The moon is gorgeous!
A beautiful clear night in north Texas! Truly a super moon!The moon is gorgeous!
They nest everywhere around here. I usually dont have fights with them surprisingly..Last time yellowjackets hit me, I burned their home/hive/nest to the GROUND and danced on it.
Good thing it was in an old stump in the backyard![]()
Happy Anniversary!!Yesterday was our 39th anniversary but it was non-eventful. The son is flying in tomorrow morning and leaving 24 hours later, the wife is trying to plan 3 dinners around that (keep trying to point out that there will only be 1 dinner together)... Today I am finally getting an in-person Dr.s apt, it's at 08:00 so I plan to do it on my way home from grocery shopping. Work is still constantly adding something that needs to be done tomorrow. I took off the whole day today and I hope to be able to do a lot of work around here, if I am lucky I will be able to make 2 runs to the land fill. I am hoping that the rain they forecast for today is in error, it really slows down the work outdoors.
ooooh Wine & Liquor! We like to pretend to be connoisseurs and try all the Wine & Liquors!! HeheI'm in the wine and liquor business. We just work work work this time of year. Come January 2 nd. Though it'll be hunting and relaxing for a bit!
These are very small birds, Delaware. Which are heritage dual purpose breed. Need to find another kind of bird for next time.Sounds like a busy day, Happy Roots. Not sure I understand what you used the other 19 whole chickens for? 31 went to the freezer, and....
Love this!Happy gettin hitched day Urban
We subscribed to Mother Earth News back in the 80's, I didn't renew because they went so commercial, half the magazine became ads and most of those ads were for gasoline powered machines that I felt at that time were against the principals of getting back to being able to do things naturally, just like what you said, "all that good OLD information".About 6 years ago I subscribed to Mother Earth News and shortly after the first couple magazines arrived I saw an add in the magazine allowing me to buy a thumb drive with all there previous issues, I think 30 or 50 years worth. I paid something like $30 and they sent me the thumb drive so now I have every article for every magazine they ever published. My thoughts were all that good OLD information was way better than whatever new stuff they are talking about now so I never renewed my subscription. They shot their selves in the foot with that offer, I am more interested in the old ways of doing things than the fancy modern versions they are writing about.
I hope the swelling goes down quickly, that's really a PITA to deal with, I'm just thankful I've not gotten stung this summer as the Yellowjackets that make nests in the ground seem to have an aggressive attitude and will bite and sting just for the fun of it. This year has been exceptionally bad for Yellowjackets here in Southern Oregon, my son set out probably around 20 traps and in just a few days filled a 2 gallon bucket full of dead Yellowjackets.Gotta get ready for work..I might be able to fit my hand in my glove today..
Yellowjacket me good..lil jerks.
You’ve been awful quiet- hope you’re doing okay.Went to Samsclub yesterday to get groceries so I was tired today. Well, mostly tired bc I couldn't sleep last night bc of the dogs.
I cooked for Mom and am about to take a nap again.
Peanut butter cookies are a favorite of mine (and snickerdoodles)Got chores done and picked up another batch of laundry detergent from my friend. Pulled some ground venison out of the freezer to thaw for tomorrow, think I'm gonna try a new lasagna soup recipe. That or chili. Making a test batch of a peanut butter cookie recipe that I came up with, see how they turn out. Probably need some tweaking.
It’s homecoming here too.