Last night the power went off just as I started to make dinner. Carp! Grabbed a sandwich from the place down the road. It barely sprinkled but tree limbs and leaves were down everywhere. There was some big wind. Dad said it knocked him down on his porch. Even blew his chair out in the yard! He was fine.
So, an evening sitting in the dark. I always use such occasions to check emergency gear, run drills, they are much more realistic in the dark. I started by checking every flashlight/headlamp or light source in the house, some rooms have more than one. I ran a couple 10min drills… 10min to evacuate my house in a disaster or emergency. This also verifies I have all my gear stowed properly. It wasn’t… need to do a little organization there.
How many of you ‘clear’ your house? Go through and clear every room of possible intruders? Again, better in the dark… For me it’s a perishable skill. If I don’t do for a few months I forget how to move through the house using cover or how to go through different doors. It’s a shame we live in an insane world. Best know how to deal with it if it’s waiting for you at home or comes knocking. I try to do at least a walk thru, 3 or 4 times a year.
Then... I did something else I’ve been meaning to do. I checked each room to locate the spot with the best emergency radio reception. I’d never done it for my current radio, only my old one. Learned the old one had much better reception. Have to make a couple changes.
By then I was exhausted, so I played solitaire and waited for the power to come back on.

Anyway, it usually comes back on 4-5hrs. I stayed up thinking it’d be soon… I could reset clocks, turn off lights etc. 5hrs passed, then 6, then 7. I finally went to bed about 2:30am. An hour later when I was sleeping soundly the power came on, along with beeping objects, lights, air conditioner and the tv! It’d wake up the dead!
I was a bit grumpy this morning… Didn’t get much done today, had to drag a couple big limbs out of the driveway. No other storm cleanup, chickens were fine. I should sleep good tonight.