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๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿค”Seems to me you are goofing off on HCL!! You were supposed to do your homework first!!๐Ÿ˜›๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜ƒ

(Surprisingly, I've gotten quite a bit done.)
We went to a lot of nice restaurants while we were up there and apparently my cell phone ate too much.:(
Riding home in my shirt pocket, the battery is now twice normal size and popped the back off:
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Good thing I rarely use it, because it be 'los muertos':(.
Update: Went down to our local Verizon store to get a battery...
The guy: "Oh, we don't sell batteries
Thanks for your help pal! gaah:mad:
Today I am off again!! My Tuesday couple was sick yesterday, the lady I would have cleaned for today was at their house Monday to bring them some food.....now she is sick! She said she just popped in for a few minutes and.....wait for it......had a mask on!๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„ So I am heading to the town to my west to run errands. Going to the bank, Atwoods, Walmart, and Dollar Tree! Wish I could buy some people some common sense!!
Now that the lame holiday season is over I started getting productive again. I had a closet full of used upper kitchen cabinets so I hung 4 of them over my workbench in the garage and filled them with quarts of trans fluid and oil, oil filters, various chemicals like carb cleaner and penetrating oils, and assorted extra car parts. That really cleaned up a lot of bench and floor space in the garage. I had a few more so I hung them at the top of one wall in that same walk in closet. I haven't stocked them yet but I am thinking they may get stuff like extra TP and paper towels, baby wipes, and the like. With the 9 foot ceiling a step stool is needed to reach anything over the bottom shelf but without the cabinets it would have been unusable space.

I took a big step in trying to make progress (and money) with my decorated apparel and promotional product business. I joined one of the major promotional product trade groups. You know, so I can send them money every month so I can find new ways and new sources to make myself more money. But, membership gets me free access to their major shows/conventions where most companies in the industry show what they have to offer and can explain to me how I can order stuff from them, either blank or decorated, to offer and sell to my customers. Plus, not only do I get in to the shows for free (I know I am paying them for that "free" access) but they also provide a "free" hotel room for my few days at the show. I am planning my trip to Fort Worth the beginning of March and my GF is looking for cheap or free airfare to Texas, the benefits of her working for an airline.

I found that after covid most of the smaller or medium sized companies I had dealt with in the past either closed down or were bought by larger companies so I lost most of my sources so I need this trade show to source more/new suppliers. Heck, I can't even find a good source for insulated cups or baseball style hats. But, I also remember that many of the smaller companies didn't require membership in a trade group to order from them so when I get a couple dozen or so sources if the membership in the trade group doesn't continue to add up I can cancel. I know the 3 major warehouses that I have been using for shirts and other apparel do not require membership.

Work at the off road repair shop has been pleasantly slow, which is a good thing for this time of year. I repaired a couple 4 wheelers yesterday then we did some work on the shop and went home early. Yay, but I was laughing when I added up my hours for the previous 2 weeks, only 34 hours for both weeks combined. The paycheck will be a little smaller but I did make good use of that extra time at home over the holidays.

Have a safe day,
Today I am off again!! My Tuesday couple was sick yesterday, the lady I would have cleaned for today was at their house Monday to bring them some food.....now she is sick! She said she just popped in for a few minutes and.....wait for it......had a mask on!๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„ So I am heading to the town to my west to run errands. Going to the bank, Atwoods, Walmart, and Dollar Tree! Wish I could buy some people some common sense!!
That could be a coincidence. Maybe she picked up up somewhere else.
Or, it could be the start of another global lockdown. Ahhhhh!!!!! :dunno: :ghostly::cry:

Stay safe and healthy.
got shopping done and almost done cleaning the goat buck house. I need to take a photo of it, to give you something to laugh. People that come visit us for the first time usually ask " who lives in THERE???" it's a literal house, but small and very crappy. Someone poor might have lived in it at one point. Or maybe it was a giant Amish garden shed. Not sure

Today I need to get rid of the Yule tree and clean some. I am sure there will be a ton of pine needles on the floor. Plus of course finish that house so the little bucks have a decent place to live during the supposed snow storm we are getting Saturday . I will laugh if we get nothing. The forecast went from 10 inches to 6, and now it's 3 maybe, maybe just ice and rain
Morning, friends!

Todayโ€™s loadout for me is gym, a run to the store for hard goods (paper towels, ibuprofen, whee), and housecleaning. Game night tonight.

Hope you all had a wonderful bunch of winter holidays. Mine were good, just really, really, REALLY full, and when I finally got home I didnโ€˜t want to do much. Will worry about getting the Christmas decorations down by Epiphany.
a sq +bsq=csq

do I get a prize?? :p
10 points! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ I raised Angora goats with an older couple many moons ago. There was an old three bedroom house we used as a goat barn! The people who own that farm now remodeled that house and her parents live in it. I often wonder if they ever smell goat in there!!๐Ÿค”
I have been moving one of the wood piles from point A to point B. Today I split a big pile of the larger ones and stack them at point C.

Son and DIL are coming for a late Christmas dinner and the house is too cold for them. Will fire up the outdoor boiler so they can crank up the heat and we can sit by some open windows.
Yee-haw! That banana bread is good! It's not quite as sweet as commercial loaves (which is a good thing IMHO). This loaf came out so nice.

I wonder just how much sugar a commercial loaf of this stuff has in it to be so cloyingly sweet? I made this first loaf of banana bread strictly by the recipe, even though I thought it was excessive in the "bad" ingredients (sugar and butter). Figured I'd try the real recipe before I started messing with altering it. This loaf was 2 cups of flour and 1 cup of sugar! :oops: And 1 stick of butter! ๐Ÿ˜ฒ Yikes! This will be a very rare treat, that's for sure. But indeed - it is quite tasty! I've never made banana bread before and I learned that it is not "dough" that it's made of. Rather, it's "batter". It's more like a cake than a loaf of bread I think. Eggs, vanilla, buttermilk, bananas and walnuts make up the rest of the tasty ingredients (plus salt, baking powder and baking soda).

I will say - this new bread maker I just bought does one heck of a job. I am quite impressed with it.

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My family banana bread recipe uses too much sugar. Whenever we make it and someone outside the family eats it, they want the recipe. I think that sugar is addictive.

1 1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup shortening (I use butter)
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 eggs
6 Tablespoons sour milk (can be made with a little vinegar added to regular milk)
2 cups flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon soda
3 ripe bananas, mashed
Chopped nuts, optional
A-squared X B-squared = C-squared is the Pythagorean's Theorem (I think he said it in reverse. Couldn't hear very well where I am.)
Can I have my diploma please? I like paper. It makes good fire-starter ๐Ÿ˜‚
PS If it's any help for folks, my math teacher laughed at me because I remembered such things by relating them to foods.
The Pastagrain Serum or the Fettuccini Sequence etc.
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My family banana bread recipe uses too much sugar. Whenever we make it and someone outside the family eats it, they want the recipe. I think that sugar is addictive.

Our recipes are almost identical. The only significant difference I see is yours uses a bit more sugar. One thing I think I will do differently next time is with the butter. I cut it into small chunks and left it on the counter for 45 minutes to warm up. But even with that, it was still chunks that my bread maker didn't grind up when stirring the batter. The bread maker kind of mashed and softened them, but there were still some lumps in the batter. It all came out fine in the end though. Next time I will just barely melt the butter in the microwave, then let its liquid remains cool on the counter to room temperature. I think it may stir into the batter better that way.


It sure does come out good, doesn't it?! I think I'll go have me a piece of it now.
Our recipes are almost identical. The only significant difference I see is yours uses a bit more sugar. One thing I think I will do differently next time is with the butter. I cut it into small chunks and left it on the counter for 45 minutes to warm up. But even with that, it was still chunks that my bread maker didn't grind up when stirring the batter. The bread maker kind of mashed and softened them, but there were still some lumps in the batter. It all came out fine in the end though. Next time I will just barely melt the butter in the microwave, then let its liquid remains cool on the counter to room temperature. I think it may stir into the batter better that way.

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It sure does come out good, doesn't it?! I think I'll go have me a piece of it now.
I usually warm up my butter in the microwave.

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