!
Mellow afternoon & evening in store here, definitely hangin' out at the ol' hacienda... no need to go anywhere, don't wanna either, lol. There's a lot to be said for hangin' out at home, especially if your home is comfortable! CHEERS!!!