What's everybody doing today?

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It was a weird night. Without going into details, it was just weird. I'm home again now, gonna hit the gym (I'm telling myself I will anyway🤣) and get my act together. Just found out my niece and her husband are moving back to my area from the Twin Cities. Her husband's father runs an import/export business here and has suffered a heart attack, so he's taking them into his business as he eases into retirement. I'm super excited to have them back home...
Went and got the camper and brought it home. Its opened and airing out. Gotta clean it out, wash a few things and reload and will be ready to go next time.
Headin to the dump, then back here to hook the boat up and get my gear loaded. Fishing time tomorrow. Weather suppose to be nice, low 80s, low humidity
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Went and got the camper and brought it home. Its opened and airing out. Gotta clean it out, wash a few things and reload and will be ready to go next time.
Headin tobthe dump, then back here to hook the boat up and get my gear loaded. Fishing time tomorrow. Weather suppose to be nice, low 80s, low humidity
You brought the camper home but not the ladies????😮 😃 Hope you and your dad have a great time fishing ♥️!
You brought the camper home but not the ladies????😮 😃 Hope you and your dad have a great time fishing ♥️!
Wife came home too. Friends went their separate ways.
Well a bad day fishing is always better than a good day at work. Just spending the day on the water with my dad is good enough
Cleaned , did laundry, put animals out, then back in the barn when it started absolutely pouring ( even the sheep were at their gates and wanted in) , then back out. Dewormed the last goat that had kids .
Going to give the lambs their second pneumonia vaccine in a little bit
Getting ready for our trip
Hey, SouthernSurvivalist! Here in the Southwest, we have "beneficiary deeds" which are great to have in place... that way, if someone gets whacked or hit by a train or truck or whatever, out-of-state relatives will have no problems with probate court or any of that legal BS. I strongly advise all site members here to have a "beneficiary deed" in place (as well as a will, if that's whatcha want), because that beneficiary deed is an @$$kicker and it gets the job done, lol. Oh, yeah, here in New Mexico (as opposed to Arizona), it's also known as a "Transfer On Death" Deed... trust these New Mexican heroes to trim the legal mumbo-jumbo, lawyers ain't exactly popular here, lol. :oops:

Just finished a solid 6-hour painting session in the smaller bathroom, the friggin' slaves who built the pyramids didn't have it so rough, lol. But I'll save THAT story for the proper thread, right now I am in a celebratory mood because both bathrooms are looking GOLDURNED GOOD! This morning, I wanted to clean up but I did NOT wanna use the shower in the smaller bathroom, since I would be painting in there and I wanted all surfaces as dry as possible, right? So I took a bath in the garden tub in the other room instead, and wouldn'tcha know it? As I soaked in that nice hot bath, looking up at the wonderful bright new paint job, I noticed a couple of holidays around the damn ceiling vent, lol. :rolleyes:

No worries, I'll be spending another day or two on these bathrooms, and they are gonna look GOOD when I'm done... but right now, I'm having a tall glass of that busthead cider to celebrate, WOOHOO!!! The miserable bathroom painting project is moving forward at a decent pace, and I am HAPPY AS A B@STARD ON FATHER'S DAY!!! Plus I'm boosting the value of my home by doing this stupid $h!t, lol. Question is, when I'm done, will I mope around and pine for my long-lost rollers & paintbrushes? [Same ones I tossed in the trash, lol.] Singing old love ballads while wringing salty tears from my eyes? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Maybe NOT, but if I DO, I'll probably go with THIS tune as I pine, AYE??? 😢

Patsy Cline

Or I dunno, maybe THIS one, lol... 😁

Righteous Brothers

I'm thinking those rollers & paintbrushes will apply for a F#%NG RESTRAINING ORDER, BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! 😳

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Damn, this busthead cider does a number on ya, lol... before I go outside to water the newly-planted "crops" in the yard, I have something to share with y'all. No, it's NOT an STD, lol, just an observation upon music. Some of y'all may recall that me beloved & dear departed mum was a musician, a violinist who actually played in Tommy Dorsey's Orchestra... she wasn't a soloist, just part of the 'String Section' in that orchestra during the 'Big Band Era' back in the day. But she knew music, and she imparted a great deal of knowledge to me and my siblings when we were young, aye? We were raised in a home where one would be as likely to hear classical music as military marches, rock & roll, country tunes, jazz, whatever... I learned from me mum to accept all music for what it is, and also to enjoy it if I liked it, right? 😒

Well, here's what I hafta tell y'all: if some chump told me I'd be shot in 5 minutes, pick a tune... well, I'd probably hafta go with 'UNCHAINED MELODY' by the Righteous Brothers, despite knowing that Mozart was musically superior, lol. And when the tune ended, I'd tell the chump: "HEY, LET'S GET ON WITH IT, WE'RE BURNIN' DAYLIGHT HERE!!!" That way I wouldn't hafta sit around for over a minute waiting for a bullet... 🤣

And if for whatever reason I was NOT shot right away, I'd tell the chump: "YO, PUT ON THAT PATSY CLINE NUMBER, WILL YA???" 😬

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Spent some aggravating hours attempting to install crash bars on my new motorcycle, only to give up and toss them back in the box to be returned. So sick of cheap chinese junk. The holes were drilled in the wrong place and wouldn't line up with the holes in the bike where I had to put the bolts in, even with prying and tugging and pushing. Considered using the drill press and making holes in the right spots, but would have ended up with weak points which is the last thing I want on bars that are supposed to protect my legs and the sides of the bike. Yes, it was a cheap set off ebay, but reading the reviews for the more expensive sets it seems like a real crap shoot as to whether any set will actually fit or not. Nothing is quality anymore.
Hoping to get a lot of the plants out of the greenhouse this weekend, they're getting big and there's too much crowding going on. If my friends come get what they want, then I'll set aside what I want and might try selling the rest, if I can't find anyone from church that could use them. It's still too early to plant outside, but they could keep them in a sunny window for a couple of weeks, or do a cold frame.
Dentist appt tomorrow and I'm really dreading it. I've had a deep, unconquerable fear of dentists since I was five years old and it just seems to get worse with age. My stomach has been in knots all day. Feels like I have several cavities where old fillings have given way and I'm afraid I'm in for another round of extensive work.
Thinking of you ABR and praying for you. They say it gets better with time; I haven't found that to be so. Hope you can find some peace.
Boy are we in the middle of a thunderstorm. I had to go out and close up the animal coops, and I feel like I've had my shower for the evening. Got to stay at home today, no hospital visits. The pharmacy delivered husband's new infusion meds, so we've already got started on them. The last one for the night starts in about an hour. Regular chores today, then got two of the netting cages put together, and other dz cabbage and broccoli planted. I have a greenhouse full of plants that'll need to go out, but I still have 10 to 12 more cabbage and brussel sprouts to go out first. Need more cages. Maybe two. Last year was a waste without them, because of those stupid white butterflies, but I'm determined this year. So all that's out so far is a large section of potatoes (red) and four netted cages of misc. Way behind this year. Did a little work in granddaughter's old room while dinner cooked. Scrubbed down the dresser and the drawers, under the bed. She did leave the bed, but took the curtains and the curtain rods, and also the clothes rod out of the closet. I'll have to measure for a new one. I already bought new curtains and rods, but the windows need cleaning first. This will take awhile.
Boy are we in the middle of a thunderstorm. I had to go out and close up the animal coops, and I feel like I've had my shower for the evening. Got to stay at home today, no hospital visits. The pharmacy delivered husband's new infusion meds, so we've already got started on them. The last one for the night starts in about an hour. Regular chores today, then got two of the netting cages put together, and other dz cabbage and broccoli planted. I have a greenhouse full of plants that'll need to go out, but I still have 10 to 12 more cabbage and brussel sprouts to go out first. Need more cages. Maybe two. Last year was a waste without them, because of those stupid white butterflies, but I'm determined this year. So all that's out so far is a large section of potatoes (red) and four netted cages of misc. Way behind this year. Did a little work in granddaughter's old room while dinner cooked. Scrubbed down the dresser and the drawers, under the bed. She did leave the bed, but took the curtains and the curtain rods, and also the clothes rod out of the closet. I'll have to measure for a new one. I already bought new curtains and rods, but the windows need cleaning first. This will take awhile.
Some of our local storm chasers were heading your way today!😮
Got my letter written. Cried my eyes out doing it but I do feel a little bit better. I'm going to put a few Sasquatch stickers on the envelope. They were part of his birthday present that I never got to give him. I'll tuck it in with him tomorrow when we see him. Then Thursday we're burying him. I'm not ready for it but I know that I need the closure. It still feels like a bad dream.

Thanks everybody for the support and prayers. I'm going to need it for the foreseeable future.
Heartbroken: good luck at the dentist! I can relate , I hate going there too.

Amish: we had that sort of storm there too yesterday and then the sun was shining after. Hope your husband gets better soon too

I need to get started and have no motivation since there is so much to do before the trip, including farmers market. Plus the weather is just not cooperating once again. Rain almost every day. I hope the market doesn't get rained out.
Going to go visit mom around lunchtime, and hoping she's not just sitting in the wheelchair near the nurses station. Have a meeting with the nursing home folks at 1:30. To discuss: why is mom in a wheelchair, when he ortho doc said to get back on her walker a month ago? Because of this, we have another return appt next month with him. Why did the nurse fax her doc and have her put on an antianxiety and a bipolar med and dope her up terribly, and completely ignore the fact that I have medical POA? And why isn't mom brought to the dining room for meals to eat with her brother and other people she knows, instead, just eating alone in a wheelchair outside the nurses station? And why are they not taking her to the activity du jour: the Bible study, the craft making, getting her nails done....hair done every week. And why has she lost 12 lbs in the two months she's been there? This will not be a fun meeting. I have complained about all of these things already and nothing's been done. Just got a bill for one of her regular meds from a pharmacy in Wichita. She doesn't use a pharmacy in Wichita, she uses a small local one. And the local one fills her meds and blister packs them and delivers them to the manor every single month. The Wichita pharmacy says the manor called it in. WTH? The moral of this story is don't go to a nursing home. They will kill you quicker. Which makes no sense, because she's paying $9K a month for care, and $4K a month is billed to medicare for therapy. Instead, be like the Golden Girls and find a group of oldsters to live with and help each other.
Going to go visit mom around lunchtime, and hoping she's not just sitting in the wheelchair near the nurses station. Have a meeting with the nursing home folks at 1:30. To discuss: why is mom in a wheelchair, when he ortho doc said to get back on her walker a month ago? Because of this, we have another return appt next month with him. Why did the nurse fax her doc and have her put on an antianxiety and a bipolar med and dope her up terribly, and completely ignore the fact that I have medical POA? And why isn't mom brought to the dining room for meals to eat with her brother and other people she knows, instead, just eating alone in a wheelchair outside the nurses station? And why are they not taking her to the activity du jour: the Bible study, the craft making, getting her nails done....hair done every week. And why has she lost 12 lbs in the two months she's been there? This will not be a fun meeting. I have complained about all of these things already and nothing's been done. Just got a bill for one of her regular meds from a pharmacy in Wichita. She doesn't use a pharmacy in Wichita, she uses a small local one. And the local one fills her meds and blister packs them and delivers them to the manor every single month. The Wichita pharmacy says the manor called it in. WTH? The moral of this story is don't go to a nursing home. They will kill you quicker. Which makes no sense, because she's paying $9K a month for care, and $4K a month is billed to medicare for therapy. Instead, be like the Golden Girls and find a group of oldsters to live with and help each other.
Many of the homes around here don't have enough help so it's probably easier to dope up some of the residents rather than deal with them!! It's so sad! Good luck Amish, just remember, you are the boss!!
Uh-oh, I must have been hammered last night... I went back and edited some posts in order to clean 'em up for this family website, lol. That busthead cider cleaned my plow last night, that's for sure, but I slept well and today I'm taking a much-deserved break from painting. I got a lot done yesterday, but I'm gonna kick back and enjoy myself today... find that balance mentioned in 'THE KARATE KID' flick. Besides, I'm outta caulk, I've been going through tubes of the stuff with this home rehab work, so I gotta make a town run and hit the Depot. :eek:

Since I'm going that far, I'll swing by the library and drop off some Westerns I've already read, then hit Albertson's next door to the library and see about buying a beef brisket to smoke with some wood chips in my BBQ, lol. I already have the wood chips, and the thought of a smoked beef brisket is appealing to me... been thinking about grilling one for awhile now, and I could eat off that thing for at least a week, lol. I dunno, we'll see what they have in stock, maybe I'll see some steaks on sale or whatever. I'm about done with the last batch of chicken burrito mix, and beef sounds good today... :D
One more day of the work week to go. The past three days were a bear. On Monday, we had floater pharmacist (our regular one is on vacation). This pharmacist was a hot mess. She closed Monday night leaving about 100 scripts for Monday still to be filled. Of course, that backed up Tuesday's scripts in addition to us receiving our warehouse delivery. When i left tonight at 5pm we had only about 60 scripts to fill for today. What sucks is tomorrow is the same floater (also on Friday but I'm off).

Took my dad food shopping tonight after work. Coming home there's a freight train line. The road we take home runs parallel to the tracks. Five freight cars, a couple of tank cars, and about 10-15 empty flatbeds marked "military use only." I have never in my life seen those on that freight line. This line goes to Bayway refinery area down in Elizabeth. Also noticed over this past weekend that our local armory's "stockyard" has been emptying out.
Well hey Snappy, I'll tell you....
Went to visit mom before the meeting, and of course she was in a wheelchair, in a diaper, at a small table near the nurse's station. Had been there all morning, and here it was 12:30. Sat with her, and around 12:55, they came thru with a lunch meal in a styrofoam takeout container. She said she was bored. Refused to eat. She's down from 140 lbs to 121 lbs. I looked in her room down the hall to see what the activity schedule had been for the day...church at 10, accordian player at 11:30. Of course, no one took her. Husband came along, too, but using oxygen. Told me not to leave him sitting there, or they'd think he was a patient. So we went to the business office side at 1:30 for the meeting, and got my Florida sis on the speakerphone, too. Good thing, because there were 8 staff waiting for us, ready to pounce. So they said the nurse that called the doc to prescribe the antidepressants and bipolar meds is no longer working there. Good. Said staff are being "retrained". I told them what I saw...mom not getting to do anything, sitting by herself...not eating in the dining room...nothing. What a horrible existence. .Told them there was no walker in her room, or near the nurse's station. Weight loss. So they are writing up a schedule for her...up and breakfast when she wants. Then music time in her room (I suggested Patsy Cline, Johnny Cash, Elvis, or old gospel). She likes to arrange flowers in vases, so they said they would set out a table of vases and an asst of fake flowers. They promised they would get her hair done weekly, nails done every other, and take her to the activity of the day. They promised they would take her to the dining room for at least lunch, and if she's mad at Uncle Melvin that day (he says she has a black boyfriend and drives him around in her truck), then she can sit with Fern (another 99 yr old relative) and eat lunch. My sis and I will get a call next Wednesday afternoon with a log of all the things she participated in. I'm cooking a big lunch for mother's day Sunday and bringing it in, and we'll all eat together. Cousin Wanda is joining us, too. The staff said that most families don't check on their loved ones there. The staff is not used to it. The physical therapist insists she wont be walking like she used to because she's at too big of a fall risk. I don't agree, she was walking with a walker in February, but then she broke her leg, has lost strength in it, and had a heart attack in March, so there's that. They did call me this morning to ask if they could call her doc to call in a prescription because of a sore on her butt. Well. Geesh. Diapers and sitting in a wheelchair. That'll do it. Husband will never go to a nursing home. They suck. If it's ever just me left, I'll rent out rooms to ladies like me, and we'll muddle through.
Had a decent day. I ran over to the next town for an eyedoctor appointment at 10am, only to find put that I put it in my phone wrong and the appointment is Thursday. Oh well, this gave me the chance to run to the local office for work and print off some stuff I needed. Next I had a good session at the gym. After that I got a new saddle for my bicycle and got that put on the bike, and went for a short ride. For dinner, I made New York strip steaks and hash browns for myself and my daughter. Now, I'm just catching up on the silliness that's going on around here...😉
Oh, and filled a cart at Aldi's, too. Good sales on soup. Packaged dry mix for soups was $2.99, today was $1.29. Bought a box full. Condensed Aldi brand tomato soup in a can clearing out at 39 cents a can. Bought two cases at that price.
Finally got the baby chicken pens put up in each of the chicken coops so they can start to look at each other and to get them out of the brooders and out of the milkhouse. The milkhouse is very full right now. One room has 15 meat chickens not quite ready to butcher yet, 12 of the baby regular chickens, now a bit over a month old, two injured turkeys (spring is here), and our old dog's kennel for bedtime. The other room has 4 rabbits, and a mama cat with her 6 kittens. It's a chore to clean.
Well hey Snappy, I'll tell you....
Went to visit mom before the meeting, and of course she was in a wheelchair, in a diaper, at a small table near the nurse's station. Had been there all morning, and here it was 12:30. Sat with her, and around 12:55, they came thru with a lunch meal in a styrofoam takeout container. She said she was bored. Refused to eat. She's down from 140 lbs to 121 lbs. I looked in her room down the hall to see what the activity schedule had been for the day...church at 10, accordian player at 11:30. Of course, no one took her. Husband came along, too, but using oxygen. Told me not to leave him sitting there, or they'd think he was a patient. So we went to the business office side at 1:30 for the meeting, and got my Florida sis on the speakerphone, too. Good thing, because there were 8 staff waiting for us, ready to pounce. So they said the nurse that called the doc to prescribe the antidepressants and bipolar meds is no longer working there. Good. Said staff are being "retrained". I told them what I saw...mom not getting to do anything, sitting by herself...not eating in the dining room...nothing. What a horrible existence. .Told them there was no walker in her room, or near the nurse's station. Weight loss. So they are writing up a schedule for her...up and breakfast when she wants. Then music time in her room (I suggested Patsy Cline, Johnny Cash, Elvis, or old gospel). She likes to arrange flowers in vases, so they said they would set out a table of vases and an asst of fake flowers. They promised they would get her hair done weekly, nails done every other, and take her to the activity of the day. They promised they would take her to the dining room for at least lunch, and if she's mad at Uncle Melvin that day (he says she has a black boyfriend and drives him around in her truck), then she can sit with Fern (another 99 yr old relative) and eat lunch. My sis and I will get a call next Wednesday afternoon with a log of all the things she participated in. I'm cooking a big lunch for mother's day Sunday and bringing it in, and we'll all eat together. Cousin Wanda is joining us, too. The staff said that most families don't check on their loved ones there. The staff is not used to it. The physical therapist insists she wont be walking like she used to because she's at too big of a fall risk. I don't agree, she was walking with a walker in February, but then she broke her leg, has lost strength in it, and had a heart attack in March, so there's that. They did call me this morning to ask if they could call her doc to call in a prescription because of a sore on her butt. Well. Geesh. Diapers and sitting in a wheelchair. That'll do it. Husband will never go to a nursing home. They suck. If it's ever just me left, I'll rent out rooms to ladies like me, and we'll muddle through.
Thank goodness you are there for your mom!!

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