What's everybody doing today?

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Okay, significant improvement but my foot is still sore, I probably shouldn't have done the full watering session in the yard, lol. Meh, all the running around and the yard work has made my foot ache a bit, and I didn't take any pain reliever this morning either, though I did have one cold beer to motivate me to tackle the run. Actually a short run, I did NOT go all the way into town, I hit the nearby Dollar General only a mile away... library was closed except for "curbside service" and I wasn't up to that phone & Internet rigmarole, so I postponed the library visit until manana! No worries! I just did a bong hit and I have a cold beer in hand, so life could definitely be worse. 😒

Hey, the full moon is bee-yoo-ti-ful tonight, I took a couple of pics but I think I left 'em a little too late... the moonrise was awesome though, with the orb rising over the Sacramentos! Had I been able to move a bit faster, I would've grabbed the camera earlier, lol... but I had just sat down in me mum's old rocker on the front porch, with the moon peeking over the mountainous eastern horizon, and I couldn't be bothered to go get the camera until it was too late, lol. Meaning AFTER my bong hit and cold beer enjoyed while watching the high desert & mountain moonrise... nothing could've moved me from that ol' rocker once the show began, it was definitely worth the price of admission, lol. 😉

Here are the pics:



P.S. Ya know, there's probably some way to tweak the Canon cam prior to taking shots after dusk, but I couldn't be bothered to figure out how, so this is whatcha got, lol. Meh, better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick... :rolleyes:
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Okay, significant improvement but my foot is still sore, I probably shouldn't have done the full watering session in the yard, lol. Meh, all the running around and the yard work has made my foot ache a bit, and I didn't take any pain reliever this morning either, though I did have one cold beer to motivate me to tackle the run. Actually a short run, I did NOT go all the way into town, I hit the nearby Dollar General only a mile away... library was closed except for "curbside service" and I wasn't up to that phone & Internet rigmarole, so I postponed the library visit until manana! No worries! I just did a bong hit and I have a cold beer in hand, so life could definitely be worse. 😒

Hey, the full moon is bee-yoo-ti-ful tonight, I took a couple of pics but I think I left 'em a little too late... the moonrise was awesome though, with the orb rising over the Sacramentos! Had I been able to move a bit faster, I would've grabbed the camera earlier, lol... but I had just sat down in me mum's old rocker on the front porch, with the moon peeking over the mountainous eastern horizon, and I couldn't be bothered to go get the camera until it was too late, lol. Meaning AFTER my bong hit and cold beer enjoyed while watching the high desert & mountain moonrise... nothing could've moved me from that ol' rocker once the show began, it was definitely worth the price of admission, lol. 😉

Here are the pics:

View attachment 102108
View attachment 102107

P.S. Ya know, there's probably some way to tweak the Canon cam prior to taking shots after dusk, but I couldn't be bothered to figure out how, so this is whatcha got, lol. Meh, better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick... :rolleyes:
A full moon explains why dogs were a little bit crazy today!
I'm hopin' some friggin' werewolf ain't gonna show on my rural property tonight, I don't need the aggravation while I'm nursin' this foot injury, aye? I always understood that one doesn't need a 'silver bullet' to kill a werewolf, as long as one chops off the head... or blasts it off, lol. :oops:

Good thing too, because my broked!ck 'stainless steel bullet' made from kitchenware probably wouldn't cut it, lol... 🤣

Reckon I should sharpen the machete... i.e. my modern version of a Roman short sword, lol. Like the short sword, it's meant for close work... right where I wanna be in a drunken brawl with a werewolf, 10-4? ;)

Note to self: don't forget pepper spray, it may serve to blind the werewolf as I get a good swing goin' with the machete! :D

Here's a Warren Zevon video for this 'Night of the Werewolf!' :eek:

Warren Zevon

And since I'm posting THAT link, lemme post this one too... always liked this song, lol. :cool:

Warren Zevon (again, lol)


Edit: Wait, now I'm thinking I'll NEED a goldurn lawyer after I decapitate the werewolf... thing will turn out to be some friggin' transgender lycanthrope out of West Hollywood, and the globalist-owned, libtard media will have a field day with the "wholly unnecessary and bigoted slaying of the poor West Hollywood werewolf!" o_O


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You know how the full moon each month has a name, that differs a bit between cultures? I just saw a new one, probably made up recently that was pretty funny - tonight is the "Stay Home Moon". I like that.
Planning to head home tomorrow, Mom is doing well and steady on her walker. She even held it up and carried it for several steps, and it's only 8 days post surgery. I'll be back up on Monday to help with some heavier chores and take her to the doc. I'm thankful she's healing so well, that's not always a given at 81.
Had to go out and run some errands this morning. Has anyone tried to buy windshield wipers lately? Yikes. I got the cheapest set I could and it was still 30 bucks. I wanted the heavy duty winter ones but I'm not going to pay 65 dollars for them.
Picked up the other truck from the mechanics, had an oil change and transmission filter and fluid done, tire rotation, and the whole thing gone through to make sure everything was good. That's both trucks done now, hopefully should be good for some time. Parking the newer one and using the older one for the daily driver. Flipped 297,000 on my way back to mom's today and still going strong.
Yep, just bought new windshield wipers for our truck and they were double what I thought. AND they are sold singly. What a ripoff.
The full moon is gorgeous tonight...looking at the same moon here, too, Wingnut, except ours had clouds covering small parts of it. We went to the bigger town and picked up barbeque for dinner.
Wingnut, I hope your foot continues to mend. I found the Copper(something- can't remember exact name) foot and ankle thingies helped me. Although I had to put tissues around the seam on the heel because it cut in a bit. Alternating ice and cold may help as well. Sorry to hear about the poor little dove. We had an owl in our yard that was killing some of our chickens and grabbing kittens so my father had to shoot it. He felt sad about it, but he realized it would keep killing stuff if he didn't.

Amish Heart, the price of a single windshield wiper now is insane.

Things went well with my brother's blood drawing. They got it on the first try. We went straight home afterward because we were both too tired to stop anywhere in town. I ate a full rack of ribs from Samsclub over a two day period and now my stomach hates me. Not sure if its the ribs or something else-- but probably the ribs. I did share with the dogs a bit, but even the dog got tired of them after awhile. I chewed up some of the meat and gave it to my toothless cat as a treat. I can never give him table scraps without having to chew them for him first. It makes him happy though.

My arm did not want to cooperate with me at all today. Still doing the exercises and having to clean under it and put rash cream under because the skin is still irritated and itches like crazy. But I've developed a whole bunch of skin tags under there and they are making it worse.

I had gone to bed for the night but mom woke me up wanting me to cook more food for her. She had yellow rice and Member's Mark shrimp scampi.

Gonna try to get back to sleep now. Night all!
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Yesterday, I spent all day in the. Road
Picking up a new to me sewing machine
Rex model 28-188 of industrial, It was inrough shape. It had been abandoned in a shed for ten years
I got I home then started the evaluation wheel would not make a revolution it would move a 1/4”.
So focused on WhY
Found the needle bar was stuck
Disconnected needle bar
Uncle Melvins birthday party today. They have a hard time bringing him places, so it'll be where he lives (mennonite manor), but in the chapel room. Pizza and pie lunch. So we'll be going to pick up mom and bring her over there so she can celebrate with her brother. Maybe get another couple roosters butchered this afternoon. We'll see what time we get back.
I'm hopin' some friggin' werewolf ain't gonna show on my rural property tonight, I don't need the aggravation while I'm nursin' this foot injury, aye? I always understood that one doesn't need a 'silver bullet' to kill a werewolf, as long as one chops off the head... or blasts it off, lol. :oops:

Good thing too, because my broked!ck 'stainless steel bullet' made from kitchenware probably wouldn't cut it, lol... 🤣

Reckon I should sharpen the machete... i.e. my modern version of a Roman short sword, lol. Like the short sword, it's meant for close work... right where I wanna be in a drunken brawl with a werewolf, 10-4? ;)

Note to self: don't forget pepper spray, it may serve to blind the werewolf as I get a good swing goin' with the machete! :D

Here's a Warren Zevon video for this 'Night of the Werewolf!' :eek:

Warren Zevon

And since I'm posting THAT link, lemme post this one too... always liked this song, lol. :cool:

Warren Zevon (again, lol)


Edit: Wait, now I'm thinking I'll NEED a goldurn lawyer after I decapitate the werewolf... thing will turn out to be some friggin' transgender lycanthrope out of West Hollywood, and the globalist-owned, libtard media will have a field day with the "wholly unnecessary and bigoted slaying of the poor West Hollywood werewolf!" o_O


Thought I was reading the "story game" thread for a minute!! 😉😃
We are headed to Bama tomorrow for my mom's funeral Saturday
I'm so sorry about your mom, Supervisor. What a long life, though!
, there's probably some way to tweak the Canon cam prior to taking shots after dusk,
I put my Canon on shutter priority and crank the number up to 1000 or so. On the dial, shutter priority is marked - TV. I guess it stands for time, not sure.

Yesterday was fairly busy.
Walked first.
Off to town. Thrift store first, then day old bread store.
Tractor Supply, then eye doctor to pick up new glasses that should have been ready 3 months ago. Glad I have them now!
Quick stop at Walmart- out for under $30-yay.
Lunch with Bible study ladies.
Came home and walked dogs.
Dusted house.

This morning, will walk first.
Bake some cookies (dough already made and rolled).
Take cookies and have lunch with BIL and wife since we didn't get together at Christmas.
Deliver a banana bread to a friend, later.
Add more foil to frozen banana breads so they will keep until later in the year.
You all have a great weekend!
Feeling a bit better today, so outdoor chores first and then cooked all morning. I cooked chicken yesterday and turned it into a curry for tonight, and some left for sandwiches, a mince pie for the freezer, two banana breads for the freezer and a steak, onion and mushroom pie for tomorrow's dinner with veg. Just had lunch, then will clean up the kitchen. Going to spend the afternoon recycling Christmas cards into tags for next year, sewing up gloves I knitted when sick and listening to soccer on the radio. Enjoy your weekend everyone!
Haha, Pearl, I'm already having a cold one, hair of the dog (or werewolf) that mauled me last night! ;)

Gotta get cleaned up and make a library run, but they don't open until 11:00 on Saturdays so I'm alright... :cool:

No sign of the hawks this morning... had a pair in the yard yesterday, and another smaller one a short block away. :rolleyes:

Part of the family, maybe? I think I'll secure the kids indoors when I go to town, two of those birds looked pretty large... :confused:

Otherwise, it's a quiet day here, kinda overcast so I ain't missin' much... good day to chill out and read a library book. 🤔

Foot is improving, but it's slow... I'll be lucky if I can ride the 'Monster Thumper' by Monday. We'll see how things go. 😒
Cleaning dad’s house today. The only cousins I didn’t see a Christmas are coming tomorrow for dinner. I’m looking forward to that prime rib almost as much as seeing my cousins.

Downstairs tenant dropped off the keys after moving out today. I did a real quick walk-through but will do a better one during the week. Already see that I got some holes in the wall to repair where they hung a TV. I’m making a mental note to put that in the lease – no wall mounting TVs in 80 year old plaster walls. It will need painting but I hire out for that.I’ll also be calling Molly maids to clean.
I'm struggling today. Thursday night was the first good sleep I've had since about the 12th of December, when I started feeling better after covid. But last night, Friday night, was awful. My blood glucose levels were all over the place while I slept and I was restless all night. When I finally slept hard, around 6am, the levels shot up to well over 200 without eating anything and I didn't wake until 11am. It's back under control now, but I feel really tired and for some reason my body temp regulation is off. It's 69 degrees in my living room, same as always, but I'm freezing cold. Before I fell asleep, I was too hot. It's really odd. I've got to get right, because I need to get everything ready for my 8 day trip to Cali for work. I have to try to get my big roller bag under 50 pounds, including my tool kit and work gear. That'll be a challenge...
That sounds terrible Spike. Almost sounds like you have a virus.
Had a good luncheon for Uncle Melvins 99th birthday. Had to pick up mom and bring her over, too, and it was not her best day, but she was passable. In a seriously snarky mood. Good to see Melvin's kids, my cousins that I haven't seen in awhile. Coffee time.
Working on decluttering. The kitchen is the current focus so I am going drawer by drawer to get rid of things we don't use or have any need of.

I see a need to do some minor sewing to help tidy things in the kitchen. Sewing such as making a wrap that goes around my silicone baking mats to keep them rolled in the drawer so they don't fall behind the drawer and get lost. I want to make a flannel bag to slip my only non stick pan into to keep the surface from being scratched due to Roo's carelessness.

K has Roo in the garage cleaning the freezer. K unplugged it so it would not waste electricity while they cleaned it and bleached it. Hopefully I can find some deals on meat to start filling it again. At the very least we have 7 rabbits that will be butchered in a few weeks.

Trying to also finish decluttering the utility room. I got the pet stuff done so I can move on to the cleaning supplies. I might wait until the week to pick that back up and focus on the kitchen for now. I see a lot of junk we need to purge and a lot of areas that need work to clean up. The girls are not helping so I am feeling stressed about it all.
I have planting trees and I am down to 4 sugar maple tress waiting to move. They May Have to wait until early spring at the worst. The side by side came in handy hauling the trees and tools. I felt guilty at one point moving it 20 yards to save trudging back and forth but it made me more productive.

We closed on the new to me pickup Yesterday. It has more buttons than I know how to use. I still have another 350 pages of the user manual to read. These images show how bad the old truck is ...



And the new to us truck.


The Princess and I sat in the truck going through the getting started guide figuring out what the buttons do. Then we took a test drive over to the remodel house to see the new windows. I am very happy with the window over the sink in the kitchen.




Once the construction debris is cleared it will offer a nice view of the horse farm out back.

Next largest acquisition is the field behind my shop. The seller has some work to do formalizing the title since the land has been in their family for generations and may actually be two lots. While they and us were negotiating a price we both were considering it as a single title. If it turns out to be two they will have to accept our offer or we may have to walk away from the deal.

In my wee youth there were dilapidated mule stalls spanning the field. They were later replaced with garages that had been rented out. Those garages hace been gone for 30 years or more and just an open field the local kids use to play football.

It may be a few more weeks before we can settle.

Nuff for now.


Tomorrow is pension day so today I'm crunching numbers and doing shopping lists.

I am glad that most retailers except the feed store have their prices on-line so I know how much I will be up for
and remove or add items to make sure I have everything I need.
I have my "on-line" carts already to go once my pension hits the bank in the morning.

I need to get my lawn mowed again.
I'll be def be using the nice guy who mowed my front jungle for me just before Christmas.
He did it for nothing as a Christmas gift.
Let me tell you that was a huge job and he gave up $200 - which was his quoted price which was extremely fair. Frankly I think he under quoted me, to do something nice for someone else!
I went onto a local community group and I made a posting of what he had done and that posting got over 1050 positive comments and reactions which is pretty staggering.
I added a link to his business site in the post and I hope he gets more business than he can deal with because he deserves it.
Finished rotating my 100% fuel and filled the cans back up. Worked on transferring some of my tools to the new tool box. Not getting in a rush since I want to end up easy to find stuff. I did dedicate one smaller drawer for measuring and marking stuff. I had that scattered over 5 drawers before. Also all my 1/4" drive stuff and ignition wrenches all in one smaller drawer. .

Worked in the shop some too. Sorted a bunch of stuff I knocked over. Ended up culling about 1/3 of that stuff.

Finally had a nice fire in our little pit late this afternoon. Pics in the photo thread. Smoked a nice stogie while piddling there.
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Finished rotating my 100% fuel and filled the cans back up. Worked on transferring some of my tools to the new box. Not getting in a rush since I want to end up easy to find stuff. I did dedicate one smaller drawer for measuring and marking stuff. I had that scattered over 5 drawers before. Also all my 1/4" drive stuff and ignition wrenches all in one smaller drawer. .

Worked in the shop some too. Sorted a bunch of stuff I knocked over. Ended up culling about 1/3 of that stuff.

Finally had a nice fire in our little pit late this afternoon. Pics in the photo thread. Smoked a nice stogie while piddling there.
That sounds like heaven to me puttering in the shop.

Tomorrow is pension day so today I'm crunching numbers and doing shopping lists.


I need to get my lawn mowed again.
.comments and reactions which is pretty staggering.
I added a link to his business site in the post and I hope he gets more business than he can deal with because he deserves it.
And then he hires help giving others a job...

It is the way.

Many complain but so few take the time to recognize good.

You go girl!

Wonder i
I'm struggling today. Thursday night was the first good sleep I've had since about the 12th of December, when I started feeling better after covid. But last night, Friday night, was awful. My blood glucose levels were all over the place while I slept and I was restless all night. When I finally slept hard, around 6am, the levels shot up to well over 200 without eating anything and I didn't wake until 11am. It's back under control now, but I feel really tired and for some reason my body temp regulation is off. It's 69 degrees in my living room, same as always, but I'm freezing cold. Before I fell asleep, I was too hot. It's really odd. I've got to get right, because I need to get everything ready for my 8 day trip to Cali for work. I have to try to get my big roller bag under 50 pounds, including my tool kit and work gear. That'll be a challeif ge...
Wonder if you have something else, your immune system is down?! Hope you feel better soon!!
I'm struggling today. Thursday night was the first good sleep I've had since about the 12th of December, when I started feeling better after covid. But last night, Friday night, was awful. My blood glucose levels were all over the place while I slept and I was restless all night. When I finally slept hard, around 6am, the levels shot up to well over 200 without eating anything and I didn't wake until 11am. It's back under control now, but I feel really tired and for some reason my body temp regulation is off. It's 69 degrees in my living room, same as always, but I'm freezing cold. Before I fell asleep, I was too hot. It's really odd. I've got to get right, because I need to get everything ready for my 8 day trip to Cali for work. I have to try to get my big roller bag under 50 pounds, including my tool kit and work gear. That'll be a challenge...
Sorry to hear about your health issues
If I am not mistaken, A large flat rate priority box weight limit is 70 pounds
Mail Ail your tools and vacuum seal/shrink your clothes