Quiet day, went to thanksgiving at my nieces. We had trouble getting mom and dad in and out of the house but we had a wonderful meal. Got to see my great-great nephew, almost one and a mess. Happiest kid i've ever seen.
Funny, we had so much difficulty with the steps… wouldn’t you know it? I’m the one who fell down the back steps! There were no lights, pitch black. I thought there were 4 steps, nope, there were 5 and I hit hard! But it was one of those slow motion falls. I literally had time to decide if I wanted to land on my face or side! I chose my side!! Luckily there was a concrete slab to break my fall.

Messed up my elbow, it’ll be sore tomorrow.
One of the boys is back in the tractor business, had this big Massey sold, just waiting for a guy to come get it. I’d never seen a ford like this one, a 4600, didn’t know they made one that size.
Turkey, dressing and tractors? A good day!
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