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I was waiting on an older woman joke!! 😃 But it was strange seeing a big cat in the daytime!
We saw them sorta often up the river. We were in a “special” area. We had bear, coyotes, wolves, and mountain lions. People couldn’t understand why we would want to shoot “nature’s majestic animals.” They were all predators! Still illegal to kill wolves unless they are attacking you 🙄. We ate bear and mountain lions if we shot them though- didn’t waste the majesty 😉
Finally put lights and a timer in the chicken coop today. No problem with letting the chickens rest a bit durning the winter but our days are so short I am only getting two eggs from thirteen hens. I also need to freeze dry some more eggs for the coming hard times.
So I rigged some lights and a timer and set it to come on at 3:30AM. I happened to glance outside at nine PM and the lights were on.....I must of bumped my timer when I was setting it up. The poor chickens were wandering around yawning and wondering what was going on.. I reset the timer and and played old fashioned usher at the movie theater with my flashight to get them all back on a roost.
Cats (big) usually eat the offals and leave the rest of the critter if they have plenty. If not, they drag the whole thing away to gnaw on.
I saw a cougar two days ago, several in the area have them on game cameras!! 😮
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Yes.. Cougar and bear will cover what they don't eat at an initial feeding.. Usually parts of the prey that won't spoil as fast as other parts.. They also usually won't stray far from what they have stashed, so if a cougar is seen in the area or there has been a known livestock, pet, wildlife killed near it is wise to be extra watchful..

Sightings can range from an animal in the area for a time to coincidentally seeing an animal traveling through.. Unfortunately.. Eye witness sightings can be occasionally quite ..unreliable.. More than once I have taken a life size cardboard cut out to the location an animal was seen and had witnesses both confirm and recant what they saw with this prop.. One location in the late afternoon was described as a ..black panther... when it was just the location and time of day made it look black.. Anyway.. Once you have positively seen one you will never mistake the next one you see.. Hearing one will leave a chill in your bones that will last a lifetime..

I lost the picture of the cougar I ...had to deal with... on an old computer, but it was equally as big as the one in this picture...

Edit.. I've cooked, eaten a lot of bear that was most excellent.. I'm told cougar is very good tasting as well..
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Next couple days predicted to be low 50sF... :clapping:
Got up early & cleaned my toilet, swept the hallway, swept the kitchen, hauled out some empty cardboard boxes, took out more trash, had brother take out the can with the used litter. Was so heavy it was ripping the bag so the whole can had to be taken out and dumped in the burn pile. Took brother with me to visit Mom. She's in much better spirits. The kidney stone was broken up by the laser, she passed it fully, was eating solid food, bp and sugar were good, etc. I finally found out what she was arguing with the nurse about: They don't want her to get up and go to the bathroom by herself without help BUT they don't answer the call button when she calls so sometimes its a 40min to hour wait and she didn't want to pee in the bed so she got up and went by herself. She told them she can't wait for as long as it takes them to respond and they told her she needs to just hold it in or pee on herself.

They made her take a shower-- first time in 15years. She's used body wipes and wet rags up until now. She hates having water pouring down on her for some reason. I don't know why. She also apparently saved another patient's life because no one else heard the lady calling for help. She used the call button and told her the patient across the hall from her was screaming "Help me". They went and checked and took the patient straight to ICU. A nurse later thanked Mom and said her call saved the lady.

She was eating solid food (mashed potatoes & turkey) when we got there. She couldn't finish it and made me promise to take it to her dog. He gobbled the turkey up but didn't like the potatoes.

After the visit I picked up my friend and brought him back (after feeding him) to help. We filled up several plastic bins with her art supplies and random stuff, filled two 55 gallon trash bags with ruined clothes-- mouse holes, empty packaging from deliveries, old spam mail, catalogs, and other junk. Filled up about 4 laundry bags with clothes (both dirty & clean and some never worn). I'll have to go through them with her to figure out which ones she wants to keep and which ones to toss. She lost weight so some of the pants will be too large for her and some styles she just stopped liking. Will have to sort through all that later. Need to haul the bags to the laundry room but the path is obstructed with junk currently. Swept and vacuumed the bed, pulled old sheets off, put new ones on, new pillowcases, new blankets, & even put up new curtains. Made sure the stuff that I know she uses frequently was in a spot where she can reach- inside a bin on a night stand. Got the others stacked up next to the bed on the other side. Still need to clear that area out better but we could only do so much. Got stuff out of the way in the bathroom but it needs MAJOR cleaning. I need to install a new lightbulb, clean the toilet, finish cleaning the bedpan, and organize stuff a lot better. Need to get rid of junk and move things to other places.

Mom called when we were almost done cleaning to say they might release her tomorrow. She still has to go back to the urologist's office to get the stent removed, but she's super excited about coming home. I know her dog will be happy. He keeps looking for her. Our oldest cat keeps looking for her too. Got the doggy steps in a good place. I got Fippy to run up them to get on the bed and then he ran right back down when he saw Mom wasn't there.

Went to Walmart after dropping friend off and got more laundry bags & some cleaning supplies. Carpet needs deep cleaning. Also got air freshener and carpet powder. That carpet needs to go, but we need to pick some good flooring to go in its place. Preferably LVP. I ate a sugar cookie from Y-Not Stop and am about to get some rest. I should eat a salad. I'm exhausted but my brain won't let me sleep yet. Feel happy at having accomplished so much.

Too dark to do some of the cleaning I still want to do- like hauling out cardboard boxes. But since hospital hours aren't the same as ICU hours I have more time to work on things tomorrow.

TL: DR? Mom is doing better & might be released tomorrow & my friend came through & helped me get major cleaning done so her bed is nice and fresh.
You've been busy @zannej ! I hope your mom can come home soon. DH hated being away from home!

I'm glad that you were able to be there for your cousin @Amish Heart . Support is priceless!

Too busy to get on laptop yesterday. Still walked, of course. Had to be at health insurance agent's ofc. at 8:30 am. Tuesday she was sure that the new insurance was ok. Tuesday night she called her boss again and was told that the new insurance did not have a hospital anywhere in my area. So, I had to go back and switch back to previous plan after all. Had a few things to do in our little town, also. Calls to make, also etc.

Today, I will walk first.
Plant some snapdragons that I was given on Peanut's grave.
Make and package banana breads for the rest of the day.
It will be a long day, but that is what I give for Christmas gifts each year.
Snappy: did you buy up all the bananas in the world??? I couldn't find any last time at the store

Today, more driving: have to pick up the meds for the dogs ( flea and tick stuff for Otto, and an antibiotic for Rosie the livestock dog)
Plus do some more shopping for the stuff we didn't get a couple of days ago
I really don't want to go anywhere , seems like we are always driving

Did finally clean the kitchen yesterday but the rest of the house still needs cleaning. Animals are all going out , supposed to warm up a little today. They were out yesterday so barn should not be too bad since they only went in to sleep
Husband's got a doc appt this afternoon, so we'll be in the bigger town for awhile. Wondering if they'll have us stop the IV on Saturday. His breathing is pretty terrible. That, gas, bank, prescription pickup....might as well get it done at once. House is neglected, though, have cleaning and other things to do, too.
Still have not butchered the last of the meat birds. Possibly tomorrow. Saturday is a memorial service for the cousin of mine that passed on Nov 20th. He was cremated after passing, so that's why it wasn't till now.
Cleaning for one of my sweet little ladies today, then for her neighbor B (she's a B)! B is the one who had no cleaning done for 3 1/2 years and expected the house to look like new!🙄 She's on thin ice! Any hint of rudeness and she's out!!😼 Running to Walmart after that, guess I'm a glutton for punishment!😃 Hopefully a quiet afternoon at home!!
This morning I over slept, then did dishes and cleaned the kitchen so the wife can cook if she is feeling up to it. This morning I'm hoping to haul some stuff off and then take a walk in the woods this afternoon.

I'm trying to clean up my messes, slowly. Last night I was able to clean up all the dust I created when I installed the LED lights in the spare room in the basement.. The vacuum cleaner didn't like it much, but it's an old machine that gets clogged easily...

For the rest of the year I will only be working half weeks, I figure that if I spend a day or two each week cleaning up, things will be acceptable by next year.....
Wife and I had dental appointments. Took her out to eat. She had panned fried steak and I had chicken fried steak. She is native Texan don't understand why she prefers pan fried over chicken fried. Then went to Aldis and spent right at 300.00. Didn't even buy any meat. Probably would have been 450.00 at local grocery. Something has to give with high prices. Just praying it ain't me.
Watered and rolled in the base rock I put on the road yesterday.

Finally put lights and a timer in the chicken coop today. No problem with letting the chickens rest a bit durning the winter but our days are so short I am only getting two eggs from thirteen hens. I also need to freeze dry some more eggs for the coming hard times.
So I rigged some lights and a timer and set it to come on at 3:30AM. I happened to glance outside at nine PM and the lights were on.....I must of bumped my timer when I was setting it up. The poor chickens were wandering around yawning and wondering what was going on.. I reset the timer and and played old fashioned usher at the movie theater with my flashight to get them all back on a roost.
Our hens have finally put way back on laying, probably that stretch of 24 degree weather that slowed them down. This set of hens is the best we've had for solid laying, we've had an average of 12 to 15 eggs a day from when they first started laying until the cold weather set in, now it's down to 1 to 2 a day, not to worry, it's about time they took a break.
Had breakfast with some old farts (myself included) several have insider knowledge about many things......It was such cheery news the wife and I made a supply run to the health food store and a big box store and brought home another load of food and supplies. Loaded the freeze dryer with spaghetti sauce, bannanas, avacado and grapes;
Watered and rolled in the base rock I put on the road yesterday.
you can come do our road next....
we are expecting to get a lot of rain Sunday ( unless weather forecast is wrong again, which it is very often here) and our road will probably wash out
husband and son just use the scraper on the tractor to put it back as best as they can and then we shovel gravel on the UTV and dump it on the bare spots and spread it with a shovel. Sometimes it would be nice to have proper equipment here.

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