Watered outside, and re-wrapped the cold line to the external Luxaire A/C unit on the west side of my home... the original insulation had degraded or deteriorated to the point where it was worthless, so I stripped all of that and wrapped the line with nice new insulation, then taped it up so it'll last awhile. Just trying to maximize efficiency of the A/C system during this ongoing heat wave. I've been meaning to do this for weeks now, just finally got around to it today, but at least I can cross it off the long list of home rehab tasks still to be done, lol. Now I'm down to only a mere 547 tasks, AYE?
I'm also doing laundry right now and drinking a cold beer, I realized I was getting low on socks & boxer shorts... I often wear boxers inside my home, it saves me from going through a bunch of clothes every week. I really wish I could find more of those baggy OD (Olive Drab) boxer shorts the Aarrrrrghmy used to issue to soldiers, those shorts were great! Seems like all the boxer shorts sold nowadays are the gay bun-huggin' type, not the good ol' baggy kind provided by the Army. It could be a 'Chinese size' thing too, where a pair of XL shorts actually means XS in America, pffffffft.
Meh, I'll keep looking for baggy shorts... as an old school skateboarder, rock climber, dirt biker, etc, I gotta have freedom of movement, ya know? No bun-huggin' f@gtard shorts wanted here, lol... I ain't livin' on "The Fruit Loop" in Balboa Park! That was supposedly where queers went looking for action in ****, due to the park's proximity to the gay ghetto in that **** $h!thole, lol. Hillcrest, that was the name of the ghetto... locals on the beach called it Fudgecrest, aye? What a dump that place was too... suitable for Epic F@gtard Darwin Failures, but that's about it.
Oh, well, none of that Kalifornia BS matters now, I'm livin' in the boondocks with normal folks (i.e. rednecks), lol. I don't think there's a 'Pride Parade' in Alamo, none of the locals would bother going to it, lol. Some drunken ***** behind the wheel of his pickup truck, impatient to get to the liquor store, might plow through those f@gtards like tenpins, lol... now THAT might be worth seeing, BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Post the video on JewTube, lol. "GIVE THAT MESCALERO APACHE A GOOD CITIZENSHIP MEDAL!!!" Post the interview: "ME SCALPUM F@GTARDS WITH PICKUP TRUCK!!!"
Okay, I'm having too much fun here, and it's time to grab another beer outta the fridge... this laundry is thirsty work!