FarmOR, I would just swap same-side tires, front to back and back to front... diagonal rotation is better, but same-side rotation is much easier when you're working with a jack (and hopefully two jack stands). Safer as well... swapping front tires side to side is a waste of time, IMO, better to swap front & back tires, as front tires get a lot of wear on their edges due to all the turns and whatnot. Just my $.02 on that subject.
While I was watering this morning, I came across a bird which one of the cats had brought down... it was lying in the dirt, fluttering one wing when I first saw it. I moved closer to see if the bird could be saved... poor little guy was still alive, but crawling with ants. A wound in his throat was serious enough to suggest that death was just around the corner... but I have a thing about dying with dignity, not suffering in mortal agony while crawling with ants.
At first, I was tempted to just crush the life out of the bird, but that didn't seem fair... so I gently picked him up and used the hose to spray most of the ants off of his body. Not a powerful hose setting, just enough to get rid of the ants. Then I decided to set him on top of the trash bin, which is clean and in a shady place, but I never made it to the bin in time... the bird died in my hand, I felt a shudder in his body as life departed. Poor little guy's earthly troubles had ended.
I went ahead and set the dead bird atop the trash bin, and a few minutes later I gave him a Christian burial with the shovel I fetched from the shed. A sad incident, to be sure, but I like to think that the bird appreciated what I did for it before it died. If I somehow hastened its death, I probably did it a favor. In my time of dying, I hope somebody is there to offer some comfort and relief as I pass, ya know? And we all got it coming, one way or another... nobody here gets out alive.
Usually, when I run across a wounded bird in my yard, or if I take a wounded bird away from one of the cats, I put it in a small cardboard box reserved for the purpose and set the box in the 'War Room'---then I shut the door so the cats can't get in there, and I let the bird die in peace inside the box. I also take a saucer of water to the box if it looks like the bird may live awhile, and I gently hold the bird so it can drink if it's thirsty. Death with dignity, aye?
P.S. I've said it before and I'll say it again, when my time comes I hope I'm hit by a train or a truck, so my spirit flies at once and there's no lingering pain and suffering. Better to get slammed hard and be done with it... no drawn-out death, no nursing home, none of that BS. In a way, I can understand suicides by those with terminal illnesses, and who's to judge them for choosing that route? Who can fault them? I certainly can't... I'd do it myself if life ever got that bad.