What's everybody doing today?

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It is pouring. Husband and I had disagreement yesterday about the weather forecast We looked at the same city same site but he came to the conclusion that it was going to rain this morning, I looked at the hourly forecast and it said 0 rain today.
He was right. I asked him what he had looked at and he showed me some obscure graph he had to move to get the rainfall amount of .1 inches in the morning. Who in the world thinks of doing that? And why does the hourly weather not match the graph???

Whatever, so it is pouring, animals all got moved into the barn and fed and watered. Only the sheep were a little wet, the goats were under their shelters outside and not wet , they really hate getting wet

We did clean yesterday, just in time for the muddy dog paws to make it all dirty again.
Trying to not complain about the rain, we haven't had that much this year and even a wildfire in the area last month

So there is NOTHING to do today, wow. That doesn't happen often. Well except I am going to cook lunch here in a minute
Maybe it will stop raining in a little while and I can take the dogs out for a walk. NO wait, DOG, single. Otto gets to go, the bad old mutt will stay put. I took them yesterday and put him ( the mutt) on a leash so he didn't run off and encourage Otto to run after him and he slipped out of his collar. Bad dog....Otto was just about to run after him but I grabbed him and put him on the leash. Poor Otto got punished for the other one's bad behavior
Today I made a run to the recycling center with metal.. on the way I stopped to attempt to drop off some sharps at the sharps box at the county police office... Their sharps box required the sharps be in a container (but an official sharps container is too big). So I have to repackage the wife's sharps into half gallon water bottles to get rid of them.. and no you are not allowed to place sharps in "their" container by them selves..... The wife will be so not pleased... If I can get a load of stuff to the land fill I may try to drop off a couple containers of sharps. Hey, it gives me something to do in all that extra free time I have...
hanging out in a parking lot with a few friends
Toys for tots run

Yesterday was a tough day. They worked me hard at PT then in the evening I baked cookies. Getting in and out of my chair every 10 minutes to take cookies in and out of the oven for 5 batches of cookies left me in a lot of pain. I went to bed early and slept till 10:00 this morning. I had to wait for pain pills to take effect. But then I slept really well.

Today, a little girl turning 8 wanted to have her birthday party with the shelter dogs. So all us volunteers are handling a shelter dog for her party. She doesn’t want any gifts, just donations for the animals. But I’ll be buying cupcakes for her party and a card for all to sign and we’ll all sing Happy Birthday to her. I’m excited to enjoy this biryhday with such a kind girl.
Just after Knead #1, starting Rise #1:

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Baking (on the basic white bread setting on this machine, Baking comes after two Kneads, three Rises, and some Punch Downs scattered in):

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A beautiful 1 lb loaf! I think these small loaves will be best for my wife and I. Not too much bread all at once. My machine will do 1, 1-1/2 and 2 lb loaves. This was on the medium crust color setting, and the 1 lb loaf setting with 2-1/4 cups flour and 1-3/8 cup fluids (milk, yogurt, egg and butter), plus salt, sugar and yeast. We just had a big dinner, and I need to let this cool, so tasting may come later tonight or tomorrow morning. 😋

Couldn't wait until morning, had to cut into it tonight. Perfect texture. Very good!

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Oooohh!!! I keep trying to make a good loaf..
I've been working hard on clean up all week.
Since we havent had a clean up crew in awhile, and it's been about 2 weeks or so since the mishap with the crew that was hired..the mill hasent been cleaned.
So, I've been a one woman crew mostly. A man that usually works in the office will come n help and we teamed up to get the really big piles. So that's been really helpful.
8 hours of daily of mill clean up is my new workout. 2 weeks of clean up and 2 weeks I stack.
Thursday, I got a nice compliment from one of the construction crew guys..a nice looking man too! It's nice to be noticed that I'm busting my butt.
My goal was to have each section of the mill cleaned at least once real good by the end of the week. I had two sections left by friday lunchtime. I can do those monday n part of tuesday then start over with only a week worth of crap on the floor as opposed to 2 or 3.
Apparently, my boss noticed and gave me a $100 visa gift card. They said they appreciated I took on the cleaning roll without being asked to do it ( I clean my area but it's not expected that I take on the whole mill)
I was pretty surprised and grateful.
So today ..
I slept in..
I will take the pups for a nice walk..
At 2 I will go to the monthly community meeting. Faraday cages, general news and I'm bringing homemade laundry soap for folks to try.
With my gift card, I'll run into town after n get a few things.
Then get my stove going, catch up on news n start a new rug.
Hey Urban, can Mrs Urban do the sharps in the milk jug thing? It can be done sitting down. I remember doing this for husband and having to tape down the milk jug lid and marking it. Pain in the butt. Had to take them out of our red box container first, and use work gloves.
I'm all for seeing what husband can help with. Like Christmas present ordering. He's in charge of all of it. I'll wrap it when it comes in. He will wait for the last week, but it'll happen. Little granddaughter decorated the cats' Christmas tree on the porch today. It has to be in a rock filled bucket so they don't knock it down, and it has plastic ornaments wired on well for them. Got the meat off of the 7 chickens I did yesterday. Boiling carcasses. Will grind the meat tomorrow. Out of time. Getting ready for the memorial service.
Trying to catch up. Got a sinus headache.
So, Mom was released from the hospital Thursday but I had to take her back to the ER Friday morning. They got her bp down and got her nausea under control. Constant leaking of her bladder all over the place bc the stent dislodged. Er called urologist, he said "pull it out" doctor refused bc he was afraid he'd damage something and wasn't comfortable. Back & forth for hours w/ ER claiming doctor never replied back and other hospital saying he did call back but nobody answered the phone. All urologist offices closed at noon. The call was made before noon but then nothing back after noon. I even went out and made calls. Finally got approval to transfer her to the ER of the other hospital that the urologist worked at. It was late afternoon by the time I got her there (I asked to transport her so we didn't have to wait for an ambulance-- which could take hours). Doctor there couldn't see the string for the stent & assumed it had come out already. Mom found the string and pulled it out herself. They checked her out and said she was ok to go home. Meanwhile, I had to drive to Marksville to pick up some stuff for my friend. Casino up there was dumping some expensive stuff that was just going to be trash if we didn't get it that day. Those were the most convoluted routes I've ever seen. But got there, friend loaded stuff up, we headed back to his house. Friend unloaded and I headed out to Eunice to get Mom. Got her into the truck, tossed the wheelchair in the back, grabbed a burger from DQ, went to Walmart to get apple juice for Mom, and headed home. Mom drank some of the apple juice in the truck and was loving it. It's no sugar added.

Checked on her most of the night. Slept in this morning. Went to get RX and apple sauce (Mom's request). The apple sauce was not very good. Same brand as the apple juice but it was sour. I ate a sandwich and am about to take a nap.
Hiya friends! I’ve spent the last week — making fudge, sorting out presents, and banging out some cute doll clothes for friends of mine (okay okay and for me too because if you’re gonna make three you might as well make four).

That’s all done, so now it’s time for “pack and ship” to all the out-of-town friends (those would be the ones getting the cute doll clothes and other little gifties), wrap stuff for the family, make three batches of cookies and at least two more batches of fudge …

Photos of cute things below because none of them read this forum and they won’t have their Christmas spoiled, and that way I get to show them off. I haven’t taken pictures of the dad outfits, but they’re similar to the little brother one, with buttons instead of the snowflake ribbon down the front.


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Hiya friends! I’ve spent the last week — making fudge, sorting out presents, and banging out some cute doll clothes for friends of mine (okay okay and for me too because if you’re gonna make three you might as well make four).

That’s all done, so now it’s time for “pack and ship” to all the out-of-town friends (those would be the ones getting the cute doll clothes and other little gifties), wrap stuff for the family, make three batches of cookies and at least two more batches of fudge …

Photos of cute things below because none of them read this forum and they won’t have their Christmas spoiled, and that way I get to show them off. I haven’t taken pictures of the dad outfits, but they’re similar to the little brother one, with buttons instead of the snowflake ribbon down the front.
How awesome!! Thanks for the pictures!
Today was my first day off since Thansgiving. Pouring down rain this morning, so I slept in for a bit. Went thru a bunch of stuff sorting for the trash. Finally got the truck loaded and headed to the dump. Back home and brought out some old hay and scattered thru the chicken run. Loaded up the nesting box as well. Gathered eggs, fed, and watered the girls. Let them out to scratch around the yard for a while. Worked in the basement a little while and smoked me a nice little stoogie.
Moved my new electric humidor the wife got me for my birthday upstairs and set up in the 2nd bedroom/office area. I've had it running for a week now with a tray of distilled water to season the wood shelving before I load some cigars into it. It running 80%. Gonna pull the water out tomorrow and add some humidification tubes I got to hold it around 69%.. Once it settles out I'll start putting a few sticks in it.
Went to the feed store today then had pizza for lunch. Got home about 3 and fell asleep on the couch by the wood stove. Just woke up a few minutes ago.
Yesterday I put the plow on the tractor and plowed the road. Supposed get more snow tonight and tomorrow.
You probably still needed the sleep.
Hiya friends! I’ve spent the last week — making fudge, sorting out presents, and banging out some cute doll clothes for friends of mine (okay okay and for me too because if you’re gonna make three you might as well make four).

That’s all done, so now it’s time for “pack and ship” to all the out-of-town friends (those would be the ones getting the cute doll clothes and other little gifties), wrap stuff for the family, make three batches of cookies and at least two more batches of fudge …

Photos of cute things below because none of them read this forum and they won’t have their Christmas spoiled, and that way I get to show them off. I haven’t taken pictures of the dad outfits, but they’re similar to the little brother one, with buttons instead of the snowflake ribbon down the front.
Those are cute. You must be a very patient person. I consider myself a pretty patient person and I like some tedious work, but doll clothes are “no way!” 😁
Today was my first day off since Thansgiving. Pouring down rain this morning, so I slept in for a bit. Went thru a bunch of stuff sorting for the trash. Finally got the truck loaded and headed to the dump. Back home and brought out some old hay and scattered thru the chicken run. Loaded up the nesting box as well. Gathered eggs, fed, and watered the girls. Let them out to scratch around the yard for a while. Worked in the basement a little while and smoked me a nice little stoogie.
Moved my new electric humidor the wife got me for my birthday upstairs and set up in the 2nd bedroom/office area. I've had it running for a week now with a tray of distilled water to season the wood shelving before I load some cigars into it. It running 80%. Gonna pull the water out tomorrow and add some humidification tubes I got to hold it around 69%.. Once it settles out I'll start putting a few sticks in it.
You need at least 2 days off!
Went to a bazaar this morning. Pretty nice. Picked up a couple odds and came home. Began wrapping presents 🎁. Still have 2 or 3 but getting there. Hubby’s been working so much he can’t sleep, woke up just after midnight “this morning.” He worked today, came home about 3:30, had a drink. I told him he should take his shower early which he thought was a good idea and did. He fell asleep in his chair about 5:30 and is still out. Hoping he’ll sleep through the night. He needs it.
Blustery and rainy here.
Tomorrow is off to Ikea for a couple of bookcases for my library at the country house, a wreath for the door if they still have any, and maybe breakfast at the restaurant.

Soooo many books, and once again I got the smallest room in the house :p
( I wanted it, it has a window for the antenna feed lines, and Lori gets two big south windows for her craft room)
Went to cousin Rod's memorial service. For a small chapel, they did a nice job. A pastor, and an assistant pastor, both were women. That threw me a bit. After the service, they sat out snacks and coffee, and got to visit with my other cousins, there are seven of us left locally. Was good to see everyone. Went to Atwoods afterwards, and loaded up on feed. Little granddaughter and I unloaded 520 lbs of it to the milkhouse. Checked in with my favorite cousin, after the death of her husband. She is talking but sounds so tired.
Went to cousin Rod's memorial service. For a small chapel, they did a nice job. A pastor, and an assistant pastor, both were women. That threw me a bit. After the service, they sat out snacks and coffee, and got to visit with my other cousins, there are seven of us left locally. Was good to see everyone. Went to Atwoods afterwards, and loaded up on feed. Little granddaughter and I unloaded 520 lbs of it to the milkhouse. Checked in with my favorite cousin, after the death of her husband. She is talking but sounds so tired.
Your family has sure been through the wringer the past week or so. Hugs AH. Also as much feed as you two pack, bet little granddaughter has slimmed down from when she first arrived.
You probably still needed the sleep.

Those are cute. You must be a very patient person. I consider myself a pretty patient person and I like some tedious work, but doll clothes are “no way!” 😁

Thank you so much!

Having the correct baseplate for your sewing machine makes these much quicker than they look. They’re so small that you’re done sewing a seam in 3-5 seconds! You just need to be careful that the machine doesn’t eat the fabric. Cutting and pressing and ruffles (oh boy the ruffles) take the most time. I keep thinking that if I keep at this hobby, I might get a Cricut or Silhouette to do the cutting for me.

I made eight tiny outfits (four brothers outfits and four dads outfits, so eight shirts and pants) in about eight hours, between cutting on Thursday night, sewing through most of yesterday, and finishing up the buttons today. So about one an hour, that’s not too bad. Not like the quilt that I still haven’t finished! 🤣
@jishinsjourney are those the little calico critters? This is probably the 3rd generation of those little things. One of my kids had them years ago. They’re so cute.
@hashbrown good to see you two out and about, hope your finger is not bothering you with cold temps setting in.
@Amish Heart another pastry will set things right, and a cup of tea.
My girl is sick, got it from my other girl. There’s a lot of sick people in the community, and @Pearl i bought some L Lysine.
Drove southwest after work and had to take a different route so I wouldn’t be blinded and have a wreck. Nice to get lost for a half hour on back roads and no stop signs, howdy sheriff. Lol no I saw two tho.

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