What's everybody doing today?

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Pearl, I can't blame Buddy if he knows he can eat without getting rained on. LOL. Hope you have a great Saturday as well!

Tommyrice, I hope you get some time to enjoy the cabin more after the cleaning and shopping.

Dademoss, what are tarp weight planters? Just lightweight ones? Or are they made to weigh a tarp down? Hope you're able to find some good pepper and tomato plants.

I think it is supposed to rain here again but am not sure. I need to wait a couple more hours before I can take my allergy meds again (24hr ones) and then around 11 I want to go to the post office and take Mom with me to go exchange her phone that she hates.
Spent the morning planting newly-sprouted melon seeds, and I also put my weed seedlings in the ground... it was a nice cool morning, plenty of cloud cover, so that helped. I also watered everything, as it needed it. Knocked out other household chores, now I'm gonna take it easy... my back was giving me a little grief yesterday evening, but I still grilled that yardbird on the BBQ, and I shared a bunch with my neighbor, an older guy who's living in an RV on a bare dirt lot across the lane. He seemed kinda hard up, so I brought a big bag of food over as a gift... threw in some bread, butter, cheese, cole slaw & tater salad, etc. Poor guy looks like he could use some solid food, aye? Anyway, I'll probably share some BBQ with him whenever I grill outdoors, I always buy value packs of meat so there'll be plenty, no worries. :cool:
Animal chores took awhile, till lunchtime actually, because all the milkhouse cages needed a cleanout. Two packed wheelbarrow loads of straw, and everybody is clean for a few days. Talked to my sis for awhile. The amish mowing lad worked this afternoon and did the weedeating, too. Saw some photos of the twins graduation that we were blocked from seeing, my sis sees them and sends them over. Granddaughter is posing with her new loves, and so is grandson. Actually, granddaughter is posing with two girls, an arm around one that looks like a girl and is leaning into a girl that is looking like a man. I hear that is called a thruple. I think they're sick in the head. Got mom's gifts ready for tomorrow, and did some prep work for her noon meal that I'll be bringing for all of us. Started working on some more cabbage/broccoli netted cages, but ran out of netting. The amazon truck will bring me more on Monday or Tuesday. Husband about the same healthwise, but he surprised me with a box of books the amazon guy brought today, and that was very sweet. Pizza tonight.
Took Mom to return her new phone and try to get a better one. Long story short, they were only willing to refund $80 for an $800 phone so we passed and decided to keep the phone. Hopefully Mom will grow to like it and she still has her old phone to play games on. I can set up her new phone to login to her stuff.

Went to Golden Corral & stuffed ourselves. Our waitress was very sweet. She gave me a hug after I left a tip. Most people didn't seem to be tipping but she was clearing tables and refilling drinks quickly. I made sure to ask with a "please" for refills and thanked her for bringing them and for clearing plates. She seemed to appreciate that. It costs nothing to be polite. I ended up eating some desserts I shouldn't have but they were good.

Samsclub after. Hurt my back lifting water cases but I think some rest and a heated massage pad will help.

I zipped in to HD to grab a thing to hold the mortar in when working on my walls so I don't have to keep bending down to the bucket.

I'm clumsy today so may wait until tonight or tomorrow for the rest of the mortar.
I agree, the visual thing is a selling point!
I sold about half of them and all the bread. I wrapped in foil, but only had a few out for display and the rest in the cooler because, imagine that...the cool weather and tons of rain the weather idiots forecast didn't happen. It was hot , humid and cloudy. And I usually don't sell pastries because there are a lot of other people selling them.

I usually take 1 bread home ( the last one left) for son, or he complains. He got Swedish rye today , plus a few pastries. We sold all our eggs and a ton of meat. Get this one, an old lady bought $40 worth of ground goat for her dog. Appearantly the dog is old and sickly and on a special diet. But wow, I am not going to feed any dog of mine $9 a lb meat. Sorry, they get the scraps the old hens and the organ meats but not the stuff we eat, unless it's left over or falls on the floor. My GSD would eat that in 2 days
If he was sickly , he would get walmart chicken or something

Had to deworm a few goats that looked really anemic this morning. One didn't want goat pellets , that's usually a bad sign. I looked at her eyes and sure enough super pale. So I looked at the rest of them and the 3 oldest ones that are feeding 3 babies each looked anemic. So they got dewormer and red cell. They were eating hay so that's good. They might just be old and anemic, shouldn't have worms already the pasture looks pretty good right now
We drove over to Oklahoma to the Indian casinos this afternoon. I’m up in the room licking my wounds from an afternoon of gambling. I’m not sure if I’m done letting them rob me yet. Alexandra is a member of the Cherokee Nation so at least we get 25% off of food and the room.

My ham club had an antenna build get together today. We built 2 meter Yagi's. Most hams have probably seen these - made out of PVC and cut up tape measures. The elements fold up nicely for car transport. We'll be using them on our fox hunt in two weeks, which will be DIY home built equipment only.

I'm having a proud dad day! I posted before about my daughter being inducted into the National Honor Society. She also got her ACT score back this week. She got a 31! Combined with her grade point which is currently 3.97, she should be able to get some academic scholarship money for college. Now today, she took first place at the West Central Conference's annual art show, competing with students from 7 other schools, with this piece:View attachment 107952
In case it's hard to tell from the pic, it's a heart wrapped in barbed wire, inside a padlocked wooden box.

It makes my heart swell up to see her having this recent run of success. She has put a lot of effort into everything, and I'm glad she gets to reap the rewards...
FIAT = Fix It Again, Tony! :oops:

Watched movies this afternoon, then macked & watered, now I'm heading for the rack in my room... no busthead cider tonight, I'm full from dinner, so I'll save that cider for later, maybe manana. Tonight, I'll read a Western and get another good night's sleep... 😴
A quiet day, except for the vacuum cleaner. Didn’t do a lot, lite housework.

A cousin came to visit my folks, I went over for a bit. It was good to see her, been a few years. Her daughter came with, good people. I used to see her daughter often when she worked at wally’s. Moved on to something better, lost track of her.

Checked the peach trees by the corral, It’s gonna be a bad year for peaches. We had a light freeze when they were blooming. Oh well, maybe next year.
Took my daughter up to visit mom and pops tonight. We got a Casey's pizza and smuggled it into the nursing home for mom. She gets tired of nursing home food. Then we played Jokers and Pegs. We took my daughter's car and she did all the driving. She's careful, but her awareness needs work. She cut somebody off tonight and her excuse was that she couldn't see him. I told her she needs to be sure it's clear before she changes lanes, because if she changes lanes and hits someone it's still her fault. She didn't like that. I guess she's still got a lot of Gen Z in her, but I'm working on that...
I went to Harvester's yesterday.
My Fiat was full of good fresh fruits and vegetables.
My dehydrator trays are full of sliced white button mushrooms.
Only have 24 more 8 ounces packages to work through the dehydrator.
Also got 2 packages of 24 bundles of green onions to work through the dehydrator.
12 packages of 12 ounces of cherry tomatoes.
5 heads of lettuce, pretty sure I have a lot of salad in my future.
24 English cucumbers will be making pickles tomorrow.
4 bags of broccoli florets, 2 cauliflowers,10 pounds of carrots,
2 half gallon bottles of buttermilk, 2(64 ounces) peach tea, case of water
1 gallon of white vinegar.
2 packages of sandwich thins bread
So I have been working on mushrooms this morning.
3 pound bag of oranges
I shared some with my next door neighbor.
That is what they consider 1 person will eat in a 2 week period.
Also got a bouquet of flowers for Mother's day.
Was away at a wedding. Surprisingly enjoyable! I don't like them normally because they are a waste of money, (hotels jack up the meal price) but the food was fantastic and I danced and danced like I was 19 again :D Had a few hot days here so lots of watering the poly tunnel when we got back. Found onions on sale so bought a net and hoping to plant later today, and put my first lot of peas out. The second lot , and my corn was stolen by mice I guess? Its never happened before so I dabbed mint oil everywhere and planted again in old guttering which I hung up. I have a college presentation to do this week, then thats it. Handed in my portfolio - of course found a typo a few days later 😭 But getting back into the kitchen at least- had time for baking this week, Finally found a car I can afford so thats just getting MOT'd. Broke again now, lol.
Woke early, couldn't get back to sleep... might try again here in a moment. Looking to water later this morning, then roll out those bathroom floors with the Kilz2. Rolling is easy, I'll be rolling right out of the Kilz2 bucket, now that it's only 1/3 full... roller will get tossed once I'm done putting down 2 coats in each bathroom. I'll hafta secure each bathroom door once I'm finished, don't want the cats tracking that stuff everywhere, lol... :oops:
Started husband's morning infusion, finishing coffee and the half hour wait till the second part of that, then will get his breakfast going. After animal chores, going to get the luncheon together to bring to moms. We might get some rain before lunch, and we need it, so I hope so. Takeout for dinner tonight, from the barbeque place.
So, I caught another position at work. I'll be released from my current job on Sunday at the end of shift. Then I'll travel home. I'll begin the gig as a laborer on a gang near Glenwood Springs, Colorado a week later. I'm not sure what that gang even does yet, but it'll be better than what I'm doing now. I'm already putting bids in on other positions closer to home. I'm really hoping to catch one of those, and be within a few hours of home. I'm sick of traveling for work, and I'm getting cranky in my old age...😉
My wife and I used to go up on Grand Mesa which is just south of Glenwood Springs, I think it was just last year that there were major slides that wiped out the highways in that area and probably did major damage to rails going through the same canyon. I know that there were some bad fires in that area a few years before which probably lead to all the slides, so it could be that you'll have plenty of work to do, be safe and all the best to you, keep us informed, that was one of our favorite areas to go to, over 300 lakes up on Grand Mesa, of only shortcoming is that there are also millions of mosquitoes to del with.
First, draw a bit of blood thru the line (it's been clogged before), then flush the line, then put on the antibiotic, and that releases in 30 minutes. Comes in a pressurized ball thing. Then when that time is up, another flush, a bit of heparin, then I cap it. Takes about 45 minutes from start to finish.
Checked the peach trees by the corral, It’s gonna be a bad year for peaches. We had a light freeze when they were blooming. Oh well, maybe next year.
I haven't seen any sign of peach blossoms this year, and it might be that the moisture has knocked off the buds, or maybe they froze at first growth. Or maybe it is too early for them. I'm hoping for peaches and pears this year.

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