What's everybody doing today?

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Today we are staying close to the house. The wife's pacemaker surgery yesterday went well and we got home about 7PM, very happy to get home and have this one behind us. It's raining here this morning, so I will focus on doing indoor stuff.
Hope the pacemaker helps!!
Off today and plenty to do around here! Time for Buddy's hooves to be trimmed, back to doing it myself because the farrier didn't do a good job last time! Laundry day, and need to do some house cleaning too! Really need to go through cleaning supplies in my truck, it's a disaster! 🙄
Glad that pacemaker surgery went well, Urban. I was just thinking about you two last night.
Reading about Israel's attack! Wow!
The weather sure changed here....in the low 30's now, and high of 66 today. I need to do something with that lone turkey. She is not happy with the dog kennel. Plan to putz around here...have tomatoes sitting in buckets everywhere, laundry backed up, and the freeze dryer is probably beeping and done.
Got an accidental call from my uncle this morning, which woke me up. He was trying to call his pastor and was crying. His wife of 50+ years was hospitalized Wednesday & went downhill from there. Said they are pulling the plug today. He's been taking care of her the last few years and there were some close calls, but apparently the doctors said this is it. Only other time I ever heard/saw him cry was at my dad's funeral. I know its going to be tough on my cousins as well. He said he'd call me back to let me know when she passes.

Already had a minor sinus headache & crying doesn't help so I'm going to try to take a nap after I take my morning vitamins.
Taking another little break. Got a lot of big stuff done this morning! Trimmed Buddy's hooves, he was frisky in the cool air!! Got the laundry done, some still out on the line. Gave Bear a bath in the hall bathroom, then cleaned the bathroom!! Also got my cleaning supplies in my truck organized! Still need to at least vacuum the house. Waiting on Hubby to get home with yet another John Deere riding mower. Nicer LX280, he has an LX255 that needs an ignition board, the same one is on the 280. He paid less for the 280 than a new board would cost, so win win either way! So we will check it out good when he gets home shortly!!
@Pearl I read the wolf spiders eat everything from fleas to flies. Other stuff too. I don’t mind them or fuzzy jumpers. A tarantula belongs outside or in a tank, I let the weird daddy long legs survive too, and the garden spiders, Aw heck, I guess there are very few types of spiders I do kill. 🕷️
I'll bring you a bunch! You will getting the assorted sizes and colors package , no returns!😃
Been busy around here.
Had a biopsy for breast cancer a couple weeks ago as the mammogram came back abnormal, and thankfully that was clear.
Got a mini excavator, and the culverts in for the road. In laws were visiting from MT and left today.
Learned how to bake bread over a fire.
Didn't sleep well the last few nights and could definitely do with a nap today.
Been busy around here.
Had a biopsy for breast cancer a couple weeks ago as the mammogram came back abnormal, and thankfully that was clear.
Got a mini excavator, and the culverts in for the road. In laws were visiting from MT and left today.
Learned how to bake bread over a fire.
Didn't sleep well the last few nights and could definitely do with a nap today.
Glad to see you around!! Take that nap!!
@Pearl I read the wolf spiders eat everything from fleas to flies. Other stuff too. I don’t mind them or fuzzy jumpers. A tarantula belongs outside or in a tank, I let the weird daddy long legs survive too, and the garden spiders, Aw heck, I guess there are very few types of spiders I do kill. 🕷️
We like the jumper spiders, we carefully take them outside but we have some small fast black spiders that I don't trust, so they get taken out with a fly swatter and yeah, it's always interesting to see baby wolf spiders head in every direction when getting rid of their mom. I've read that spider diets consist mainly of other spiders, that seems to be the case of our bathroom spiders.
Another day another shelving unit.


A bit dark I admit. It is in an old shower stall at the top of the stairs to the basement. I will install a light in there.

In case you are counting that is four shelves for The Princess and two for me in the greenhouse.

Today The Princess and I teamed up to move her collection of canning jars and supplies out of the attic. Not a job for one person since there is only a narrow ladder and access hole to get into the attic. She sat in the access hole and hand flats of canning jars down to me. Knee deep pile of canning supplies lined the hallway.

She has been wandering back and forth through the house with a grin on ger face.

Happy wife, happy life!

Well it’s been a busy day. This morning Hubby went to work for a couple hours. I made a batch of oatmeal monsters for him and a small experimental batch of cake donut holes. They were a little dry. I was able to finish up my apothecary shelves (below) and got them in the house where they go. Did some cleaning in the summer kitchen in preparation for next weekend. Made a batch of soap. One of the guys at work gave us the ribs of his deer 🦌 so we made a batch of sausage and Hubby has it on the smoker now 🤤. All the dishes are done etc. and now I’m sitting on my rear.

@zannej think you asked to see these 😊
My isolated turkey got to go to another turkey run today, although she is in a cage in the run till they get used to her. The young amish lad's mom called to say he had a couple of hrs to work before suppertime. So he got the wood stacked for the woodpile, used our tractor to do it, then drove that around and he and little granddaughter picked up limbs and sticks and cleaned up the main areas around the house. Lots of phone calls and catching up today...my Florida sis, our son, and my cousin. Unloaded tomato puree from the freeze dryer and loaded it up with 5 dz eggs.
chili sounds good @Peepaw from Tex
Love your apothecary shelves, @LadyLocust
@Bacpacker keep on travelin' steady n safe.
@Neb you be one busy guy
@UrbanHunter you are busy, so much you take care of, plus work and your dear wife, wears me out reading all your goings on too. I can't hardly keep up with anybody or myself. I'm not sleeping enough, now I feel wiped out.
@Amish Heart is that the young boy you've talked about other times? Super glad to hear you get help from others. You have a community. It is hard for me to be involved sometimes but I used to be when I didn't work. Sorry about your mom and your husband both not doing so well. That's a lot to keep up with. Thank goodness you don't have to put up with anything from sassy, recalcitrant teens anymore.
My church's sprinklers failed a couple months ago, really damaged a lot of the interior of the building so we meet in another building that is about a 20-25 minute drive away. Hope they get that all patched up soon.
Yep, that's the young boy Aaron. He's almost 13, and is a hard worker. Tractor, skid loader, mowers...nothing's too hard for him. Ha. And he loves to talk chickens and turkeys with me. Little granddaughter always says, "Aaron, ewww", because he's in her class at school. But she helped him today with the wood and branch pickup, and they are always laughing together. His sis and her family live next door. He's about 4 miles down the road.
Well it’s been a busy day. This morning Hubby went to work for a couple hours. I made a batch of oatmeal monsters for him and a small experimental batch of cake donut holes. They were a little dry. I was able to finish up my apothecary shelves (below) and got them in the house where they go. Did some cleaning in the summer kitchen in preparation for next weekend. Made a batch of soap. One of the guys at work gave us the ribs of his deer 🦌 so we made a batch of sausage and Hubby has it on the smoker now 🤤. All the dishes are done etc. and now I’m sitting on my rear.
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@zannej think you asked to see these 😊

Funny, saw the pic, read your post and thought... what shelves? All i saw was the beautiful poke salllet plant behind it. Berries are ready to harvest and dry.

Busy week, got 5 new hens. One was promptly killed by the old hens... had to go back to town, buy parts, put partition in coop, bought another feeder and water tank today... Birds separated. Got a lot done actually.

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