Hot here too, but it will be cooler this weekend... made a town run and knocked out half a dozen different errands, but I forgot to put caulk on the goldurned shopping list. Maybe Dollar General has it, but I like one specific brand, and DG may not have it, so I'll probably wait till I go to town again. I can still finish the painting in the kitchen by my self-imposed deadline, caulking won't take half an hour once I finish all the painting. I already plan to decorate the kitchen in early July, there's no rush as I'm gonna take a break from home rehab anyway during the heat of summer. This triple-digit weather is rough...
I was surprised to see that my favorite bottle of tequila is now $40, pfffffft... so I bought a big ol' handle of rum instead, Bacardi Superior for tropical umbrella drinks, lol. I mean seriously, I can buy TWO handles of rum for the price of ONE handle of tequila... gotta go where the value is right now, just to ride out these stoopid Biden Economics. Unlike Supe and other independently wealthy types here, I'm on a budget and I only have so much money to spend, aye? So rum it is, lol, and some nice cold beer which I'm drinking after a second shower... had to schlep all those groceries in the heat, 10-4?
I bought a big ol' value pack of yardbird because it was a good deal, but I thought I'd cook it in my NuWave Infrared Oven rather than my BBQ... too many bugs out there in the yard, since "Bug Season" is in full swing, plus the NuWave Oven doesn't get hot indoors, a big plus during a heat wave, lol. I went to the flour & spice aisle to pick up some Shake 'n Bake, and they wanted over $4 for a lousy package, lol... needless to say, the cheap knockoff coating won the day. No way I pay over $4 for a stupid little box of Shake 'n Bake, lol. Ain't gonna happen, I'll make better coating myself, yeah?
Another thing... I'm not a big soda drinker, but I like a little nonalcoholic carbonation now & then, so I buy soda in small quantities. However, I've noticed that the price of soda is now ridiculous, thanks to Biden Economics, that fraudulent goldurned greaseball, lol. So I'm buying 2L bottles of soda and just squeezing the air out as I go, that reduces oxidation and keeps the soda carbonated... if ya leave air in the plastic bottle the soda just goes flat more quickly, aye? Anyway, I bought root beer & some orange, grape & pineapple sodas which I've already tried, they're good in summer months.
About the ONLY good thing to ever come outta Puerto Rico, lol... nice bat$h!t crazy logo on the label, AYE? I'm throwin' in shots of my insulated stainless steel mixed drink cup and my Tombstone flask, lol... I use that flask for rodeos!
Edit: In Pic #1, that's Poseidon, God of the Sea, overlooking the nautical chart of San Diego Bay... that cheap b@stard STOLE my Henschel hat, lol. I ought to send him a bill, don'tcha know? But he'd probably weasel his way out of it...