Sorry to hear about your mom, Supe, but she lived a good long life! Mine made it to 89 before she passed away, and my pop went before her... he made it to his upper 80s. I'm pretty sure I'll never make it that far, but one never knows about these things... maybe I'll break the Guinness World Record, lol.
Marked improvement in the foot injury overnight, but it's still tender in areas, so I'll look for an ankle brace in town when I go... gotta get some cash to pay the water bill, the gal won't take a debit card. It's only $45, but I can put the money in an envelope with my address and leave it in the drop box in front of the office.
A large hawk showed up this morning and I had to holler at him to get him to leave, but later he showed up again and swooped on a dove... I heard a big thump and found the dove lying on the ground outside, it might have flown into the house in its effort to escape the hawk. The hawk may have hit the dove too, though I didn't see any blood.
The dove was still alive, so I picked him up, brought him inside and put him in the empty cardboard box I keep in the 'War Room' for just this purpose... it gives injured and dying birds a warm place to die in peace without further harassment from predators (including the cats). I just checked and the dove is gone... I'll bury him later under a tree.
I hope that hawk isn't here to stay, it looks large enough to give Z-Girl or Black Diamond a hard time... I stepped outside after I heard the thump and caught an excellent view of the hawk as it wheeled around one of the pine trees in my yard. I checked my local wildlife guides but I couldn't find the bird, so hopefully it's just passing through the area.
Anyway, I need to get cleaned up and drive to town, I need more library books and I gotta get some cash to pay that bill. I hope the library is open today, some days it only offers curbside service... gotta call 'em and find out. Otherwise, I'm taking it easy today, I already made an appointment for a DMV visit in early February to swap my driver's license.