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I'm sorry you're allergic to chocolate! Awful! We just watched the old movie, "Chocolat" and then wanted chocolate.
I love it and make specialty chocolates. Took me a while to figure it out since it was pretty much a food group all its own 😁. That was a movie where the movie was better than the book. I liked the music in it.
My son and his wife are expecting a baby to be born in February. Genetic testing for health came back all normal and the baby is a boy. Now for the 😱 factor. Their only other child is a girl and she is going into her second year of college. 🤣🤣🤣 OOPS. But I’m very excited for this new baby.
I have one boy & one girl, they have lift home.
I don’t even know what Yaupon is. 😁

They usually don't grow as far north as Tuscaloosa. A rare sight, found one close to me a couple winters ago. Indians used to make a drink from it and purposely throw up. I think folks still drink some kind of tea. it's latin name is - Ilex vomitoria... you pick, see below.

Just remembered, that hay field I posted above... I cut the hay one fall on 1st day of November!!! I'd never cut hay that late, just that once!! Had a very long, warm fall with good rain, the grass was ready to cut so i baled it! :)


Yaupon Holly: gets about 8-10ft tall here. Usually have to be south of tuscaloosa to see it.

Yaupon Holly  (2).JPG
I won't know until I open the drawer and am ready to do them. Need to do some rasping on them this evening. I have digging in the garden and metal shop nails at the moment.
Is EVERY Tuesday beautiful Tuesday , did you make this up???? I think from now on, no more Taco Tuesday , they are all Beautiful Tuesday ! Thanks FANCY LADY!!😉❤️💅👄
Yaupon Holly: gets about 8-10ft tall here.

I have a hybrid Yaupon that is a weeping tree of about 10-15 feet, think tall as a dogwood, but slim like a Christmas tree. Covered with red berries after the white blooms.
The Hybrid Yaupons are from twelve inches tall to four feet hedge & the small trees like I have.
Their kids will be 20 years apart. 🤣
Hey... common here! 10 kids were normal for my family, have an uncle couple days older than me. 🤣

@joel their normal boundary is the coastal plain around the se, tx to va. I rarely see them more than 300ft above sea level.

I was really suprised to see the one above. I don't know the cultivated varieties but think the one above was set out. it's by the driveway of an old home place. Long ago a lady set out lots of shrubs, knew her when i was a kid.
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So much for resting yesterday.....got a text from our neighbor down the road " come get your hay" . Everyone is cutting and baling this week. We have a rare week of NO rain. So we went and got 100 large square bales. Truck made it, but it's only 10 minutes from us and the hayfield is fairly flat Hay is unloaded but we still need to get it upstairs in the barn. Son promised to help after he gets back from school Hope he got there ok, his first class this time is really early and he had to leave in the dark.
My arms and shoulders are sore from unloading. I didn't load, drove the truck.

And now I know why someone mentioned potential new lockdowns for Covid! It's starting up again. The other guy that was supposed to deliver some hay never called me back to set a time and date. So I texted and found out the entire family had covid and sick. He said none of them got it up until now. I talked to his daughter first and she works at the hospital in town, and said a lot of people are now coming in with it again. Yuck. I hope we don't get it this time either.
Stopped by this spot today, haven’t been here in years. I cut this hay for a decade, grew some great hay here, about 20acres. Some steep ground around the far end, came close to rolling a tractor more than once.
You should see what people cut hay on around here....( very very steep scary) . Our friend that moved rolled his baler once, and someone in our club got killed that way . Went by another neighbor's pasture to get our hay yesterday and watched him mowe his very steep pasture and was thinking, wow , how does he not flip over. And then there is our new Amish neighbors , they were baling hay with 2 horses....that looked like a lot of work for the horses. Our former Amish neighbors had tractors. I guess these are really old fashioned ones. And not as good with the hay as the previous ones So far every bit they baled got rained on except this week and their fields now have tons of weeds in them. The previous ones had perfect hay fields.
( the new Amish are from NY, maybe that's why, different vegetation and weather)
Hey... common here! 10 kids were normal for my family, have an uncle couple days older than me. 🤣

I get that. My ex husband came from a large family and my kids once asked if Matt and Marty were their cousins or uncles. 🤣 They played with Legos together and Matt and Marty were their uncles. But my sons kids will be 20 years apart with no siblings in between.
It was cold, foggy and windy this morning. Had to start a fire last night. We ended up with over 3.5" of rain for August so far. Normal for August is about a half inch, although I've never seen rain here in Aug before. We're supposed to get thunderstorms later today.
Going down south to pick up some materials for some of our projects. I need to get 400 feet of 10ga wire for the solar panels and a ceiling fan for the new deck cover. Plus a bunch of other miscellaneous stuff.
Is EVERY Tuesday beautiful Tuesday , did you make this up???? I think from now on, no more Taco Tuesday , they are all Beautiful Tuesday ! Thanks FANCY LADY!!😉❤️💅👄
When my children were little, we had "beautiful Tuesday" and that's when we did nail cutting or hair cuts or any such thing. It just kinda stuck so on Tuesdays, I still sorta think in that realm. I didn't get them done this morning - had too many other things to do.
Meh, today I'm gonna F#% OFF in a big way, I've been bustin' my @$$ round here and it's time to cut loose... we can't ALL be homesteading MILLIONAIRES, lol. This cold beer I'm having for breakfast (after several hours in the yard) is mighty tasty... good thing there are plenty more in the fridge. Might be one of those rum days too, ya never know about these things. At least we gots rain in the forecast, maybe some will actually hit the ground this time, lol. It has been one LONG HOT SUMMER, and I'm ready to CHILLAX for awhile... some of the posts at this website remind me of that Brad Paisley song, not the 'Celebrity' tune but the other one, the song about the guy in his mom's basement who knows karate, drives a Maserati, etc, etc. That's a pretty funny tune, even though I'm not a big Brad Paisley fan... ;)
We had some of those wet drop thingies fall from the sky. I've been awake from before 2:30 so could hear it. It's wonderful, but we didn't get near as much as Mt. Trpr. Just enough to clean the air and settle the dust. Makes me want to stay home and stitch.
When my children were little, we had "beautiful Tuesday" and that's when we did nail cutting or hair cuts or any such thing. It just kinda stuck so on Tuesdays, I still sorta think in that realm. I didn't get them done this morning - had too many other things to do.
How neat, those kind of traditions stick with you!! I didn't get my nails done yet either!! I do plan on doing them later!! I'll have to have 'beautiful Tuesday' afternoon!! 😊 It is nice to have a time to take care of yourself!
We're at an Irish pub down in Oregon having lunch right now. Fish and Chips, of course. Had a slow leak in one of our tires on the way down, got it fixed.
Let me know if you're ever up this way. We love irish pubs :D

Had a deposition prep today for a medical case I'm consulting on. Rained a lot this morning (thank heavens) and now it just smells like wet forest outside (my favorite). The hubs went into town to get dog food + the mail and to order the tubes for the cabin foundation. We are just relaxing at home today. Tomorrow I'm going to organize the new root cellar, I'll post some pics. We hastily threw a lot of stuff on the shelves when the fires were headed our way.
Let me know if you're ever up this way. We love irish pubs :D

Had a deposition prep today for a medical case I'm consulting on. Rained a lot this morning (thank heavens) and now it just smells like wet forest outside (my favorite). The hubs went into town to get dog food + the mail and to order the tubes for the cabin foundation. We are just relaxing at home today. Tomorrow I'm going to organize the new root cellar, I'll post some pics. We hastily threw a lot of stuff on the shelves when the fires were headed our way.
Thankful you got rain!! Hope it was enough to settle the fire down!! That's scary stuff!!