What's everybody doing today?

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Round 1 of today we have done 2 loads of washing and I have hung my load on the clothes line and watered around 1/3 of the back yard with saved grey water from our showers and washing machine. Then I emptied the kitchen recycling and normal bins and put them in the wheelie bins out the back while DH put a new bin liner in the kitchen bin.

DH then cleaned the benches and washed the dishes and I dried them and put them away. We then pulled out all the drawers in the upright 400 lt vegetable freezer to sort it out and put all the blanched and frozen vegetables from the garden in order of dates newest to the bottom of the baskets and oldest to the top and DH wiped out the baskets and bottom of the freezer so it is nice and clean. DH has put on a loaf of bread in the bread making machine and I have watered the fruit tree pot plants on the back veranda with freezer cleaning water and some saved shower warm up water and also watered around 1/3 of a row of onions growing in the gardens and come back inside and sorted out the bowl of cherry tomatoes and thrown frost affected ones out. Some of the tomatoes will be saved for seed and squeezed into the front gardens for our next crop.
Round 2 of today is that we washed the 2.5 kg or 10 punnets of strawberries, put them on a towel to dry and chopped them making 10 x 250 g meal sized portions of strawberries for the freezer and there was about 100 g left overweight from the punnets I had for lunch with my iron tablet and sandwiches. DH then hung out a load of washing on the clothes line and had lunch.

DH had a lie down and I washed all of the 20 empty plastic strawberry plastic punnets and put them on the back veranda to dry and we will use these for nails, screws and washers and other bits and pieces in the shed. Then I went out the back and watered the rest of 1 row and a bit of another of onions in the garden beds with the strawberry washing water. Back inside where I counted out some capsicum seeds saved from the gardens sold on the internet and made out the envelope and put a stamp on it.

When DH woke up he posted our capsicum seeds in the post box and while he was gone I picked up the firewood we found in the garage and some that was split around the side of the house and stacked it with the other firewood under the house. While I was there I picked up the bark on the front veranda and parts of a privet bush chopped poisoned by our real estate gardener on the lawn and pulled out a few weeds in one of the front gardens and went and threw it all in the bin ready for pick up tomorrow.

Then DH and I folded up 3 loads of washing and put them away and I listed 18 items including some seeds I had too much of in my eBay store using a free listing promotion. Then into the food storage room where we adjusted the shelves on 2 gorilla shelves so we could fit 3 trays high of tinned fruits so there is so much more space in there now to store more food storage.

DH is making some vegetable burgers for dinner tonight from some of the older frozen vegetables we found in the freezer when we cleaned it out.

Tomorrow will be sorting the rest of the 3 bay garage and going through all the boxes and finding some sort of order and taking a broken wardrobe, a worn out lounge chair and some other unneeded items we found in the shed and some large broken cardboard boxes.
Finally feeling recovered from 2 days of lack of sleep. Nephew and wife went back to Oklahoma yesterday. We got some cleaning done at the farmhouse, and then had dinner with my favorite cousin and their family at their farm. Saw her grandson's gifted geese that were babies last time we were here, and now they're running around the yard. Our granddaughter enjoyed them and would sit on the grass and wait for them to all come to her. Today is go to town and pick up my mom for some grocery shopping, and to get her stocked up with what she needs till we are back here again. Also to take her to lunch. We have dinner events planned already every single night we are here, but not sure about tonight yet, so we'll see. I need to be ready to host all the cousins at our farm on Wednesday. Husband's been doing his walking exercises out here on the farm. He is slowly improving; can walk a short distance without the cane or walker.
Thursday night wife tells me the clothes washer doesn't spin. Well it's almost 25 years old, trouble free until now. I'm guessing belt or transmission? Dryer is a set with the Washer. I've replaced the ON/OFF dryer switch and the felt seal around the drum. Replace both and be done with it. That will give us another 25 years and by then I'll be in a nursing home and will not care.

Wife is in a bit pf panic. Online I find a local Mom & Pop appliance store, prices are acceptable and a 4 1/2 star rating. We'll go shopping Saturday. Can't Saturday, wife has plans to be with her girlfriends all day Saturday. Friday the store closes at 5PM. We'll go shopping next week. Wife decides Saturday before 10 AM will work for her. OK.

Saturday morning I help the wife load our dirty laundry in her car. She will meet me at the appliance store, spend the day with her friends and hit a laundry mat on the way home. OK.

We meet at the appliance store, wife wants a top loading washer and simple basic controls on both washer & dryer. We agree on a above average and below top of the line American made brand. $30 to convert to LP, OK. $50 delivery and take the old set away, OK. Monday afternoon they will deliver them, OK. Payment due on delivery, OK.

I get home, get the two-wheel cart and disconnect the old Washer & Dryer. Find a whole roll of paper towels laying on top of the dryer vent!!!!!! Washer has newspapers that had fallen between the side walls and the back. I get both pulled out and into the kitchen for temporary storage until Monday afternoon. Wife gets home about 10 PM. I offer to carry in the clean laundry, never mind she decided not to take them to a laundry mat, they can wait until Monday evening. Wife stays up to clean the floor and walls before the new W&D are installed.

Sunday wife and I have a quiet conversation. The paper towels on the vent could have started a house fire. I ask her to stop putting things on top of the W&D. I really don't want to deal with a house fire, insurance and her anxiety from losing the house along with all of her stored "things". In her world a flat space with nothing piled on top knocks the whole universe out of equilibrium.

Monday morning. Tell the wife "Good Bye" and "have a good day." I'm half way out the door when the wife calls me back.

"What number is the appliance store going to call for the delivery?" she asks.

"What number did you give them?" I reply.

"Mine" the wife answers.

"Then I suspect they will be calling you."

"I'm not going to be home this afternoon!" I don't understand why it took her two days to realize this.

"Text me and I'll leave work to let them in and help."

"OK. That will work", she answers.

Bank opens at 9 AM. I'm there soon after opening to get a Cashier's Check to pay for the W&D.

10:30 AM I get a text from the wife. Appliance store is busy and will not be able to delver until the afternoon. We knew this Saturday when we made the purchase!?!? I text back, "OK".

All of this drama, second guessing and confusion over just a W&D delivery. Can you imagine what it will be like SHTF or TEOTWAWKI?
@timmie first off, I really do not like okra. but second, it dehydrates well? That surprises me because I think of it as very wet and slimy. You've done this before with okra?
I dehydrate most of my okra. I cut it and put it in dehydrator with no prep other than washing. I only use it in soups. The only other way to eat it is fried and that works for me fresh.
Plucking away at our savings for our big Disney trip. Just gathering fabric for the dresses the girls are going to wear. I have until December 2019 to make them so I am looking for just the right fabrics.

Also, Roo got a hamster this weekend. I have had hammies, rats and mice so I know what the furball needs. I opted to use Roo's empty fishtank as the cage to start. If all goes well we will upgrade the tank with a cage topper to give the little girl more space. I have the cage in the living room so the wheel doesn't keep Roo up at night and I can keep an eye on the cleanliness of the cage litter.
Spent 6 hours sorting out the 3 bay garage tools and bits and pieces into now labelled cardboard and plastic storage containers, boxes and shelves as well as finished damp dusting everything and it is now done and looking so clean and tidy with lots more floor space in there. All the rubbish is now in the bin and we have sorted out a box of older renovator items for friends who are renovating their home that they might use that we won't at the moment making less stuff to move when we do buy our own home.

Tonight's dinner was the other half of our garden vegetable burgers we made yesterday heated up.
Am hosting "coffee break" this morning. Which means breakfast, but mostly sweets and definitely cheese curls for Amish ladies. Sometimes men attend, which means they're to be fed breakfast and then they skedaddle to leave us in our talking. The local scribe for the Budget newspaper was asking a lot of questions about our family to a cousin so we invited her, too. Should be interesting. We bought a Polaris two seater yesterday so husband can get around on the farm. It's coming this morning and I expect the men will eat and drive the Polaris. There was a great markdown price on the 2018 leftovers. Tonight we have supper outside at my cousin Harry's "Hedgewood Hollow". He has a place on his back property that he has made into a rentable campsite next to his pond. It's gorgeous out there, so a bunch of us are meeting for a cookout. I'm to bring the ice cream maker and the stuff to make it. Mom is looking forward to it, too. Lots of kids to help crank it.
Back went our last week, it does this every several years. Friday had skin cancer removed on my hand so nice hole where it was. Covered surgical area real good with bandaids.

been looking at weeds in my raised bed for over a month so today i got out in it and pulled some up with one hand, it is dog days and sure don't need infection on surgery spot. Pulling with back that locks up and one hand is not easy. But I feel so much better seeing most of the weeds gone, tomorrow I'll get the rest.
I also vacuumed the whole house and fed chickens. Now it is hot already so done with garden till in the AM.
Medicine is set up for the week.
House is vacuumed.
Furniture in living room is vacuumed too.
Already getting warm.
Thinking about that last load of laundry.
So proud of Strawberry this morning, while I was vacuuming she got herself unstuck.
Now that I know she can, she can do it all the time.
Last night she was getting bones out from underneath my bed.
I kinda don't want to know how many is under there.
Probably a dozen or so under there.
Got to do paperwork today. Bummer!
Still waiting on paperwork from VA.
They hardly ever get in hurry about sending out paperwork you need.
Probably be like last year, last dang moment.
Meerkat, you be careful with that hand.You don't need an infection in it.
Everybody have a nice day,evening, or night.
Last Friday I started a week vacation from work.
I just got back this evening from a camping trip in the woods near a lake for my birthday weekend.
Now I have family at my house until after Labor Day weekend.
This has been the first opportunity to be on the internet since Friday and I'm trying to catch up reading here.
I hope everyone is having a wonderful week!!
Happy Birthday Tiffanysgallery!

5 hours volunteer time at the local Ronald McDonalds House, then played frisbee with the dog, made dinner, gave a cat it's insulin shot, and now it's time to relax a bit. Too hot and humid to cut the grass, maybe tomorrow that will happen if it doesn't rain.
We have "city water" so losing that freaks me out way more than losing electric. Happened once, the water works shut us off by mistake for a non payment, but it only lasted 1/2 an hour till they turned it back on. There are "contingency" plans for that, and they worked , but I never really expected to need it. It was a good exercise, but I really hope not to need to execute it in real life.
Talked to one of the ladies I work with she's been grumpy with me for the last couple of weeks and I wanted to know why. Turns out that she is jealous that I will be retiring and moving up to the mountain next Dec (if not sooner) and she is never going to be able to retire because her husband died 16yrs ago leaving her with 3 kids so she has no money set aside and just took on a 3rd job.

While I understand, I've had enough and it needs to stop. She apologised and said she didn't mean to take it out on me. I think her brother moving up north had a lot to do with it too because she wants out of here.
Round 1 of today is that we thawed out after reaching freezing overnight. Then went to the chapel and did an hour and a half as it was our turn to deep clean and I cleaned the glass windows that I saw dirty, swept the floors, desks cleaned with cleaner, blackboards wiped and floors and verandas mopped and DH cleaned the toilets, disinfected the toilet handles and doors and vacuumed the carpets.

Got home and realised we didn't have enough time to go to the tip with the wardrobe and other items cleaned out of the shed so we will do that Saturday. I did put on a load of dark clothing in the washing machine, hung it on the clothes line to dry and watered another 1/3 rd of the back lawns with saved grey water from our showers and washing machine.

The plumber then rang from the real estate and went on the roof to do a quote on the rusted through house guttering and while he was there also noticed that the roof sheeting is about to fly off and is flapping in the breeze as all the nails have just about lifted out of the roof joists. Fun fun as he says one good storm or high winds and the tin roof sheeting will end up a block away. Just as well we pay a low rent on this place being 100 years + old but still would like the roof to stay on the house preferably :LOL:. Looks like the house owners are in for some hefty house repair bills as the back veranda joists have also rotted too and that is about to fall down as well.
I didn't do anything today, I missed most of it. I avoid prescription meds like the plague but I have them for rare occasions. At 5:30 this morning I'd slept 7 hours in the last 72. I had to take something, herbs weren't working. I slept until 3:30 this afternoon.

It's 2:12am, just ate a big meal, took my herbs... maybe I can sleep. :)