Non-venomous snakes are good to have around, they help control the rodent population. I don't see many snakes here, except rattlers in the desert, and I just go around 'em or give 'em a moment to skedaddle. Same goes for tarantulas, which are basically harmless unless ya rile 'em... Zen Buddhist principles taught me to respect other life forms, unless it's some venomous critter I don't want near my home & my cats. Even with livestock or fish & game, I try to treat the animals well, and when it's time to kill something, I'd rather do it quickly and be done with it... no suffering.
Today I believe I'll tackle the remainder of the painting project... I was just checking what needs to be done, and I'm actually farther along than I previously thought, I forgot that I went ahead and laid down some Behr topcoat on much of the trim in the smaller bathroom. All I have to do is the area behind the toilet (already primed), and some lower trim and corners which I didn't get to last time. I also have to touch up a few small areas in the master bathroom. I won't bother rolling out the Kilz2 on the floors today, I'll do that this weekend... it shouldn't take long, as I already cut in the edges.
Otherwise, this being Friday, I'm just gonna take it easy and hang out here at the ol' hacienda. Weather is pretty nice, no high winds, just plenty of sunshine. I might BBQ this afternoon or early evening, I never did buy a beef brisket at the store, I opted for a large value pack of chicken and another large Angus London Broil (for sandwiches). I'm gonna buy a brisket later and smoke it with wood chips in the BBQ, I just gotta watch the money, ya know? The way I buy meat is to get whatever is the best value... been doing that for years, and the system works for me, lol. Why change it?
Since I knew I'd be doing some stooping & bending to finish this painting, I had a light breakfast of juice, followed a little later by fresh blackberries. Now I'm having a cold beer, and I'll probably have a couple more before I even get started with the painting, lol. I'm not burned out on the project yet, but there's no point in pushing my luck, aye? I think I can get the job done today, then roll out the floors this weekend, no worries. Even with two coats, those floors wont take long, and I already put down one coat in the master bathroom, many months ago. So that should be an easy task...