Didn't go riding after all... I have a system wherein I rethink plans if negative factors start stacking up, and that was the case here in Alamo. Breeze picked up, clouds moved in, but the real clincher was this: not only is it Saturday, but it's also New Year's Eve, and by the time I finished doing routine chores & eating breakfast, it was already after noon. I figured there were already drunks on the road, and US-82 leading up to Cloudcroft is mighty narrow in places, a skinny little 2-lane blacktop road with lots of curves... so I opted out of riding. I normally wouldn't head up to the mountains on a weekend, since the "traffic" would undoubtedly be heavier, so why go on a holiday weekend?
Reminds me of living in San Diego and swearing off sailing on holiday weekends: too many drunken fooliots on the water, totally clueless about the 'Rules of the Road'---particularly the powerboat operators, some of those idiots were downright dangerous due to their ignorance, coupled with the power of the motors aboard their craft. It made for actual work trying to avoid those fooliots, ya had to swivel your head like Linda Blair in 'THE EXORCIST' to keep tabs on those ******s. No different here in Alamo, now that I'm living hundreds of miles from the ocean... why risk riding on holiday weekends when the number of drunks on the road definitely increases?
Which reminds me of another "cosmic cue" I received yesterday: while listening to the car radio on the way home from my hike, I heard about some drunken driver who remained in custody after recently killing two persons in a collision. His vehicle slammed into another vehicle carrying four people, and two of them died at the scene. The drunk survived, of course, but now he's sitting in jail and looking at hard time, while one or two families are deprived of members going into the New Year... a sad case, but all too common, and just thinking of that radio report helped cement my decision NOT to ride today. Don't get me wrong, the temptation was powerful, but temptation merely tests one's strength & resolve.
Anyway, I had a wonderful meal earlier and then shared quality time with the cats... we ALL fell asleep and took a big ol' nap, lol, so I guess I was more tired than I thought from yesterday's hike. Even now, I think: "Gee, I could've squeezed one more ride into this year!" But you know what? Those roads aren't going anywhere, and neither are the mountains... not in my lifetime, anyway. So I reckon I made the right call, instead of getting whacked by some oncoming drunk driver rounding a turn and drifting into my lane... better safe than sorry, aye? Due to the big ol' nap, I did NOT get much else done, but I feel great, and I'll probably have a few beers in a while to celebrate the end of this year... CHEERS!!!