Got a confession to make: today I am SLACKIN', lol. Goofing off and extending the holiday... ate a big plate of leftover BBQ for brunch, no WAY I was gonna stoop & bend to caulk and paint after that, lol. On the flip side, I've been too full to drink beer, so I'm dry as a Southern Baptist Temperance Revival Meeting, lol. That may change in a bit, I think my plate o' BBQ is finally settling, lol. The leftovers were delicious, but the plate was kinda large, 10-4?
After macking that BBQ, I started reading ROBINSON CRUSOE by Daniel Defoe, I picked it up from the 'Discarded' shelf at the library for only a dime... I didn't get far before the Sandman started standing on my eyelids, lol. So I took a big ol' nap, but that's okay, I was up early so this nap offset that early start. I suppose this classic book was discarded by our local library because it has elements of Christianity, though it's the puritanical Protestant version of Christianity.
Makes me wonder if the book would've been discarded if it dealt with "Islam, The Religion Of Peace!" It's not as if the book is in that bad shape, it's still perfectly readable. Maybe there's some libtard mole at work in the library, ferreting out the books with references to Christianity, pfffffft. Sawing off heads is socially acceptable, but God forbid a poor castaway stranded in a remote location should pray to his Lord. Don't even get me started on the Church of the Unholy Tranny Grinders, lol.