Went to the casino to spend quality-time with DW's relatives

Big storm moving thru.
Power blinking on and off there for an hour

Don't know how much time you spend in one of those, but
EVERYTHING is run by computer.
You could hear the entire house groan loud every time it blinked off.
The people playing the big video machines were really pist!

Fortunately, we were standing in the long line for supper for a long time while the hits kept coming.
I went to the bar where you can drink free if you play the machines on the countertop. I plugged in and ordered the 'cheap/house whiskey' and coke.
I had been told that was all you could get for free

Then my new 'greatest friend for this year' leaned over and said: "you can get whatever you want"

I asked the guy: "even Crown & coke?"
He nodded his head.
I had good luck with the machine, because I can figure out how they think pretty quick.
Put $5 into it to start, drank 3, $7.50 Crown & coke drinks for free, and got up an hour later and cashed out the $5 ticket I got from the machine.
More fun continued at the roulette table where I know I killed 3+ more of those drinks and left 2 hours with more $ than I started with. Yes, DW was the 'designated-driver'
Since I know many are lining up to give me a spanking, I'll help you out....
I remembered why I luv

, luv

, luv

, that stuff and had to give it up.

It is waaaay too wonderful!!!