What's everybody doing today?

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Okay, I did the laundry, cut my hair, installed the wooden spice rack, fixed a loose outlet cover or plate, and did a second laundry load of bathroom rugs which are now hanging out to dry on my porch... I realized that I might have company tomorrow for my 4th of July BBQ, so I figured I should wash the rugs. They're fairly new, but they were a bit dirty & dusty & flattened out from my work boots, so a washing will do 'em good. I'd like to vacuum the carpet as well, but my vacuum has gone kaput and I need to buy a new one, something that can pick up all this cat hair that the blasted varmints have been shedding, lol. For my existing vacuum to do the job, I would need to use that narrow little attachment for cracks & corners, and it would probably take 1-1/2 days to finish the task, lol. Meh, I'll buy a new vacuum after the holiday, can't be bothered with it now... I dumped the large value pack of yardbird into some BBQ sauce to 'marinate' overnight, I'm also cooking some of those jalapeno cheddar sausages manana, WOOHOO!!! And 8 ears of corn on the cob to be grilled in the husk... the ONLY way to cook corn on the cob. :D

Now I'm running out of steam, since it's a holiday weekend (for me) and I'm already in PAR-TAY mode, lol. This cold beer is delicious! Caulking is starting to sound like a job for Wednesday, same with painting that 'Lighthouse Wall!' But I DID get the spice rack up and fixed that loose outlet plate, so I still accomplished SOMETHING in the kitchen, lol. This renovation project will soon be done, but I don't think it's gonna happen today, I've been moving around for several hours and I don't really feel like stooping & bending this afternoon, lol. Cold beer & TV win out! Might even do a shooter or two of rum with some fruit juice as a chaser, lol. Maybe even take that birthday bong hit I never took, 10-4? Jeez, in the old days my friends would've given me bloody hell for putting it off, lol... those partying fools! Some of 'em are already dead and gone too, but for reasons unrelated to partying, go figure. Meh, no sad reflections today, we all get our shot at life and some fall by the wayside earlier than others... even the 'survivors' will get their turn, nobody here gets out alive, lol. If you believe in an afterlife, well, that's cool too, I'm not here to start a religious or spiritual debate. 😒

Yesterday I started watching 'JURASSIC PARK' but never finished it, so I may watch the rest of that here pronto... my Roku Streaming Stick has a whole slew of those Crichton/Spielberg films on this month, I can't remember if they're on Tubi or the Roku Channel, but once I hit 'Power' the TV will automatically resume where I left off yesterday. I reckon I'll watch the whole series again, one flick at a time, lol... there are ads during these free films, but that's okay, those ads give me time to hit the bathroom and grab another beer, lol. I always mute the ads so I don't hafta hear the BS spiel, and since I'm off doing other things I don't hafta see the globalist propaganda, lol. WORKS FOR ME!!! Jeez, it's already almost 1400 hours, I reckon I should log out and hit the leather couch, lol. I would do more in the kitchen today, but it's not high priority. It'll be done later this week and that'll be the end of it, except for the decoration, and I don't wanna rush that, I'm gonna take my time and get the ceramic lighthouse plates & primo tile art up just the way I like it. Alright, I'm off to rig a shooter of rum, that sounds good right about now, lol... Y'ALL BE GOOD AND ENJOY YOUR HOLIDAY WEEKEND!!! 😎

P.S. My Waffen SS cut feels pretty good, we still have some hot weather ahead, lol... better to be prepared! ;)
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Took my daughter's car to get news shoes this morning. The old tires weren't quite worn out, but they were winter tires and didn't perform well on dry pavement or in the rain. I found some all season Goodyears on sale and managed to get them bought and mounted for $475.

I think the rest of this afternoon and evening will be spent doing absolutely freaking nothing. It's a holiday weekend...
Filled waterers and feeders for the chickens. Got half the mowing done. The push mower worked fine but when I went to run the zero turn it was giving me fits. That combined with 80°F and climbing with 90% humidity at 7:30 in the morning I said screw it I'll mess with it tomorrow. Then I loaded up the truck bed with a bunch of recycle to take to the center for my gpa. He hasn’t been able to take it but never said anything to anyone so it's really built up. I'm going to have to take another load Wednesday. Then I went by Walmart to get a couple of more tank tops and toiletries and I found some clearance toddler clothes so I got a couple of pairs of shorts for my youngest nephew. After that I ran by one feed store to get more ceramic eggs for the coop and some mink oil for my boots. Found a nice clearance pair of lined Hey Dude shoes that I'll put up for next winter. Stopped at a different feed store for the tubs and sulfur blocks for the cattle. They were still out of tubs and said they should be in after lunch today. Told them no problem I'll come by Wednesday. Came home and did some vacuuming. I had called the AC guy first thing and he was able to come before lunch. Thankfully it was just a clog in the drain pipe and they got it cleared. Said everything else looks good. Asked him if I could put a piece of window screen over the end to keep the dirt dobbers out and he said that would be fine. After they left I finished cleaning up the water from the leak and made myself some lunch. Had a short nap on the couch and now I'm debating starting on anything else or just resting a bit longer before evening chores.
My son came by and said he was going out to Lake Havasu for the night. He invited me to come along. Due to the heat here and out there, I declined. He is currently in Needles, an hour from the lake, and took this pic of the temperature outside. No thanks!
Nothing all day… my replacement ‘my pillow’ pillows came. Along with the replacement title for the old truck. Didn’t expect it for at least another 2 weeks. I needed a few groceries anyway so I went to town. I stopped by and signed the title over to the buyer. He had the truck running, sounded good, wish him luck. It was a good truck for me.

Had planned to stop on the way back and do a little plant hunting. But… it was raining everywhere. The place I'd planned to stop is dangerous when dry. That creek is a very bad idea during a flash flood.

No plans but tv this evening...
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After finishing up the clam shell cage (see garden 2023 thread) I reset parts of my work shop putting all the tools I was using away. Even cleaned part of the bench and wiped it down. Ready to move on to other projects.

Top priority will be keeping the gardens weeded and harvesting as crops come ready. That is always required during the growing season.

The next priority project will be rehabilitation of the garden boxes on The Ridge. Some of 5he boards need some attention. They all need topped of with Special Mix soil to account dor the settling if the hugelkultures over the years. That will involve a fair amount of shoveling and harvesting rocks to level the boxes because they are on a steep hill. Weather is going to affect the timing of that work.

When the weather gets in the way I will be working on moving the transfer switch to a new location close to where the alternate power system will go. That will require running new circuits for the critical loads freezers, furnace and freeze dryer. The FD is not technically a critical load but I want to be able to power it via solar and save money on electric.

Keeping at it.

@Wingnut that’s how we like corn on the cob also! The silks fall right off.
@Patchouli I didn’t forget and wasn’t ignoring you. I’m just slow. I don’t think I’ve ever rolled them out. I just use a scoop and smash them. Sometimes I use the yellow coloring but didn’t this time


Sorry pix are sideways. I’m on my phone.

Worked today, off tomorrow.
I slept in a bit, compared to my recent 7am alarm clock time. Stayed in bed a few hours watching YouTube. At 1pm I went into the garage to start clearing off the floor. Most of it got stacked haphazardly on the work bench, in a somewhat organized fashion. I worked in 2 our increments with an our or so rest in between. I was just wore out from working on the new chicken fence around the bird area the past tow, hot, days. I felt better this evening. There is enough room in the garage to back the trailer in to swap the axles back above the leaf springs. I don't see much for off road camping adventures to I don't need that extra 4" ground clearance and if I use it for my sales booth for Tshirts at the Farmers Market I need the back ramp to reach the ground the the stairs for the door to be normal height. Tomorrow is work on trailer day. Job one, get the generator running. I suspect I need to drain the old gasoline out of the tank. The generator should be good as i turn off the fuel and run it dry when I am done using it. It does need a new battery, maybe I can steel the one out of the Monte Carlo I am not driving until I can afford 4 new 6 volt batteries. This week is payday at the new job so I should have the cash for new batteries if necessary.
Tomorrow is supposed to be cooler, only in the mid-90's, so working on the trailer shouldn't be too bad if it is in the shade in the garage.
I'll be working today--it's a short shift--10am - 2pm. Being the highest paid employee there--behind the pharmacist--I'll be sticking it to the man at double time and a half. Spending the rest of the day puttering around.
10 hours pay for 4 hours on the clock is always a good motivator. I used to work every holiday I could, when I first hired onto the railroad. I just couldn't resist the 2.5x hours, and I needed the money. Now that I've been there 15 years, I don't feel the need. I got a text yesterday, asking if I would volunteer to work a derailment in North Platte, Nebraska today. I didn't even bother to reply NO! I'm kind of mad that they bothered me with it on my days off...
The stew I ate yesterday was heavy on the onions (more than usual). They always give me a bit of trouble if there are any in there at all, but there were too many so my digestive system hates me. Been drinking Pepto and staying near the bathroom. I love the taste of onions but hate what they do to my guts.

Wasn't able to be productive yesterday because of the digestive stuff. Watched the finale of Endeavour on Masterpiece (PBS) and have been catching up on episodes of Vera online.

Got a curbside pickup order later today.
Woke up too early but later than I meant to. :confused2:
Mowed the front yard. Much easier with the new mower I got for Christmas. It is lighter. Plus it was still mostly in shade which made it easy too. Now I have to get the little bastard grass burrs off the mower, wherever they’re stuck to it, before I mow the backyard. Have you noticed that backyard is one word but front yard is two?🤔
Have a course I should be working on. Unlimited on timing, no deadlines.
I’d rather say what I have done than what I’m going to do.
Woke up too early but later than I meant to. :confused2:
Mowed the front yard. Much easier with the new mower I got for Christmas. It is lighter. Plus it was still mostly in shade which made it easy too. Now I have to get the little bastard grass burrs off the mower, wherever they’re stuck to it, before I mow the backyard. Have you noticed that backyard is one word but front yard is two?🤔
Have a course I should be working on. Unlimited on timing, no deadlines.
I’d rather say what I have done than what I’m going to do.
I finished mowing my yards😃👍!! Just now starting to get hot, wasn't bad earlier!
Today we are just having a nice day, I worked in the garden this morning, planting, weeding, and harvesting. Then the wife made a nice breakfast. After that I mixed up some weed killer and sprayed the walkways, driveway, and around the raised beds. This afternoon I plan to work on my indoor vertical garden. Finally, tonight we are grilling chicken kabobs on the grill. I have some chicken legs I plan to BBQ as the grill is warming up, wife does not like chicken legs so it's a win win.

Wife does not like fireworks so we will call it a night early and then complain about the noise tomorrow... ;)
I slept until 9am, woke up feeling way more rested than yesterday. I might try to get the generator running on the toyhauler, seeing how it is only supposed to be 95* today. That is a bit more tolerable that the 100* for the last 2 days. If I get really energetic and things go well I need to swap the axles to lower the height of the trailer, but I am sure I wont get help with that so I may save that for later in the week when it is cooler in the evenings. Or, I may play on the computer and design some stuff for my business venture. I bought some plastic signboards from Michael's and need to cut out vinyl decals for advertisement and pricing.

Happy 4th of July. Be Safe.
Kickin' it indoors after watering this morning... it's already hot out there, so I'll be stayin' indoors until late afternoon or early evening, at which point I'll BBQ all that good stuff waiting in the fridge, lol. No other plans today, and no home rehab, that's for sure! I'll catch up to that manana... oh, yeah, I'm with INresponse as far as road safety goes, you folks who are driving, be careful out there, even if you're sober there may be drunks on the road. Here in '***** Country' that's a gold-plated certainty, lol... good thing I don't drive on holidays, same way I avoided sailing on holiday weekends in ****. Too many drunks! 😒
We are closing on the house we are selling this week. Buyer wanted the lawn mowed within four days of closing. So Hubby went to mow there today and we have an electric mower. Apparently the buyer already had the electric transferred to his name and the power was off! The buyer has been a jerk. I was tempted to just tell him we couldn’t mow since the power is now in his name and the power to the house was off. But Hubby borrowed the neighbors gas mower and mowed.

We sold the house “as is” and he wanted us to make all kinds of repairs. I told his realtor what part of “as is” does he not understand. We told him we’d let him out of the contract if he wanted. He decided to make the repairs in his own to qualify for the loan. He is married but only putting his name in the title. That might not be good for his wife if something should happen to him.
Got home about 0130 am stayed up till about 0230 ish n called it a night.
Beautiful full supermoon last night..
Up today early @0900. Feed watered everything, coffee time done.
Now I have to mow the back n garden..
Make bacon strips and deviled eggs for the bbq later..go to the store n walk the dogs at some point, laundry..and a million other chores.
I'm not very motivated to do much honestly..
I guess I'd better get the mowing done at least n see what I do after..

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