Congratulations to Jake,
@hashbrown !!!
One more thing...daughter was sitting in a chair about 15 feet from where I was sitting. "Mom." I looked at her, she wasn't looking at me, she was looking at an angle towards the floor. "What." "There's a huge spider over here on the floor." You know that means mom come do something about it. She said she'd keep an eye on it while I got something to squish it with. I asked what kind it was, she said big. On approaching with a shoe in my hand, I made sure not to cast a shadow on it. It was big. It was all gnarly looking. I got a large plastic cup and a thin book and invited it into the cup, it sorta jumped in. I put the book on top of the cup. Y'all, I didn't even scream. Took it out the front door, walked a good ways and tossed it all.
Looked it up. Similar to image shown. Wolf spider with babies tagging along. YMMV
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her babies were also on top, like in this photo. Fun times.