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We have alot of that Poke growing here, Peanut. Is it just at a certain stage of growth where it's edible?
In spring before the stalk turns red the leaves can be eaten, got to double boil (pour out first water)

I took this pic a couple days ago... very dry here. Beauty berry leaves are droopy. Got a little shower yesterday, just enough to settle the dust.

I've gotten that "community survey" in the mail before, with all of the claims that it is the census and I must submit it or be in trouble with the law, and so on. It's not really the census, and the questions are extremely intrusive and personal. "Can you use the bathroom by yourself?" "What time do you leave for work?" "How far do you commute?" "Are there any stairs in your house?" And so on. I refused to fill it out and they kept pestering me, even sent someone to the house to fill it out for me. I finally printed off something I found on the internet about the actual purpose of the census, wrote out that one person of voting age lived here, and that I wasn't required by law to furnish all the other info, and mailed it in. They finally left me alone after that.
Sonya, have you thought about hiring the Amish neighbors to disc your field when they do theirs? That might be less stressful than trying to find an affordable disc.
Glad your wife did well with the pacemaker, Urban.
Pearl I'm glad the storm wasn't worse.
Shoot, can't remember what else I wanted to say.
My brain is toast. Everything I try to do seems to meet a wrinkle in the universe that just makes it go sideways. I put my house on the market finally, and someone hits a deer right out front so then I get the fun job of tying the carcass to the back of my truck and dragging it down the road. I have the furnace guy out to clean and service the furnace for the old house, he finds that the burner is shot and a new one for that furnace isn't to be had for love or money. So now I have to put a new furnace in the house I'm selling. My tmobile order for their internet gateway didn't go through properly and it two days of phone calls and emails to get someone to acknowledge it and ship it out. Hoping it shows up Monday, and really hoping it actually works. I'm supposed to have Fridays off but an owner of a water supply hasn't made urgent repairs and I ended up spending the day writing a referral to the attorney general instead of packing. And I have way too much stuff. Had my helpers here today, and even though I've been packing and moving stuff for six months, it took us all day to finally empty my office and the attics.
I don't usually argue too much with the spiders, but I really hate having little critters of any kind in my living space. It's a blessing to live somewhere that has freezing weather to keep the creepy crawlies in check.
we have a John Deere 1250 it would have to fit on that

In case no one has mentioned it... Something you need to check on your 1250 before buying plows, attachments etc.

Small farm implements, gang disks, plows of various types that are designed to be lifted by a 3-point hitch will have either Catagory 1 or Catagory 2 lifting pins. Cat 2 pins are smaller in diameter than Cat 1 pins.

Small tractors will have either cat 1 or cat 2 lifts. A tractor with cat 1 lifts can lift both cat 1 and cat 2 plows/implements (just need 2 little bushings found at TSC). However, the reverse is not true. A tractor with cat 2 lifts can’t pick up a plow with cat 1 pins. The lift arms won’t fit on the plow’s pins.

Your John Deere 1250 factory data...
Tractor hitch
Rear TypeII/I
Controlcenter-link draft sensing with position and control
Rear lift (at 24"/610mm)2240 lbs

This means your tractor's lift can pick up 2240lbs (I wouldn’t recommend you try that). The 7ft gang disk sold by TSC weighs about 850lbs, not a problem for your tractor.

The problem smaller tractors have when lifting very heavy objects… the lug bolts for the tires start breaking. Meaning your lift will pick up a ton but your tractor won’t support that kind of weight. The tires will fall off when the lug bolts break. The lug bolts are the weak link.

This is especially true if you use a front end loader. On 2-wheel drives the front tire lug bolts are smaller than the rear lugs and break a lot easier. Every year or so I buy a half dozen lug bolts for my Massey ferg. front wheels. The tractor could pick up a 1200lb roll of hay with out a problem. But I’d break a few lugs each winter feeding the cows.
Spent way too much time today dealing with my computer misbehaving. My husband was a champ and spent time on the phone with Microsoft, and they were actually helpful.

Grateful that’s over with, but boy that wasn’t how I wanted to spend the afternoon. All we wanted to do was set up a printer!
Building cleaning day! Never cleaned my own house yesterday, so will do that today! Will be a nice afternoon to work outside. Removing a raised bed that is in a bad spot. It's too close to a lilac bush and Bluebonnets (in the spring). Hubby is checking out the JD lawn tractor he got yesterday and working on a garden tractor we use for hauling firewood out of the woods and other like jobs! Going to only be 80°, hotter during the week.
Going to go next door to dad’s for breakfast—hah and eggs. Then I’ll be going to work. Should be a fun day (not). Yesterday I was notified that our tech immunizer was out sick--yup, covid. All last week the pharmacist that I’ll be working with today wasn't feeling well. Place is going to look like a tornado blew through it. People are going to be difficult because of our recent world events. Lucky for there is a liquor store across the street 😉
In case no one has mentioned it... Something you need to check on your 1250 before buying plows, attachments etc.

Small farm implements, gang disks, plows of various types that are designed to be lifted by a 3-point hitch will have either Catagory 1 or Catagory 2 lifting pins. Cat 2 pins are smaller in diameter than Cat 1 pins.

Small tractors will have either cat 1 or cat 2 lifts. A tractor with cat 1 lifts can lift both cat 1 and cat 2 plows/implements (just need 2 little bushings found at TSC). However, the reverse is not true. A tractor with cat 2 lifts can’t pick up a plow with cat 1 pins. The lift arms won’t fit on the plow’s pins.

Your John Deere 1250 factory data...
Tractor hitch
Rear TypeII/I
Controlcenter-link draft sensing with position and control
Rear lift (at 24"/610mm)2240 lbs

This means your tractor's lift can pick up 2240lbs (I wouldn’t recommend you try that). The 7ft gang disk sold by TSC weighs about 850lbs, not a problem for your tractor.

The problem smaller tractors have when lifting very heavy objects… the lug bolts for the tires start breaking. Meaning your lift will pick up a ton but your tractor won’t support that kind of weight. The tires will fall off when the lug bolts break. The lug bolts are the weak link.

This is especially true if you use a front end loader. On 2-wheel drives the front tire lug bolts are smaller than the rear lugs and break a lot easier. Every year or so I buy a half dozen lug bolts for my Massey ferg. front wheels. The tractor could pick up a 1200lb roll of hay with out a problem. But I’d break a few lugs each winter feeding the cows.
we didn't buy any attachments, they came with it , 2 thingy plow ( forgot what it is called exactly, super heavy, been using it for 7 years in the garden and to make drainage ponds, don't ask) , brushhog , scraper for road , rear hay spear
I usually let husband deal with it, but he has told me what type it is so we are aware not everything fits on it. The heaviest thing we lift up are the hay bales ( 4x5 rolls) . I will tell him about the lug nuts. Him and son keep loosing and breaking stuff all the time when they use it. They have a whole bag of bolts for the brushhog, because they keep breaking it ( but they are cheap, so not a broblem) the bushing for the plow got lost but we got new ones, the tire went flat in back and someone had to come fix it. It has some kind of liquid in the tires to make it heavier also.
This is probably more than anyone wants to know about our tractor LOL sorry but thanks for the info
I've gotten that "community survey" in the mail before, with all of the claims that it is the census and I must submit it or be in trouble with the law, and so on. It's not really the census, and the questions are extremely intrusive and personal. "Can you use the bathroom by yourself?" "What time do you leave for work?" "How far do you commute?" "Are there any stairs in your house?" And so on. I refused to fill it out and they kept pestering me, even sent someone to the house to fill it out for me. I finally printed off something I found on the internet about the actual purpose of the census, wrote out that one person of voting age lived here, and that I wasn't required by law to furnish all the other info, and mailed it in. They finally left me alone after that.
Sonya, have you thought about hiring the Amish neighbors to disc your field when they do theirs? That might be less stressful than trying to find an affordable disc.
I keep getting phone calls for surveys. I block the callers but then they call back from another number, annoying!

About the Amish: they are too busy building stuff ( they sell furniture , sheds etc) and the current ones plow and disc with a very small one with horses. It takes them a very long time, plus they share the equipment I am pretty sure, so it's probably not something they have time for. We paid our Amish neighbor before to move our manure pile and he only got a little done before he had to go do something else and then it rained on the days he had time, so we ended up renting a bobcat and did it ourselves. So no , we are not going to ask them. We ask if it is something that doesn't take much time, like unload something
Busy week, got 5 new hens. One was promptly killed by the old hens... had to go back to town, buy parts, put partition in coop, bought another feeder and water tank today... Birds separated. Got a lot done actually.
I might be able to help you with that in the future
Someone told us to put new hens in the chicken coop at night when it is dark and they are mostly sleeping so the old ones don't kill them. So far it has worked
Going to clean barn again today, it was cold and super windy last night so in they went again
Probably going to use the wood stove for the first time since spring ,it's cold out
Making quark ( a type of cheese) from store milk since we dried up the milk goat. Not sure it will work but worth a try . I want to make a cake with it for our visitors tomorrow
Still have to clean the floor and probably wash dog blankets.

Went to the festival yesterday and all the paw paws were gone already ( eaten or sold ) , but we did look at some little trees and bought a bottle of wine from their vineyard. We know the people they are vendors at our market sometimes. Their wine is not super great but we want to support the local growers.
Going to go next door to dad’s for breakfast—hah and eggs. Then I’ll be going to work. Should be a fun day (not). Yesterday I was notified that our tech immunizer was out sick--yup, covid. All last week the pharmacist that I’ll be working with today wasn't feeling well. Place is going to look like a tornado blew through it. People are going to be difficult because of our recent world events. Lucky for there is a liquor store across the street 😉
Stop by the liquor store BEFORE work!!
Funny, saw the pic, read your post and thought... what shelves? All i saw was the beautiful poke salllet plant behind it. Berries are ready to harvest and dry.

Busy week, got 5 new hens. One was promptly killed by the old hens... had to go back to town, buy parts, put partition in coop, bought another feeder and water tank today... Birds separated. Got a lot done actually.
Funny- sorta. I got that poke berry and planted it there, thought it died so dug that whole little bed and replanted. At the base is a hydrangea flanked on either side with peonies. The following year, I saw the plant and knew it wasn’t a weed so let it grow. Forgot what it was until it berried 😂. I will pick and dry some. I was thinking they were useful but keep finding conflicting information so haven’t done so.
From the Kansas City Renaissance Festival...

My phone won't upload the video, but they had something called a "May Pole" which was like a 30 foot pole with two dozen colored ribbons hanging down from the top.
Everyone would dance around the pole in a circle and twist the ribbons around the pole in brightly colored pattern. I'm not sure I've ever seen my daughter smile so much as she did dancing there. Oh, and it was "Dog Day" so everyone brought their pooches.

There were Welsh Corgi races too, which was one of the funniest things I've ever seen.
From the Kansas City Renaissance Festival...View attachment 117357

My phone won't upload the video, but they had something called a "May Pole" which was like a 30 foot pole with two dozen colored ribbons hanging down from the top.
View attachment 117360 Everyone would dance around the pole in a circle and twist the ribbons around the pole in brightly colored pattern. I'm not sure I've ever seen my daughter smile so much as she did dancing there. Oh, and it was "Dog Day" so everyone brought their pooches.
View attachment 117359
There were Welsh Corgi races too, which was one of the funniest things I've ever seen.
Looks like beautiful weather too!! For some reason I am not seeing the pictures of you in your monk robe!?🤔
Where do you buy a monk robe? I've been looking for one in my size for twenty years!
Mine was a $29 polyester piece of crap from a Halloween costume shop. It could double as a generic wizard/druid costume. However it is not realistic at all. About the cheapest I saw for a heavy cotton hooded monk's robe that looks legit, was $90, and that was without any accessories...

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