What's everybody doing today?

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Busy day, got a enclosure moved for us to eventually set up a new stack monitor. More work for the guys.
This afternoon found out 2 of my 5 BDA projects are getting funded this year. Ill be balls to the wall on one of them right away. The other is much more complicated and require much more assistance outside my department. Also have to try and find a different solution for one of the other buildings. They choked on 3/4 of a million bucks. Not sure there are other options. The 4th building is not u der DOE watch to be outfitted but gonna make it happen before folks move in. That funding will come..
Busy time a comin
I completed making and installing dividers for two kitchen drawers.
I changed out the drawer slides for full extension slides so stuff can't hide in the back.
Now the silverware and the cooking utensils have their individual slots so hopefully no more digging through a pile of utensils to fine what I need.
I did discover we have 15 pairs of small tongs, 8 pair of large tongs, 4 meat forks, 8 ladles, 4 pizza cutters, 2 wine corkscrews, 3 potato mashers, 12 spatulas, 3 ice cream scoops, and some other useless cooking tools.
We sorted out the excess and useless and put that stuff in the donation bag.
No wonder I could never find what I needed.
Next is making a new spice rack to hang under the top counter.
Maybe tomorrow or the next day. I'm retired and I shouldn't be that busy.
Dade, I'm very sorry about Tobi and hope Lori will be OK. Losing a pet is always hard. Poor Toby must have been in a lot of pain.

Didn't get any more cleaning done yesterday. Went to get mail today because my shoulder support pillow and the exercise thingy arrived. Got my arm to lift a teeny bit higher than before with the exercise thing but it feels kind of flimsy I might need to make modifications to the handles to get better support. Stopped at Walmart for groceries. Got myself a salad and ate it when I got home. I like the ranch cobb ones.

The bed I ordered for my friend's daughter should be coming next week. Ordered her a mattress too bc hers was ruined by friend's incontinent grandfather. Been discussing renos with friend. He's really happy with his new gf. Only stress/problem is her ex who won't let go and keeps trying to sabotage the relationship and keeps lying & trying to manipulate her.

I need to schedule an appointment with the doctor to see what sort of medical intervention is needed for my shoulder bc what I'm doing isn't working out.

Hope everyone is having a good day.
Dade, I'm very sorry about Tobi and hope Lori will be OK. Losing a pet is always hard. Poor Toby must have been in a lot of pain.

Didn't get any more cleaning done yesterday. Went to get mail today because my shoulder support pillow and the exercise thingy arrived. Got my arm to lift a teeny bit higher than before with the exercise thing but it feels kind of flimsy I might need to make modifications to the handles to get better support. Stopped at Walmart for groceries. Got myself a salad and ate it when I got home. I like the ranch cobb ones.

The bed I ordered for my friend's daughter should be coming next week. Ordered her a mattress too bc hers was ruined by friend's incontinent grandfather. Been discussing renos with friend. He's really happy with his new gf. Only stress/problem is her ex who won't let go and keeps trying to sabotage the relationship and keeps lying & trying to manipulate her.

I need to schedule an appointment with the doctor to see what sort of medical intervention is needed for my shoulder bc what I'm doing isn't working out.

Hope everyone is having a good day.
You do need to figure out your shoulder! It's been going on a long time. ♥️
Husband took son to sit an exam and drop the other to work, and the girls are working, so it's almost like I have a day to myself. It's either sunny of stormy here, rotating every half an hour, but I finally got stuck into some outside chores. Refilled birdfeeders, cleaned out hens bedding, pulled old cabbages and weeded- at this time of year- in the polytunnel. I found three strawberries 🤔 cleared out some of the beds and planted a bed of red onions. I no longer care about the seasons. If the ground is warm they are going in!
You do need to figure out your shoulder! It's been going on a long time. ♥️
Yeah. My other shoulder eventually healed but it took longer than 6 months. This one keeps getting worse instead of better and has mobility issues the other one didn't have. Need to schedule an appointment with the doctor for it.

having a lazy morning. Its chilly so I'm resting. Took vitamins and allergy meds. Cats are curled up on me. My new pillow helped me get a little more comfortable last night so I had better sleep. I had to get up in the middle of the night bc the cats were stepping on my head and demanding food.
Routine chores, possible town run... nice day for riding, but I'm letting the foot heal. It's doing alright, but the recovery is slow. Meh, it's Friday the 13th, probably not the best day to go riding anyway, lol. :rolleyes:

Due to the foot, I'll probably read a library book or watch TV this afternoon & evening... 12 days & counting since the injury occurred, but at least I'm walking (or limping) around without the aid of the walker or hiking stick. 😒
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Lori sent me this as I was driving home from the farm. There are cats at home to feed and medicate, and dogs to let out,chickens to pen, etc.. When I got to the farm, the poor vet was trying to gnaw through braided tail hair and braided mane with what had to be the crappiest bandage scissors I have ever seen. I happened to have come from Ohio Alleycat and had my "carry kit", containing a lovely set of tiny titanium EMT shears. The Vet used those, they cut like the mane and tail were butter. The vet got to keep them :)

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My best buddies put this together for me. One of my friends painted this ..she is an amazing artist. I love that poem..so true.


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Its friday! Whew hew!
I'm dragging my feet getting out of bed. Was planning on sleeping a tad more but when I let my dogs out I sneaked a peek at my stock n it's doing well today. I have much to learn still on this trading adventure but that got my go go juice flowing.
The new dog is doing awesome. Every am after I feed I take them up my road towards the dead end n it's like Christmas. Both dogs are running about, zoomies n slip sliding with gusto. Both dogs are bouncing around like pups..its so fun to watch. They both try to get me to do zoomies with them too.
And when were done they beeline it to the front door n its nappy time while I watch a class n get ready for work.
I love old dogs..
Tonight is my short night.only 4 or 5 hours. The pace at work has been slow. Either something breaks somewhere or were low on kiln stickers n cant run both lines like last night. Slow nights in winter is crappy. It has been warmer here it's still not very motivating to clean n get risk getting wet or too far from my heater.
Tonight as I pass through town I'll pick up a few items n enjoy my evening catching up.
My best buddies put this together for me. One of my friends painted this ..she is an amazing artist. I love that poem..so true.
Lori was talking to one of the artists at the Senior Center, and they are going to do a portrait of Toby.

Very Nice! Lori got this for Christmas:
I have doing my normal things but my current special project is adding another water heater and planning how to tie together the two sides of my duplex so I have backup got water available if a water heater fails. The heater to the left is an electric unit while the other 2 are gas fired.


Before I can start the work I have to figure a budget so a lot of planning and poking around in dark corners. Turns out I accidently did something right when I replaced my water lines a few tears ago. I left some stubs capped off that makes the job easier.

The top P&ID shows the plan to be able to select any of the three water heaters from either of the two services.


Detail #1 at the bottom of the page shows the fittings need to get from side 1 of the house to side 2 while also allowing for 2 more bathrooms I have planned.

Detail 2 shows how to get the second side interconnected including the third water heater.


I have more details to finish but I am close to getting a price estimate together.


That's miserable, Lady L. I hope your nose clears up. I'm sure you wanted time at home, but not this way.
A local amish lady came by to talk about freeze dried food and to bring some frozen bananas and apples that I told her I'd freeze dry for her little boy that has cancer. She can run a dehydrator off a battery, but I can't see anyway to run a freeze dryer off one. Too much power.
Got the big milkhouse cage ready for roosters....caught 8 to start. Will go after more tomorrow. My goal is to get most or all of the ones I don't want in there for Tuesday's butchering. Loaded the dehydrator with jerky.
Finally beginning to feel a little better. I think I've blown my nose 487 times today. Ugh!
Still moving slow so not getting things done like I should be.
It is times like that when you need tissues with lotion in them. I keep a few boxes of those in my stash. They are a little more expensive than regular tissues, but when you are blowing your nose that many times, it gets raw. I learned this from daughter many years ago, about the lotion tissues. I am careful not to use them daily, just when I have one of those days.
Sometimes I don't want to live here anymore......uggh! Got woke up by a mouse or rat running over me in BED!!! There are now 5 traps in the bedroom and when it gets fully light there will be poison added

Not been a good couple of days....one of our one year old goats has sores on his mouth. I called the vet but never got a hold of him and he hasn't called back. Looked it up , there is such a thing as "Sore Mouth" which is a viral infection. What's weird is that only 1 out of about 20 goats in that area sharing water buckets and feed containers has it. We seperated him and cleaned all feeders and buckets with bleach.

The weather is back to horrible cold wind and snowing some. So everyone is in the barn.

I can't get anyone to call me back : auto repair that has had my truck for almost a week just to fix the breaks, the meat processor I want to make some appointments with for this year ( this is bad , if they are already booked we are screwed) , the vet
This country is headed for BIG problems soon, the few people that are still working are so busy , you can't get them to do anything....why is nobody working at jobs that are actually needed anymore? Every EVERY place around here has a help wanted sign out.

Should this be in the rant section?

Anyway, did the laundry before it froze and hanging clothes up next to the wood stove in the kitchen in batches to dry. Besides taking care of the animals not doing much, too cold to do anything outside, nothing to do inside. I might bake bread today
Sometimes I don't want to live here anymore......uggh! Got woke up by a mouse or rat running over me in BED!!! There are now 5 traps in the bedroom and when it gets fully light there will be poison added

I can't get anyone to call me back : auto repair that has had my truck for almost a week just to fix the breaks,
"I hate those mieses to pieces!" Jinkx the cat

I know some people in the car industry who are telling me that getting parts are big deal right now. They may be waiting on a caliper or something... it's not like the old days when you could rebuild anything on the bench and put it back together.
This country is headed for BIG problems soon, the few people that are still working are so busy , you can't get them to do anything....why is nobody working at jobs that are actually needed anymore? Every EVERY place around here has a help wanted sign out.
Same here, running errands this morning I saw that HD had 3 positions posted at the entrance to the store.

On a positive note, when I was in the super W-M this morning I saw lots of people stocking and pulling pickup orders, 3 or 4 of them in every isle..
I did notice that the name brand pasta's were completely void....

I should do the laundry, but I really don't care if it gets done, I'm Grumpy...
The wife is getting better after 3 weeks of being sick, now she is grumpy complaining about everything I do.. I can't even eat right... (makes me grumpy), my solution is pick up some TV dinners and stay out of sight!
Must be in the air. I'm living with a grumpy, too. The precisely measured 1/3 cup of no salt pinto beans was served on the plate with the other food (but not touching), and not in a little bowl on the side.
Probably going to visit mom today. Rabbit cages need cleaning. More roosters to catch.
Must be in the air. I'm living with a grumpy, too. The precisely measured 1/3 cup of no salt pinto beans was served on the plate with the other food (but not touching), and not in a little bowl on the side.
Probably going to visit mom today. Rabbit cages need cleaning. More roosters to catch.
OMG, don't let the food touch other food, that's my hubby too!🙄
It was more the beans being on the plate next to the turkey patty and broccoli, and not in a little bowl. Cold weather makes immobile people grouchy. His scooter batteries got cold and bit the dust, and so he is inside. Stuck inside make people grouchy. My mom will be super grouchy today, so I'll pick up ice cream and soda pop for her before I go in.
It was more the beans being on the plate next to the turkey patty and broccoli, and not in a little bowl. Cold weather makes immobile people grouchy. His scooter batteries got cold and bit the dust, and so he is inside. Stuck inside make people grouchy. My mom will be super grouchy today, so I'll pick up ice cream and soda pop for her before I go in.
I'd be grumpy too if I were stuck inside! Hope you can get new batteries soon!
Sometimes I don't want to live here anymore......uggh! Got woke up by a mouse or rat running over me in BED!!! There are now 5 traps in the bedroom and when it gets fully light there will be poison added

Not been a good couple of days....one of our one year old goats has sores on his mouth. I called the vet but never got a hold of him and he hasn't called back. Looked it up , there is such a thing as "Sore Mouth" which is a viral infection. What's weird is that only 1 out of about 20 goats in that area sharing water buckets and feed containers has it. We seperated him and cleaned all feeders and buckets with bleach.

The weather is back to horrible cold wind and snowing some. So everyone is in the barn.

I can't get anyone to call me back : auto repair that has had my truck for almost a week just to fix the breaks, the meat processor I want to make some appointments with for this year ( this is bad , if they are already booked we are screwed) , the vet
This country is headed for BIG problems soon, the few people that are still working are so busy , you can't get them to do anything....why is nobody working at jobs that are actually needed anymore? Every EVERY place around here has a help wanted sign out.

Should this be in the rant section?

Anyway, did the laundry before it froze and hanging clothes up next to the wood stove in the kitchen in batches to dry. Besides taking care of the animals not doing much, too cold to do anything outside, nothing to do inside. I might bake bread today
Our local butcher is about 8-9 months out. They are horrible at answering their phone because they are so busy. Hubby has been having issues with his pick up. We've already spent about $2K on it and it still keeps going into limp mode. They are 6-8 weeks out (they are seeing us now because we just got it back and it's not fixed!)

My mom likes Maxine - that cartoon character. One of the days it read: I have 3 moods Grouchy, Crabby, and Grumpy 😂
Routine chores, further foot recovery... it's still sore, but obviously improving, and I haven't had to see some Third World ObamaCare quack yet, or take any Big Pharma poison. I did take some Bayer Aspirin for a couple of days after the injury occurred, but otherwise I'm free of ObamaCare quacks & Big Pharma cr@p. Does the ankle hurt at times? Sure, but I'm used to dealing with painful injuries... pain lets you gauge the severity of the injury and also lets you know how far recovery has progressed. Compared to some skateboarding & dirt biking injuries in the past, this foot injury hasn't been too bad, just fierce for a few days when it was overly sensitive. Now I'm in recovery mode, but the healing is slower than expected, undoubtedly due to age. I'm thinking a hot bath with Epsom salts might be just the ticket this morning, lol... ;)

P.S. Might even have a cold beer while I'm in the bath... like Pearl on her pool float, lol. :cool:
Trying to stir from hibernation today. Between being away at Mom's and working a lot of hours, I just haven't gotten any chores done, just falling asleep in my chair every evening. But there's a bit of light in the sky, a sunbeam or two breaking through after three solid weeks of unending grayness. And yesterday we got a trace of snow, so the yard has brightened up. Between that and the energy drink I had squirreled away in the fridge, I might actually do some housecleaning today. That is, once I quit noodling around on the 'net and get out of my chair.
The wife got up today around 10 AM, she couldn't make it to the kitchen on her own, I helped her there, fed her breakfast, and then she was out... I walked her back to her chair and put a blanket over her.

Buddy called wanting me to go Bow hunting this afternoon, but when the wife is like this I can't leave the house because she may fall. I think I will do some indoor gardening, the plants always make me feel better.

The star that sat on the top of my flagpole Christmas tree died this year (dry rot). I have looked and looked and can't find a reasonable replacement.
I'm building a new one using a 5/16 threaded rod, a 3" wooden ball, and some dowels to complete the shape. I drilled all the holes in the ball and cut the dowels to length last night. I just finished fitting the ball to the threaded rod and gluing in all the dowels. The result will be a 3D "star", 22" tall and 14" in diameter. Once the glue drys I will be painting it all white and after that I will be adding 200 bright white LEDs to it, that should make it shine....
Got the animals done and the rabbit cages cleaned, poop dumped on the garden area. Husband's been on the phone with Harvest Right....it's not holding a seal. It's in the basement. I've tried everything. He's going to have to go down there. Going to visit mom after lunch with little granddaughter. Husband is bowing out. The twins took off early, actually saw the back of them leaving today. Haven't seen them in days and days. They come in long after we've gone to bed. Although I heard through one daughter, our oldest in Washington, that granddaughter is calling the other two with lies about how horrible we are again. Funny since they haven't spoken to me at all in forever, and I never hardly see them. So youngest daughter told my husband she'd be calling this weekend, and really, I don't even want to talk to her about it. Oldest daughter sent us our granddaughter's Tic Tock garbage and how she's berating us on it. Whatever.
I caught one more rooster this morning to add to the butchering collection. Three big ones are hard to catch. I think I'll have to try again and use canned corn as bait. So far, nine in the cage.

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