What's everybody doing today?

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So far just up and dressed for church. Hubby is doing the service today as the Pastor is on paternity leave. Tomorrow we go get our new dog. I’m so excited. Like a kid on Christmas Eve. But today I will Swiffer sweep and vacuum all the dust bunnies off the laminate floors.


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So far just up and dressed for church. Hubby is doing the service today as the Pastor is on paternity leave. Tomorrow we go get our new dog. I’m so excited. Like a kid on Christmas Eve. But today I will Swiffer sweep and vacuum all the dust bunnies off the laminate floors.
How sweet! That dog looks like he is terrier, or part terrier.
taking a break
so far we have cleaned the barn and the sheep shelter. I did 2 loads of laundry , doing one more. Sprayed the thistles in 2 small pastures that have no animals in them. Cooking greens and rice

Sometimes I really wonder what in the world we were thinking of doing all this....

Sometimes I want to be back in a regular house, with regular working hours and real pay, and hang out at the pool like Pearl.....hmmmm
I hear ya, Magus, the A/C feels good in this heat wave. I may just take a break from painting today and try to finish off most of it manana... it IS Sunday, so a day of rest sounds like the ticket. I have some good Westerns to read, and there are still a few beers left in the fridge. Might just save those for painting tomorrow, I don't really feel like partying in this heat wave, A/C or no A/C. I'll catch up to the serious partying on my birthday and on July 4th. :cool:
I made a whole list of stuff to do this weekend but I really havent got much done.
I did have fun yesterday playing with the ham radio and listening. We heard as fast far a New York and somewhere in canada. I'm motivated to get mine set up.
Today ..I'm beat. I think it's going to be a chill day for me dispite all that I need to get done.
I'm learning if I done give myself down time , my performance is crappy at work and I struggle more than normal all week.
I do have to hit the dump tho..I've got the truck halfway loaded already n the garage is starting to smell.
Ho hum...
Went to church.
Brother called. He sounds really good, but is going through chemo and radiation. I’m the youngest in my family. Three of my siblings have had some serious health issues. Staying in today. A load or two of laundry. Sort the rest for tomorrow’s big launch. Lol

Make plans for the 4th.
taking a break
so far we have cleaned the barn and the sheep shelter. I did 2 loads of laundry , doing one more. Sprayed the thistles in 2 small pastures that have no animals in them. Cooking greens and rice

Sometimes I really wonder what in the world we were thinking of doing all this....

Sometimes I want to be back in a regular house, with regular working hours and real pay, and hang out at the pool like Pearl.....hmmmm
Sonya, I work 6-7 days a week! I have a very physically demanding job!! Before, I worked on horse ranches 7 days a week!! I have EARNED my pool time! If I choose to spend a couple of hours each afternoon relaxing, I will do so!! I take care of my animals, my homestead, I do my own fence work, etc.! Sorry if you think I lounge around all living the easy life, but I'll guarantee I could wear you out doing what I do each day!!
Sonya, I work 6-7 days a week! I have a very physically demanding job!! Before, I worked on horse ranches 7 days a week!! I have EARNED my pool time! If I choose to spend a couple of hours each afternoon relaxing, I will do so!! I take care of my animals, my homestead, I do my own fence work, etc.! Sorry if you think I lounge around all living the easy life, but I'll guarantee I could wear you out doing what I do each day!!
I totally did NOT mean it that way!!! So sorry you thought that is what I was trying to say.....this was about me. I know cleaning is a lot of work. This is about us quitting our high paying jobs in Florida to make no money and become farmers. We thought we could get to social security age without running out of money, we thought we were in good enough physical shape to do this, and we thought this would be more fun that working in a city. Then I had a bad accident, then husband had a bad accident, then covid happened, then inflation. Then the weather is just horrible all the time. I looked at averages before we moved here, well, so far we have not had 1 average year but all extremes. I always felt that if there is a god of any kind he/she /it hates me. That's why I am no longer a Christian. I still feel this way. No matter what I do it does not work out well. I make 100% effort in anything, yet it still always fails.
I just spent an hour looking at job postings in our area. I wonder if they would hire someone that hasn't worked in 7 years outside our farm .
The only reason I brought you into this at all was your pool. I was thinking how nice it would be to relax in a pool every once in a while . But, the weather sucks, the drive to the nearest city with indoor pool puts more miles on the crap vehicles and there is a chance they won't make it, plus there is a ton of other crap to do here.
This should have probably gone into the rant section

oh and guess what, there is a thunderstorm heading our way, so much for the "sunny" rain free day we were supposed to have today.
I totally did NOT mean it that way!!! So sorry you thought that is what I was trying to say.....this was about me. I know cleaning is a lot of work. This is about us quitting our high paying jobs in Florida to make no money and become farmers. We thought we could get to social security age without running out of money, we thought we were in good enough physical shape to do this, and we thought this would be more fun that working in a city. Then I had a bad accident, then husband had a bad accident, then covid happened, then inflation. Then the weather is just horrible all the time. I looked at averages before we moved here, well, so far we have not had 1 average year but all extremes. I always felt that if there is a god of any kind he/she /it hates me. That's why I am no longer a Christian. I still feel this way. No matter what I do it does not work out well. I make 100% effort in anything, yet it still always fails.
I just spent an hour looking at job postings in our area. I wonder if they would hire someone that hasn't worked in 7 years outside our farm .
The only reason I brought you into this at all was your pool. I was thinking how nice it would be to relax in a pool every once in a while . But, the weather sucks, the drive to the nearest city with indoor pool puts more miles on the crap vehicles and there is a chance they won't make it, plus there is a ton of other crap to do here.
This should have probably gone into the rant section

oh and guess what, there is a thunderstorm heading our way, so much for the "sunny" rain free day we were supposed to have today.
I'm sorry too Sonya, I should have sent you a PM! I like you! We both work very hard! I took what you posted the wrong way!! ☹️♥️
For what it's worth, Pearl, Sonya's post sounded like she was being silly and teasing you so I don't think anyone thought you were just lazin' in the pool all day. It's awfully hard to catch subtle humor in posts and emojis so I'm glad you got it sorted. My humor has always tended toward the sarcastic, so I've gotten in trouble before a few times.
Not moving much today, watered the flowers and what's left of my garden, didn't have the energy to try to clean up the mess that is my greenhouse. Big day yesterday helping my Husband's friends load the uhaul after a busy week and I badly need the day of rest.
Sky is dark and thuderstorm watch is on; gusts of wind keep traveling through but no rain yet. Hope we get some without severe weather, crops really need it.
Thanks, Patch. It is hard but needs to be done.
Raccoons can be a total pita. I've mentioned before that they ransacked my house when we had to evacuate after a hurricane. And they kept coming back in for a few weeks. Opening cabinet doors, getting on the counters, getting into the pantry, dragging kitchen utensils outside, dragging trash from outside back inside.... Total nightmare. I couldn't figure out how the cats & dogs had made such a mess until we saw the raccoons in. I'll take opossums over them. The opossum tried to get into a plastic cookie jar once (was trying to open the cap) and it ate cat food out of bowls, but it didn't get into most stuff. Just slept in a pet bed and minded its own business and let us hand it cookies.

Sonya, I'm sorry to hear things haven't been working out for you. I know that feeling of trying to get things done and you feel like you take one step forward and 3 steps back. Something is always going wrong. Sending virtual hugs your way. I'm glad you and Pearl got over the misunderstanding. I, too, wish I had a pool available. It can be a lot of work to take care of, but I miss being able to float in the pool. I'd need an indoor one out of the sun though. I haven't gone swimming in over 20 years now.

I think this heat is getting to a lot of people. It gets so hot I can't even think clearly. It saps my energy. 98 but "feels like" 111. Ugh. Friend's birthday today but he's not feeling well so rain check on the celebrations.

Waiting on a package that allegedly will arrive tomorrow but is still in TX so will likely not come until Tuesday at earliest. I really need to unload the truck but am waiting for it to get under 95.
Finally cleaned off the entire work bench, sanded both old and new sections, put a new coat of Rustoleum oil based paint on top. I need to add one more small section of 2x6 back splash and a section of 1/2” ply to the left of the shelves and touch up paint on the front 2x3 edge.
But, one step closer. 40 feet of benchtop and 6 base cabinets with almost plenty of storage space underneath.
Aside from that, I did mostly nothing today. Dang I am tired.


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Today I went outside to start my car to go to church. The car wouldn't crank. Found out that I need a battery. I went to Autozone, the time I got the battery put in my car, the service was over. So we stopped by the fleamarket and purchased some tools. I find what I have been looking for a longtime pole hole digger.
INResponse, that looks cool! Is the wall and counter curved or is that sort of a fisheye lens thing from the camera?

I've seen some weird things at Walmart. People who looked like they either sat in mud or had an accident. People with rips at the rear seam of their pants. People wearing hospital gowns. Women wearing bras without shirts (although, one such woman was buying a new shirt). There are all sorts of "People of Walmart" vids out there. Seen kids hanging on to the back of riding carts and being dragged along the floor. I once saw someone try to steal a riding cart after a tornado blew through.

I got a case of water out of the truck. Need to go clear more stuff out now that its cooling down a little. Mom made herself a liverwurst sandwich so I didn't have to cook for her. I just had to bring her the stuff from the fridge.
Coons. One goose left. Picked up more wire at HD and spent a couple of hours out there.
Dinner at my favorite cousins. Neighbor's horse dropped a shoe, so we brought them to a farm near my favorite cousin's place. They were being champerones for the youth group meeting tonight. One turkey hatched. There's 13 more eggs in there, I hope there's another by morning. These are a neighbor's eggs
Yard needs to be mowed, front and back. Might happen around 3...A.M.! I ain't goin' out there to mow. Huh uh. Well, it should stop growing with the heat doing what it is anyway, and it is grass burr grass, nasty stick to your shoes, your feet, the dog's feet, etc. And other weeds. Not a decent blade of grass in the front. Back yard is different. It has oak saplings, baby sunflowers (from feeding the birds), and other random interesting weeds.
I suppose I could get a citation from code enforcement. 😒
pole hole digger.
I have been looking for one for awhile. Just can't pay $40 for a new one.

Walked first and got back just as storms started.
Laundry is done.
Have 4 trays of sweet potato slices dehydrating in oven for dog treats.
Next will make Cajun Shrimp and grits.
Maybe make some cookies. After sweet potato slices are done.

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