What's everybody doing today?

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I'm tired today..
Walked the dogs ..
Made a bisquick sausage egg n cheese bake pie for breakfast or lunchs for the week.
work lunchs made,
cleaned the fridge
Now shower n news
Maybe start a new rug..
Rest of the day is to relax
To.orrow were supposed to get a bunch of rain now they are forecasting potential to 4 inches a hour ..potentially...
At least it might put out a fire east of me. Might have to start mowing soon tho :/
Haha, Peanut, I always scoop up spiders and toss 'em in the yard where they can do some good... this is bug season after all. The only spiders I kill are venomous ones, I don't want those around, but the others usually get a pass, unless they become problematic as I try to corral 'em with the tall plastic cup I use for the purpose. Those who don't cooperate get smashed, and not in an alcoholic way... but I try to save most spiders, as they come in handy for pest control. 😒

Hot and windy here, but a cooling trend is on the way this week! When I stepped outside to replenish the birdbaths and add ice, a funny thought crossed my mind: what if you could store days like this in a "weather fridge" or "cellar" and uncork 'em in 'The Great White North' in the middle of February? 100* F with hot winds blowing would probably feel pretty good right about then, lol. A dry sauna feels good, but how about blue skies & sunshine too? And hot desert winds? 😉

Earlier today, after brunch and dishes, I decided to lie down and read my Western, but I was out before I ever laid a hand on the book, lol... took a 4-hour nap and woke up feeling great, the nap was unexpected but I don't care, I figure it has to do with all the hot weather, even at night. At 0230 this morning, I woke and checked the thermometer, and it was still 80* F in my home... ugh, no wonder my sheets were damp with sweat. Can't wait for those crisp cold fall nights to arrive! 🥶

Otherwise, I'm chillaxin' at the ol' hacienda, still gotta water later but not for a couple of hours... that wind seems to be knocking the temp down a bit, but I gotta wait until it subsides before I get out there and drag the 100' garden hoses around. I have a system for watering, the two 100' hoses will just about cover every corner of my property. If I had more money, I'd put in an irrigation system, something I've done and know how to do, but it's not in the financial cards. 😢
Got the solar panels lowered to the correct angle and pointed in the right direction, south and a little east, and tightend all the bolts. The other solar array is pointed due south. Next I'll connect the wires and mount the combiner box to the pole mount. Should have everything wired and (hopefully) working by the end of the week. This will add another 1640 watts to our system.
I got the new deck framed in at the chicken coop. Once I get the 2×8 deck boards down tomorrow I'll start framing the new "egg room". It'll have nest boxes along one wall and the eggs will roll outside in to another box.
Our meat chickens will be ready to butcher next week.
It never got above 67 degs today. Nice working weather.
We got some of the honey put up today.

I went over to the hunting property and worked on their database for a couple of hours, then hit w-mart on the way home to pick up some more juice. I am noticing that since I cut back on the Diet Coke, I can no longer drink it on an empty stomach... I have a couple hours before church so I plan on making ups some of the wiring connections for my battery backup upgrades... I have my last load of laundry in the washer ready to run as soon a the wife wakes up.

On my health issues I am finding that my afternoon snacks are what is putting the nail in my coffin (sugar wise), so I did pick up some sugar free gun and candy in hopes of raining that in. I did e-mail my doctor and asked them to put me on Metformin to see if it will help me get it under control.. But no response yet.
Sugar free candy tends to have almost as many carbs in it as regular candy, so it will tend to raise blood glucose levels quite a bit. Plus some of the fake sweeteners will give you the runs so bad that you will be able to poop through a screen door without hitting any wires. As a diabetic myself, I abstain from them...
Guess we’re getting a chance in the bug barrel. I’ve got Chinese Lanternflies. When the wings are open and they’re flying they’re actually really pretty. When the wings are folded up they are creepy as heck. When they’re on the ground and you are trying to smash them, they are crazy fast. Gone in a blink of an eye.

just another usele piece of junk from China.
I have a book I get my recipes from, It's quite handy, but here's my process.

I heat the oven to 275, then I leave it running an hour to get the temp consistent, then I put in the chopped up herb, which should be pea sized.

The better the butter (I use kerrygold unsalted,) 1 and a half pack, 3 sticks total. The better the weed the better the weedbutter. so I use filtered water, grass fed butter, and quality cannabis, and then I decarb the weed by itself in the oven for 20 minutes without peeking,

When it is done simmer the three items together in a pot, never boiling it destroys the goodies, and keep it there, moving the herb that sticks down with a spatula for 4 hours, then I strain the butter into a strainer and cheesecloth, squeeze out all the gold and pour the mixture into a mason jar or something.

Leave it in the fridge 24 hours. Remove it, take the large solid block off the water DO NOT THROW ANYTHING OUT.

The water and a thin greenish film on the bottom of the butter should be scraped into a bowl to make noodles or pasta or something out of. I gave some of these noodles to a roommate and he fell asleep next to the coffee table and the noodles were eaten by his dog, which was really hilarious. The poor thing didn't know what was going on.

Anyhow, when you're done, the butter is super potent.

I forgot to mention you need a quarter of an ounce of bud to make this mixture but can use more.

When it's done it's great in any recipe that needs oil or butter, and also great on it's own in coffee, though, warned that in coffee about half a minute before it kicks in your throat gets really dry and barely painful from all the oil being replaced by butter as you eat or drink. I think. I don't know why it happens, but it tells you it's about time to plan for incoherency.
Saw my brother, gave him a birthday gift card to Barnes and Nobles, two books of fairytales to read to his son, Grimms, and Hans Christian Anderson. I also gave him a thermos, the best one I could find for soups. Saw my grandparents.
Collecting the tools for our walk through tomorrow, prior to closing on Tuesday. a few little niggles after closing but nothing an hour won't fix.

For moving, I'm thinking pack our boxes and move those, for the heavy stuff hire a company with some husky young men to move. Thats what we did when I was a lot younger.

My office is filled with empty boxes, the back of my Subaru is packed with stuff.

WTHeck was I thinking :p
We moved in February. I still have a room full of unpacked boxes. I’m thinking of hiring an organizer to help me get that room put together. I don’t know where to begin. 😩
Sugar free candy tends to have almost as many carbs in it as regular candy, so it will tend to raise blood glucose levels quite a bit. Plus some of the fake sweeteners will give you the runs so bad that you will be able to poop through a screen door without hitting any wires. As a diabetic myself, I abstain from them...
Interesting. I’ve been a bit ‘stopped up’. I just bought some sugar free gummy bears and prunes to facilitate the process. TMI?
It's been pretty smokey here too. There's some fires a little east and north of us. They don't make the news because there's no houses being threatened. Right now the wind is coming out of the south and we've had a few drops of rain already. Not enough to wet the ground, but it could be a start. Temps are in the upper 60's so far. I think the smoke is mostly staying up north. Our daughter lives up near the Newport fire near the Idaho/Washington border.
I hope we get some rain out of this storm. The Forest Service is still planing on starting a "prescribed" burn around 4 sides of our property this summer or fall.
Is that the big Oregon Rd fire? I think near Chattaroy/Elk.

There was another fire that started 5 miles NE of us and wind was blowing SW…
Wasn’t far from our storage garages in town so we went down and loaded up a ton of supplies/ammo/etc we had housed there to put into our containers.

These fires have been out of control.
In case you have no experience with hurricanes... The closer it gets the more the wind shifts, from coming out of the north to coming out of the east. It should continue heading out to sea. Think of a big circle spinning counter-clockwise, a 1000 miles across.

I see upper level winds change here when hurricanes are still 800-1000 miles away. Sort of amazing how something so far away can directly affect me. But they do!!! Hopefully it loses energy the further north it travels. Cold water = no heat = no power.

Major house cleaning today, even tackled the bathroom with CLR and steel wool. Tossed the wolf spider outside that had been living in the bathroom. He wasn't helping the cricket issue anyway.

Started prepping for next weekend... Gonna try to play music on pine mtn. If I'm ready by tomorrow I'll have the week to rest up before leaving on friday.
Well I hope they get these fires out before the wind shifts, and not much exposure to hurricanes with the exception of Hurricane opal when I lived in TN in 1995 when I was going to college there!
Went to the market yesterday and sold a ton of tomatoes but still have enough left to can sauce, so that will be my project today other than the regular chores.
I am surprised how much we sold, there were not really that many people there. But 3 of the 5 bread/pastry bakers were missing, so I sold all my bread in the first few hours and people were looking for more. I can only bake so much in one day by myself....
Met a woman from Ukraine that wants me to bake her some rye bread and come pick it up. She says she has 10 kids and homeschools, and doesn't have time. We'll see if she really calls and orders the bread. I think she might have been muslim ( head covered but not Amish) She told me they had sheep also. We both agreed that typical American bread from the store sucks. It sure was shocking to me what passed for bread when I first moved to the US. Most Noerthern Europeans are used to heavy dense rye bread with a lot of flavor, not mushy white stuff that doesn't mold and has to be toasted to a crisp to be eatable .
My favorite is a sour Dough
And yes, dense not all fluffy

Second place is Jewish Rye
Most of the honey they make here comes from oak trees it’s a little different color

Here the local honey is darker than yours. I was wondering about the species of the bee tree. Red oak but which one? Looks like what i call a swamp oak or black oak. Sort of funny, when I did FFA forestry judging... i had to learn all the oaks in bama, all 27 species. Don't remember all of them, just how many!! 🤣

Anyway, good score on the honey!

@DrJenner Vandy? Great school, worked in nashville a couple years.

I've always thought they are so cute. We saw them a lot when we lived in Quartzsite. I also like them in gravy over rice. LOL My grandad used to shoot them for dinner.

Today should be easy. Church first.
Walk dogs.
Wash sheets, blankets and dog blankets.
You all have a good week!

I actually made this today
Changed up the ingredients a little
2- cans bumble bee salmon
I sleeve saltines - crushed
Teas cayenne
Tablespoon or 2 garlic powder
11/2 cup milk

Pretty 👍 good. Thanks for the recipe/ idea
Haha, Peanut, I always scoop up spiders and toss 'em in the yard where they can do some good... this is bug season after all. The only spiders I kill are venomous ones, I don't want those around, but the others usually get a pass, unless they become problematic as I try to corral 'em with the tall plastic cup I use for the purpose. Those who don't cooperate get smashed, and not in an alcoholic way... but I try to save most spiders, as they come in handy for pest control. 😒

Hot and windy here, but a cooling trend is on the way this week! When I stepped outside to replenish the birdbaths and add ice, a funny thought crossed my mind: what if you could store days like this in a "weather fridge" or "cellar" and uncork 'em in 'The Great White North' in the middle of February? 100* F with hot winds blowing would probably feel pretty good right about then, lol. A dry sauna feels good, but how about blue skies & sunshine too? And hot desert winds? 😉

Earlier today, after brunch and dishes, I decided to lie down and read my Western, but I was out before I ever laid a hand on the book, lol... took a 4-hour nap and woke up feeling great, the nap was unexpected but I don't care, I figure it has to do with all the hot weather, even at night. At 0230 this morning, I woke and checked the thermometer, and it was still 80* F in my home... ugh, no wonder my sheets were damp with sweat. Can't wait for those crisp cold fall nights to arrive! 🥶

Otherwise, I'm chillaxin' at the ol' hacienda, still gotta water later but not for a couple of hours... that wind seems to be knocking the temp down a bit, but I gotta wait until it subsides before I get out there and drag the 100' garden hoses around. I have a system for watering, the two 100' hoses will just about cover every corner of my property. If I had more money, I'd put in an irrigation system, something I've done and know how to do, but it's not in the financial cards. 😢
Roger, understood, it took me almost a year to buy the material to repipe my house. We went with out hot water for 6 months
Didn't do much. Still tired, had trouble standing up to get out of bed. Cooked for Mom and went to Walmart to get more groceries. Needed bread & butter.
Monday (today) my friend wants me to pick him up around noon so he can come out and work on electrical stuff. Hoping it will go quickly and we're going to see if we can identify the most upstream outlet on the breaker to the computer so he can install a GFCI outlet. That *might* fix some of the issues- I hope.
Covid. Gotta be a crazy thing. I didn’t lockdown in 21
No lockdowns for us either, farmers were exempt here. We even still had farmers market ( but had to wear a stupid mask).
So now covid is coming back, or new disease? We never got it, or at least not aware of it. I had maybe a few cold type things in the last several years but nothing major
Successfully canned 7 jars of pasta sauce with goat meat. I actually made 10 ( hard to tell with that many tomatoes) but the canner only holds 7 quart jars. So I am going to use one and put the other 2 in the freezer

I was still working on it at 10 pm last night. It took an hour for the pressure to drop so I could open it.

We also froze the rest of the green beans ( husband actually helped) and I cooked some plums with sugar to make a dessert for today

I think I am not going to do any extra projects today, just regular chores