We got rain last night but it is supposed to be warm today, albeit overcast. We might get in a round of golf if the course isn't too wet. Don't worry, Pearl. I will do the dishes before I leave.

We got rain last night but it is supposed to be warm today, albeit overcast. We might get in a round of golf if the course isn't too wet. Don't worry, Pearl. I will do the dishes before I leave.
naproxen or Aleve is my over the counter drug of choice for pain.On the D/L for real now... the Disabled List. Bloody ankle hurts like hell, and I have a high pain threshold... still unsure how the injury occurred, or why elevation on pillows seemed to make it ten times worse. B@stard feels like it's broken, but how can that happen, just standing up from a low toilet? It doesn't make any sense...
Never touched a drop of alcohol yesterday, as the pain worsened and I wanted to gauge the severity of it... but by God, I'm drinking hard cider now at 0800, trying to fortify myself for the trip outside to feed the wild birds, change the water in the baths, uncover the fruit trees, and grab the aluminum walker out of the shed.
Like an idiot, I stored the folding walker in the large metal shed, and I'm gonna need that walker over the next few days... barring some miraculous recovery, I reckon my planned bike ride on Thursday is out the window, no way I can ride like this, when I can barely walk from my bedroom to my bathroom. I still don't understand this injury, but it's painful.
I tried a couple of Bayer aspirin yesterday, and they did absolutely nothing to alleviate the pain, so today it's hard cider... at least I have PLENTY of that, lol. Should've had some yesterday, but I wanted to see how bad the injury really is, and it's bad. As soon as I can get off my feet and rest again, I'll do it. But things have to be done first...
Times like these are when I wish I had somebody else living here, to pick up the slack when this sorta cr@p happens. My mind is blown, dunno HOW this injury happened... it feels worse than a skateboarding or MX injury back in the day, and all I did was stand up from that miserable goldurned toilet. I feel like smashing the damned thing now, lol...
Anyway, this is gonna be a suck-@$$ day, even the cider seems to have no effect... and I'm out of tequila too, which really sucks. Guess I'll do a bong hit here in a bit, once my ankle quits aching so hard. Neither ice packs nor elevation have helped to alleviate the ankle pain, yet the ankle exhibits no real signs of swelling... "HUH?"
I reckon I need to move from this dining room table, this sitting position is not helping in any way. I am NOT looking forward to the torture test ahead, but I need that walker from the shed, and since I gotta go out there, I'm gonna bite the bullet and knock out those other tasks as well. It ain't gonna be fun, I know that much... f#%ng ankle! It's FIRED!!!
P.S. It's ALL Trump's fault!!! Oh, wait, he's no longer in office... it's ALL that slimy Biden scumbucket's fault! Lol...![]()
They quoted me over $600 to replace 2 pieces of glass, yikes! I wonder what a new window would cost. Oh and it was not a bird, it's the inside of the window. The outside is fine. They think it might have been the temperature also. I wonder if you could put plexiglass in it instead of regular glass. It's not like I look out my bedroom window.
So get well and don't screw around with things that could go from bad to worse. If it isn't better in three days find a higher level of care. If it doesn't get better one of the guys at the ride had a cool sidecar on his KLR650.
Hope you get to feeling better soon!today was a torture test,
Glad you made it through the storms!!Hope you get to feeling better soon!
You all have sure been busy and/ or sick lately. Me too. Busy, not sick.
Yesterday, prepped veggies and meat for making dog food.
Went to therapy for shoulder.
Came home and switched bookkeeping folders from last year to this for ebay and personal bills.
Made dog food to cook overnight.
We had 4" rain yesterday and last night total. Good bit of wind, but not enough to knock over the plastic deck chairs. LOL
Walked first this morning.
Got first load of dog food in the pressure canners.
Walked dogs.
Still have to do second load of dog food and give one pup a bath.
Talked briefly to DH about switching dog food for the 2 dogs who don't really need homemade. He didn't take it real well, but he isn't making and canning it. It's so much work, prep and planning every other month. I will figure something out.
My electric company is having some kind of glitch in their website. My usage says about $3 or $4 a day, but my projected bill for the next month is $2315 and saying $168 for the last 4 days or something like that. Already talked to Customer service twice, but they can't see the projected screen. I have taken screen shots of usage and projection and started a handwritten record of dates, who I spoke to and what they said.
I think I'm getting overwhelmed with DH and dog's caretaking, so the electric is just icing on the cake. Not sure how to take a break at this point. We had friends coming down for the weekend and they just cancelled - again.
Was really looking forward to someone to talk to who understood.
I guess I will just keep going.
In common law jurisdictions, legal professional privilege protects all communications between a professional legal adviser and his or her clients from being disclosed without the permission of the client. The privilege is that of the client and not that of the lawyerI had an interesting request from a client. This client is involved with local politics.
To be elected to the government entity in question you have to be a property owner within the entity. A current elected official claims they own property within the entity. My client asked if I could confirm.
Well this entity does accept my volunteer IT services so I do have some legal access. Legally I can not reveal confidential taxpayer information of the entity but I could tell my client that there are no properties within the entity under the elected official's name, spouse's name or business name.
Next public meeting might be worth attending...
No idea what is really going on with you, Wingnut, but I can tell you about my ankle problem many years ago. I stepped on the edge of the sidewalk, while carrying my infant daughter, and my foot went over the edge and my ankle rolled. Pain went on and on, and at that time, I spent a lot of time on my feet. I finally went to the doctor and told him what I had done, but that more than a month later, it hurt like hell! Dr. told me that a sprain, which is what he said I probably had, takes much longer than a break to heal! He prescribed a lace up ankle brace for me and I wore that puppy for months!On the D/L for real now... the Disabled List. Bloody ankle hurts like hell, and I have a high pain threshold... still unsure how the injury occurred, or why elevation on pillows seemed to make it ten times worse. B@stard feels like it's broken, but how can that happen, just standing up from a low toilet? It doesn't make any sense...![]()