Wish I could watch that game... maybe next year. [sigh] Funny thing, I hail from a Navy family but I joined the Infantry, so I often rooted for Aarrrghhmy to win, but those pesky Midshipmen are tough to beat, lol. I used to watch the game with me beloved & dear departed mum, she loved all the "hoopla" (as she called it)... I was pleasantly surprised one year to see Army win, but they took a regular drubbing every year for a while there, lol.
Just returned home, forgot it was Saturday when I left for town... so the errand & store run took longer than expected. Meh, these days when I go to town just fly by like Ben Johnson on steroids, I'm not even sure I'll water this afternoon as I originally planned to do, my feet are tired again, lol. Maybe I'll just sit here and enjoy this (first) beer I just cracked, I think I earned it fighting the crowds at WallyWorld. I also scored some good meats from Albertson's Market!
I picked up a nice beef roast, I may have that tonight as I'm kinda hungry for beef... too much turkey lately, lol. I also picked up an excellent 'Value Pack' of thick pork chops, I'll have those sometime in the next few days, with applesauce and maybe some of this homemade cherry jam I bought at the World Famous Three Rivers Trading Post, lol. I'm gonna have some of that cherry jam on pancakes with real butter & maple syrup in the mix, ham & eggs on the side!
Which reminds me, I went ahead and bought a Christmas Ham, a spiral-cut, honey-cured number from the house brand at Albertson's, it comes with a glaze packet too so it should be pretty tasty. Bought some yams to go with it, I haven't had yams in sweet syrup for ages! I'll probably just make some vegetables to go with the ham, I try to keep holiday dinners simple and just focus upon the important foods, lol. I think I'll make country gravy to go with the ham this time...