What's everybody doing today?

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Bummer, Dademoss... I hope you recover from the loss. Sometimes life just kicks ya in the teeth, ya know? :(

Spikedriver, you should visit the ghost town in Calico, it's only a few miles from Barstow... worth seeing too. :cool:
TY, I'm OK, I hurt because Lori hurts. I already told her when the final bills are paid, that means the search begins :p.I'ts gonna be a while, the vet and equine cremation are not cheap.

where and who is the next horse that will choose her?
@dademoss - sorry loss is always hard, especially when it touches a loved one's heart so deeply. Prayers for your family tonight.

Been absolutely crazy between work and chores. It's month and year end close time at work, so I'm dealing with irate accountants who only log into the ERP software I administer once a month and never remember their passwords or how to get to the report they only run annually. A million other projects at work and home have had my head spinning. Hopefully every appliance, vehicle, fencepost, roof and door that's due to break this year has already been fixed!
Maybe starting to move out extra roosters to a milkhouse large cage. Neighbor yesterday said she wanted to can some chicken meat. She was wanting to can turkey meat around Thanksgiving, but her little one had two episodes in the hospital, and she never did get around to buying turkeys. I mentioned I had lots of spare roosters, so next week we'll make it a party and invite the other neighbor lady over, too, and dispatch alot of roosters.
Dademoss, so sorry for your wife's loss. I hate losing a beloved pet, still think about my dog even if I already have a new one. I even cry when we lose a livestock that was going to be eaten anyways....

Txcatlady: congrats on your calf birth!! I feel the same way. I love seing our little lambs and goat kids after they are born.

Decided against Tilapia, it's too cold here for that. Husband suggested we get ducks. We can just put in a small kiddy pool for a few.

Ranger tire is back on, they could fix it after all. I hope it lasts
If it warms up any today I will attempt to do laundry.
TY, I'm OK, I hurt because Lori hurts. I already told her when the final bills are paid, that means the search begins :p.I'ts gonna be a while, the vet and equine cremation are not cheap.

where and who is the next horse that will choose her?
Some horse is in need of a good home!!♥️♥️
@dademoss , I'm so sorry about Toby and am glad you all will be finding another horse that needs a home!

Will walk first today.
Go to Courthouse to buy DH's tag and have property tax status changed. Now that we are 65, we shouldn't have to pay property taxes.
Go to Post office for stamps and then try to straighten out a billing error about x-rays done in Dec.
Walk dogs.
Cook Boston Butt in Instantpot.
Business meeting at Church this evening.
My youngest daughter had a driving test today and didn't pass, but she didn't expect to, she hasn't been driving long. There is quite a waiting list; so to get a test so quickly was surprising. Having looked at the remarks, it seems lack of experience let her down, such as observations and 'progress' which we think means acceleration away from roundabouts etc. She's relatively happy with the experience too, with is good. A day doing bits and pieces really, library, dropping stuff at the second-hand store, recycling jars etc. Going to spend the evening watching Wuthering Heights for college and writing to a 83 year old lady who is looking for a penpal in the midwest.
Ankle is a bit sore after all the activity yesterday... gotta slow down a bit today and just take it easy. Routine chores, and I'll probably water the trees, since the forecast calls for a blustery afternoon. As long as I move slowly, watering is okay, I just don't wanna overdo it while the foot is healing. Stupid injury... I still can't believe it even happened. 😒

Got sidetracked with a phone call yesterday evening, and by the time I rang off, I realized it was too late to cook a big dinner, plus my feet were tired & sore, so I made a quick Ham & Swiss melt and then lay down to read. This means I'm cooking the "pot burritos" today, which is a good day for such fare. No plans later except to read a book or watch TV. :rolleyes:
Got an email from Liberty Insurance for the renewal of the auto insurance. They nearly doubled the rate and there was no accident or anything to warrant that. Wife told me she saw that Liberty was in a bad mess due to the excessive number of deaths (my take is people dropping dead from the jab). So my first task for the day was to switch to Progressive and I came out cheaper than I was at with Liberty last year. It can be very beneficial to shop insurance on a yearly basis and with online quotes being so easy you can look at several options all in one shot.
Filled a cart at Aldi. Prices up again. Especially eggs. There was a man ranting about the price at the register. The 89 cent a dz eggs are now $5. They were $4.19 last week. The cashier said Walmart are now $6 a dozen. Glad we have chickens. There are a few families around here that sell for $3 a dozen. An amish lady with a child with cancer called and asked if I'd run a freeze dryer of organic bananas. So I better get the oil changed on it and get it cleaned out. She'll be by Friday. Looks like the rooster butchering local ladies will be turning into a party here next Tuesday morning. I'll have to start pulling the extra roosters out of the runs and setting them aside. I said I'd do the catching and killing. Another is a skinner, and a number of us doing the gutting. Neighbor that I was giving them to said she'd can it all and give us some canned. I think a grandma is coming to sit for all the 4 to 6 toddlers that'll be running around. Should be fun. Church is being held next door to us this Sunday, so everyone is getting ready for that in some way.
Still have groceries to unload, put away, the hose should of thawed by now for geese pool party.
Holy Cr@p! I'm STONED now, lol... I guess that was a "creeper burrito!" I'd better log out before I make a complete fool outta myself, lol... oh, wait, I've already done that, so belay that order! Ya know, I'm startin' to think we could MARKET these pot burritos, sling 'em for a sawbuck apiece and MAKE BANK, yeah? We could even add various grades of chronic to the burrito mix(es), kinda like a 'graduated scale' of dope burritos! They'll SOLVE the munchies problem by giving potheads a full stomach right off the bat... no more raiding the fridge and cleaning out the shelves in midnight raids! It's a WIN-WIN situation, lol... no more ugly scenes in the kitchen! Our company motto: "DON'T WORRY, BE HAPPY!!!" ;)
I got nauseous and dizzy while cleaning the living room the other day. Had to stop and take a break. Took my brother to his doctor's appointment yesterday. On the way out I grabbed a full trash bag to take out. My brother saw me and grabbed two more. First time he's taken out trash in months. I didn't eve have to ask him though. Doctor said I may need physical therapy on my shoulder or it will be permanently stuck- unless I can get it to unlock on my own.

Cleaned some more and cleared a spot for a new crappy plastic drawer set I got for Mom to put some of the stuff from her desk in. She was happy about it. Already filled 2 of the 3 drawers. I'm trying to motivate myself to get up and eat something and continue cleaning.
Today was horrible. Lori called me as I was leaving, Toby was down in his stall. Vet says impacted, twisted bowel, couldn't clear it. The vet was there all day. Toby was euthanized at 5:15 pm. Please remember Lori in your prayers.

I'm so sorry for the loss.
I hope the good Lord offers her some peace in the coming days.
It's darn disturbing to see two "supposed" grown adult women get into a fist fight out on the footpath in the day time.

If there was a party that had been going on into the wee small hours I pretty much expect it but this was out of the blue.
I expected the men folk to muscle in and get involved.
I went around and made sure the doors were locked esp. the front.
Times like this I miss Landshark ...nutty but true.
If they came to the front door she'd be shredding the paint off the back of it with her nails and the barrage of growls, snarls and bays would let them know that whatever they had in mind was a bad idea.
Sold 2 of our grow-outs this week. Made enough to cover almost 6 months of feed for my breeders. I have 2 other interested parities that want the rest of my female grow-outs. That money would cover the rest of the year in feed for the breeders and for the 6 kits that haven't started weaning yet. I wonder if those kits will sell as fast! They are cuter in coat patterns. If the 3 remaining girls sell and the 2 boys don't that will put 2 rabbits in the freezer out of 7 but the idea was to sell 6 or so to cover feed costs for the year.

Dealing with crap weather and keeping the house clean. The rain is suppose to start again this weekend. Fun.

Getting things decluttered slowly. I have been feverish the past few days so I have been trying to get things done but I might have slacked off.
My youngest daughter had a driving test today and didn't pass, but she didn't expect to, she hasn't been driving long. There is quite a waiting list; so to get a test so quickly was surprising. Having looked at the remarks, it seems lack of experience let her down, such as observations and 'progress' which we think means acceleration away from roundabouts etc. She's relatively happy with the experience too, with is good. A day doing bits and pieces really, library, dropping stuff at the second-hand store, recycling jars etc. Going to spend the evening watching Wuthering Heights for college and writing to a 83 year old lady who is looking for a penpal in the midwest.
Glad your girl is good with the driving test results!! What a great experience!!
Pretty easy day for me. Work is chaos, because my employer is cutting jobs again. I imagine it's because we got our raise during the big union contract fight. My gang didn't get cut, but three other gangs did and the high seniority guys from those gangs are bumping in on my gang. I got bumped a couple days ago, but I bumped another position and so far I'm the high man out of three of us holding that position. Hopefully it stays that way because nothing sucks worse than getting bumped off a gang that's 1500 miles from home. It happened to me in Modesto, California ten years ago. I had to drive 30 hours home with no expense money to cover the trip.

My gang has been together for almost 3 years without significant turnover. We all knew the guys around us and how they worked. Now, with all the new guys coming in, we have to figure out who is a good worker or not, who is a safe worker and who is reckless, and who might stab you in the back for their own gain. It'll be interesting for a while. But, this ain't my first rodeo. I'll lay low for a month and the chaos will die down...
IT WAS A POOL FLOAT AFTERNOON!! For about an hour and three beers!! 86 WONDERFUL degrees, although windy!! Really helped my sciatica, and my head!😉🤔😃 Cold front is blowing through with a vengeance right now, but not too cold, 57° tommorow. Wind advisory through mid-morning! Tomorrow is a crazy busy day😮😮😮. Checking out a closet organizing job, ( hope they never see my closets), and then cleaning for one of my favorite ladies!!
Sorry I have not posted in a while. I had a dental procedure, waaaay back in the roof of my mouth and now I need to see an endodontist (appointment is scheduled plus I am on a call list for an earlier appointment). I've been going through seeds, trying to find our what should be planted when. I also pruned one of my peach trees, Bounty and Contender. Bounty was the one I pruned. I hope to start on Contender tomorrow. Contender may take a while as it is an older, faster growing tree. I took cuttings from Bounty. I like what I'm seeing from Bounty so far as it has a relatively slow growth rate but I got a peach off it last year. I think I've had it a year and a half and Contender is over 5 years old.
Good morning!
Will walk first.
Clean out pantry? Maybe, if time permits.
Take ebay photos.
Go to therapy at 1030 and then pick up my friend and take her to store.
Go to Church and make tea for meeting tonight.
Come home and make popcorn for meeting tonight.
Grill pork chops for future breakfasts.
Fix lunches for next two days.
630 Church meeting.
Magpie, you are not in the US, right?

LadyLocust hope you feel better

it is supposed to rain a lot later, so we will put out the animals , clean and put them back in. There isn't really much for them to eat in the pasture anyway

Cleaned the house yesterday, too much smoke outside to hang up laundry so I didn't do any. The neighbors were having a huge fire burning stuff and the smoke came our way. It's ok, we do that to them occasionally....
The EPA would shut down our entire area if they ever came here....

I wonder if we need to make another trip to the laundromat. It's either too cold, or raining or smoke or all of the above. I have too much laundry to hand it up in the kitchen. We have another building to hang laundry but if it is frozen or really humid it will not dry there either
After a holiday season of everyone catching something I am happy to report that everyone is doing well. Work is ramping up to full speed ahead and long days are going to be the norm for a while.

The seeds that I planted before the holidays are now 6" tall plants desiring new accommodations.

Hope everyone has a nice week and weekend...
IT WAS A POOL FLOAT AFTERNOON!! For about an hour and three beers!! 86 WONDERFUL degrees, although windy!! Really helped my sciatica, and my head!😉🤔😃 Cold front is blowing through with a vengeance right now, but not too cold, 57° tommorow. Wind advisory through mid-morning! Tomorrow is a crazy busy day😮😮😮. Checking out a closet organizing job, ( hope they never see my closets), and then cleaning for one of my favorite ladies!!
And Pearl is back in her bikini...in January no less.
Wow! I started my day with two layers on. No swimsuit weather here.
Went into the bigger town to the first bin store. Nothing of interest there. Went to the Kroger Store near it for their pasta sale...American Beauty brand for 79 cents each pkg...have to buy in 6's. Bought 36 lbs. Cheap addition to meals. Husband wanted jerky, so I bought a London Broil. Had to swallow hard to pay the $8.99 a lb, but I needed a cut that was very lean for jerky. Then went to the other bin store and got some deals. Need to figure out the freeze dryer maintenance and get the floors mopped. But for now, it's a cup of coffee and an episode of Rawhide. And a donut.

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