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Yes! I have really lost faith in doctors.
You're no good to them, healthy or dead.
Today, I visited the doctor because my arm has been hurting for the past two weeks. Despite conducting some tests, the doctor is still unable to identify the cause of the pain. Has anyone else gone through something similar?
Yes, I was sleeping on it in a bad way. Mine, I was stretching the tendons. I kept it wrapped when I was sleeping and put heat on it. it took a month to heal.
Snappy, I'm so sorry about little Peanut Butter. :-(

Yesterday I went to the doctor appointment with my brother. They let us share and be seen at the same time so we could get to visiting Mom sooner. The doctor checked and said we are both obviously doing better but he's worried about Mom. Said he wants to see her when she gets out of the hospital. He'd visit her if she was in the local one. He was also concerned about my stomach pain and nausea but I know it was the fried chicken I ate. Greasy food can do that to me. He was still concerned it might be gall bladder issues.

Visited Mom yesterday and almost missed the visitation window because it took so long to get there after we stopped to grab stuff at Walmart. We brought her phone up to her and I got a carrying case for it and something to store her cord and charger. She was sitting in a chair when we got there and was able to stand up on her own to transfer herself back to the bed, but she was a bit wobbly. She'd thrown up again that morning when they tried to get her to take something orally. Her bp was still high. We stayed until they said we had to leave and said they would see us tomorrow.

The nurse called last night and told me she has a kidney stone and will need to have a procedure to remove it today. Was going to be this morning but they haven't called yet to say when. They said they would call before the procedure to let us know. I'm getting ready to find a clean shirt (got behind on laundry) and head out to visit her. Brother's supervisor has been very understanding and is the one who gave our friend the wheelchair for us to use for her.

On the upside, I'm down to 198lbs. Was 199lbs last 2 times I visited the doctor's office.
Wife woke up with sweats and chills around 01:00, so I was up trying to help her. She has been doing this for the last 3 nights, we need to figure out how to address it. I think she goes to bed cold, applies too many blankets, and then gets over heated until she wakes up soaked... then she gets out of bed and gets chilled. All I know is that I get awakened and cannot get any sleep until she is comfortable, usually just as I need to start work.... :(

I see the Christmas Tree in DC got blown over, I didn't realize the winds were that high, they need to get some good engineers on that to make sure it has sufficient guy wires in place to keep it steady. Oh, I forgot, they have been replacing their old engineers with new WOKE, Diverse, and Included (he-she-it) engineers that failed statics...... and trig.... Bad Urban, go back to your politically correct dog house...
Ugh! Nothing like getting a good night's sleep. Hope things get figured out.
@Heartbroken For clarification... pecans have a lot of wrinkles where bits of husk can stick. The outer hull is tough but once removed there are an array of tools for cleaning them. Funny, yesterday @Woody posted a meme of a pick set, bottom... It's a classic that's been made since i was a kid. My folks have one...

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When I was a kid, everyone would put out a bowl of various whole nuts that you could remove the hulls from and eat. Most people had these sets for that purpose. I haven't seen that since I was a kid.
My furnace saga is nearing completion. Tank recovery company came and took out the water and the oil company is here resetting the furnace. I should be hearing sssssssssteeeeeam heat soon. Or at least tonight because it’s about 50 degrees here right now.

Recovery guy let me pick his brain a bit. Found out the cleanup standards for tank removal have relaxed a little bit in this state so that won’t be as scary as thought or anticipated. He also told me removal would most likely run $2000-3000.
It probably is your gall bladder. I wonder how they figure out if that is what it is? I've known a few people who are fine until they eat greasy food.
They do an ultrasound. Gall stones are easy to see.
I scanned our receptionist and even I could see the shadow of gal stones on the screen.
I had a demo US machine in the shop.
She had 2 large and 3 small stones and the next day her doctor confirmed it.
It has a toxemia level. I'm almost there, unfortunately, so I'm transitioning to aspirin for now. On the bright side, I think I've lost weight after a diet of soup for a week.
Tylenol is really hard on the liver. I once had an older doctor tell me that the selling of Tylenol while bashing aspirin was a big scam. I know many people take Tylenol exclusively. It does nothing for me except probably liver damage. Aspirin is my go to pain medication.

But I do have a couple small bottles of Tylenol that are out of best by dates. I have always wondered how shelf stable it is.
Not sure what I'm going to do today. I really need to cut and split some firewood and weld the cracks on the back blade and snow plow. First thing I think I'll do is put the chains on the tractor. It's quite a struggle by myself. We're still getting snow so I guess the chains are the most important. Still not feeling well so I'll try to take it easy.
Today is the wife's birthday. She wants me to grill a filet mignon and shrimp for dinner.
Happy birthday to Mrs Trapper 😁
(Have you taken any ginger tea?). I don’t like it but it works.
Well this sucks.

I was up on a tall step ladder painting the ceiling . Hubby came in to check it out, tripped and fell into the ladder knocking it over. He has bad knees and grabbed the ladder out of instinct.

I bailed to avoid falling on him and I would have been fine but I ended up on my backside, draped over the edge of the five gallon paint bucket.

My left sacroilliac is so swollen from the crushing, that muscles are threatening to pull and it's making me queasy when I stand up.

Trying to walk it out a bit after lying down, I went out to gather the eggs in my pj's and winter boots doing my best impression of a Walmartian, and someone decides to stop in for a chat. Now there are witnesses to my indignity.
Go to bed, Magus.
Snappy...not sure if it's working yet or not. His mood is not great...I think part of it is because we've had 2 family deaths very recently, and now my favorite cousin's husband is any minute. He's in a coma at home. It's sad. It makes husband think of his own health. But he wants to go to Denver in a week and a half and he has to be well to go.
Hey Clem....it's why I shower at night. Then morning getting ready can be done in 5 minutes. The amish never call ahead to stop in, they just show up. I've learned.
Making my second loaf of bread in my new bread maker!

Recipe is like the plain white bread I did for the initial loaf in this machine, but rather than water plus dry milk, this second recipe uses yogurt (Chobani non-fat plain Greek yogurt is what I chose), milk and an egg.

My daughter sent me this recipe and said the yogurt gives the bread a flavor a little like sourdough.
Making my second loaf of bread in my new bread maker!

Just after Knead #1, starting Rise #1:


Baking (on the basic white bread setting on this machine, Baking comes after two Kneads, three Rises, and some Punch Downs scattered in):




A beautiful 1 lb loaf! I think these small loaves will be best for my wife and I. Not too much bread all at once. My machine will do 1, 1-1/2 and 2 lb loaves. This was on the medium crust color setting, and the 1 lb loaf setting with 2-1/4 cups flour and 1-3/8 cup fluids (milk, yogurt, egg and butter), plus salt, sugar and yeast. We just had a big dinner, and I need to let this cool, so tasting may come later tonight or tomorrow morning. 😋

Couldn't wait until morning, had to cut into it tonight. Perfect texture. Very good!


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Not doing much today but this evening I will see former Congressman Steve King at our annual Christmas Potluck for the Iowa Great Lakes Patriots. I already have his signed book, Walking Through The Fire but he will bring a few copies to sell. It's always a good time and meal and I always look forward to chatting with Steve.
Here is a picture of former Congressman Steve King and me at at the Christmas Potluck:
Well yesterday while I was getting things done, I was drinking ceylon tea which I love. However, I drank a whole pot and until shortly after lunch. I was awake until after 1am! (Cinnamon is a stimulant). New rule: 1 cup early!
Today brought Christmas tote in. Found kitchen! It was due for a real clean. Still need to do the floors.
Made pine cone cookies for a cookie party tomorrow evening. Church earlier so wanted to get them done.
Hating the styles I saw at kohls @Amish Heart did find a button down flannel. yay. Went out and decided I really don't like being out there after it gets dark, wasn't alone, but we're both small and we were in an area that has seen some dangerous stuff.
@ClemKadiddlehopper sounds awful and likely to hurt for several days. Hope you feel better enough to rest and be comfortable.
@Tommyice better to replace the tank now than to be socked with replacement costs when you're trying to move if new perspective buyer would whine about everything you'd have to fix first. Been there, done that with oil tank (in basement though and rusty at the top with disintegration).
Clem, ouch ouch ouch! That sounds horrible. I hope you heal quickly. Also hope your husband wasn't hurt when he fell. Glad you weren't hurt worse, but that still sounds awful. Sending you hugs.

I've had sensitivity to greasy foods for decades. Started when I was a teenager but its gotten worse with age. It's mostly specific stuff like the fried chicken from a particular place. Not ally fried chicken causes it and not all greasy foods cause it. I think it's something this place puts in their chicken and it didn't help that I followed up the chicken with half a pint of fudge brownie ice cream. That plus stress is what made me feel so sick. I normally get a little gas and stuff after eating some stuff but don't usually feel that bad.

Went to visit Mom today and had to wait for them to bring her back in from using a stent to try to remove the kidney stone. No go. It was too large but they moved it out of the way to allow for urine flow. Wednesday they will bring in the laser specialist to try to break it up. So she has to stay in ICU. Her bp won't come down.

Stopped at a Chinese buffet in Eunice and then headed home. I found that if I tell gps to route back to my friend's house instead of my house it takes shows me the shorter path through Mamou instead of routing me through Oberlin. Saw a really cool house just before LA 13. House has a 3 car attached garage and then a detached 2 story garage with 2 giant doors.

I took a nap and then went to Walmart to get milk & some bins to put Mom's stuff in to clear it out of the way. Might ask my friend to come over tomorrow to help me move stuff and get a waterproof mattress pad and some new sheets on. I want to have it all nice and clean for her when she comes back. Will also see if he can help me move some of the stuff in the bathroom that got stacked in front of the sink when they were moving things to get her into the wheelchair.

Just took my meds and am waiting 30min to eat something.

Had a good conversation with a friend who works at Walmart. He said he & one of his brothers had to carry their dad to the vehicle a few times before he passed from cancer. He lost both of his parents, a cousin, an aunt, a grandmother, and a brother to cancer. He's nearly lost his youngest sister to it too. I mentioned Mamou and he said something about a junkyard out there and I said "Cancer is a B**** Car Crushing LLC!" (I hope that censored version is OK as it is the name of a business). Obviously they lost someone or survived it, but I would like to know the backstory on that.

I'm about to watch some contruction/how to videos, grab some food, and then take a nap.

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