Quiet day, needed to go to the big town, maybe tomorrow. Another day with music and the tv.
@hashbrown Does your friend know he has Perilla in his grass? I've known this plant for years, didn't learn it'd kill livestock until last year. It a very common pasture weed. It's get tall here, 5/6ft. Below is a pic of me bush hogging the perilla my kinfolk didn't take care of when he had cattle here. He let it grow unrestricted for three years. He ruined about 6 acres of pasture. It got so thick it literally killed the grass. It may have been part of the reason he had cattle dying those last few months.
Anyway... in case your friend doesn't know... looks like he bush hogged that area sometime near the 4th of july. The perilla came back but bolted right away. Didn't have time to get taller. I circled the perilla in yellow.
Oh, he has some fine looking calves, I'd be proud the own them. Here is an article from U of M extension service... and pics below...
Plan to kill toxic perilla mint this spring or summer
Published: Tuesday, Nov. 30, 2021
MOUNT VERNON, Mo. – University of Missouri Extension livestock specialist Eldon Cole said he received a report recently of cows in southwestern Missouri being killed by perilla mint, a toxic plant.
Cole urges producers to plan to destroy the annual plant in pastures next spring or summer. Broadleaf pasture herbicides, applied April through June before seed set, provide control when applied at the correct rate, he says.
Perilla mint, also known as rattlesnake weed and beefsteak plant, generally does not cause problems in healthy cows, said Cole. Mint poisoning occasionally occurs in thin cattle that are hungry, when pastures are overgrazed or when there is limited forage.
Edit... I kept perilla bush hogged for years to control it. Just a few little spots here on the farm, not an issue. That boy didn't do anything and it got out of control.
My cousin brought a herd of heifers over and he had to use a spray, wiped it out... but also found smudge grass in a couple spots. Gonna have to do something with that.