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Got the tree unhung from the other tree....... That is THE MOST REDNECK SOUTHERN THING I HAVE EVER SAID!!! I am tired, but that's no excuse, I totally just freaked myself out!! But anyhow, we did it!! Two chainsaws and a farm jack, 20 minutes, it's all laying on the ground!! No injuries!šŸ‘šŸ˜ƒšŸ˜‰ I'm going to bed! Big work day tomorrow!! See y'all at coffee time!!

Don't know about redneck, certainly a logging term. I understood it... trees do get hung up! šŸ˜ Glad you didn't get hurt!
Got the tree unhung from the other tree....... That is THE MOST REDNECK SOUTHERN THING I HAVE EVER SAID!!! I am tired, but that's no excuse, I totally just freaked myself out!! But anyhow, we did it!! Two chainsaws and a farm jack, 20 minutes, it's all laying on the ground!! No injuries!šŸ‘šŸ˜ƒšŸ˜‰ I'm going to bed! Big work day tomorrow!! See y'all at coffee time!!
You had me at Farm Jack :p
Yesterday was a "suit" day down town, I hate that commute.... This morning I woke up at 02:30, my mind was racing about some technical articles that I need to write and some fast approaching deadlines at work... Today the wife has a hair appointment, that always takes a couple of hours out of my evening. I read on the weather channel that we can expect an El Nino this year, first time in the last 4 years, could make weather interesting.

I have been thinking that it might be nice to have some "regional" threads as different areas have to deal with different issues. For example @Patchouli was talking about the cost of heating oil, which to be an Eastern issue.
Yesterday was a "suit" day down town, I hate that commute.... This morning I woke up at 02:30, my mind was racing about some technical articles that I need to write and some fast approaching deadlines at work... Today the wife has a hair appointment, that always takes a couple of hours out of my evening. I read on the weather channel that we can expect an El Nino this year, first time in the last 4 years, could make weather interesting.

I have been thinking that it might be nice to have some "regional" threads as different areas have to deal with different issues. For example @Patchouli was talking about the cost of heating oil, which to be an Eastern issue.
Looking forward to an El Nino year = no artic ice storms for Texas. Had them last three Februarys here! Hoping for a wet winter to end this horrible drought!
Well, got my tractor back this afternoon, took 2 months to get repaired. Not to happy with time but my only other option was hauling the tractor myself to columbus ms for repairs.
Thats worse than our truck. At least you got it back now I think we will have to fix our tractor ourselves. We do not have a trailer to haul it anywhere. Husband did change oil and hydraulic fluid this year, he does know how to do that at least. ( well our friend down the road showed him how to do it when they still lived here )
Got the tree unhung from the other tree....... That is THE MOST REDNECK SOUTHERN THING I HAVE EVER SAID!!! I am tired, but that's no excuse, I totally just freaked myself out!! But anyhow, we did it!! Two chainsaws and a farm jack, 20 minutes, it's all laying on the ground!! No injuries!šŸ‘šŸ˜ƒšŸ˜‰ I'm going to bed! Big work day tomorrow!! See y'all at coffee time!!
I had a gnarly 22 inch limb come down last week just before midnight. No wind. No reason for it. It's what big old cotton woods do? Scared Sally Mae (new sheepdog) so bad that she carried on half the night. Even after I went out with flashlight and showed her the responsible part for the loud crash.

Worst part was there was a big crook in the branch. One in a million chance thing, but it managed to destroy my portable gantry! I couldn't believe the odds of that misfortune? Took me half a day to make suitable repairs since I use that gantry alot. When the loader tractor is out in the field or I just don't want to burn fuel just to lift 500# in the pickup?
Dawn and I just got back from a two-day trip to Yellowstone National Park (YNP). We usually go about once a year, since it's fairly close (four hours by car) from home. We had taken a Geology of Yellowstone course at CSI, the local junior college, five years ago; and we both got a lot out of it, But YNP has always been really crowded and this time, the number of people there was just crazy. It's really beautiful, but the five NP's in Utah are just as easy to get to, and I like the fact that they're not so crowded.

I fed the chickens, collected the eggs -- fewer now that it's getting colder -- and it's clearing out the garden for the rest of the day. I'm kind of glad that winter's coming; less daily chores. We'll be going back to school next week for a couple of courses in a doomed effort to keep old age and senility at bay...!
Dawn and I just got back from a two-day trip to Yellowstone National Park (YNP). We usually go about once a year, since it's fairly close (four hours by car) from home. We had taken a Geology of Yellowstone course at CSI, the local junior college, five years ago but it has always been really crowded and this time, the number of people there was just crazy. It's really beautiful, but the five NP's in Utah are just as easy to get to, and I like the fact that they're not so crowded.

I fed the chickens, collected the eggs -- fewer now that it's getting colder -- and it's clearing out the garden for the rest of the day. I'm kind of glad that winter's coming; less daily chores. We'll be going back to school next week for a couple of courses in a doomed effort to keep old age and senility at bay.
In 1977 I was visiting Rexburg and I had the good fortune of visiting Yellowstone just after the park closed for the season, it was a quick day trip before the weather set in. Spent time walking the wooden walkways and taking some pretty awesome pictures of the pools, with steam and ice on the twigs above them. It made for a most memorable experience. I think now days they would not allow it, but back in the day it was a little wilder.
I had a gnarly 22 inch limb come down last week just before midnight. No wind. No reason for it. It's what big old cotton woods do? Scared Sally Mae (new sheepdog) so bad that she carried on half the night. Even after I went out with flashlight and showed her the responsible part for the loud crash.

Worst part was there was a big crook in the branch. One in a million chance thing, but it managed to destroy my portable gantry! I couldn't believe the odds of that misfortune? Took me half a day to make suitable repairs since I use that gantry alot. When the loader tractor is out in the field or I just don't want to burn fuel just to lift 500# in the pickup?
I've heard the term "gantry", know it's a lift/platform. Must be really handy to have that piece of equipment!! So you made it useable again??
It's in the low 40's here this morning with high winds out of the southeast. It's blowing the smoke and fire back towards our place. There's a slight chance of rain today, but I doubt we'll get much if any. This morning I'll finish the fence around the new solar panels, then I can open the gates and let the cattle graze in that pasture. There's a lot of good grass in there. We'll probably start moving the cattle out of here next week. Got a few more rows of shingles to put on the new roof at the chicken coop.
Our daughter is getting married on Saturday so we're heading up there tomorrow morning.
Staining the back deck ( y'all common over and have fun with me!)
Sewing/ stitching together some more RFID resistant card holders.
Pesterin Frodo when I get the chance but I think Magnus beats me to the draw on that one.
Pickin a few more Okra and peppers leaving some of the big ones to fully mature fer next years seed.
I know the dog was happy not to have to leave his house!
I use to groom my schnauzers. I may have to start doing my little Peanut Butter as I am hesitant to let her have another rabies shot. She still has the bump from the last one 3 years ago and with her seizures, I just don't know. She won't like it, but she probably doesn't like it at the groomers either and it would save money.
Hoping for a wet winter to end this horrible drought!
Me too!

Walked first.
Walked dogs.
Washed sheets.
Packaged up shoes for a return tomorrow.
Picked up prescriptions at drug store.
Got bills ready to pay on Friday.
Pulled venison out of the freezer to make Mongolian Beef (with venison) on Friday.
Our poor parrot was on the floor of his cage and yelling this morning, right side not working, rushed him to the vet. Got husband in the wheelchair, to the passenger seat of the car, had him hold the bird, and off we went about 20 mi out. Came home with antibiotic, and energy gel, and also giving him ground tums for the calcium mixed in water. He's in a brooder with the heatlamp. He is a good friend, a member of our family. We found him 8 yrs ago, so who knows how old he is. Poor Bibi. That, and the school bus forgot granddaughter. She came back and got her. What a morning. Son is working on siding the north side of the greenhouse building. Husband did spend some time out on the scooter before lunch, the weather was great. Although he scratched his swollen arm, and I really had to wrap it to get the bleeding to stop. He's on blood thinners.
I use to groom my schnauzers. I may have to start doing my little Peanut Butter as I am hesitant to let her have another rabies shot. She still has the bump from the last one 3 years ago and with her seizures, I just don't know. She won't like it, but she probably doesn't like it at the groomers either and it would save money.

Me too!

Walked first.
Walked dogs.
Washed sheets.
Packaged up shoes for a return tomorrow.
Picked up prescriptions at drug store.
Got bills ready to pay on Friday.
Pulled venison out of the freezer to make Mongolian Beef (with venison) on Friday.
You should groom Peanut Butter!! Who knows what they put in the rabies shots now?! In reality, rabies vaccines last about 10 years! Rabies is a virus, so as I always say.... L-LYSINE!!
Our poor parrot was on the floor of his cage and yelling this morning, right side not working, rushed him to the vet. Got husband in the wheelchair, to the passenger seat of the car, had him hold the bird, and off we went about 20 mi out. Came home with antibiotic, and energy gel, and also giving him ground tums for the calcium mixed in water. He's in a brooder with the heatlamp. He is a good friend, a member of our family. We found him 8 yrs ago, so who knows how old he is. Poor Bibi. That, and the school bus forgot granddaughter. She came back and got her. What a morning. Son is working on siding the north side of the greenhouse building. Husband did spend some time out on the scooter before lunch, the weather was great. Although he scratched his swollen arm, and I really had to wrap it to get the bleeding to stop. He's on blood thinners.
Glad your hubby got to get outside, I bet that made him feel better, especially since your son is there! Hope he and the parrot improve quickly!!
Amish: hope husband and bird get better soon, you sure have a lot to deal with in your life

Yellowstone NP is my my favorite NP and we have been to most of them. Nothing else like it on this planet I am pretty sure

MountainTrapper: congrats on your daughters wedding

Had a busy morning, we separated out the little girls we don't want to breed yet and put the very happy ram with the rest of them, he immediately started making a face and sniffing some ewe peeing ( hey it's what they do, goats are even more lets just say interesting, when they go into heat)
Trimmed 2 hoofs after which the ewe was fighting us so much I gave up, didn't want to hurt her or myself. Hoofs weren't too bad yet so I will try again tomorrow and do the rest of hers.
Made deconstructed sushi, it was ok but I like it put together better.
Made sourdough bread dough for the market Saturday, it has to sit in fridge a day or 2
took dogs for a walk up the mountain
@Amish Heart sounds like your veterinarian was very thorough. I miss our old cockatiel. He came with us on a long trek to Texas way back when we moved here. Hope your husband gets to feeling better.
@sonya123 your descriptions are funny but good to know for anyoneā€™s future reference if they want to have goats.
@Peepaw from Tex sounds like a lovely way to spend some time away.
Sounds like the bushing is to change a Cat 0 to. Cat 1 pin.sorry to keep bugging you
lol no problem! I don't know that much about tractor parts. I do so much around here, I drew the line on the tractor and told husband YOU are responsible for that one . I don't even drive it. I did once just so I knew how
I had a nice day today populating the new shelves. It is giving me a good idea of how much of what I have on hand. Part of what I have on hand was inherited from a grow room that was shutdown and I snatched up.

What does one do with bat guano?

I have dedicated one shelf to store lawn tractor and side by side gear and supplies.

More of the same tomorrow. I have an old school trunk The Princess wants to refinish. That will clear more floor space for more trees. That will be the first task for tomorrow.


Toilet started rocking a little. Then the linoleum around started turning darker. I pulled the toilet, wax ring was installed incorrectly causing seepage. I fixed the seepage and reinstalled the toilet.

Decorating is the wifeā€™s prerogative. She looked at linoleum samples at different shops, bought what she wanted and contracted the work. Two weeks out they will be here to replace the linoleum.

A week ago last Monday the Contractor arrived four hours late. It didnā€™t take the two workers long to remove the base moulding and the old linoleum. I had removed the toilet before their arrival. Once they removed the linoleum from the toilet area we discovered the 3/4ā€ flooring was soft and easily punctured with a screwdriver. Floor joist is what kept the toilet in place. Beyond the linoleum contractorā€™s expertise to repair so they packed up and left.

Today a local contractor was rained out on a job and was able to come. Two hours he had the flooring removed and replaced. Iā€™ll pay him a bonus for his quick response. Greatly appreciated him.

Called the linoleum company today to reschedule the linoleum install. Iā€™m expecting weeks or months. One week from today they will return and finish.

Iā€™m vey well pleased. Wife is upset that the bathroom will in disarray for another week. Gee, there is another full bath upstairs and a half bath downstairs.

She had a stressful day today. She had to help pick a rest home today for her mother. Motherā€™s health has declined to the point the family can no longer care for her. It runs contrary to her nature to face unpleasant life experiences. Linoleum project was the last straw. Fortunately when I was in town today I had bought her favorite candy. She mellowed when I gave the candy to her.
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