Little granddaughter and I went to the thrift store and found a few treasures. Tablecloths for me, because I'm a sucker for them. And cheap, too. Then to the amish discount grocery for a few things. Husband needed his prescriptions picked up in the bigger town, so we did that, and picked up 500 lbs of feed, since it was nearby the pharmacy, and a drive from our place. They had clearance baby chicks that were getting bigger, so I brought home 6 barred rocks for $1.70 each, not that we need them, but oh well. We have two brooders full of cornish in the dining room, so added another brooder for the barred rocks. Unloaded all the feed with granddaughter's help. Came back in to help husband, came out of his office, and stopped dead in my tracks. I honestly thought little granddaughter was playing a joke on me with a rubber snake. She wasn't. So blocking my path, and on his way to the brooders was a five ft long rat snake. Black. Ugly. Ugh. Little granddaughter was closest to the front door, and went to the garage and threw me the snake grabber. That bugger was strong, and hard to keep hold of. I walked him out of the house, going down the walkway, and neighbor was there giving "Bets", the horse some grain...she nearly fainted. Anyway, relocated the big thing down the road a bit. Hope it doesn't come back, or I'll have to chop off it's head.