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All of them are rotted at the gum line
It started about a year ago
The meds for my breathing machine rot your teeth. And Ibwas not aware till to late
If this is the case, Frodo - my understanding (which is close to nil ;)) if there is a referral from your regular dr. that the bacteria from your teeth are a concern for your other issues & heart, they (removal of teeth) can be covered by Medicare. It might be something to ask your regular dr. about before jumping.
All of them are rotted at the gum line
It started about a year ago
The meds for my breathing machine rot your teeth. And Ibwas not aware till to late
I Know someone who had terribly rotted teeth from seizure medicine. Dentures changed his life! Hope it works out great for you!!
Doctor switched her meds to 3 times a day and ordered a heart monitor. She will have to wear for 8 weeks and then if she wants he will do the procedure. I think the medical establishments are sucking us dry $$.
That gives her some thinking time!
She is worried we are fixing to go into another lockdown. We are both unvaxed and she thinks Medicare will force the vax before she could have the procedure. Three of her surgeries were last year, she waited until the covid scare had abated before having them done. Glad we live in Texas but Medicare is run by the feds.
If this is the case, Frodo - my understanding (which is close to nil ;)) if there is a referral from your regular dr. that the bacteria from your teeth are a concern for your other issues & heart, they (removal of teeth) can be covered by Medicare. It might be something to ask your regular dr. about before jumping.
Way ahead of you on that and the Doctor would not play alone.
She is worried we are fixing to go into another lockdown. We are both unvaxed and she thinks Medicare will force the vax before she could have the procedure. Three of her surgeries were last year, she waited until the covid scare had abated before having them done. Glad we live in Texas but Medicare is run by the feds.
8 weeks from now, you should be ok.
Forcing vaccination goes against bodily autonomy so they can’t legally do that, there are always exemptions in place with rare exceptions (such as organ transplant recipients- full vaccinations have always been required, including pre COVID era).
Flu season starts in October and Covid won’t have ramped up (if at all) until probably after that, I would guess Nov or Dec- usually when we see more respiratory cases. The last 1.5-2 years have been nothing what the delta surge was like, so unless there is a variant that kills off half of the population, I would say she’s probably pretty safe in avoiding mandated vaccines for a routine outpatient procedure.
Read a good book and listened to the rain fall all day... light but steady, so we got a pretty good soaking, which is exactly what we needed. Didn't have to water at all, caught a break there for a change... I suppose this info should probably go in the weather thread, but it's already a done deal, lol. Having a cold beer now, I took a long break while reading... 🍺
8 weeks from now, you should be ok.
Forcing vaccination goes against bodily autonomy so they can’t legally do that, there are always exemptions in place with rare exceptions (such as organ transplant recipients- full vaccinations have always been required, including pre COVID era).
Flu season starts in October and Covid won’t have ramped up (if at all) until probably after that, I would guess Nov or Dec- usually when we see more respiratory cases. The last 1.5-2 years have been nothing what the delta surge was like, so unless there is a variant that kills off half of the population, I would say she’s probably pretty safe in avoiding mandated vaccines for a routine outpatient procedure.
Dr Jenner
My sister died the day after receiving the first shot But her death was not recorded as a death by COVID oooshot death
The Cororner stated to her daughter that sense COVID struck large numbers or people die from heart attacks right after receiving the shot but inless the crime screws a criminal ctim Ed svrnelllp
He also told us I’lllllllll
8 weeks from now, you should be ok.
Forcing vaccination goes against bodily autonomy so they can’t legally do that, there are always exemptions in place with rare exceptions (such as organ transplant recipients- full vaccinations have always been required, including pre COVID era).
Flu season starts in October and Covid won’t have ramped up (if at all) until probably after that, I would guess Nov or Dec- usually when we see more respiratory cases. The last 1.5-2 years have been nothing what the delta surge was like, so unless there is a variant that kills off half of the population, I would say she’s probably pretty safe in avoiding mandated vaccines for a routine outpatient procedure.
It’s not even my procedure, but that’s kind of you to share and good for all of us to know.
Dr Jenner
My sister died the day after receiving the first shot But her death was not recorded as a death by COVID oooshot death
The Cororner stated to her daughter that sense COVID struck large numbers or people die from heart attacks right after receiving the shot but inless the crime screws a criminal ctim Ed svrnelllp
He also told us I’lllllllll
Sorry for your loss Frodo.
The whole situation is horrible.
A quiet day, resting up for the trip to the mtn on friday. I did some laundry, linen day. After using them a couple weeks I can endorse the new ‘my pillow 2.0’. I like my new pillows, like the old ones too so…

Cleaned my guitar this afternoon, lemon oil then polish. Put on new strings, finally! (happy dance). Used the last set a full month, they were toast after 10days. This new generation of strings are/behave differently than strings 6/8yrs ago. These were dead but kept coming back to life periodically. Just for a day, maybe two, then back to dead, then back to life then back… guess I should call them Frankenstrings! Anyway, the new ones should start to peak friday night on the mtn, just in time for serious picking.

Nothing but tv this evening… and a little picking! 😁
Frodo, sorry the doctor wouldn't play along. Really sucks that the medicine rotted your teeth. What medicine was it? I wonder if my brother uses it with his nebulizer when he has trouble. His teeth have been having trouble too.

Peepaw, on the ablation procedure for the heart, a friend of mine who is a nurse was having horrible heart problems because of things misfiring. She had the ablation procedure and recently ran in a marathon. So it really helped her.

Got a call from the local hospital and thought maybe my friend was there, but it was a reminder of mamogram and bone density test appointments for Mom tomorrow. So, the plan is to take her to the hospital, grab mail, and then go to Samsclub. Gotta get up early, unload stuff from the truck and turn it around so its easier for her to get in.
Taking wife to Herat doctor. Heart betas out of control, medicine isn't working. Doctor wants to do procedure that kills the electrical impulses. Don't know if she wants to get done or not. She is tired of surgeries. Both hips replaced, 3 metal discs in neck and one metal disk in lower back within last 5 years. She is only 55.
Husband had ablation after quadruple bypass. He had a fib and they went through neck to cauterize the muscle throwing everything off. Was pretty simple procedure
Got the deck finished on the chicken coop just before dark. Tomorrow I'll start putting a roof over it and begin framing the egg room. When it gets hot out I'll start putting down shingles on the front roof.
Sorry for your loss Frodo.
10.00The whole situation is horrible.
Sorry the last post was garbled
I was in a hurry, between my fat fingers and this crazy auto spell check. ……

Cororner said no autopsy is done inless the death is criminally suspicious .
Family can have an autopsy done if they pay $10.000. Or more
So, If you die
of an adverse reaction to the COVID shot AFTER you LEAVE the clinic where you received the shot. That fact is not reported nor documented as covid related and the death certificate only reflects a generac cause of death
This morning I am recovering from 3 days of birthday meals.. gained 3 pounds and lost much of the progress that I had made (health wise). The good news I have consumed almost all the junk food in the house and do not plan to replace it, that should help going forward.

The wife's Dr. appointment went well yesterday, so we are on for the eye surgery in 2 weeks. It has taken over 8 months just to get to this point, but we are thankful as she is almost blind at this point. She is trying to catch up on her personal history and there are lots of old photographs we are digitizing and she is the only one who knows what the photos are about.

My Dr. did prescribe the med's I asked for and is happy based on last weeks report, but they are talking about adding tests to my appointment with them the end of next month.

On a fun note my daughter and family just moved to CO, they are in a little town outside of Steamboat Springs, but what was really funny is their new High School competes with the little High School where I got my Varsity Letter, still got the Jacket...

Today is my Friday and the week has gone well for me work wise. As part of having a new accountant in the office, my program was given some unexpected funds, that I was able to put towards the repair/replacement of an instrument we need down in TN. It wasn't enough to pay for all of it but it was a down payment :), "They're very expensive, you'll not be allowed to play with it" (Line from Lady & the Tramp, original version).

Have a great week!
At dad’s canning up that chicken broth I made yesterday. He requested quarts for his winter soup making. I hoping to have run only 1 canner load.

ETA—that didn’t work out as planned. 7 quarts and I probably have another load of pints I can do. Looks like 2 quarts left in the stock pot
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Well, it's been a while so since the false fire alarm at 5:50am woke me up early I had some time to stop by and say Howdy.
Monday morning I had the boss's work phone because he is out of town and someone called at 6:30am and woke me up 45 minutes early. Monday night I remembered to turn off the ringer on that phone.
Tuesday morning I woke up at 6am on my own an after a potty break I went back to bed but one of the kids decided to take an early shower and that kept me awake enough until the rooster started crowing about 6:15 and I couldn't go back to sleep.
Wednesday morning my GF's phone made noise and I was up about 6:30am.
This morning the fire alarm did another fake alarm, 3 rounds of the 3 beep alarm so I was awake again. One of these days I need to use the can of air duster and blow out all of the detectors to try and stop these bogus alarms which always seem to happen early in the morning. No, it's not a battery, probably just a dust build up.
Yesterday I transferred my Venmo money and other money to one account so I can go to the credit union Saturday and get a check for my sister to replay her for money she loaned me a while back. I was looking things over and thought that would leave me short for next weeks vacation when I noticed the envelope on my desk and verified the $1000.00 cash I had set aside for vacation. Yay me! I am only partially broke, but my check is deposited tomorrow or Saturday and even after paying the monthly bills I will be comfortable. Plus my boss pays every other week so I will get paid again next Friday while on vacation. I should have no problem stocking up on the good stuff while on vacation in Michigan. Like Mackinaw Island fudge, good imported Italian cheese, Hunters sausage (somewhat dehydrated sausage similar to the lousy sausage sticks found next to over priced jerky in most stores but way better), maybe some Faygo pop, and some other Michigan favorites.
I have been flying solo at work again this week. When the boss planned out my week last Friday before he left town I only had 3 jobs to do so he made a list of projects for the shop but everyday this week people have been dropping off the various off road vehicles and the parking area is full and because peope keep interrupting me I am not making much progress in the work I am doing but that is a good thing. Except from Wednesday to the following Wednesday I will be on vacation and the boss will be alone so progress will be slow and there should be plenty of work for me when I return to work.
Aside from that, have a great day.
Town run this morning to exchange library books and hit the grocery store... just waiting for roads to dry out, plus the library doesn't open until 10:00 anyway. No need to water this morning, the ground is still wet and muddy... I have a paver walkway to the car, which is on gravel under the carport, so I'll still do my walkaround inspection as usual. I like knowing that everything is in working order on my rig, lol. ;)

Saw a beautiful sight this morning as I rose to feed the cats... the sun was just topping the range to the east, and when those slanting rays hit the pine trees, thousands of water droplets in the pine needles glittered like so many jewels, it was a truly awesome sight! Hey, round here, we'll take any and all awesome sights, beats looking at windblown trash and other BS, lol. For a moment, I was entranced, dazzled by glittering natural diamonds, then one of the cats hollered:


Such is life here at the ol' hacienda, ya gotta take what pleasures you can during the daily grind, lol... "Cheers!" 😎
Walked first, this morning.
Went to lawyer's for wills.
Walked dogs.
Still need to cut carrots for dog treats- poor pups. LOL
Make tacos for dinner.
Check in my insurance book to see how much I will have to pay for Lithotripsy. I don't like surprises!
Bible study this evening.
I got several sections of metal shelving this morning, a friend was moving and couldn’t take them with him. I decided today was the day to tackle our basement, it’s one of those places we put things you know out of sight out of mind. I’ve made good progress but am starting to wear down. I guess this might be a 2 day project. I’m going try not to let it become a mess again.

Looks like a pretty good start, as far as organization goes... I can tell you're not living in earthquake country, lol. ;)

Made it back alive from my town run, the Sacramento Mountains were wreathed with clouds on my way up... :cool:



Gonna go easy for the rest of the day, my feet are a little tired from all the tramping around... :confused:

I have a stack of fresh library books, including Westerns & some SPENSER FOR HIRE books by Robert B. Parker. 🤔