What's everybody doing today?

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No sleep for me last night, husband was up constantly. I'm about ready to rip the dexcom monitor out of his arm and flush it...the stupid thing alarming every hour or less because he's screwed up his insulin. Just kidding, I won't really. But he will nap today, and that won't happen for me. Taking little granddaughter to school in a bit, then animal chores, and then we have 3 doctor appts in the bigger town, so we will be gone all day long. They are not one right after the other, and not in the same building, but one is getting the Picc line removed, so that'll be good.
No sleep for me last night, husband was up constantly. I'm about ready to rip the dexcom monitor out of his arm and flush it...the stupid thing alarming every hour or less because he's screwed up his insulin. Just kidding, I won't really. But he will nap today, and that won't happen for me. Taking little granddaughter to school in a bit, then animal chores, and then we have 3 doctor appts in the bigger town, so we will be gone all day long. They are not one right after the other, and not in the same building, but one is getting the Picc line removed, so that'll be good.
Extra coffee😉
@winds-of-change I guess if it you want to use sugar free candy as a laxative, go ahead. Not everyone reacts the same way to artificial sweeteners so it may or may not work. But personally I'm not a fan of trying to clench my hind end while I sprint to the bathroom, and that's what happens to me when I eat that stuff. YMMV...
Funny story....our son brought a girlfriend here about a year ago. She wanted sweets but did not want to eat sugar, so she bought some sugar free chocolate peanut clusters in town. She put them in her backpack, and forgot about them. They broke up, and she left a bunch of stuff at his place. One night, he had chocolate cravings, so ate the whole pack. He said his stomach started rumbling and he was back and forth to the bathroom for the next 8 hrs. Gross stuff. Maybe if you eat just one
My brother was down from upstate this past weekend. He’s taking a trailer home with him. In fact, he left a little while ago to go back upstate. Dad is following him (just to make sure he doesn’t have any trouble with the trailer ;) ). Dad’s going to stay at the cabin for a week or so. That means I get a modified vacation. Nobody I have to cook for. Taking Wednesday and Thursday off from work.
I actually made this today
Changed up the ingredients a little
2- cans bumble bee salmon
I sleeve saltines - crushed
Teas cayenne
Tablespoon or 2 garlic powder
11/2 cup milk

Pretty 👍 good. Thanks for the recipe/ idea

Midnite snackage. Lol.
I am going to tell you how I managed to get out of doing laundry forever
Yep, FOREVER, I have not washed any clothes since 1990
Granted. I have been adjudicated by
TOMBO ( The One who Must Be Obeyed)
As to ignorant to wash clothes, I am ok with that
I noticed my new Wife’s very expensive cashmere sweater neededcleaning
Into the washer it Went.
I also had 2 pair of new Levies that were stiff and some underwear
Washed it all in hot watet popped it into the dryer on hot
Rut roo. Something is wrong with the sweater, it is blotchy blue and really small
Wife came home and we had our first disagreement as newly weds
Doors slammed, I bought a new sweater and was
Adjudicated on the spot as to be too stupid to be allowed in the laundry room
A life long sentence was handed out with out parole
My Hubby does 95% of the laundry here. I don’t own any fancy clothes like cashmere sweaters. But years ago my sister had a mohair sweater and she, herself, is the one who laundered and ruined her own sweater.
My wife's health has prevented her from doing stairs or the laundry for 16 years, so if it's going to get done I'm going to have to do it. I try to do the laundry properly, sort all clothes, wash on the proper temperatures, and only dry on low heat. I never machine wash knits.... (FYI, one of the wife's friends asked her how she gets our whites to stay white!)

This year my wife's health has declined to the point where she could either cook or wash the dishes, but not both. We both agreed that we would be better off if I washed dishes and she cooks dinner! I am trying to shadow her when she is cooking (helping chop vegetables and tending the skillet when her strength wains) to learn the recipes and tricks she uses because there will come a time when she can't cook...

My wife and I have been a good team, she carried much of the load early in our marriage and even more when we decided that I should go back to school with 2 kids at home. It was hard but a good choice as I would not have been able to fully support our family before that change. I have carried most of the load for the last 20 years, but that only fair.

@Frodo @UrbanHunter I know you do what ya gotta do, but you’re good guys. 🏆As are most here.
Better than
They are great men. I’m not so good at getting around. I need a new knee and am trying to lower my BMI so the anesthesiologist will take me. My husband does a lot for me. Sometimes I have to tell him to please just let me do SOMETHING around here.
@winds-of-change I guess if it you want to use sugar free candy as a laxative, go ahead. Not everyone reacts the same way to artificial sweeteners so it may or may not work. But personally I'm not a fan of trying to clench my hind end while I sprint to the bathroom, and that's what happens to me when I eat that stuff. YMMV...
Yeah, I know what you are saying, Spikedriver. But I’ll probably only eat 5-6 gummies at a time.
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They are great men. I’m not so good at getting around. I need a new knee and am trying to fry my BMI lower so the anesthesiologist will take me. My husband does a lot for me. Sometimes I have to tell him to please just let me do SOMETHING around here.

Yeah, I know what you are saying, Spikedriver. But I’ll probably only eat 5-6 gummies at a time.
Ok. Generally would not do this but…..
First, consult a Medical professional
Need to drop the BMI for an operation?
Before I go farther I am going to say this one more time
Consult a medical professional

Seek out via the internet the diet they require bariatric patients to be on before surgery
It is a liquid diet that consists of
Powdered protein
You need to buy brooth
Add the proteen
Buy fresh fruits mss as me a smoothie using fresh fruit, ice, protein powder
Multi vitamins

Follow the pre opp diet and you will d try op 50 pounds a week
It will come back if you connotes habits
@Peanut it was UTC in Chattanooga. I miss the humidity of the south but that’s it 😁
Everything was fried and I think I gained 20 lbs there.

Today, wind coming out of the NE which is blowing the fire away from us. AQI still terrible. Hoping we get some rain tonight. I’m still holed up with the air purifier.

The boys are going to finish up the forms on the Quonset hut and get that going. I have 3 weeks off at the end of this month and going into Sept so hoping we can get a lot of work done here before winter. We were supposed to drive down south to visit my brothers but that is not going to happen now.
When I'm at work I sit for long hours, I get cravings and find if I can just chew gum or something like that I'm fine. I do not want to eat a lot of the sugar free stuff, just avoid eating the sugary stuff. I am working very hard to get my sugar and blood pressure under control, but after 4 weeks I keep finding things that make it hard to keep going. I have 5 weeks before my follow-up Dr.'s appointment and I do not want to end up having to do needles (I Hate Them more that you could imagine). To be honest removing most of the bread, pasta, and rice from my diet really helped with the weight loss, but the 6 hour period between breakfast and lunch really pushes me to the limit.....
Ok. Generally would not do this but…..
First, consult a Medical professional
Need to drop the BMI for an operation?
Before I go farther I am going to say this one more time
Consult a medical professional

Seek out via the internet the diet they require bariatric patients to be on before surgery
It is a liquid diet that consists of
Powdered protein
You need to buy brooth
Add the proteen
Buy fresh fruits mss as me a smoothie using fresh fruit, ice, protein powder
Multi vitamins

Follow the pre opp diet and you will d try op 50 pounds a week
It will come back if you connotes habits
Thanks for the advice. I have dropped almost 45 pounds so far. I have been eating fairly healthy but every once in a while I crave sweets but I dint overdo it. An overweight patient with diabetes, HBP is a bit of a high risk under anesthesia. It’s not the surgeon who keeps you alive during surgery but the anesthesiologist. I have a doctor’s appointment Friday so we’ll see what he says. I’m so ready to take my life back.
I actually made this today
Changed up the ingredients a little
2- cans bumble bee salmon
I sleeve saltines - crushed
Teas cayenne
Tablespoon or 2 garlic powder
11/2 cup milk

Pretty 👍 good. Thanks for the recipe/ idea
I forgot to mention that I used a 16 oz jar of alfredo sauce instead of making the white sauce. I can be lazy!
I forgot to mention that I used a 16 oz jar of alfredo sauce instead of making the white sauce. I can be lazy!
I did not use a sauce. I
Thanks for the advice. I have dropped almost 45 pounds so far. I have been eating fairly healthy but every once in a while I crave sweets but I dint overdo it. An overweight patient with diabetes, HBP is a bit of a high risk under anesthesia. It’s not the surgeon who keeps you alive during surgery but the anesthesiologist. I have a doctor’s appointment Friday so we’ll see what he says. I’m so ready to take my life back.
i lost a lot of weight by giving up any liquid that has sugar or sweetener
but the 6 hour period between breakfast and lunch really pushes me to the limit.....
Celery, broccoli

Fruit smoothie, no sugar.
Use fruit, ice, non flavored yogurt
Well I hope they get these fires out before the wind shifts, and not much exposure to hurricanes with the exception of Hurricane opal when I lived in TN in 1995 when I was going to college there!
Looks like it's currently just over 10K acres and is finally up to 10% contained which is at least heading in the right direction. As of Sat. night it was still at 0% containment. Hope the cap the bugger and that you remain safe!
HB, It'd be nice to save the colony, honeybees are under enough pressure as it is. Nice morning here, I've been watering the yard and meeting some critters... first a friendly bird who followed me around as I watered, which was unusual. I hope it's not some young orphan that'll make a quick meal for one of the cats... later, I found a kangaroo rat who seemed displaced, but I guided him toward some brush with cover and concealment. Kangaroo rats normally stooge around at night, it's not a good idea for them to be abroad in daylight hours, out in the open with no cover or concealment. First cat or hawk to come along will make short work of that rodent... I actually like kangaroo rats, they're not problematic like NYC sewer rats, lol. They dwell outdoors, for starters, and usually you'll never see 'em, but this one was lost or maybe disoriented... I hope the critter makes it home, or finds a good home here on the property where it'll be safe from the cats. :cool:
When I'm at work I sit for long hours, I get cravings and find if I can just chew gum or something like that I'm fine. I do not want to eat a lot of the sugar free stuff, just avoid eating the sugary stuff. I am working very hard to get my sugar and blood pressure under control, but after 4 weeks I keep finding things that make it hard to keep going. I have 5 weeks before my follow-up Dr.'s appointment and I do not want to end up having to do needles (I Hate Them more that you could imagine). To be honest removing most of the bread, pasta, and rice from my diet really helped with the weight loss, but the 6 hour period between breakfast and lunch really pushes me to the limit.....
Ceylon cinnamon is supposed to be helpful with reducing/regulating blood sugar.
When I'm at work I sit for long hours, I get cravings and find if I can just chew gum or something like that I'm fine. I do not want to eat a lot of the sugar free stuff, just avoid eating the sugary stuff. I am working very hard to get my sugar and blood pressure under control, but after 4 weeks I keep finding things that make it hard to keep going. I have 5 weeks before my follow-up Dr.'s appointment and I do not want to end up having to do needles (I Hate Them more that you could imagine). To be honest removing most of the bread, pasta, and rice from my diet really helped with the weight loss, but the 6 hour period between breakfast and lunch really pushes me to the limit.....
Jerky or nuts are good "snacks" that are low carb. Also, if you have "good fats" for breakfast, they help keep you full longer.
but one is getting the Picc line removed, so that'll be good
We are waiting to hear if DH's midline will come out today or not. Glad your DH's is!
I did not use a sauce. I
I didn't use a sauce over the loaf. This was mixed in the loaf and called a white sauce in the recipe. I just put tartar sauce on the serving as I go.

Walked first, this morning.
Fed dogs and cat, etc.
Will go to Lowe's first for kitchen window.
Aldi for some groceries.
Pick up a small Avon order.
My doc appt for results of CT for kidney stone.
TSC for dog food
Thrift store to drop off bag of clothes.
Home and rest.
Crazy few days. Friday= argued with computer much of the day, got some tomato sauce canned, saved a few seeds.
Saturday, went to a quilt show for the first time since 2019 which was wonderful. It used to be my favorite and to this day, I've not been to one that exhibited the quality that show had back then. The quilts this weekend were "very nice" but there used to be multiple show stoppers. Many of those who used to produce the show stoppers have since passed.
Yesterday dealt with food, food and more food. Made roughly 12 quarts of salsa, canned 6 qts of green beans, 5 small jars of tomato sauce, picked more cayennes but didn't get them strung for drying yet. Saved more seeds, washed enormous amounts of dishes, did 2 loads of laundry, and dealt with inability to breath.
I've been waking up in the night in coughing fits. @DrJenner Our Air Index is over 300 and is awful. I can't even imagine over 500 - blek! Would be nice to sleep through the night one of these nights. Back at work this morning.
I got up too early for night shift so I'm lounging about.
I got all the critters outside settled for a rainy day.
I have a stall that I stacked some of the wood and hay bales in on saturday that will serve as a second chicken coop this winter for the turkeys. A few of the young turkeys and the one little young chicken followed me inside it today to get out of the rain. So I set them up so they can be dry n cozy today.
I feel bad for Chester. He is my darker heritage breed tom who is currently sopping wet on top of the run. He wont come down so I gave him a feed bowl so at least he can eat.
Steady very light to occasional medium rainfall and nothing too crazy here.
Definitely sounds like a interesting spice to read up on. It supposed to help lower hbp and cholesterol levels too..
Gotta make sure you get the ceylon type as the other kind of cinnamon can cause liver issues

@LadyLocust It’s confusing as heck if you decide to buy some. This was my last purchase, usda organic, grown in Sri Lanka (Ceylon). Ceylon cinnamon isn’t very aromatic like the cinnamon I can buy at the grocery store. At the market it’s usually Vietnamese cinnamon which is flavorful but very weak medicinally. For good medicine I only buy Ceylon cinnamon grown in Sri Lanka.

I use it for arthritis, Ceylon cinnamon tea with honey. Oddly enough it was recommended by my orthopedic surgeon. A Charolais bull injured my my knee. It was either surgery or make tea occasionally. I like the tea, works great for arthritis!

Also, i only buy cinnamon bark in sticks. (it curls up into rolls when harvested and dried)

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