What's everybody doing today?

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Worked out with the animals and the garden all morning till lunch, and can't take the heat anymore. Got an old tv that broke out to the dumpstair, and an end table out to the shed. Lots of laundry going on. Just got a call that mom was put on oxygen, her breathing was bad today, and hoping that helps. I saw her yesterday. Husband is not well...in the bedroom recliner, still in pjs, watching tv. Levi, the neighbor boy terror and little granddaughter have been busy all day. Setting a live trap on the second floor of the barn to catch either the raccoon we think we saw, or the big ol possum we did see run into the barn last night at dark. They are discussing box traps, too. So that'll keep them busy. They just came in and said that Princess Fluffy is having kittens in the garage as we speak. Needing to get some housework done and fill the freeze dryer with more beets, and remove all the sage I dehydrated in the dehydrator yesterday.
One of our girls created a deer head on her tablet for me to use on a T-shirt. I added the text. Pine Valley is a small community with a state park at the east end, nestled in the valley of the Pine Valley mountain. My girlfriend asked about the year being on the shirt. My reply, they will remember what year they visited and others will need a new shirt each year. $$$
…How many of you ‘clear’ your house? Go through and clear every room of possible intruders? Again, better in the dark…
Nope. Wife lies down between the bed and wall and calls 911. After I retrieve the “serious” firearm I join her. When the police arrive they can ‘clear’ my house. Intruders can give their location away as they move to our position.
Taking a break from mowing..its a beautiful day.a tad warm but a nice breeze too. I think it's supposed to get to the low 90's.
Gunna cool off then get going again..I want mowing g done so I can play in the garden tonight..
You are finally getting some warmer weather - yay! Your garden will appreciate that.

Anyone hear from @Mountain trapper since he (they) headed to his mom's b-day? Hope all is well.

@Amish Heart what is the barometric pressure there. I know you are roasting! Maybe if it cools off a little, Hubby and Mom will find some relief with their breathing.

I have 7 quarts of greenbeans in the canner. Hubby is home today so I don't get as much done. It's cooled off a little so it's only "almost 90." Dug spuds this morning. I was doing it wrong so Hubby took over and I gathered the spuds to set aside to dry as he dug. ☺️ He and FIL have spoken a couple times today. They are trying to get FIL's boat going again. Think he used regular fuel rather than non-ethanol so they are having to change fuel lines etc. to get it cleaned out. They spent last Sunday working on it and will do so again on the 4th. Hubby is already thinking about curing hams and bacon come fall. I found some shoulder bacon that's nice! so now he wants to do some of that too 😋
Been busy with the rabbits. The heat makes it hard to focus on packing and purging knowing the rabbits could die in the heat. They all have granite tiles to lay on since late April when it hit the 70s. We gave them a fan 24/7 2 weeks ago and now we are giving them frozen water bottles through out the day to help relax them. The adults seem to be doing fine. One of the grow-outs was stressing last night so I gave her a fresh bottle. She was better by the time I went to bed around midnight. I sold her brother on Friday. Now I need to get to the feed store for feed since I got paid!

Today I started my day early to avoid the heat. We all ran to Wally-world to get some vinegar and cleaning supplies. Tried to get home before late morning but the idiots at Sonic took 30 minutes plus to get us our food at the drive through. If we hadn't paid I would have told K to forget it.

After lunch I started putting cheap thermal blankets over the windows to help reflect a bit of heat to help keep the house cooler. Plus it will keep the new nosy neighbors up the hill from looking in our windows. They love looking in the windows if they are open and calling code enforcement if the grass on the hill is a bit shaggy. They are royal jerks but we are gone come November so they can suck it!

Still working with the new pup on her training. K is mad she only has recall with me and Roo but we are the ones who work with her the most. Friday has gotten so big too! She is taller than my folks' Brittanys.

Homeboy was thinking bout shaggin my leg since his girlfriend is at the pool..
I cant get myself to mow anymore..its too hot in the sun n I'm tired.
I'll get it done on the 4th..
Instead I did some laundry, canned a load n now drinking a cold one in the shade.


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Sonya, YIKES! Wasps suck! I opened my front door the other day and a bunch of them were out there and trying to get in. I looked at my door after I closed it and they were all collecting on the window pane on the door. I grabbed some wasp spray and nailed them. No idea why they were in that spot. Apparently if you wear dark colors they are more likely to sting you. Explains why I used to get stung a lot while wearing black. I hope you recover from the stings quickly.

Got up early & went to pick up my friend. The dead dog (I think Fedex driver ran over neighbor's dog) that I had previously moved out of the road was all bloated up. I posted on FB to see if someone could pass the message along to the neighbors that it might be their dog that was dead. Hoping it wasn't him but pretty sure it was. He was a young dog and very sweet.

Worked on the bathroom (and assembling the portable table saw) for about 5 hrs. Was absolutely exhausted when done. When we left the vultures had found the dog and he was almost nothing but bones.

Grabbed food for friend & his family. Hung out with him briefly. Then went to Walmart to get some groceries. Got him some bread, water, and Ramen.

Took a good nap when I got home. My feet had been swollen and I was too tired to keep my eyes open.
Well, I gotta admit, I didn't get much done in the kitchen today, I was busy working something out in my mind. And I've made my decision as far as that goes... we had a power outage this morning which also put a crimp in my plans, so I just decided to take the day off, lol. I'll get started on those piddling kitchen tasks manana, now that the self-imposed deadline has passed there's no hurry, lol. I expect the kitchen will be done and fully decorated within a week or so, I'm not worried about it since I have no other home rehab plans until fall. Too hot outdoors in the summer, and my mornings & evenings are already devoted to hand watering the trees & plants. At least we had some rain today... I took a big ol' nap with the cats this afternoon, so I missed the rain, but it looks like it may rain again tonight. I hope so, we need that rain! :rolleyes:

Anyway, I'm just gonna quietly read a book tonight: no TV, no dwellin' on tweekin' crackerheads, none of that BS, lol. That's what I like about library books: not only are they free to check out, all the friggin' drama is contained within the pages, aye? So that's my plan for the night. I made a big ol' chicken sandwich earlier, so I'm not even hungry, I'll skip dinner tonight. I only had a few beers earlier while I was grappling with that problem, but I'm not in the mood to party tonight, reading a book sounds like a better option, lol. I'm off to read a Western and get a good night's sleep, y'all have a good night! 😴
Well, I gotta admit, I didn't get much done in the kitchen today, I was busy working something out in my mind. And I've made my decision as far as that goes... we had a power outage this morning which also put a crimp in my plans, so I just decided to take the day off, lol. I'll get started on those piddling kitchen tasks manana, now that the self-imposed deadline has passed there's no hurry, lol. I expect the kitchen will be done and fully decorated within a week or so, I'm not worried about it since I have no other home rehab plans until fall. Too hot outdoors in the summer, and my mornings & evenings are already devoted to hand watering the trees & plants. At least we had some rain today... I took a big ol' nap with the cats this afternoon, so I missed the rain, but it looks like it may rain again tonight. I hope so, we need that rain! :rolleyes:

Anyway, I'm just gonna quietly read a book tonight: no TV, no dwellin' on tweekin' crackerheads, none of that BS, lol. That's what I like about library books: not only are they free to check out, all the friggin' drama is contained within the pages, aye? So that's my plan for the night. I made a big ol' chicken sandwich earlier, so I'm not even hungry, I'll skip dinner tonight. I only had a few beers earlier while I was grappling with that problem, but I'm not in the mood to party tonight, reading a book sounds like a better option, lol. I'm off to read a Western and get a good night's sleep, y'all have a good night! 😴
Glad you got some rain!
I agree re. library books. I know you like westerns, but one you might enjoy if they have it is by Della Lutes “The Country Kitchen.” Don’t worry, it’s not a chick flick. It’s mostly about the antics her father did in his love of food. She grew up in the 1870s if I remember correctly- it’s really a comedy. If you can laugh while reading a book, you know it’s well written.
Homeboy was thinking bout shaggin my leg since his girlfriend is at the pool..
I cant get myself to mow anymore..its too hot in the sun n I'm tired.
I'll get it done on the 4th..
Instead I did some laundry, canned a load n now drinking a cold one in the shade.
Good God Hooch!! Hope you had many cold ones!! I don't want to mow either!!
Gotta mow tomorrow so planning to be out as soon as it's light enough to try to beat the heat. Then need to finish laundry, dishes, critter chores and start cleaning and oiling my SOs saddle. It's not too bad just a bit dry and has a little mildew on the bottom of the fenders. I may take it by a local saddle-maker and get his opinion on how to get rid of the mildew. If I do that I'll run a few more errands while I'm in town.

Discovered the AC unit in the house has been leaking so I need to call and set an appointment for that to be checked/repaired. I'm hoping it's nothing major.
The daughter made up another design based on the mountain background of the small town called Pine Valley near by here. It is a popular vacation spot with a very nice, spaced out campground inside the state park that includes fishing and hiking and way cooler temps than any city within 100 miles or more. We hit 100* today and the small big city 26 miles south of me was well into the 100's, but less than 15 miles east of me they might have topped out at 90* with plenty of shade and cool breezes off the mountains.
Anyways, here is the second design.

I ordered shirts in a variety of appropriate colors and to save time I am having a company make these designs in a heat transfer material. This week I will get my toyhauler trailer prepped, mainly the generator running, so I can load my stuff into the trailer and print whichever design on whatever size or color shirt a customer prefers. I hope to be ready by Saturdays Farmer's Market.
Also, the company I bought my shirts from,, at wholesale prices, now sells things like coffee cups, and insulated tumblers, and other items and they will print them with whatever artwork I design. I am seriously looking at the insulated cups and coffee mugs. Both needed items for campers and tourists. And, anyone still able to afford a vacation has plenty of money to spend on souvenirs. There are no businesses around here that sell anything related to this area so I will have full control of the market. Probably 4 or 5 small towns nearby plus plenty of reservoirs for fishing and boating fun and no one is selling anything related to any of these attractions.
Aside from that, we stacked rocks from the yard around the new welded wire fence around our bird enclosure. I scooped a bunch of powderized horse manure out of the horse coral with the small tractor I borrowed from the neighbor. I dumped it into a newly sectioned off area within the fence and after we rake and spread it around we will seed it and water it and expand our "grass area" for out ducks and chickens to graze. Free food for the birds, if you don't count the man hours and water needed to grow the greens.
Tonights "bath" was in our above ground pool. Water temp is up to 87* and even though it was not a chill to step off the ladder into the pool after about 20 minutes I was chilled off enough and feeling refreshed. Tomorrow I will disconnect my redneck solar heater and the solar cover should be plenty to maintain a comfortable water temp for the summer.
Aside from that, I didn't do much today.
Gotta mow tomorrow so planning to be out as soon as it's light enough to try to beat the heat. Then need to finish laundry, dishes, critter chores and start cleaning and oiling my SOs saddle. It's not too bad just a bit dry and has a little mildew on the bottom of the fenders. I may take it by a local saddle-maker and get his opinion on how to get rid of the mildew. If I do that I'll run a few more errands while I'm in town.

Discovered the AC unit in the house has been leaking so I need to call and set an appointment for that to be checked/repaired. I'm hoping it's nothing major.
Murphy's oil soap, I use it on all my leather tack and dog equipment!
The daughter made up another design based on the mountain background of the small town called Pine Valley near by here. It is a popular vacation spot with a very nice, spaced out campground inside the state park that includes fishing and hiking and way cooler temps than any city within 100 miles or more. We hit 100* today and the small big city 26 miles south of me was well into the 100's, but less than 15 miles east of me they might have topped out at 90* with plenty of shade and cool breezes off the mountains.
Anyways, here is the second design.
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I ordered shirts in a variety of appropriate colors and to save time I am having a company make these designs in a heat transfer material. This week I will get my toyhauler trailer prepped, mainly the generator running, so I can load my stuff into the trailer and print whichever design on whatever size or color shirt a customer prefers. I hope to be ready by Saturdays Farmer's Market.
Also, the company I bought my shirts from,, at wholesale prices, now sells things like coffee cups, and insulated tumblers, and other items and they will print them with whatever artwork I design. I am seriously looking at the insulated cups and coffee mugs. Both needed items for campers and tourists. And, anyone still able to afford a vacation has plenty of money to spend on souvenirs. There are no businesses around here that sell anything related to this area so I will have full control of the market. Probably 4 or 5 small towns nearby plus plenty of reservoirs for fishing and boating fun and no one is selling anything related to any of these attractions.
Aside from that, we stacked rocks from the yard around the new welded wire fence around our bird enclosure. I scooped a bunch of powderized horse manure out of the horse coral with the small tractor I borrowed from the neighbor. I dumped it into a newly sectioned off area within the fence and after we rake and spread it around we will seed it and water it and expand our "grass area" for out ducks and chickens to graze. Free food for the birds, if you don't count the man hours and water needed to grow the greens.
Tonights "bath" was in our above ground pool. Water temp is up to 87* and even though it was not a chill to step off the ladder into the pool after about 20 minutes I was chilled off enough and feeling refreshed. Tomorrow I will disconnect my redneck solar heater and the solar cover should be plenty to maintain a comfortable water temp for the summer.
Aside from that, I didn't do much today.
Hubby won't get in the pool until the water temp is a solid 88° or above! I'll get in at 68°!😃
One fast job this morning, my Monday regulars have company. They will still pay me since they cancelled and there will be extra work next week! I can take Bear with me this morning! Then we will stop by PetSmart to use their scale, and Tractor Supply to get Buddy more treats! Need to vacuum here later (🐱cat hair is crazy), and give the bathrooms a going over!!
Got a good night's sleep, and it rained again too... no great downpour, but enough so I don't have to water this morning. I did refill the birdbaths as I threw down some cracked corn for my little feathered friends. I have a daily routine where the wild birds are concerned, same way I have a routine with the cats. I like seeing doves & quail & myriad songbirds in my yard... I like hearing them too, it adds a nice touch to this peaceful rural sanctuary. :cool:

I already have a laundry load going, and I'm gonna cut my hair before taking a shower... I'll wash it first and let it dry, then cut it before jumping in the shower, aye? That way I get all the cut hair off, lol. I cleaned up the wooden spice rack so I can reinstall it in the kitchen... I used some Orange-Glo Polish, but I also have Murphy Cleaning Spray for the cabinets, which I will do (again) later, that's not a big priority today. Caulking & painting will take precedence... 😒

Otherwise, I'm gonna enjoy my day, drink a few cold beers, eat some decent leftovers, etc. I'm planning a BBQ for the 4th, gonna call that hand from Tennessee and ask whether he wants to join me... he was a pretty funny guy and we got along alright, and I should really start making some new friends, ya know? My phone number changed when my 3G flip-phone was phased out, so those half dozen riders I met on trails in the past no longer have my correct phone number. 😠

Granted, I could've kept the old Arizona number, but I wanted to blend in better with locals here in New Mexico, hence the change. Some of those trail riders were really cool too, I was looking forward to eventually hooking up for trail rides and partying in the future. Oh, well, maybe I'll see 'em again out there on the trails, or else I'll meet other riders; I'm gonna fix the bike for real once I finish the kitchen... the bike runs now, but it still has a fuel delivery problem. 😬

I don't usually post everything I do, just some of the stuff since a lot is the same every day but am going to do it once
Feed house dogs and let them out
Milk goat, process milk ( filter or fill baby bottles if we have too much)
Feed the 4 bottle babies
feed and water big goat boys, clean poop out of their shelter
same for little goat boys
move sheep so we can clean sheep shelter ( it's usually very dirty)
feed and water sheep
feed and water rest of goats, feed the livestock dogs, clean goat barn
water garden if it doesn't rain that day, it gets dry really fast even after only a few days of no rain
weeding: today I started an experiment to improve one small around quater acre pasture the little goat boys are in, weedeating the entire thing ( too steep and rocky to brushhog) , then I am going to spray the entire thing with 2 4 d and kill all the weeds except the grass, and then I am going to put composted manure on the rocks and the empty spots and put grass seeds. We noticed the goats and sheep don't eat the clover much and there is more and more of it every year, so it needs to go, plus the rest of the weeds. The sheep mostly like grass and the goats don't like the weeds that are left in there ( thistles and ragweed , plus the clover) so I am going to see if this works

Now I paid some bills and taking a break
then cook lunch, do dishes, walk the dogs somewhere not where the wasps were
then whatever daily project we have
then put the goats and sheep back where they are at night

are you tired yet reading this? I am lol
My personal ongoing project of converting fluorescent ceiling lights to LED at church. Replacing four forty watt fluorescent and two ballasts with two 14 watt LEDs resulting in more light output. I got 4 of the last 12 done this morning.

Church Board has talked about doing this for years. Church has the money but can’t make up their minds. I cut the red tape by personally buying what’s need and doing the work myself without bothering getting “approval”. Plan on converting the remaining eight later this week.
Took mom to get her blood taken for routine tests. Stopped to grab beef stew from a local place. Ate too much stew and need a nap. I'm always tired after eating for some reason. Planning to clean and do some caulking after my nap.
Animal chores early this morning, the door guy came to replace the big door with the side window...a big job since the new door is a wide door with no side window, so he's having to add to the inside and outside of the house with wood to match. I'll paint later. Went to the city for a doc appt. for husband. Mom's nurse called and said she's refusing pills and food and says someone is trying to poison her. She needs a nap. Waiting to hear from the local doc at the hospital nearest us. Husband has pseudomonas again, so we'll probably need another thing stuck in his arm, and we'll probably have to do antibiotic IV's again. We'll see.