What's everybody doing today?

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Well..I was supposed to do my follow up apt today on my blood work n talk about my plantar fasciitis..but instead I got a text saying it got cancelled.
My Dr is sick with covid and the flu is running its course in town apparently.
So ..I will wait untill next time I'm on day shift in about a few weeks. I dont want any cooties and its probably a good time to stay out of public places for awhile. Just let it all run its course.
I'm staying home anyways..since im on day shift now all im doing is clean up. We have a few collage kids in town for their break that are helping out so ehh...
I'm going to enjoy my day..take the pups on a walk, do a few things n start a new rug.
@Hooch & @Pearl
Lots of folks traveled for the holidays carrying with them the cooties from whither they came to share with those they love. 7-10 incubation for said cooties, I'll let you do the math. The average life of an active cootie is 9 days (3 days coming, 3 days there and 3 days leaving) so within another week or so, the air should be clear once again. 😬
You can cut the sugar and double the bananas. The best banana bread should be made with black, really soggy, disgusting bananas; that is the real flavor maker.
I will try that next time. My bananas were solid brown all the way around, but not to the black stage yet. I'll try aging them a little longer next time. Thanks.
Our recipes are almost identical. The only significant difference I see is yours uses a bit more sugar. One thing I think I will do differently next time is with the butter. I cut it into small chunks and left it on the counter for 45 minutes to warm up. But even with that, it was still chunks that my bread maker didn't grind up when stirring the batter. The bread maker kind of mashed and softened them, but there were still some lumps in the batter. It all came out fine in the end though. Next time I will just barely melt the butter in the microwave, then let its liquid remains cool on the counter to room temperature. I think it may stir into the batter better that way.

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It sure does come out good, doesn't it?! I think I'll go have me a piece of it now.
Cream the butter with the sugar in your food processor, add the eggs, blend, add the rest of the ingredients aside from the nuts, fold the nuts in by hand, and bake in a standard loaf pan. Easy and pretty easy cleanup, too.

We make all our family Christmas cookies in the food processor.
What is the Pythagorean theorem?
This is one I use all the time. A couple of times each month it seems.

In my day-to-day life, arithmetic, algebra and trig are my most used mathematics. Once you hit retirement, there just are not many daily problems you encounter that call for higher level mathematics. I kind of miss all that math learning I did in college, but I have no use for it anymore. To be honest, I never had much use for the higher level stuff at all, even during my career in engineering/computer_programming. That varies based on your actual job area though. "Engineering" is a very broad term that describes a ton of different areas. Higher level math is indeed needed in some of those areas, which is why they teach it as part of an engineering curriculum.
We make all our family Christmas cookies in the food processor.
I have to learn how to use my new one! It's part of the Vitamix assortment that my wife just got me. We already had two full sized Cuisinart food processors (one purchased, one inherited) and one cute little small Cuisinart processor. I thought the full sized Cuisinart ones were quite powerful, but this new Vitamix - I'm thinking I could drop some hardened lag bolts in there and it would puree them just fine. My gut tells me it's a tad overkill. It's 2.2 horsepower per the written specs. Those mushrooms don't stand a chance - they're going to be sliced no matter how hard they resist!
OK. Here's mine.
Mash 3 ripe bananas with a fork and stick in a small bowl. Add 1 cup sugar and stir it. Let it sit for 15 minutes.
In a big bowl, stir together (with a spoon) 1 3/4 cups flour, 1 teaspoon baking powder, and 1 teaspoon of salt.
Crack two large eggs into a cup and mix with a fork.
Put one teaspoon of baking soda in another cup and add 3 Tablespoons of water to it.
Pour 1/2 cup of oil into the banana/sugar mixture.
Add everything else together. Stir with a spoon.
At this point, I sometimes add "stir ins": my favorite being coconut, chocolate chips, and chopped pecans, for a german chocolate type banana bread. Or sometimes just chopped walnuts, like husband likes it.
Spray a loaf pan with olive oil. Dump the goo in there, and bake at 355 degrees for about an hour, till the knife comes out clean.
Survived all the doc appts and labwork for husband. Went thru the Chic fil a drivethru for lunch in between appts, so little granddaughter was happy. Ran into an amish friend while in the waiting room waiting for the doc, so got to catch up a bit. Mom's hospice nurse called after visiting with mom this morning, and she's more coherent today...she went to chapel, got her hair done, and ate some lunch. Much better. Today and tomorrow getting ready for a cold front that's supposed to come in.
I did a lot of goofing off while The Princess was on vacation the last week of the year but got back it now. I installed another circuit to the transfer switch to provide power to all network equipment and alarm system.

With that done I have used up another 200' roll of 12 ga wire. I will have to get another roll tomorrow. I still have one more circuit to run for the big freezer in the pantry. It will be the longest run and the most obstacles.

Getting somewhere.

We're supposed to start getting snow tomorrow night through at least next Friday. We're several feet behind where we should be at this time of year. Got the side by side in the shop putting the brackets on to connect to the snow blower. I'll bring the blower in later and change oil and make sure it's ready to go. Then put chains on the SxS. I decided to not put the tracks on the SxS this year. Could be a mistake, we'll see.
Just in case we get a lot of snow out of this storm, I'll take the truck to town tomorrow and fill my transfer tank with 60 gallons of off-road diesel. That'll give us about 200 gallons of diesel on hand.
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I did a lot of goofing off while The Princess was on vacation the last week of the year but got back it now. I installed another circuit to the transfer switch to provide power to all network equipment and alarm system.

With that done I have used up another 200' roll of 12 ga wire. I will have to get another roll tomorrow. I still have one more circuit to run for the big freezer in the pantry. It will be the longest run and the most obstacles.

Getting somewhere.

If there are any wires you think you might need, gut feeling is stock up while you can.
We were low on water so I went to samsclub to get some + cat food. Mom requested Chinese takeout so I got chicken sticks, green beans, fried rice (for my brother), and egg drop soup. The chicken sticks and beans were particularly good. The order was ready when I got there and the owner was happy to see me ever so briefly. He doesn't care how badly I botch saying "shi shi ni".

Had to clean up my shower after my brother used it. He sheds hair like crazy and it was all over. Good thing I have the hair catcher in the drain.

Need to take trash out again since my brother still won't do it. And hoping this stupid cough will go away.
Hubby has a brain more like yours. I have very solid math skills (probably better than most) but I fail by comparison. Algebra and geometry even some trig, I'm good but you get into sine and cosine and I'm lost.
I'm good at going off on a Tangent :p
This is one I use all the time. A couple of times each month it seems.

In my day-to-day life, arithmetic, algebra and trig are my most used mathematics. Once you hit retirement, there just are not many daily problems you encounter that call for higher level mathematics. I kind of miss all that math learning I did in college, but I have no use for it anymore. To be honest, I never had much use for the higher level stuff at all, even during my career in engineering/computer_programming. That varies based on your actual job area though. "Engineering" is a very broad term that describes a ton of different areas. Higher level math is indeed needed in some of those areas, which is why they teach it as part of an engineering curriculum.
Back when I worked, if we had a math problem we weren't sure how to solve, we took a pizza up to the "Mathematics Modeling Group" on the second floor :). It did go both ways, if they had a mechanical problem or needed something in the "physical" realm, they brought us a pizza
Hubby has a brain more like yours. I have very solid math skills (probably better than most) but I fail by comparison. Algebra and geometry even some trig, I'm good but you get into sine and cosine and I'm lost.
The Pythagorean theorem is a special case of the law of cosines.


Where the angle C is 90 so the cosine is zero.

So you are using trig after all.

Finally heard from our old Division Director that 3 of my projects had just gotten funded. Now the fun begins. Gonna be a long several months getting all these done by the end of September.
Got a seperate solar powered project that we installed back in 2017. There are 30 stations all together and we purchased all the batteries at once. I've been trying to get the users to provide funding for at least partial replacements for 3 years so they didn't all fail at once. No dice. Finally last September we started having 2 units dead every morning. Users couldn't understand what was happening. We did a quick troubleshooting session and found batteries in both were done for. By October 3 more dropped out the same way. They finally approved funding to get batteries for 8 stations, 32 batteries total. Well they showed up last week. So this weekend we'll start swapping them out. Gonna be a fun weekend. We may get half of the 8 replaced.
Finally heard from our old Division Director that 3 of my projects had just gotten funded. Now the fun begins. Gonna be a long several months getting all these done by the end of September.
Got a seperate solar powered project that we installed back in 2017. There are 30 stations all together and we purchased all the batteries at once. I've been trying to get the users to provide funding for at least partial replacements for 3 years so they didn't all fail at once. No dice. Finally last September we started having 2 units dead every morning. Users couldn't understand what was happening. We did a quick troubleshooting session and found batteries in both were done for. By October 3 more dropped out the same way. They finally approved funding to get batteries for 8 stations, 32 batteries total. Well they showed up last week. So this weekend we'll start swapping them out. Gonna be a fun weekend. We may get half of the 8 replaced.
You can get the oil changed every X miles or just run it til blows up and get a whole new one- yep them’s some smart ones when they won’t listen huh?

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