What's everybody doing today?

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Cleared up the rest of the trash in the path and kept cleaning until my back couldn't take any more. Had some ice cream. Note to self: Ben & Jerry's chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream does not have enough cookie dough in it and the rest of the ice cream is meh. My taste is a bit off though, so it might normally taste better.

Resting a bit before I tackle trying to assemble the cat tree.
So our company decided to go outside with me to deal with the turkey run....30 ft, collapsing inwards because of a foot of snow on it (the tarping). Walking thru a foot of snow to get there. Loaned them boots and coats. The wife was a trooper, husband moaned and moaned. But hey, they were awesome, and we did the job, and the turkeys will not collapse. We started singing the Green Acres song and he said he only likes the tractor riding part. Ha Ha. Thawing out. I'll make a nice dinner of steaks now.
Took advantage of Black Friday deals and bought myself a tincture press. It is actually a small fruit press but from the reviews and research I did on the model I wanted many were using it for tinctures. Not a 'killer' sale but it was cheaper than I had seen it for the last year so I jumped.

Not really doing any shopping other than that. We are going to Bass Pro so the girls can see Santa tonight but other than that no real interest in the shopping maddness.
Took advantage of Black Friday deals and bought myself a tincture press. It is actually a small fruit press but from the reviews and research I did on the model I wanted many were using it for tinctures. Not a 'killer' sale but it was cheaper than I had seen it for the last year so I jumped.

Not really doing any shopping other than that. We are going to Bass Pro so the girls can see Santa tonight but other than that no real interest in the shopping maddness.
Thought about a press for years... never got one. Mind sharing the make/model you ordered?
Survived the family gathering. It helped that the nephews were talking non-stop. Daughter is still here; it's so wonderful to have her visit and stay with me a while.
Been trying to move more stuff. Today I transplanted a couple of small saplings that I wanted to keep, one is a memorial tree for my Husband, so I certainly couldn't leave that at the old house. One more tree to move, but it's bigger and I'm waiting on the nursery guys to move it with their big planter. Got everything cleared out of the greenhouse and started thinking through how I'm going to take it down and move it. It's a shame to have to remove the plastic, it's still in perfect condition. I'll have to buy new to put it back up.
Been getting colder, down in the 20s at night now. Glad I got the trees moved before the ground froze.
I need to get a garmen or some kind of camera. Maude brought in her babies and literally stood there while I played with the little buggers! No really, standing up, human style the whole time looking at us! So the kids got light bread with honey and meow chow and I rolled her an egg! suddenly she could give a damn about the kids and ran off with the egg. LOL Later Roscoe and b1tch came in, he got a beer and she got what the kids left. He's passed out next to the toilet chittering (chattering?) to himself. After they left, I locked down, I'm tired of stepping in possum crap! at least Hoover figured out the cat box!

Side note:
I'm convinced Shaggy is Ma Wild Cat and Womp's love child. Formerly knows as "Bats".
Daughter and family just left :( I was sad to see them go, we all had a nice time with them. Did go swimming yesterday, little grandbaby loves the water ( she can't swim yet, but we played in the water )
I swam my 22 laps, son in law swam like 100 in the same time LOL
Did pick up 1 black friday item, a new extra large dog crate ( we use them for transporting sheep and goats sometimes, so the ones we have are very beat up) .
Played a boardgame with everyone yesterday evening Ra ( Egyptian)
I wished they would come back fro Christmas but they are driving to FLorida to visit her dad and family ( my ex) . They try to rotate visiting family.
It is very cold out , still waiting for it to warm up a little before we put the animals out
This morning it's clear and cold, 14 degs. I haven't been feeling good for the last several days and got pretty sick last night. Slept in till 5.30 this morning so the fire had gone out. It was 60 degs in here. Got a good fire going now.
We'll probably just feed and break the ice this morning and see how I feel. I should cut and split some firewood. I'm sure the wife will nag at me to stay inside next to the wood stove all day.
Walk dogs.
Undecorate front porch.

I'm a little depressed. Cat chewed the Christmas tree lights wire completely in half. Fixing it isn't really the problem. The cat will just do it again. Not real sure what to do at this point. Suppose I shouldn't have believed DH when he said it would be fine to put up a tree. Of course, he wanted the cat in the house, so he said what I wanted to hear.
Yesterday was a long day, I finished "adjusting" all the lights for the outdoor tree, then made a mock-up on the ground, adding the cross webbing every 5' and taping each crossing point. Once I got that all completed I attached each light string to the flag pole. I added custom made double lifting eye bolts to the flag pole by drilling a hole through the pole and running the bolt part through the pole, this is at about the 20' mark on the pole. I wrapped the flag pole with lights and green garland 50' of each... taped them to the pole about every 5'. once the pole was wrapped I connected it to the swivel base I made. Then I added the colored light section of the pole, the star, and 6 guy lines to complete the assemble. Total length 30'. 3 people were able to easily swing the whole assembly into the vertical position, I was pleased to see that all the work to create the webbing paid off by not having to deal with 20+ strands of tangled hanging Christmas lights. It's up, but it's not finished, I didn't get the spacing correct on the stakes, so I will have to go back out and expand my circle about 1' to make it all perfect. But I was able to light it up last night and it was impressive.

Just after I lit it up, the neighbor kids went nuts, Spanish family, nice kids... Earlier in the day, as I was working one of the young boys came over and asked if he could barrow my tall ladder so they could put up Christmas lights on their house. I let them use it and their grandpa (pop-pe?) was out there working with them to take down some old light and put up new colored lights. Watching the work together was good for the soul. I don't thing anyone even realized what I was doing on my hands and neighs making my new creation. It really warmed my heart when I heard their reaction to my Christmas tree, I've been doing it for 20 years now and people make comments in anticipation of it's arrival.

This morning my hands, back, legs, and arms all feel like they have been beaten with a meat tenderizer...

Our son was able to get 2 negative Covid tests yesterday, so he came home last night, arriving just before dusk and in time to help my hoist my tree... :)

We ended up having 8 for our Thanksgiving feast..
The wife had been making the Thanksgiving supper for over a week and everything turned out great, stuffing, 2 kinds of sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans, corn casserole, fresh cranberry relish, roast chicken, and dinner rolls. For desert there was a stuffed pumpkin roll and caramelized pecan squares (think bite size pecan pie).

I was so pleased with myself, I was able to avoid over eating too much and kept my sugar in check... But this morning the leftovers are calling my name...

Today, the son is taking my wife to a Ballet (I'm not going, they just don't have enough rope)... That is contingent on the wife recovering, she's not feeling well after all the excitement last night.

I plan to work on the in-door electrical work.. I hope to finish the drop ceiling lighting. The new lights are dimmable so I want to replace all the light switch to take advantage of that, I wanted to use smart switches but the wiring layout did not align with that choice. So if I can finish the indoor and out door lighting projects (save switches that will arrive mid-week) while the wife and son are out I will be happy. :)
Need to dig out some walkways and unbury the pickup truck today. See how the turkeys fared the cold. I think it's 15 degrees out right now, and a foot of snow out there. I'll recruit little granddaughter to help. Animal chores are going to take a while today, and we'll be toting water, too. Maybe time for some butchering, we'll see. I'm guessing our company will probably stay inside all day, not sure how they're planning on leaving in the corvette tomorrow, but we'll see. They are not the outdoor types, and the husband went straight up to bed after dinner yesterday after helping get the tarp off the turkey run. The wife said he doesn't do cold. Wood burning stove needs to be cleaned out first....husband's breakfast...no one else is up yet. Need to figure out dinner. Maybe meatloaf. Maybe quiche. There's turkey leftover for that.
Yesterday was a long day, I finished "adjusting" all the lights for the outdoor tree, then made a mock-up on the ground, adding the cross webbing every 5' and taping each crossing point. Once I got that all completed I attached each light string to the flag pole. I added custom made double lifting eye bolts to the flag pole by drilling a hole through the pole and running the bolt part through the pole, this is at about the 20' mark on the pole. I wrapped the flag pole with lights and green garland 50' of each... taped them to the pole about every 5'. once the pole was wrapped I connected it to the swivel base I made. Then I added the colored light section of the pole, the star, and 6 guy lines to complete the assemble. Total length 30'. 3 people were able to easily swing the whole assembly into the vertical position, I was pleased to see that all the work to create the webbing paid off by not having to deal with 20+ strands of tangled hanging Christmas lights. It's up, but it's not finished, I didn't get the spacing correct on the stakes, so I will have to go back out and expand my circle about 1' to make it all perfect. But I was able to light it up last night and it was impressive.

Just after I lit it up, the neighbor kids went nuts, Spanish family, nice kids... Earlier in the day, as I was working one of the young boys came over and asked if he could barrow my tall ladder so they could put up Christmas lights on their house. I let them use it and their grandpa (pop-pe?) was out there working with them to take down some old light and put up new colored lights. Watching the work together was good for the soul. I don't thing anyone even realized what I was doing on my hands and neighs making my new creation. It really warmed my heart when I heard their reaction to my Christmas tree, I've been doing it for 20 years now and people make comments in anticipation of it's arrival.

This morning my hands, back, legs, and arms all feel like they have been beaten with a meat tenderizer...

Our son was able to get 2 negative Covid tests yesterday, so he came home last night, arriving just before dusk and in time to help my hoist my tree... :)

We ended up having 8 for our Thanksgiving feast..
The wife had been making the Thanksgiving supper for over a week and everything turned out great, stuffing, 2 kinds of sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans, corn casserole, fresh cranberry relish, roast chicken, and dinner rolls. For desert there was a stuffed pumpkin roll and caramelized pecan squares (think bite size pecan pie).

I was so pleased with myself, I was able to avoid over eating too much and kept my sugar in check... But this morning the leftovers are calling my name...

Today, the son is taking my wife to a Ballet (I'm not going, they just don't have enough rope)... That is contingent on the wife recovering, she's not feeling well after all the excitement last night.

I plan to work on the in-door electrical work.. I hope to finish the drop ceiling lighting. The new lights are dimmable so I want to replace all the light switch to take advantage of that, I wanted to use smart switches but the wiring layout did not align with that choice. So if I can finish the indoor and out door lighting projects (save switches that will arrive mid-week) while the wife and son are out I will be happy. :)
Glad your son got to come, hope your wife feels well enough to go to the ballet!! Glad all your hard work made those kiddos happy!😊
Need to dig out some walkways and unbury the pickup truck today. See how the turkeys fared the cold. I think it's 15 degrees out right now, and a foot of snow out there. I'll recruit little granddaughter to help. Animal chores are going to take a while today, and we'll be toting water, too. Maybe time for some butchering, we'll see. I'm guessing our company will probably stay inside all day, not sure how they're planning on leaving in the corvette tomorrow, but we'll see. They are not the outdoor types, and the husband went straight up to bed after dinner yesterday after helping get the tarp off the turkey run. The wife said he doesn't do cold. Wood burning stove needs to be cleaned out first....husband's breakfast...no one else is up yet. Need to figure out dinner. Maybe meatloaf. Maybe quiche. There's turkey leftover for that.
You sure got a whopper of a November snow!! 😮
Yesterday I made candied pecans and pralines and a pumpkin bread. My knee was very painful after that. I couldn’t get comfortable so I went to bed at 9 PM but got up at 2 AM to take a couple pain pills. I’m feeling okay today. I want to make more pralines and candied pecans but I probably should rest the knee today.
If you said already, I might have missed it, but are you driving again? Sounds like you are getting around pretty well.
I have a pumpkin to roast when we get home 🏡 then hoping to make some pumpkin nut bread for the guys at work.
Yes, I have been given the okay to drive.
We've only gotten a few inches of snow so far this winter. Usually we have a couple feet by now. I need to climb up on the roof of the fur shed and put a brace on the stove pipe. The roof is covered in ice so it's pretty slippery. It may have to wait until spring now. Looks like the sun will be out today, may warm up to the mid 20's. The weather babe on TV said we should start getting snow next week. I'm fine if it holds off for a few more weeks. I need to get about 3 more cords of firewood in.
Bummer about the cat chewing the cords on the xmas tree.

My whole body hates me today. Got up to go to the bathroom and checked the cat tree. Aminatu was in the smaller higher cave and Rupert was in the hammock. Didn't get a pic bc my body aches too much. I was able to sleep lying down last night though, so that's a plus.

Planning to rest, feed kitties, and cook for Mom today. Other than that, I think I'll be out for the count.
Walk dogs.
Undecorate front porch.

I'm a little depressed. Cat chewed the Christmas tree lights wire completely in half. Fixing it isn't really the problem. The cat will just do it again. Not real sure what to do at this point. Suppose I shouldn't have believed DH when he said it would be fine to put up a tree. Of course, he wanted the cat in the house, so he said what I wanted to hear.
To break critters from gnawing wires rub them with a fresh ghost pepper or one preserved in cotton oil. it lasts weeks!
Snowing here today. One of those picture perfect slow, gentle snowshowers. Won't amount to much according to the weather guessers but it sure is pretty. Glad I got those two trees transplanted yesterday. I have more outdoor chores to do but can't get motivated, keep dozing off in my chair. Daughter works nights, so when she's here to visit I stay up til 1 or 2 to spend time with her but after a few nights of that I'm rather wiped out, since I still get up at my usual time and do chores while she's sleeping.
Wishing I had been able to get the woodpile moved by now, it would be so nice to have a fire going.
I'm thinking I've procrastinated as long as I possibly can, will have to get new tires on the truck sometime this week. Difficult bill to pay amidst all the moving costs, but it has to be done before we get any real snow.

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