What's everybody doing today?

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Building a new chicken run. Got all the wood posts in and a couple of gates. This new run will be around a half acre or so. Putting in a new gate between the old run and the new run.
Been cutting branches and cleaning out the brush. Made a road up to where the new solar panels are going so I can get a cement truck in.
It's almost 60 degrees out with a nice breeze blowing, it's comfortable working weather.
Building a new chicken run. Got all the wood posts in and a couple of gates. This new run will be around a half acre or so. Putting in a new gate between the old run and the new run.
Been cutting branches and cleaning out the brush. Made a road up to where the new solar panels are going so I can get a cement truck in.
It's almost 60 degrees out with a nice breeze blowing, it's comfortable working weather.
The one goose survived the night. Coon tried, but couldn't get in. I could see where it tried. Been working outside all morning...animal chores and garden. Young amish lad, Aaron, came by and did a couple of hours of mowing. He's going to help set up the new 20 by 20 turkey run, maybe Friday or next week. I need another set of hands to get panels up. Going to stop in at my favorite cousin's place to pick up a 5 gal bucket of beets. Then the discount store, then taking husband to his doc appt.
Jake is off to FFA camp for the week and Alexandra is making sure the deer have water in this drought.

Finally cleaned off the entire work bench, sanded both old and new sections, put a new coat of Rustoleum oil based paint on top. I need to add one more small section of 2x6 back splash and a section of 1/2” ply to the left of the shelves and touch up paint on the front 2x3 edge.
But, one step closer. 40 feet of benchtop and 6 base cabinets with almost plenty of storage space underneath.
Aside from that, I did mostly nothing today. Dang I am tired.
You've made great progress! Keep at 'er 😁
Today I went outside to start my car to go to church. The car wouldn't crank. Found out that I need a battery. I went to Autozone, the time I got the battery put in my car, the service was over. So we stopped by the fleamarket and purchased some tools. I find what I have been looking for a longtime pole hole digger.
Bet if you needed practice on technique, there would be a few here that would "let" you practice while they observed for proper form/function ;)🤣 Sorry about the battery though am glad it was an easy fix.
dinner guests 😉
Well bless my pea pickin' heart, errrrrr. . . . I shelled peas most the day yesterday. My thumbnails are sore. Did stop for a few and went to church, then came home and mowed then back to the peas. Came out of the canner about 8:30 last night (that's past my bedtime). Didn't need many this year as we didn't use many through the winter. I've been trying to get some of those nagging little projects done that don't take a lot of time or energy but do take motivation: Sorted and stored starter pots for plants, cleaned up in the summer kitchen, weeded a section behind the house that was encroaching on the tomatoes back there, etc.
Well bless my pea pickin' heart, errrrrr. . . . I shelled peas most the day yesterday. My thumbnails are sore. Did stop for a few and went to church, then came home and mowed then back to the peas. Came out of the canner about 8:30 last night (that's past my bedtime). Didn't need many this year as we didn't use many through the winter. I've been trying to get some of those nagging little projects done that don't take a lot of time or energy but do take motivation: Sorted and stored starter pots for plants, cleaned up in the summer kitchen, weeded a section behind the house that was encroaching on the tomatoes back there, etc.
Hope your nail polish held up!!😮
The heavy snow and ice we had last week just about wiped out our garden. Ww lost 75 tomato plants, 75 hot pepper plants, all of our bell peppers and half of our concord grape plants. Whatever survived had frost burn on the leaves. Looks like most of our fruit trees are doing good.
The wife found 4 tomato plants in town yesterday and got them planted today.
I had been troubled by how flimsy the clam shell cage for the raised bed was. I decided the aluminum angle I used for the frame was twisting when the cage was opened by one corner. So...

I fashioned a torsion bar out of a coat hanger and installed it to reduce the twisting. Looks like it helped. I will build the second clam shell cage tomorrow weather permitting.

For the first time this summer the eldest granddaughter did not fight algebra tutor time. She added two new rules to her algebra notebook and demonstrated she understood how to apply those rules. Rather than swamp her with more info I took her to Dairy Queen as a reward.

Good day.

Hauled one horse to the vet then went to town. Returned some DVDs at the library then got a few more, went by the bank, craft store, Sams then the grocery store. Got everybody fed. Mixed up my first attempt at sourdough starter. Also have a first attempt at foccocia(spelling?) dough rising. Sitting down to take a break and eat a big refrigerator salad before working on other things around the house.
After nearly 6 hours, I'm DONE with PAINTING for today... now I'm DRINKING, lol. I'm not entirely done with the kitchen renovation project yet, I have a short day of touch-up painting and caulking to do, but I am practically done with this room, and it has been a PITA (just as I knew it would be). Mixed some busthead cider with the last of my tequila, now I'm parked in front of the fan (A/C also blasting), letting my tired feet relax. Gonna go post the latest pics in my kitchen thread, lol... ;)
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Went to the big town… to a local owned auto parts store. It’s the place to go, they have everything. 8 guys work the counter, all are mechanics. Might have to wait in line for a half hour to get to the counter, it's always crowded. When I have doubts about what I might need to resolve an issue, this is where I go. Been going there since I was a teenager. They are priced a little higher than the chain stores but I have never gotten the wrong part. Sometimes a few extra bucks up front saves money, fix a problem the first time.

So, today I actually saved money there. $150 less than what 2 chain stores quoted me. Still spent $300 on O2 sensors, plugs/wires and a couple odds n ends. Guess I’ll be working on my truck the next few days.
We picked up our new dog today. She had not chased the cats, pottied in the house, tried to get on the furniture. She was given up because the previous owner said she chews. But she was an only dog and they worked. We are retired and Karma loves having a new playmate. Her name is Sally Mae.


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We picked up our new dog today. She had not chased the cats, pottied in the house, tried to get on the furniture. She was given up because the previous owner said she chews. But she was an only dog and they worked. We are retired and Karma loves having a new playmate. Her name is Sally Mae.
If you click on the empty boxes in my post, the video will play.
Hauled one horse to the vet then went to town. Returned some DVDs at the library then got a few more, went by the bank, craft store, Sams then the grocery store. Got everybody fed. Mixed up my first attempt at sourdough starter. Also have a first attempt at foccocia(spelling?) dough rising. Sitting down to take a break and eat a big refrigerator salad before working on other things around the house.
Note: when you make the focaccia, use a wooden spoon to poke holes down into it and pour melted butter and garlic over it then sprinkle with chopped parsley and grated parmesan 🤤
Set up a new brooder space for the ducks in the wood shed. The new chick's are in the main brooder house. We've lost 3 chick's so far, possibly from the cold nights or the long travel time. We always order a few extras to cover any loss. Who would have thought June would be so cold. Just a few days ago our high temp was 35 degs, today was 61.
Saturday I picked lady cream peas and black eyed peas and shelled them. Sunday after church I canned them. Got home fro work and picked all the corn. Cut both ends off and most of shucks and put in ziplock bags and into freezer. Husband wants cream style corn. Did sort the 300 pounds of potatoes I dug and off living room floor. Onions pulled and ripe tomatoes are bagged in freezer. In 2 weeks girls are giving us agolden anniversary party with 75 family members. Eat here first with immediate family (30)and then community center for cake and punch. Need to get house cleaned sometime
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Oh, wow, Txcatlady...golden anniversary! That's excellent. Three out of five of our kids are coming in August for our 40th and planning something, although I'm not sure what yet. Maybe oldest daughter will come, too, but she tends not to travel, so we'll see. I might recommend the cake and punch thing, too. The amish style anniversary is usually more work intensive, and not just cake and punch, but I would be surprised if they try something like that. Neighbor just called and came by to pick up an oxygen tank for little Brenda. Something's set her off today (and husband, too), and I'm almost wondering if it's wheat harvesting. Her dad is still out there baling straw from the harvest of their land, and is next over to another farm down the road for theres. I bet he won't be home till the wee hrs of the morning. Felt bad for Brenda's mama...she's my butcher buddy, and we have a couple of turkeys to do in the morning, but I can do them myself if I need to. Had to show her that out of her dad's turkey eggs I was incubating, only one hatched, and I suspect it's one of the two of ours I put in at the last minute. So one lone turkey. I asked her if the eggs had been fresh, and she didn't think so, so I guess that's what was the matter. Her grandma died last night...blood clot after hip surgery, so I told her I'd babysit the lone turkey till the funeral and all is over. Scheduled for Thursday, and busloads of Indiana amish are coming in starting Wednesday. Houses with spare rooms are going to be full. Ladies were all over the grandma's place this morning doing the cleaning and yardwork and some cooking. Everyone helps out. Our little town is going to be full in a day or so.
Set up a new brooder space for the ducks in the wood shed. The new chick's are in the main brooder house. We've lost 3 chick's so far, possibly from the cold nights or the long travel time. We always order a few extras to cover any loss. Who would have thought June would be so cold. Just a few days ago our high temp was 35 degs, today was 61.
Sorry you lost your garden and the chicks to the weather. It was way colder than usual here also up until yesterday. The weather really has been crazy this year
Went to the doctor yesterday to get a check up and blood pressure medication prescription refilled. I got something new that does not raise Potassium and does not make you cough. We'll see...going to drive the new (old) vehicle to town today since it finally has legal tags on it to see how it runs. I hope it makes it...
Finally something good, son's car ( the oldest thing we have, a 2004 Buick) passed inspection.

Got our checks for the animals we sent to the auction. The old ewe we sent only got $62 , that;s the least we ever got for anything , wow. Goats did better but not great. I guess there were too many nicer animals available this time
The heavy snow and ice we had last week just about wiped out our garden. Ww lost 75 tomato plants, 75 hot pepper plants, all of our bell peppers and half of our concord grape plants. Whatever survived had frost burn on the leaves. Looks like most of our fruit trees are doing good.
The wife found 4 tomato plants in town yesterday and got them planted today.
So sorry for the loss. That’s huge. I’d share my plants if I could, and I hope that someone near you will.

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