What's everybody doing today?

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Lowes is having a sale on appliances until tomorrow. Mom asked me to look at upright freezers.
The hospital called before 8am and woke me up to tell me they moved her out of ICU into the regular hospital and what room she was in. I notified our GP a few minutes ago. Haven't headed out to visit her yet bc I've been nauseous and having stomach issues. I called her and let her know. Still waiting to see if my brother will go with. He has to be back in time to leave for work by 5:30pm.

Fed the kitties before my stomach took a turn. I took out trash last night and cleaned the hallway. My brother has since kicked a bunch of empty bottles from his room out into the hallway so I have to clean again.

Took some Pepto and am waiting for my stomach to settle more.
Visitation this afternoon for my favorite cousin's husband. Boy, that was rough. We stayed a couple of hours, and it was good to sit and hug and talk with my favorite cousin. All of their 8 kids and the grandkids and great grandkids were there, so pretty much family reunion time, too. We left before the Indiana busses arrived. They were serving meals in the basement this evening for the travelers, and the funeral is tomorrow morning and will last all day. The service is in the roundtop...portable heaters set up and all the church benches. I betcha 400 or so will show up tomorrow. Getting ready to leave for little granddaughter's Christmas program. She's in the band.
Visitation this afternoon for my favorite cousin's husband. Boy, that was rough. We stayed a couple of hours, and it was good to sit and hug and talk with my favorite cousin. All of their 8 kids and the grandkids and great grandkids were there, so pretty much family reunion time, too. We left before the Indiana busses arrived. They were serving meals in the basement this evening for the travelers, and the funeral is tomorrow morning and will last all day. The service is in the roundtop...portable heaters set up and all the church benches. I betcha 400 or so will show up tomorrow. Getting ready to leave for little granddaughter's Christmas program. She's in the band.
Rough time for sure AH. Hug little granddaughter too and wish her luck and joy during her program. You have a lot on your plate! Hope you get some rest and find a moment or two to sit in peace with a fine cup of coffee and just listen to nothing.
Hey - good for them! I am familiar with Truckee - they can be a tough crew. Good to hear the sportsmanship was positive.
Now get yourself better!
They did play well, the first half of the game out boys were holding strong and had the lead for a bit, created and recovered a few fumbles and had a solid defense. The second half was slightly in their favor but I am sure the cold was really setting in for our southern boys and half way through the 4th quarter it was obvious Truckee had the advantage. I am taking nothing away from Truckee, they played a great game.

And, I am feeling better, thank you. 2 full days of work and I felt good at the end of both days.
Today I started with receiving Amazon orders. New welding mask, dovetails cutters and furnace filters ( weee). Then moved back to wiring for the transfer switch.


It is all wired up and ready to be switched over tomorrow. That will put three of the four freezers and the furnace on the transfer switch.

After that I will have clean up and put on a white shirt and suit coat for the eldest granddaughter play. I will make a try at just wearing bibs but The Princess often gives me an evil eye when I try that. Although she did let me wear brand new bibs and a white shirt to a Trump Rally. It is worth trying.

Today I started with receiving Amazon orders. New welding mask, dovetails cutters and furnace filters ( weee). Then moved back to wiring for the transfer switch.

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It is all wired up and ready to be switched over tomorrow. That will put three of the four freezers and the furnace on the transfer switch.

After that I will have clean up and put on a white shirt and suit coat for the eldest granddaughter play. I will make a try at just wearing bibs but The Princess often gives me an evil eye when I try that. Although she did let me wear brand new bibs and a white shirt to a Trump Rally. It is worth trying.

She approved the bibs!


I worked all day on our road, I have 460 tons of rock coming tomorrow that I will have to spread. I like to keep our road in good shape but non of the neighboring property owners seem to care. It’s just like they wait for me to take care of it. It would be nice if we could spread the cost between the 3 of us but I know that will never happen.
Another quiet day, lite housekeeping, music and tv. Lots of music, another 3hrs over the course of the day. Found a neat song stuffed into a folder I forgot about. It’s by Billy Strings ‘Love like Me’, has Jerry Douglas playing dobro. A very pretty song, simple melody but difficult to play. It'll be in my daily play list for a while.
Thanks for the 'splain, Peanut. My parents had that same old nutcracker set when I was a kid and occasionally around Christmas time would use it for some walnuts. I've never seen pecans before, for some reason expected them to be smooth.
Snappy, so sorry about your Peanut Butter. Dogs are such wonderful people and it's so hard to see them go.
Zannej hope your mom does well and is discharged soon. Hospitals are no place to get well.
Amish, so much going on! Sorry for your loss and hope your husband gets healthier.
Hope everyone who is having trouble sleeping is able to get some rest.
Hm. Had more responses ready but the computer did something with them. Oh well, hugs to all that need them.
Today the crew finally came with the tree spade and moved the small tree that my Husband and I planted as a sapling when we married. So that is at the new house now. And I spent the weekend disassembling and moving the greenhouse, all on my own. How I got the wooden end walls up on the trailer by myself I'm not really sure, but I did it. So that's two big things that were stressing me out, two very important things that had to be moved and finally are. Moving that greenhouse on my own was so difficult in more ways than one. I kept remembering how wonderful it was when we put it up together. All that's left at the old place now is the two small sheds full of the stuff we had to clean out of my Dad's place. Finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel on this move.
Well, we actually had something happen down here today:oops:.
I was on the back patio and heard police cars screaming down the 2 roads going from town to the south of us.
...A Lot of vehicles, and they were moving damfast with their sirens wailing!
DW checked the local news a little while ago, and a burglary suspect had fled a house on foot. (Keyword being 'fled'), as in discovering that 85% of homes here are armed!
A perimeter was set up, and the suspect arrested.
...About now, he is finding out why we Do Not have 'repeat-offenders':oops:.
Thanks, Heartbroken.

Supervisor, for some reason that reminded me of the time some jerk was trying to kick in the back door of an elderly friend's house. The neighbor (who was the daughter of a police officer) stepped out and told him to knock it off and leave. He told her to eff off. So she grabbed a shotgun and then came back and said "I won't repeat myself again". He ran off. She then called her dad to tell him what happened. She knew the guy who was trying to kick the door in, he was dating her daughter.

Brother felt too sick to go. I went a little later than usual due to stomach issues. Had to run back into the house to use the bathroom as I was about to leave. Pepto finally kicked in.

Mom is having a stressful time. When they put her in the new room the dumped her into a chair and said they'd be back but never came back. No call button in sight. 2hrs later a nurse saw her looking distressed (they left her room door open) and she pointed out they hadn't hooked up her IV or anything. So, he hooked her up and found the call button thingy for her. They never answered the call button. Said they were going to bring her something to eat but didn't. Said they were going to bring her another blanket but didn't. When I got there a nurse was arguing with her about something. Not sure what, but it involved her getting up and walking. Her IV blew out again so they had to put another in and this time it took 4 tries. Her arm where the IV blew out is very irritated and she had been complaining about if yesterday but the nurses in ICU ignored her. She said they took a picture of her arm for some reason after she complained.

She's really ready to go home.

Talked to my uncle on the phone. He's badgering me to steamroll over her and make decisions for her without her permission, but she's still lucid and able to make decisions herself. I'm not going to bully her. He thinks she's bullying me, but she's not. She's just indecisive. I love him, but sometimes he doesn't know when to back off on things. I repeatedly told him that I was going to discuss things with her when she gets out of the hospital and that I don't want to stress her out while she's still recovering.

Grabbed some food on the way home. Turns out Dairy Queen puts their burgers in a microwave. LOL. Met up with my friend at Walmart and did some grocery shopping and he got an oil change. His fiance was making gumbo back home so we hugged and each headed our separate ways.

Got home and did some cleaning but my back wasn't cooperating. Tried to eat some mashed potatoes but couldn't finish them so I put them up. Fed the kitties and doggies.

Currently resting and waiting for my brother to get home from work. Even if he finishes closing and doing all of his stuff, he's not allowed to leave until the other employees have finished their work so they all leave together. Safety in numbers.

Going to try to clean up some more in a bit and see if he wants to share some food if I cook it.
Thanks for the 'splain, Peanut. My parents had that same old nutcracker set when I was a kid and occasionally around Christmas time would use it for some walnuts. I've never seen pecans before, for some reason expected them to be smooth.
Snappy, so sorry about your Peanut Butter. Dogs are such wonderful people and it's so hard to see them go.
Zannej hope your mom does well and is discharged soon. Hospitals are no place to get well.
Amish, so much going on! Sorry for your loss and hope your husband gets healthier.
Hope everyone who is having trouble sleeping is able to get some rest.
Hm. Had more responses ready but the computer did something with them. Oh well, hugs to all that need them.
Today the crew finally came with the tree spade and moved the small tree that my Husband and I planted as a sapling when we married. So that is at the new house now. And I spent the weekend disassembling and moving the greenhouse, all on my own. How I got the wooden end walls up on the trailer by myself I'm not really sure, but I did it. So that's two big things that were stressing me out, two very important things that had to be moved and finally are. Moving that greenhouse on my own was so difficult in more ways than one. I kept remembering how wonderful it was when we put it up together. All that's left at the old place now is the two small sheds full of the stuff we had to clean out of my Dad's place. Finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel on this move.
Yay! Nice when the stressful things get done! So glad for you, soon the move will be a memory! 😊
I have a day off today, or should I say, I have a day of labor at home!! Catching up on some laundry and cleaning. Getting food back in the kitchen fridge out of the extra fridge, little freezer, and reclaiming my little beer fridge!! Taking Bear to town, going to PetSmart to borrow their scale, swear he has grown more! We will run by Tractor Supply for a couple of things. Have a nice little list of things that need doing, so I'll be doing them!😃
I worked all day on our road, I have 460 tons of rock coming tomorrow that I will have to spread. I like to keep our road in good shape but non of the neighboring property owners seem to care. It’s just like they wait for me to take care of it. It would be nice if we could spread the cost between the 3 of us but I know that will never happen.
Is this a road that you own or someone else? Do you all have a right-of-way on it? Our cabin in upstate NY is on a road owned by someone else. There are 5 properties in addition to the owner who have the right-of-way. When it needs gravelling, we all chip in for it.
We were supposed to get snow but so far only a few flurries. But it is cold and windy out. Animals will go out so we can clean but they can come in the barn if they want. The sheep have a small outdoor shelter also they can go in.

House is still not cleaned we do something else every day this week so far. So today will be the cleaning. Still have a pile of wood under a tarp to stack.
This week I’ve been working on deep cleaning and decorating for Christmas, as I get the time. Daughter has been helping, getting creative with decorations too. Watched the Christmas Devotional and felt much better, about everything.
Looking like I’ve got arthritis, as I suspected.
Raccoons have an extensive language, or so I've heard!
Maude is getting to where she's trying to walk on two legs a few feet at a time, just from watching me. 0_x. If I see them fiddling with the gun rack, I'm out of here! I've seen Roscoe pry the door open to let the others in, and then Maude holds the door open for him.

I ran a psychology experiment on rats back in college. If the stupid Prof could see what my study predicted, I'd have gotten an "A".

I think I might have a new hobby.
Overcast is lifting nicely.. Filtered sunny and almost 40F.. The bit of snow we got will be gone soon..

Local headline today about a cougar, mountain lion, that has been seen in a part of the metro.. Seems it got hit and killed on the highway.. Must have been quite a wreck as it appears the SUV that hit it is totaled.. Or maybe that says SUVs are not very sturdy anymore.. ? There have been cougar in the metro before.. Years ago I knew people saying pets were disappearing in there neighborhood.. I said this is a big cat.. Everyone said I was crazy but they finely got pictures of it.. This before trail cameras were popular.. If you report a sighting to the DNR they will deny there existence.. But there is a natural migration route of sorts to include habitat, game animals and the like for migrating cats, young cats and such from the east slope of the Rockies to the far north and east of the great lakes.. Wildlife Biology 101 ever so many years ago..
Overcast is lifting nicely.. Filtered sunny and almost 40F.. The bit of snow we got will be gone soon..

Local headline today about a cougar, mountain lion, that has been seen in a part of the metro.. Seems it got hit and killed on the highway.. Must have been quite a wreck as it appears the SUV that hit it is totaled.. Or maybe that says SUVs are not very sturdy anymore.. ? There have been cougar in the metro before.. Years ago I knew people saying pets were disappearing in there neighborhood.. I said this is a big cat.. Everyone said I was crazy but they finely got pictures of it.. This before trail cameras were popular.. If you report a sighting to the DNR they will deny there existence.. But there is a natural migration route of sorts to include habitat, game animals and the like for migrating cats, young cats and such from the east slope of the Rockies to the far north and east of the great lakes.. Wildlife Biology 101 ever so many years ago..
Cats (big) usually eat the offals and leave the rest of the critter if they have plenty. If not, they drag the whole thing away to gnaw on.
Is this a road that you own or someone else? Do you all have a right-of-way on it? Our cabin in upstate NY is on a road owned by someone else. There are 5 properties in addition to the owner who have the right-of-way. When it needs gravelling, we all chip in for it.
The road goes through 3 parcels I am the middle piece. I have an easement through the first piece of property the owner on the other side of me has a prescriptive easement. They both use their property for a second home / hunting lodges. They don’t care if they even have a road. Me on the other hand we drive the road daily. When we first moved here it was more of a trail than a road. I cleared the road way wider and placed 2 foot of shot rock down and walked it in with a d8 before putting the 1 inch base on it so it’s one hell of a road. I got the road covered today with base rock and will roll it in tight will a roller tomorrow.


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