What's everybody doing today?

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Thunderstorms in my area right now. I cooked a big breakfast and dinner. We skipped lunch because neither of us was hungry for it. I did my pre-surgical exercises. Other than that, we didn’t do much. Storming like crazy right now. We have flash flood warnings.
I was watching your weather earlier, send rain my way!! Be safe!!
Rainy day but I did the experimental tomato soup canned up. It was a recipe from one of the Ball books. Made 5 pints. Vac packed those Lima beans dad got at the market. Got 17 bags with 2 servings each. Really need to to organize the freezer. That’s another day’s project.
I did one of those tomato soup recipes last week! Mine turned out tasty, hope yours did too.
Surprise, surprise, my youngest came by today to grab her significant other's jack , as he was going to do the other tie rod end. I asked her where it was and it was on a trailer full of cut wood, cause that's where everyone stores their jack dontcha know. She grabs the jack and heads home only to find him washing his car, he says he'll get to it in a few minutes. So a bit of time goes by and she shows back up at the house and comes in to see if she could do it here, apparently she had had enough and said fine, I don't need you to do it, I'll take it to Dad's and do it myself............................DOH!!! And do it she did, basically a repeat of above. I guess he was butthurt the other day when her and I tackled the first side.

Not only is she learning how to turn a wrench, she is finally learning how to stand up for herself, and let me tell you she is a small girl but she can be quite the firecracker when she has had enough, lol. I must admit I had a proud PaPa moment over the whole thing today.

I might be a bad influence, lolol.

Disclaimer: This is an older photo, the brace has since been removed.

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She better have a handle on the significant other, just saying......😉
Festival went well, it poured right when it started at 9 AM, and nobody was there except the vendors and other people running it, but the weather improved and lots of people showed up , some from several hours away . We sold almost as much as last year. A lot of people bought goat from us last year and came back and got a bunch since there are very few places you can buy that. So we were out of some cuts really fast and sold almost all we took. We have a little bit left for the rest of the market, only a few more weeks and I have a feeling I will have to buy some meat for us

Today busy again, going to pick up the straw from the festival

Weather is ok now looks like

Hope everyone is having a good weekend!
Haha! I think they were started from the little pieces of potatoes left in some manufacturing process. The first time I had them was at a friend's house. She would buy those batter dipped frozen fish filets that are baked in the oven. Since she was using her oven, she made tater tots at the same time. I honestly have no memory of ever making them myself, but that is also true of me never making the frozen oven fries either. I almost always cook from fresh food, and I just never think of buying these kinds of things. With all the discussion about them, maybe I'll remember the next time I'm grocery shopping. But in memory of my now deceased friend, some of those frozen, battered fish fillets would go along with them.
mad rush on tater tots coming!
Today is Sunday so I will do church (wife had a bad night and is down, so I will do church online). I did complete this weeks task on the https://www.homesteadingforum.org/t...paredness-week-by-week-planning-and-preparing . Now, I am stopping to take inventory of everything that I have been doing to try to re-center myself to establish a path to go forward on. I did pick up some live herb plants that will go on the growing shelves later this morning. I have work deliverables due COB Monday, so I may spend the afternoon editing my current drafts. I did inspect the greenhouse this weekend and I am going to need to replace the clear outside skin, I may add a second thinner interior layer to create a double pane window effect to retain heat.
I have seen them, but don't really have an idea what's on the bag LOL, do they really taste THAT good? I occasionally get a bag of regular fries but not often, never got any of the other frozen potato thingies there
I don’t know if I would call them tasty. For me it’s more of a nostalgic thing mom used to make them all the time. When I do make them, I’ll sprinkle a little garlic powder and onion powder and paprika on them before baking.

It’s raining here again, still getting the remnants of the tropical storm. I made the executive decision today not to put my contacts in so I can purposely take a nap later. Probably won’t though.
I don’t know if I would call them tasty. For me it’s more of a nostalgic thing mom used to make them all the time. When I do make them, I’ll sprinkle a little garlic powder and onion powder and paprika on them before baking.

It’s raining here again, still getting the remnants of the tropical storm. I made the executive decision today not to put my contacts in so I can purposely take a nap later. Probably won’t though.
Take a nap!! 😊
I did one of those tomato soup recipes last week! Mine turned out tasty, hope yours did too.
I made a small batch I can’t remember how many pints of the books that it made but I only made five. I definitely didn’t have 8 pounds of tomatoes so I halved everything else. I also did mine for 60 minutes instead of 50 because I think my onions were a little heavy. I made the onion soup recipe from that book (which goes for 60 minutes), and that is excellent.
We can still see some fires burning and it's very smokey this morning. The sun is just starting to come up. The FS crew will be up here in a couple hours to continue with their burn. They're bringing out a helicopter to drop little fire bombs. We lost a couple of the biggest ponderosa pine trees that I've ever seen in the fire. It was sad to see them go, but was also pretty impressive when they exploded in flames.
Going to finish putting shingles on the lean-to roof on the coop today. Unless the smoke gets too bad today, then we're going fishing.
Just about half way through lambing. Going well with 17 running around and butting heads!

Last irrigation today and tomorrow. Hallelujah!

Last hundred bales of hay to sell. Inquiries are coming in...

Considering all the challenges, starting to reflect on the year past (almost) and it was a "fair" year? So far? Biggest win was finally finding impact ful help with my gopher over population...

"next year will be better."

"that's what makes us farmers. We always think we can do better!"
I slept almost all day yesterday and then all night. Wish I felt rested, but I don't. I think it rained yesterday.
Going to pick up some Vitamin D at the store and add that to my vitamin regiment in the morning to see if it helps.
Need to do some cleaning and go to the store later. Don't have any energy though.
I got on the garage yesterday ..was hoping to finish it but I'm not close to that yet.
Today took the dogs to the mountain stream n trail I go to often. They seemed pretty content to run n sniff about as i busied myself first picking up a handful of nails out of the dirt. So far this summer, I've had to at least pick up a half gallon of nails off that trailhead.
I see tire tracks n horse hooves all about too. I wonder how many flat tires folks have had this year.
I spent some time picking up brass over by a area where people camp too. I figure I'll melt it down when I get a one of those propane burners at some point.
I'm all ready for the work week , gotta make a dump run n hitting the hot spring later!
We realized yesterday afternoon that we had a lot more pears that needed processed. We decided to try freeze drying them. The Princess had trouble finding a second peeler so I decided to see if an apple peeler and corer would work. It did fine. So much easier and faster we forgot about using old school peeler. I ran the machine and The Princess processed helical cut pears.

I spent a good part of today reading legal stuff related to estate planning and choosing a trustee.

Aww, Happy Anniversary Lady L and Mr L!
I'm trying to get ready to leave tomorrow with husband for his medical stuff. What a mess. He's in a mood, for sure. We went to drop off one of the trucks to the train station for when son comes in at o dark thirty. I was driving the F150 2008 truck, and it had a tire blow out. Totally blow, nothing left. Freaked me out. Got a tow truck out there within 20 minutes, so not bad for a late Sunday afternoon. He towed it to our small town guy, threw the key in the overnight box, and I'm sure he'll see it in the morning. We came back, got my Challenger, and I followed husband back over, and we left the other truck. Picked up some barbeque takeout. Still packing. His medical stuff alone will fill up the back seat.
I love a good t-bone. One time I bought some and took them in a cooler on a trip to visit someone. They thanked me for the T-bones, but then told me they preferred rib eyes! Okay then. By the way, I am in envy of you getting that beef. We always got a quarter of beef when I was growing up. I loved being able to have roasts, burger and steaks that way. You know the meat will be so much better than what you buy in the stores, and hopefully not injected with water to increase the weight.
We took our 12 hour round trip to Wyoming and spread it out over the weekend, Friday night we drove to Park City Utah, about 4 hours, and spent the night. Picked up the beef about noon on Saturday then headed to the big Costco in Salt Lake City and picked up about 80 pounds of the good breakfast sausage links and some other stuff that can only be found at that big store. It is geared for restaurants and businesses so they have things the normal Costco's don't have. We stared at a whole lamb that was hanging in the cooler section but finally decided against it at this time. The butcher that did our beef said they will have pigs in about a month and we are planning to go back for a whole pig, of which we only want the ribs and pork chops and the rest made into breakfast sausage and Italian sausage. Maybe on that trip we will get the lamb at Costco, if we have enough freezer space. We are going to eat a lot of meat the next few weeks to clear out some of the older stuff that was hiding in the back of the freezers and anything real old will be fed to the chickens. The good thing is the whole beef fit in the one big freezer and we had some room left over. I think it is a 21 cubic foot and it was bought for that purpose.

Last night we could have made it home but decided to stop again just so we could rest and relax. We had a great steak dinner at a local cowboy steak house, relaxed in the hot tub at the hotel for a while and had a great night of sleep. We took the scenic route home instead of I-15 which is nothing but desert and instead we enjoyed some beautiful fall colors and green pastures on the state highway. We also stopped at the boyhood home of Butch Cassidy just to stretch our legs and I was surprised to see some pears and apples on the ground behind the old house. I packed an handful of each off each tree and I plan to plant the seeds and hope they grow. Those trees are true trees and probably MANY years old so in about 15 or 20 years I might get me some non-GMO non-hybrid fruit. :p I just ordered an LED grow light off Amazon and they will spend the winter in the garage along with some other small trees and plants we have in pots in the yard.

OK, that's all I got for tonight, I have to put some delicious T-bones on the grill for dinner. My taste buds and tummy are gonna be happy tonight.
It is geared for restaurants and businesses so they have things the normal Costco's don't have.
Denver has one of those. It has meat and other things super-sized from regular Costco's. I believe I saw 5 gallon containers of Dawn dish soap. The cases of beverages section is really large. They have a walk through cooler. Most have cooler rooms, but the cooler room in the Business Centers are really big.

I don't go there very often, maybe once or twice a year. During the pandemic they had 25 pound bags of red beans. It is the only place where I have ever seen red beans in that quantity. I've never seen them there since.

I envy you and your meat score! Daughter and I have been talking about getting a quarter or side of beef. We just need to source it and get it ordered. Getting a hog is also great.
Aww, Happy Anniversary Lady L and Mr L!
I'm trying to get ready to leave tomorrow with husband for his medical stuff. What a mess. He's in a mood, for sure. We went to drop off one of the trucks to the train station for when son comes in at o dark thirty. I was driving the F150 2008 truck, and it had a tire blow out. Totally blow, nothing left. Freaked me out. Got a tow truck out there within 20 minutes, so not bad for a late Sunday afternoon. He towed it to our small town guy, threw the key in the overnight box, and I'm sure he'll see it in the morning. We came back, got my Challenger, and I followed husband back over, and we left the other truck. Picked up some barbeque takeout. Still packing. His medical stuff alone will fill up the back seat.
Let us hear good news tomorrow!! Be safe, let us know when you are home!!♥️♥️♥️

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