What's everybody doing today?

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agolden anniversary party
Congratulations! We will want photos!

I'm sorry about your DH's lungs @Amish Heart . My DH is going down a little too.

Already walked.
Next will walk dogs.
Make a couple of business calls.
Purge office dresser and 2 nightstands in bedroom.
That may be about it!
Heading to work. Supposedly the last day for a while running solo. The guy I replaced checks in a couple times a day, and has the bosses phone, so I do have a bit of information support and I don’t have to deal with phone calls which is a very good thing. I would never get anything done dealing with the phone.

Last nights dinner, delicious carne asada fries from the Mexican place in town. They taste so good but thw carb overload kept me awake last night and my stomach is hating me today. I think I need to limit that meal to once or twice a year.
Going easy today... already watered, as I'm trying to keep things alive during this blasted heat wave. I'll water again tonight, I've been watering twice a day to offset damage done by the heat. Some plants didn't make it, they got cooked by the blazing sun. At least I have plenty of melon seeds left, so I'll start some more as soon as this stupid heat wave eases a bit, as it will according to the forecast. Chance of rain by Sunday too, I hope the monsoon rains arrive and wet this dry soil. I've already lost two pine trees this year, but they were stressed when I arrived so there wasn't much I could do about it. I'm gonna buy more evergreen fertilizer this week, I should've started that program earlier but I didn't expect this miserable drought to last the way it has. Kinda like Elmer Kelton's book, THE TIME IT NEVER RAINED. 🥵

Meh, otherwise I'll kick back today and relax, let my body recover from all that reaching & stooping & bending I did yesterday while painting the kitchen. Looks nice in there, one more short day should see the project done... 😬
Rushed to neighbors with more oxygen for Brenda this morning, and told her to call 911. Brought the pulse portable 02 and another green tank. Poor girl looked awful. Ambulance came a while later, got her up to 92 for oxygen, then took them into town to the docs. Then to ER. Waiting to hear. Back home for animal chores, just finished lunch, and time to go back into the bigger town for husband's CT scan. It's been a day. Hopefully they don't transfer her to the Wichita hospital. Been that route twice before.
Here's the new duck pool.
Picked up my SOs horse today. Took him to the vet before bringing him home. Clean bill just waiting for his coggins results before letting him meet my other horse. My farrier was able to fit us in last minute this evening before he leaves on vacation. I paid him double. I really appreciate him. Bandits feet look 1000% better.

Funny thing is, I'm pretty sure he knew what was happening when I got there. He deviated from his normal routine and left the cows in the back pasture and came right up by the gate in the front and waited. When I went to catch him he walked right up to me and dropped his head into the halter. Led thru the gate nice and easy then actually loaded himself into the trailer before I even got it all the way open. Was calm the entire trip. Mind you, this horse hasn’t been trailered in almost a decade!
Bought my Hellcat a Hellcat today. Factory 707 horsepower with a tune dynode at 783 horsepower with the current tune. It will absolutely tear the tires off the car. Kind of hated to see the Hemi RT Challenger go but this is one hell of a car! View attachment 110878

If I had a vehicle with over 700 ponies on the deck, I'd probably wind up in the Alamogordo hoosegow, lol... as an aside, the term "hoosegow" (which is generally attributed to Texans like Pearl & Patchouli) is a derivative of the Spanish "juzgado" which actually translates into "magistrate's court" but is loosely understood to include the jail, lol. Not long-term prison, but an overnight holding cell for drunks and wayward cowboys (sometimes both, lol). That rig there looks like a mean machine, I'm not really big on low-profile tires but maybe they work better with that much power on hand. :confused:

Going out to water soon, now that the killing heat has subsided... I'll be glad when this heat wave is history. :cool:
Picked up my SOs horse today. Took him to the vet before bringing him home. Clean bill just waiting for his coggins results before letting him meet my other horse. My farrier was able to fit us in last minute this evening before he leaves on vacation. I paid him double. I really appreciate him. Bandits feet look 1000% better.

Funny thing is, I'm pretty sure he knew what was happening when I got there. He deviated from his normal routine and left the cows in the back pasture and came right up by the gate in the front and waited. When I went to catch him he walked right up to me and dropped his head into the halter. Led thru the gate nice and easy then actually loaded himself into the trailer before I even got it all the way open. Was calm the entire trip. Mind you, this horse hasn’t been trailered in almost a decade!
They know!♥️
@Mountain trapper that's a nice lookin' horse. How many horses do you have? I don't understand horses. It is over 100° during the day and there could be shade nearby, in the same field or pasture, but the horses stand there, in the sun. IN THE SUN. Why? Isn't it bad for them? I've asked y'all this question before, but nobody seems to know. @Pearl your donkey does the same, eh? Hey is he a watch donk? Freaks out when visitors stop by or unknown people are around?
Went down into the Ledges with my daughter this evening. We drove through the creek a few times before we went for a hike on the north side. On the trail we kept finding tiny baby leopard frogs, which my daughter had to catch. That hike keeps getting steeper and steeper - I was huffing and puffing by the time we reached the top and started back down.

We walked the canyon road afterward. There was a guy having some kind of photo shoot with two pretty college girls along the way. They were wearing very short skirts and very high heels, and for some reason they were including a case of Busch Light in the pictures.🤣 I think I could've come up with a better beer for those two lovely ladies.

There were two more creek crossings to drive through after we got back to the truck. My daughter got video of me splashing water all over a dad and his little boy. The dad was whooping and laughing. I'm not sure what the little one thought about it though. I'll post the video when I can get my daughter to send it to me...
[ in the same field or pasture, but the horses stand there, in the sun. IN THE SUN. Why? Isn't it bad for them? I've asked y'all this question before, but nobody seems to know.

Livestock will take shelter when they need it. In the worst august heat my cattle/horses would even graze at night. Especially while the moon was shining.

They'd get under the trees to escape the afternoon sun. I had a big hollow that was partially shaded. I kept it that way just for the worst of the heat. I'd sow clover in winter, clover in full sun would be gone by may. Down that partially shaded hollow clover would last well into june. I also grew Bahia grass there, very shade tolerant. It gave the livestock a place to rest in the shade and graze a little, escaping the afternoon sun.
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Stomach issues again today. Stapled up some moving blankets over my windows. They span the width but are only 40" long so there is some space at the bottom-- which works out because its just enough for the cats to sit in the windowsill. Room feels cooler and there's no more glare on the computer screen.

Took friends to Boot Barn. Male friend got new boots as a late b-day present. Female friend got a cardigan as a late b-day present. Then we went out to eat. Couldn't finish so we brought home leftovers. Curbside pickup at Samsclub then in-store pickup at HD. Dropped them off and headed home. Female friend (male friend's gf) really had a good time and loves her cardigan.
Livestock will take shelter when they need it. In the worst august heat my cattle/horses would even graze at night. Especially while the moon was shining.

Our sheep wouldn't survive there I think. They huddle in the shade when it's over 75 degrees here and drink gallons and gallons of water, and huff and puff like a dog

The goats love it, they will sit in the sun in the middle of the day and enjoy it, even if it's 80 degrees out. Don't think we have very many days when it's much over 80 here.
Made it back yesterday, the new Traverse ran ok, but it did make clunking noises going up and down our mountain road. I was going really slow but it still did it.

Husband made it back also with the truck getting more sawdust. He drove it through the carwash in town for the first time ever and it looks like a new truck. I am going to order some stuff to paint on the rust to stop it from spreading, or so it says anyway

Another trip today most likely, have to pick the meat up from the processor. Another 2 hour trip

Picked snowpeas yesterday and made some for lunch along with bbq korean pork and rice. They are so good I can eat them raw. No bugs eat them either for some reason. I think next year I will plant more. This year I just have one row on each side of a cattle panel. The zuccini plants are finally getting flowers on them and I see tiny little cucumbers. Pulled out a bunch of weeds but they are easy to pull right now since the ground is wet.
Picked up my SOs horse today. Took him to the vet before bringing him home. Clean bill just waiting for his coggins results before letting him meet my other horse. My farrier was able to fit us in last minute this evening before he leaves on vacation. I paid him double. I really appreciate him. Bandits feet look 1000% better.

Funny thing is, I'm pretty sure he knew what was happening when I got there. He deviated from his normal routine and left the cows in the back pasture and came right up by the gate in the front and waited. When I went to catch him he walked right up to me and dropped his head into the halter. Led thru the gate nice and easy then actually loaded himself into the trailer before I even got it all the way open. Was calm the entire trip. Mind you, this horse hasn’t been trailered in almost a decade!
He knew he was going home to where he was meant to be. He also knows you're in pain because he is too. You'll help each other heal.
That's funny, you put them up to keep the heat out, I have put blankets over the windows ( double glass ) in winter to keep the cold out
I have heavy curtains lined with thermal blackout fabric. I close them in the summer during the afternoon because the sun shining through those windows makes it warmer in the room than when I draw those curtains. I only do this when I have the AC on.

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