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Sorry to hear about your health issues
If I am not mistaken, A large flat rate priority box weight limit is 70 pounds
Mail Ail your tools and vacuum seal/shrink your clothes
I have to have a place to mail them to.

I've traveled by air like this before. It's not impossible to get down under 50 pounds. I'm taking 5 days of clothes for a 9 day trip, washing after the 4th or 5th day. Then there's boots, hard hat, vest, gloves, jacket, sweatshirt, etc. I'll be taking a stripped down tool kit that should be easy to get under about 20 pounds. I'll have a backpack that I can put a few things into as well. The return trip will be less because the hard hat, tools, etc can stay at the job site.
Mom is doing well enough that I could leave her on her own and come home. Walked in, dropped the duffel bag, collapsed into my recliner and fell sound asleep for three hours. Didn't realize how exhausted I was.
I was able to keep working while I was up there, but everything else is off kilter. Trying to get my brain working again, need to make sure I have all the bills paid and I need to get the dead food cleaned out of the fridge.
Got all the kitchen drawers sorted. Got rid of a third of it as things we don't use. I started a list of kitchen tools I want to replace not because they are broken but because I want higher quality and easier to clean. Things like the dollar store pizza cutter that we never use because it is dull. My ice cream scoop and pie server that are cheap plastic and I want something I can put on my table in front of guests or run through the dishwasher. I would like to replace these things slowly as time and money allows. Since I have things that work now I can always wait.

K and Roo got the freezer cleaned and now slowly getting the shelves and baskets cleaned and ready to go back in to it.

Got the Christmas totes labeled. I also have a list of what is in what tote for the home binder. Doing it right this time to help with the big move in less than 11 months. I plan to do an in depth inventory for the binder as well as I go room to room decluttering. Now that the drawers are cleaned I will move to storage containers and make a list of the missing lids for my pyrex so those can also be ordered down the road.

K and I are on top of Roo really working to correct this disrespectful behavior. I did figure out how to fix the hanger issue. I ordered a gross of metal hangers from a wardrobe supply company and as Roo breaks the plastic ones she will pay me 50¢ for a replacement. The price is what they cost me each (give or take a few pennies).

K has a solution to the dresser knob problem. Roo will have to earn the money to buy new knobs but there is a time frame in place for her to do so. He also wants her to clean, sand and repaint her dresser to go with the new knobs. The great part is I get to pick the knobs so she can't 'cheap out' like she always does.
Taking down the decorations today, and like Grimm, clearing out as I go. Last night I started a jumper using a yarn I bought ten years ago! Ridiculous to have it that long. On a mission to use or get rid of over the next month. I have an awful habit of keeping something because 'it's too good to use' or 'one day I/ someone will need it'. For instance, two sets of mugs, that again, I've had for years, still in box. They have been moved around the house various times, being kept 'in case'. Finally gave them to a charity store. It's been seven years. I'm good for mugs. Pie for dinner made and veg ready to go. Still not totally better so will be taking it easy enough. Got my car back, but waiting on the bill!
Raining right now, not looking forward to going outside. It's ice rain/sleet. Dogs didn't want to go out
Yesterday we cleaned the barn well for the bad weather today since they will be in.

I spent an hour crouching behind trees and rocks watching the bad doggie outside in the pasture to see how she gets out after I walked the entire fence. Husband did it the day before and couldn't find anything. I didn't either, no holes, no fence down, electric working. Well, after about an hour I caught her. She just climbed right over the panels next to the gate. They are goat panels and sturdy, goats don't get over them. They do not have electric on top because of the gate and it's only a short section but have a strand of barbed wire. She climbs up the panel, puts her paws on the barbed wire to push it down and gets right over....smart dog. So we put electric tape up there. She thought we were bluffing.... tried out the tape, got zapped good ( since it''s ony a short section) and yelped. I don't think she will do that again

Then I made enchiladas and husband loved it. He really loves Mexican food, I don't so I don't make it that often. If it wasn't for him I probably would skip it. It's just too heavy and filling for me, sits in my stomach like a rock. Son said the same thing. But it tasted like something you might get in a restaurant

Took the dogs up the mountain for an hour and then made my home protection charm. It looks good and I like it. It's now hanging in the livingroom
Frodo, is the sewing machine working now? I don't even know what the needle bar is, but I'm glad you figured out what was wrong.

Spike, I hope you get feeling better soon.

Ben, nice new truck! Also am happy to see how things are going in the kitchen.

I was planning to clean yesterday but was feeling blech and ended up sleeping almost all day. I really needed that rest. I could barely drag myself out of bed. It doesn't help that my mattress has a pit where I sleep and I need to rotate it.

Shoulder/arm are still being hateful.

Cooked for mom in the microwave and air fryer but am not up to holding frying pans. Plan to do some cleaning today but am going to be careful not to hurt my arm more.

Internet was out for several hours due to thunderstorm. Power surge borked stuff and Mom's computer wouldn't turn on. But I pushed the plug in tighter (into the back of the PC and into the APC) and it is now working again. That made her happy.

I'm waiting for the sun to come up more before I start cleaning. Also need to go to walmart and get stuff on Mom's list that she didn't' tell me she was out of before.

Been watching a video about some products a youtuber got for her house/kitchen etc. Some of the stuff looks pretty neat. I like the ziplok bag holder. I'm forever spilling stuff when trying to put things in the bags bc they close up or won't stay up straight. A few other things on the list look pretty good too.

If anyone is interested.
Mom is doing well enough that I could leave her on her own and come home. Walked in, dropped the duffel bag, collapsed into my recliner and fell sound asleep for three hours. Didn't realize how exhausted I was.
I was able to keep working while I was up there, but everything else is off kilter. Trying to get my brain working again, need to make sure I have all the bills paid and I need to get the dead food cleaned out of the fridge.
Ahhhh, good to be home😊
I went to bed early 730 last night..gotta switched myself to nights so hopefully tonight I can stay up later.
Its supposed to rain n snow off n on today. I'd like to get a walk in But otherwise a few chores n relaxing is on the to do list today.
Tonight I'm going to my friends to hear about their trip to Egypt. They have been back now about 2 weeks and are excited to share the adventure storys n pictures. So me and the other neighbor and friend who took care of their ranch n goats are going over.
On Friday the wife finally got to see her doctor, they gave her a prescription for some meds. I sat in a waiting area for almost an hour trying to get it filled. Came home and today the wife is feeling better.. I picked up the cough and congestion. Now I am not allowed on the main floor without a mask and I am grumpy(er).... But, I am really glad that the wife is feeling better.
Have an (almost) free day, today!
No Church- they cancelled due to covid outbreak- none for me thanks! That L-lysine seems to work. People still look at me like I'm crazy when I tell them it works. Oh well.
Doing laundry today because I can.
Probably will not walk dogs today as it is raining all day.
Will watch movies later with DH.
Doing a liver cleanse today- almost forgot that.
On Friday the wife finally got to see her doctor, they gave her a prescription for some meds. I sat in a waiting area for almost an hour trying to get it filled. Came home and today the wife is feeling better.. I picked up the cough and congestion. Now I am not allowed on the main floor without a mask and I am grumpy(er).... But, I am really glad that the wife is feeling better.
So glad your wife is feeling better! Take care of yourself!!
On Friday the wife finally got to see her doctor, they gave her a prescription for some meds. I sat in a waiting area for almost an hour trying to get it filled. Came home and today the wife is feeling better.. I picked up the cough and congestion. Now I am not allowed on the main floor without a mask and I am grumpy(er).... But, I am really glad that the wife is feeling better.
The mask is a small price to pay to have your wife home and on the mend. Glad to hear she is getting better. Sorry you’ve got the cough and crap.
Easy Sunday morning here... fed the cats and gave some extra food to the wild birds. Foot is slowly improving, but I don't think I'll go riding tomorrow, parts of the foot are still mighty sensitive. So I'm just gonna read library books today and eat good nutritious meals... I AM having a tall glass of homemade hard cider before I lie down again, lol. Might water the trees later, depends upon how the foot feels... I wish it would hurry up and heal for real. 😒

Again, I'm astounded by the strange nature of this injury: I didn't even feel it at first, then it went off hours later, while the swelling didn't even show until 2 or 3 days later... the focal point of the pain keeps shifting too, which is weird. I really did a number on my foot, I must have had a "bad angle" on it when I stood up last Sunday night. It's getting better, but some spots are still heller sensitive, like just under the protruding ankle bone on the right side... ugh. :(
Easy Sunday morning here... fed the cats and gave some extra food to the wild birds. Foot is slowly improving, but I don't think I'll go riding tomorrow, parts of the foot are still mighty sensitive. So I'm just gonna read library books today and eat good nutritious meals... I AM having a tall glass of homemade hard cider before I lie down again, lol. Might water the trees later, depends upon how the foot feels... I wish it would hurry up and heal for real. 😒

Again, I'm astounded by the strange nature of this injury: I didn't even feel it at first, then it went off hours later, while the swelling didn't even show until 2 or 3 days later... the focal point of the pain keeps shifting too, which is weird. I really did a number on my foot, I must have had a "bad angle" on it when I stood up last Sunday night. It's getting better, but some spots are still heller sensitive, like just under the protruding ankle bone on the right side... ugh. :(
The wife was walking in the house on smooth floor and felt something like stepping on a potato chip... Her foot bothered her and it didn't seem to heal, went to the doctor twice, took X-rays, foot kept getting worse (lots of swelling and pain), finally got a referral to a foot specialist. He took one look at it and then looked at the X-rays, the foot was broken and bones were moving around, the ankle had rolled over and was no longer working.. They put her in a new cast every other week for 6 months, just to get it to stabilize. Then the wife's doctors conferred and decided that because of all of her other ailments she couldn't have surgery to repair the foot (just too much damage). That was almost 20 years ago, she has to keep the foot immobilized using a hard boot, no functioning ankle, so she can't drive normally. The call it Charcot foot and it often leads to removal of the foot.. She has a foot and can walk a little, we find that a blessing.

@Wingnut, take care of that foot and have it checked out by someone competent. If my wife had not walked on a broken foot/ankle for 2 months she would not be in the boot today....
Urbanhunter, I'm glad your wife is feeling better. Sorry she has to wear a boot bc of a broken foot.

Wingnut, I hope your foot will heal quickly. I had something similar when I borked my left ankle years ago. Pain kept changing location. Hopefully yours will heal faster than mine did.

Waiting for my brother to finish playing computer games so we can go get mail and go to the store.
Well, I'm seeing & feeling improvement, and the current focal point of pain may simply stem from favoring the foot, and thereby overloading other parts which were originally unscathed. The Tiger Balm has really helped with the soreness and swelling, which isn't all that bad, I can just tell it's swollen by comparing it to my other foot. There are so many bones in the foot, it's crazy... and the crisscross wrap of tendons and muscles is crazy too! It may be that I simply riled or pinched a nerve when I lurched upward, my foot at a bad angle... but it seems to be slowly improving, so I'm not likely to visit a clinic or hospital yet, I'd rather give it a few more days and see how it goes. 😒

I'm already walking (carefully) around my yard in my work boots, which offer great support for the foot, almost like an ankle brace. Those are the rubber duck boots I repaired earlier, they have stretchy side panels which bring the boots close to my feet. Streamlined Vibram soles too, so the protection is there. The walker is still in my room, in case things go south again, but I haven't used it in a couple of days. Historically, I've always been a fast healer, but age is catching up to me and the healing process has clearly slowed down, along with my metabolism. In the future, I'll have to be more careful with the extremities, as they are NOT as tough as they once were. :(

I was talking to my best friend, he whose family owned & operated the first & oldest surf shop in Coronado for decades, and we were discussing this latest injury. We were both vertical skateboarders back in the day, and I also pushed or "kicked" with that foot on the street, aye? I used my right foot to kick footballs & soccer balls for many years, plus I was in the Infantry, not to mention technical rock climbing (jamming feet into cracks), as well as all the BMX & MX riding over the decades... so that foot has seen a LOT of hard use, and perhaps I'm paying for that use NOW, lol. This is the second serious injury I've sustained to that foot in several years, clearly a sign that the foot is no longer bulletproof... :oops:
The wife was walking in the house on smooth floor and felt something like stepping on a potato chip... Her foot bothered her and it didn't seem to heal, went to the doctor twice, took X-rays, foot kept getting worse (lots of swelling and pain), finally got a referral to a foot specialist. He took one look at it and then looked at the X-rays, the foot was broken and bones were moving around, the ankle had rolled over and was no longer working.. They put her in a new cast every other week for 6 months, just to get it to stabilize. Then the wife's doctors conferred and decided that because of all of her other ailments she couldn't have surgery to repair the foot (just too much damage). That was almost 20 years ago, she has to keep the foot immobilized using a hard boot, no functioning ankle, so she can't drive normally. The call it Charcot foot and it often leads to removal of the foot.. She has a foot and can walk a little, we find that a blessing.

@Wingnut, take care of that foot and have it checked out by someone competent. If my wife had not walked on a broken foot/ankle for 2 months she would not be in the boot today....
Urban I had never heard of Charcot foot until a couple years ago. My BIL has it. Wears a brace/boot thing all the time. He has pretty bad neuroupathy and don't notice much with any of it. But it's progressed to the point he has lost his big toe, has a sore on the ball of his foot that is not healing well. Dr told him he would likely be an amputee at some point.
Glad things have at least stabilized for your wife
Urban I had never heard of Charcot foot until a couple years ago. My BIL has it. Wears a brace/boot thing all the time. He has pretty bad neuroupathy and don't notice much with any of it. But it's progressed to the point he has lost his big toe, has a sore on the ball of his foot that is not healing well. Dr told him he would likely be an amputee at some point.
Glad things have at least stabilized for your wife
Yes it's a big deal... We have to wash and inspect the wife's feed on a regular basis. Even now, we go to the foot doctor every other month. She has lost 1 toe and there are a couple trouble spots we have to treat to prevent infection. Her other foot is showing signs of it starting. The doctor said that most people would have lost the foot by now.. She has to wear something to protect the foot all the time (it's heck on sheets). If she were to wake up and try to walk on it the ankle would just roll under and she would be down....
Dealt with a mountain of eggs. Boiled around 6 dozen to feed back to the hens and put another 12 dozen in the dehydrators. I have so many frozen and dehydrated eggs, it's getting ridiculous. 18 out if 20 hens have started laying, up from 9 a day.
Up until this year we had that problem every winter when there is no farmers market This year NO eggs!! They stopped laying when it got cold and haven't started up again. They are not all old either.
Leaving early today to drop my truck of at the repair shop. I hope they can figure out what is going on with my brakes

It has finally stopped raining but we have a ice warning. I hope the road is ok

Yesterday we didn't do much, it poured most of the day. The house dogs were very bored. We played Mancala. I made chicken soup
I got kicked off here yesterday since my email address was old. I had to update my email on here and find my password.
It took me awhile as I tend to lose and forget passwords often.
But I'm back..whomever was trying to email me you'll have to do it again..that's what prompted my ousting n upgrading my info but I guess the email went to cyberspace forever unread..lol
I wanted to announce my new pooch I adopted!
Bella is a 8 yr old boxer (mix?) . Her owner died last week. She fits in here like a perfect glove n my generally antisocial boy loves her.
She is good with the cats n birds too so and super mellow n easy going and always game for a walk n play.
I have to go to work today..nights..blah..
Still in recovery mode with the foot, I've taken to wearing the duck boots instead of an ankle brace, the boots are nice & snug and they offer a lot of support. Nice day here, but there's no way I'm gonna ride the motorbike, that would be too risky even on pavement... I'm talking about balancing the bike at a dead stop, if the bike were to lean over to the right I'd find myself using my injured foot to hold it up, and that would NOT be a good scenario. If the foot gave way, the bike would be on the deck... so no bike ride today, despite the beautiful sunny weather. Meh, ya win some, ya lose some... 😒

I'll play it safe and stick to household chores today... it's trash day too, so the bin is already out in the lane. Oh, yeah, I haven't seen the hawks lately but this morning I found the remains of a dove torn to pieces on the ground by the birdbath on the western side of my home. The mess wasn't there at dusk yesterday evening, so the dove must have met its end earlier this morning while I was still in bed. I didn't hear anything, but when the heater is on, the noise could easily mask such an incident. I'm gonna keep a sharp eye & ear out for those hawks, I hope they're gone but I can't be sure... :rolleyes:

I've been keeping all the cats indoors at night by securing & blocking the two outer cat doors (front & back of the home). I do this to keep the cats from going out too early as well, and this preventive measure may have saved one of the kittens, aye? I don't like those big birds hanging around this property, I'm tempted to buy a CO2 pellet rifle in .22 caliber and take 'em out... but I'll wait to see whether they've gone or not. Hopefully little Z-Girl & Black Diamond will grow larger, Zorlac is already pretty big so I don't think those hawks would mess with him, but raptors can be fierce and they might try... :confused:

Anyway, I'll be hangin' out here at the ol' hacienda for the day, just doing essential chores and otherwise kicking back to read or watch some entertainment on TV. I read a Dick Francis book last night, it was entertaining... I have a few more by Francis & his son Felix, I grabbed a stack of books from the local library because I knew I'd be in recovery mode with the ankle. I also picked up more Sherlock Holmes stories, and some Erle Stanley Gardner novels... he's the guy who wrote the Perry Mason stories, but he also wrote some other books. We'll see how these works are in short order, lol. :cool:
I got kicked off here yesterday since my email address was old. I had to update my email on here and find my password.
It took me awhile as I tend to lose and forget passwords often.
But I'm back..whomever was trying to email me you'll have to do it again..that's what prompted my ousting n upgrading my info but I guess the email went to cyberspace forever unread..lol
I wanted to announce my new pooch I adopted!
Bella is a 8 yr old boxer (mix?) . Her owner died last week. She fits in here like a perfect glove n my generally antisocial boy loves her.
She is good with the cats n birds too so and super mellow n easy going and always game for a walk n play.
I have to go to work today..nights..blah..
How do you store passwords? I know people who store them on pieces of paper. One friend kept throwing her little pieces of paper away and then it was a pain to be able to log back in. I know that some people use small address books. Some use small notebooks. I use a Rolodex. It is interesting to me how many passwords I have. I am not 100% about keeping them written down. It is especially a challenge when I am house sitting and have new passwords.
How do you store passwords? I know people who store them on pieces of paper. One friend kept throwing her little pieces of paper away and then it was a pain to be able to log back in. I know that some people use small address books. Some use small notebooks. I use a Rolodex. It is interesting to me how many passwords I have. I am not 100% about keeping them written down. It is especially a challenge when I am house sitting and have new passwords.
I just write them down and usually forget where I wrote it down...lol..I'm terrible.
I need to consolidate them all maybe in two areas stored separately.
I dont have very many important ones thankfully but it is a PITA to find one.
Yet another gray day. It's not snowing, just gray. It's not raining, just gray. About the 15th in a row, I think.
Used to be Husband would make a big fancy meal of some sort and we'd break out a bottle of Lambic and laugh at the gray. God, I miss him so much! Now it's just gray day after gray day with nothing to relieve the grayness except a quick visit to my feeders by a cardinal.
I wish it would snow.
Had a conference call this morning about a proposed development. The consulting engineer went off on a rant about me requiring the proper isolation distances. "Nobody else does that. When did the law change?" and so on. That's always fun.
Might knock off work a little early and try to catch up on some chores. There's a bunch of stuff set aside for donation, I should load everything in the truck so I can drop it at the thrift center when I go out to take mom to the doc tomorrow.
I have way too many passwords. There's my own stuff, like amazon and email accounts, and then there's all the stupid work stuff. Must be 15 characters with numbers and so on, and must be changed every quarter and can't be one you've used before. Bah humbug. I'm running out of gun models. Remington 870 and Winchester 22 make good sorts of passwords, but I have to change them too often.

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