Talk about dogs reminded me… last night. It was after 11 when the pup started barking, an angry, unusual bark. I grabbed the rifle and went out, without a light. We have a big outdoor light on a powerpole, lights up the shop, sheds and backyard. I can see the driveway and the edge of the garden.
Anyway, the pups hair was standing up, I said ‘find’. He took off the way he was staring, toward the chicken pen. By the time I got where I could see down the hill… here came the pup, running full speed. He was scared.
Then I saw a shape moving past my elderberry into the garden, a huge dog, short hair. It’s head was shaped like a bulldog, short snout, but stood 40” at the shoulder. Odd looking...
I didn’t shoot, the short hair threw me. The light was poor but the dog seem fit, healthy. Didn’t run when it saw me, made me think it might belong to someone, not feral. When I stepped toward it then it ran past the chicken pen and pole barn into the woods.
I checked around the chicken pen, saw no signs of disturbance. Checked again today, all was secure. There are feral dogs out here in the country but I haven’t seen one in years. Coyotes are a problem though. Seems I shoot at them at least once a month.
This dog looked strange, a bulldog head with a short snout, funny looking. It was huge, well muscled, maybe 140lbs, Twice the weight of the pup. (don’t blame him for running, he was barking back over his shoulder though

My neighbor over back of the farm coon hunts, even spends more time in the woods than I do. I might drive over, maybe he's seen this dog. If not he’ll want to know about it.